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We're learning tonight, the US is now investigating Chinese swimmers who tested positive for doping after the Tokyo Olympics four years ago and who are set to compete at the Paris Games in just a few weeks. David Noriega is following it all. David, the FBI is now looking into this.


That's right, Halley. Eleven swimmers, so about a third of the Chinese Olympics swim team, tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug in the context of the last Olympics, but they never faced any consequences, and they're still competing again this year. That's because world antidoping authorities cleared them on the grounds that they had all been accidentally contaminated. But many suspect a cover-up. China denies that there was any doping or any cover-up for that matter. But now the FBI is looking into the case using a controversial law passed in 2020 that allows US authorities to investigate international doping schemes, even if they don't directly involve American athletes. Now, the scandal could cast a dark cloud over this year's swimming events with just three weeks left until Paris. Halley?


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