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With their heavenly hues of blues and pinks, hydrangeas are a summer staple along the Eastern Seaboard. And this year, the unmistakable mophead flowers are booming and booming in an abundance not seen in years, from Connecticut to New Jersey to Massachusetts.


Blue in the front and pink in the back.


Pamela Vazquez and her team tend to the Chattam Barzind's 5,000 hydrangea plants. She says the explosion of colorful clusters is weather dependent.


We had a really mild winter, so our buds were protected. And then it was a very rainy, wet spring, which definitely helped the ground. So we knew it was going to be a show.


In Boston, the temperature dropped to 14 degrees last winter. The year before, negative 10. You can see the difference in the summers that followed. While many vacationers flocked to Cape Cod for its shoreline and marine life, officials here say this sea of color is now drawing crowds of its own like never before.


Have to stop because they just take your breath away. They're beautiful.


Is it worth the trip?


Absolutely. Nothing since Cape Cod, like Hydrange's by the sea.


It just evokes that feeling. With the curtains soon closing on this summer's Hydrange's show, so many already dreaming of the next.


There's never enough Hydrange's for this property. I hope every year is as fabulous as this year.


Emily Iketta, MBC News, Chatham, Massachusetts.


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