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Tonight, the desperate search for a popular British TV doctor, Michael Moseley, who vanished in Greece while on a trip with his wife.


All the rescue teams of the island are looking to find him.


Police say Moseley's wife reported him missing after he went on a walk Wednesday afternoon, just one day after they checked in for a week-long stay on Simi, a small Greek aisle off the Coast of Turkey. Surveillance image is showing one of his last known sightings, walking next to a shop in the village of Peddi. Emergency crews mobilizing helicopters, drones, and a search dog to find Mosely. Simi's mayor saying reinforcements have arrived from Athens and roads to assist in the search.


The rate at which you lose weight has no impact on whether you regain it.


Dr. Moseley, rising to Fame as a presenter on the BBC, the documentarian and host of shows like Trust Me, I'm a Doctor, advocating for healthier lifestyles and becoming a vocal advocate of intermittent fasting. Now, fears for the health of one of the most prominent TV doctors in the UK, growing more and more by the day.


Our investigators are also looking into whether he may have fallen when he was walking home on Wednesday night or even if he was bitten by a snake.




Matt Bradley, thank you.


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