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We've now learned from the family that Bill Andrews' body has been recovered from these waters. His plane going down just 80 feet from the shores of Jones Island.


It's a nice sunny day, so a few people are out and about.


A nice sunny day in the San Juans. Beauty marred by tragedy.


Yeah, I could not believe what I was seeing in front of my eyes.


Philip Person and his wife, Katie, were on vacation watching wildlife when they thought they were witnessing some air show. Then this.


It went into a barrel roll, a loop. It was inverted, went into this barrel roll loop thing, tried to pull up before it hit the water, but it was too low when it started the loop, and it didn't clear the water. It looked like it clipped a wing at first and went down very hard, burst into flames, broke apart, and instantly went underwater.


Engines of the first stage were ignited. King 5 News has confirmed the pilot of that plane was retired US Air Force Major General and Apollo 8 astronaut, Bill Anders. Anders was one of the first three humans to orbit the moon. Anders helped pave the way through the stars for the lunar landing and took this iconic photo of the Earth, which many believe started the global environmental movement. He lived in Anacortis. Almost exactly two years ago, I had the chance to sit down with Anders and talk to him about his life, career, and love of flight. I'll keep flying as long as I can crawl in the airplane. Major General Anders was 90 years old. His son tells King 5, the family is devastated. In Anacortis, Eric Wilkinson, King 5 News.


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