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In the heart of Detroit, the once bustling Michigan Central train station sat abandoned for decades.


What is this building a symbol of in this city?


Well, in many ways, it's our Ellis Island, because when this area was in its heyday, people were flooding to Detroit.


Then came years of decline. Bill Ford Jr. Says Michigan Central symbolized that, too. But now Detroit is changing again. The city announcing its first population increase in over 60 years. And later this week, following years of renovation, the Ford Motor Company reopens Michigan Central. The kickoff concert, live streaming on NBC Universal's Peacock as Detroit celebrates a train station transformed into the heart of a mobility innovation campus.


How does that make a business sense for your company, specifically?


Well, we're in a war for talent. It becomes much easier. I think when we have a place like this, when you can say to people, and this is where you'll be working.


All of this as electric vehicle development supercharges Detroit's tech scene. The new camp is already home to startups like all-electric ATV maker Livak. Founder David Medina-Alvarez says other states offer better access to investors, but he chose Detroit. Detroit.


What we don't have in budget or cash-wise, we're having it on surplus with the freedom.


For Detroit native, Tierra Fullerlove, Michigan Central has meant training for a new career in EV charging.


What is it like to see a space like this in Motor City?


I think it's great. It's good for our community. It gives opportunities.


With hopes that Motor City can once again drive change. Jesse Kirsch, NBC News, Detroit.


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