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There's good news tonight on this Memorial Day weekend about the power of music to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice and one soldier's performance of a lifetime. The notes, somber and familiar. A musical homage heard so many times before. But for Sergeant First Class Eric Stroop of the Army Reserve, 81st Readiness Division in Fort Knox, Kentucky, his performance in France next week will be extra special.


Being able to travel and honor the events that happened both leading up to and being on D-Day. As a Bugler, it's the highest honor we can participate in.


This was to be the longest day.


D-day, June sixth, 1944. The Allied invasion had begun. When Allied troops stormed the beaches Normandy. Some two and a half thousand Americans were killed that day. Now, 80 years on, Sergeant Stroop and the 100th Army Reserve Band will be there, standing in solidarity to honor the fallen. His call to service, a family affair, his father, stepdad, and uncle all enlisting.


I'm standing on a history of who I compare to as my heroes in a lot of instances.


A bugler nearly all his life, Sargent Stroop's love of music brought him to this life-changing moment, he and his bandmate practicing before their journey, making sure not one note is out of tune.


You have this nagging feeling that you don't want to let anybody down, especially for something as monumental as an 80th anniversary of D-Day.


Their upcoming performances in France, more than a dozen planned, tributes to the brave souls who died that faithful day..


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