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The first bill I heard is the most comprehensive immigration reform bill in decades. It includes a pathway to citizenship for dreamers and expands the number of green cards so many more families can build their American dream together. Unfortunately, those provisions are not included in the recent Bipartisan border bill. That was the first bill I ever introduced when I became President. But this bill had a majority... That Bipartisan bill has a majority support in the House and Senate. But I was told that other guy, That loser. I think he's having trouble. Trump called Republicans to block that Senate bill, got on the phone and said it'd be a win for Biden, a loser for him. So they have to make sure you don't allow it to get to a vote. But he's wrong. Republicans in Congress must act because it's the right thing to do when America needs it done. I'll never forget him lying about the pandemic, telling Americans to inject bleach into their skin. I wonder if he did it. Might explain something anyway.


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