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Black Friday used to start with scenes like this. But this year, an iffy economy for some, leading to some disappointment at the cash register.


The deals, they were okay. I would say that I did get better deals a week or two before Black Friday. Spending a lot.


More money. According to Mastercard, Black Friday sales in-store and online were up two and a half % compared to last year. Less than some estimates for the shopping season. Shoppers like Kelly Morgan are trying to deal with higher prices and high credit card rates.


We actually make more money this year than we did last year, but we have less left at the end of every week this year than we did last year. We're trying to find that balance. We're out shopping for something that's going to be the best price, and we get the most bang for our buck.


Retailers are responding, offering big discounts in key categories. According to Adobe, on Thanksgiving Day, toys were up to 28% off, electronics were up to 27% off, and computers were up to 22% off. On this small business Saturday, it's the mom and pop stores that could benefit. Last year, shoppers spent almost $18 billion at their local shops, and nearly 9 in 10 consumers saying they'll do the same this year.


Brian joins us now. Brian, what are the experts telling you? Is it better to buy now or wait for a better deal later?


Jose, experts are telling us that the deals are pretty good, so if you see exactly what's on your list at a pretty good discount, go ahead and buy it before it sells out. Jose.


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