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Newly released body cam video from the Rob Elementary school shooting appears to capture the moment officers took down the Uvaldi gunmen in a barrage of bullets. What's the case? What's the case? What is the case? What is the case? The footage from the day, some blurred or redacted by the city, also showing the chaotic aftermath as panicked officers rush to get children out of those classrooms. She's still alive. And administer aid after 77 minutes in the hallway today, waiting to confront the gunmen.


Everybody that's not a medic out. Everybody that's a medic, not out, out, out.


The release today due to a court order after a lawsuit from a media coalition, including NBC News. Among the material, Desperate 911 calls.


There's a guy with a gun, called the whole thing.


He had a woman in the campus. Including this recording from a man identifying himself as the shooter's uncle.


He's my nephew, man. He's the shooter. I was wondering, maybe he could listen to me because he does listen to me.


Do you know of any change in his behavior over the last couple of days?


No, no, no, nothing, nothing. He just said that he was mad, that his grandma, Sally, was just bugging him too much.


A person identifying herself as the shooter's cousin, also calling 911.


The active shooter, he's my cousin, and I don't want him to come to my house.


The release comes as two officers on the ground that day when 19 children and two teachers were murdered faced criminal charges. Former Uvaldi School's Police Chief, Pete Arradondo, was charged with 10 counts of abandoning and endangering a child. One count for each of the surviving children in those classrooms. A second officer, Adrian González faces 29 counts, which includes the children who died.


I've been scapegoated from the very beginning.


Arradondo, who spoke to CNN this week, and Gonzales have both pleaded not guilty. Tonight, the public seeing for the first time first time crucial moments from that heartbreaking day. Priscilla Thompson, NBC News.


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