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The turkey hasn't even been carved, but holiday shoppers are on the hunt for deals, and they're finding lots of them.


Holiday shopping. How's it going this year? It's going really well, clearly. I have lots of goodies right now. I feel like I beat the rush, and I'm really prepared for.


Christmas this year. Black Friday starts today at Target on Wednesday at Walmart, and Amazon launched their deals last week. Already, pre-Black Friday discounts have been far higher this October than in years past, with discounts on average as high as 24 % on everything from apparel to electronics, toys, and beauty, according to a global data analysis of US retailers. Experts say inflation is a big reason why.


Retailers are definitely concerned about the consumer in general. They know that they are dealing with a very price-conscious consumer, and they're only opening up their wallets if they feel like they are enticed with a really good promotion or discount.


Online sales grew nearly six % last month compared to last year, according to Adobe Analytics data, thanks in part to buy now, pay later purchases. And for now, more good news for customers as discounts are expected to get even deeper on Black Friday through Cyber Monday.




You going to.


Shop online this weekend? Yes, absolutely. It's way easier. I get to sit in my PJs at home than I just thought.


Priscilla Thompson, BBC News, Houston.


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