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We have an NBC news investigation tonight into Israel's attacks on hospitals in Gaza. Israel says they are targeting Hamas, which they say is using the hospitals to hide hostages and weapons. But healthcare workers there tell our Hala Garani a much different story.


Filmed from inside Nasser Hospital, the moment the Israeli army surrounds the medical complex in Southern Gaza. A tank in the distance.


The sound of automatic gunfire.


The IDF says they are going after Hamas in Gaza's hospitals. They are attacked by sir Airman at the hospital. But BBC news spoke to 14 doctors and Two nurses for this investigation who say the Israeli military is going far beyond that, deliberately destroying medical facilities and decimating the health care system. Their colleagues killed, arrested.


The The UN Human Rights Office says at least 500 health care workers have been killed since October seventh, including 50 specialist doctors, according to the Ministry of Health and Relatives.


Two of them dying in detention.


Dr. Hassan Abou data was last in Gaza in November.


The ones that I know, the colleagues and friends, have all been killed within less than half an hour of getting home.


In addition to the doctors killed, at least 214 and medical staff have been detained. Bbc News spoke to a nurse whose name we are withholding because he fears repercussions. His account of abuse and detention closely resembles images broadcast in an Israeli report about a detainee camp in Southern Israel.


So you need just to be in a sitting position for 18 to 19 hours a day.


He describes repeated violent interrogation. Allegations. The Israeli military says hospitals are routinely used by Hamas. We have credible intelligence indicating that Hamas held hostages at the Nasser Hospital.


In the past, posting images of what they say is proof the group has used some of these locations to store weapons, like here at Nasser.


Of the over dozen physicians NBC interviewed, all denied seeing militants or hostages within hospital walls. Since the start of the war, out of 36 hospitals in Gaza, at least 20 have been destroyed or are out of commission.


They want to destroy the civilian society of the Palestinian people. The hospitals are the cornerstones of the safety network for the people, for any civilian population.


For the sick and injured in Gaza, there will be almost nowhere left to turn. Hala Gorani, NBC News.


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