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Is a memory UPS delivery driver, Bill Long will treasure forever. Hundreds of friends from his root in Dover, Pennsylvania, celebrated his last delivery after 35 years on the job. I mean, look at these people. The best people I could possibly have had around. And in Atlanta, when mom, Lauren Montgomery, was packing up to move with her three kids because they thought they'd be going to another apartment. We get it. Oh, my God. But mom and dad had secretly bought their first house for the family.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


The kids overwhelmed and overjoyed to realize this was their very own new home.




Billy Baskin got married in California, there was a surprise before his vows that brought him to tears. Take a look. Billy thinks he's about to see his bride for the first time, but it's really his brother, Johnny, who's in the US Navy and wasn't expected to make the ceremony. The brothers, reunited for one of the biggest days of Billy's life.




In Kentucky, there was greatness on the griddy.


Go, Baylor. Go, go, Baylor. Go!


See that boy? That's 12-year-old Baylor Smith on the Ballard County Bombers, scoring his first touchdown. The special play set up by both teams to make sure Baylor, who was autistic, got his star moment. Go, go, go, go!


Go, Baylor. Go!


It meant everything to mom, Tiffany. Tiffany, take us to that final moment, that touchdown.


I knew I was going.


To cry.


Go, Baylyn, go! Because I was watching this boy that struggled for so many years. He's finally get what he deserves.


What do you think the bigger message is?


The bigger message to me is really it is inclusion. I hope more people see the impact it's made on Baylor and they do it in their schools and on their teams. And let's start kindness again.


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