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The beautiful countryside of Aix en Provence, France, is home to some of the world's greatest wines. But tucked away in the village of Jules, are the sisters of the Notre-Dame de Fidelité Abbey. Bonjour.


Bonjour. Welcome to the Abbey.


These nuns are giving us an exclusive look into their private lives. Why did you become nun?


Entering religious life is really a calling. When I was young, I always felt called to to live for God without really knowing who God was.


A calling for American sisters Mary Dolores and Mary Kristenristen, who arrived here in France more than four decades ago for a life dedicated to God and prayer. But these sisters also work hard to maintain their way of life.


We don't sit down and take life easy while the other people are working hard. It's our way of working with God and with the world.


Nuns in the heart of Provence making wine, carefully tending to the soil, and meticulously maintaining their vines. This is hard work. These nuns are working hours a day maintaining some 20 acres of vines, making sure that this place is ready for harvest. All of these grapes are processed in the next town over where the wine is aged in here with a little help from winemaker Christoff Cardona. So what wine do you enjoy the most that comes from the Abbey. It's difficult. I would say each of them, they are very beautiful. And the sisters are involved every step of the way. This is the nun's wine that's been aging in here for about three years. Yes. Okay. Are you pleased with the progression? Yes. And you like it? Yes, I do like it. Some 25,000 bottles are produced here each year. The rosé, the most popular of all. So naturally, we decided to give it a A good rosé of Provence is very, very clear, transparent. And this came from just here? Yes. Salut. This is lovely. The 50 nuns of this Abbey, ranging in ages from 22 to 84, arrived here knowing nothing about making wine, but learning from their neighbors, including how to taste for a good quality product.


So I have the obvious And I have a nice question. Do you drink your own wine?


On feestays. On festees. But that makes a feestay even more festival and joyful.


But the true purpose of their work is to serve God.


Even if we're Even if we're a group together working, each one is working in silence, and we can turn our attention to God.


A centuries-old Catholic tradition carried on by these Benedictine nuns, bringing a taste of the divine to the world. Megan Fitzgerald, NBC News, Aix en Provence, France. Thanks for watching. Stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app, or follow us on social media.