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What do we want? Body care. When do we want it? Now. What do we want? Body care.


When do we want a call for answers?


She called for help from the police. Deputies responded and she was shot in her kitchen. We want to know why. We want to know what led up to this shooting. We want to know how it goes from calling for help to being murdered by the exact same people that are supposed to protect us.


The protest focusing on three main questions, why Sangamon county deputies shot Sonya Massey at her home, why body camera video hasn't been released and why the deputies involved aren't being punished.


We understand that an investigation is going on. We get that. But we understand. We also know that this is a situation that can cause a lot of havoc in our community.


Family and community members are concerned law enforcement isn't taking the situation seriously.


Say her name. Say her name.


A lot of investigations when it comes to the killing of black people go swept under the rug. So we wanted to bring attention and let people know that that isn't acceptable.


Illinois State Police say there is body camera footage of the shooting and it will be released after Massey's family has a chance to view it.


The Sangamon county sheriff says he notified the public within hours of the shooting and that his top priority is protecting the integrity of the investigation. At the Springfield desk, Carly Broncoma, W.


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