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. Good evening, family. Wow. Gracias. Four years ago, I dared to say that we were blessed by Donald J. Trump, a builder. Got into trouble for that. But more than a builder, he's a courageous leader, and he will bring this nation closer to God. He will bring strength to America, and he will bring prosperity back to America. That's what my grandfather did as a 17-year-old in 1903. He packed his clothes and his dreams in a suitcase and he got aboard a steamship. Like millions of other immigrants, he sought nothing more than a chance to build a better life. His American dream began when he opened a small grocery store in Manhattan. With love and determination, he built it into the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the United States. Goyer Foods grew as the Latino community flourished. The Latino community is diverse, but we are united in our values values that include an unwavering faith in God, an abiding love of family, and a fierce work ethic. We want the freedom to worship, to love, and to work in a way that gives us purpose, gives us a reason to get up every day. The Biden-Harris administration disrespects our values and has abused our community.


They buried our businesses with inflation and government red tape. They even used the FBI to go after traditional Catholics as if we were terrorists. They put out the welcome mat for drug cartels. Biden's open-door policies is all the more insidious because it's couched in soft terms like compassion and sanctuary. In reality, it is cruel. Joe Biden's open Southern border facilitates the largest criminal enterprise in the world, which disproportionately victimizes Latinos, especially children. Last year, an HHS whistleblower testified that the United States was the middleman in a large scale child trafficking operation that has lost track of 85,000 children, a number too large for most football stadiums. Our border are K-Mala, Harris. That means so bad. We have enough bad. We need some good. We need goodness. Was missing in action. Many Latinos came to America from countries where the few exploit and control the many. Today's Democratic Party sees this as their path to maintain maintain power. Instead of lifting people out of poverty, their policies are making our lives worse. For many Latinos, it's deja vu. I'll even know that's French. I don't know how to say that in Spanish. I'm sorry. The Cuban philosopher, Jose Martí said, Mankind is composed of two sorts of men.


Those who love and create and those who hate and destroy. Joe Biden and his allies show contempt for Anyone who disagrees with them. Their hatred of Donald Trump knows no bounds. Their radical policies are wrecking our economy and destroying our lives. On the other hand, Donald Trump loves this country. He loves us, and he knows how to build and create. He understands that lasting prosperity is built on a foundation of family, faith, work, and freedom, and not quicksand of government handouts. He believes we are blessed by God, and with a firm belief that with God, all things are possible. He will make America great again. Love you guys. Love you guys.


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