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The sound of gunfire echoing through the streets of Nairobi.


Police opening fire on demonstrators trying to storm parliament. While inside, lawmakers approved a deeply unpopular bill expected to raise taxes by $2.7 billion. Kenyans, outraged, say the plan will raise the cost of living, which is already unaffordable. This man making it all the way into the National Assembly chamber. We don't fear you guys. We don't fear. You hypocrites. Outside, clouds of tear gas filled the streets for a seventh day. In a shocking moment, Alma Obama, President Obama's half-sister, tear-gassed during a live interview on CNN.


We have been tear-gassed.


We have been... The bodies of protesters seem lying on the ground. At least five people shot dead, dozens wounded, according to a medical official on the ground. Kenyan President William Rutoh addressing the nation tonight, defending the police.


Today, Kenya experienced an unprecedented attack on its democracy, rule of law, and the integrity of its constitutional institutions.


Calling the deadly protests treasonous.


The Republic of Kenya was infiltrated and hijacked by a group of organized criminals. The President is under pressure by the International Monetary Fund to cut deficits.


But what's at stake, protesters say, the basic ability to feed their families.


Fathers can't put food on their table. We need change in this country, and this finance bill is not going to bring that change.


The Kenyan military has now been deployed to support police. Meanwhile, the controversial bill will move on to the third reading, after which it will land on the desk of the President for his signature. Tonight, the US and the UN, condemning the violence and urging restraint.


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