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This isn't how Rosie expected to meet her granddaughter.


You delivered the baby, grandma?


Yes. Oh, my gosh. But she was beaming with joy when she had a minute to process it. Rosie isn't a doctor, but she successfully delivered her daughter's healthy baby girl in the family car on the fifth freeway in Los Angeles.


I took my seatbelt off and I laid down on my back and I took my clothes off. And I'm like, You got to call 911. She's going to come out. I cannot make it to the hospital.


Leslie says she was four days away from her due date when she started to feel intense pains. What was supposed to be a 20 minute car ride to the closest hospital turned into a delivery no one will forget.


I was just like, Oh, my God, I'm naked. I'm going to give birth to my dad's car.


It all happened so fast, and Leslie says her mom just jumped into action.


Her head is right there. I feel her head. And she's like, Oh, yeah, it is. And she saw my daughter's head, and it's full of hair. So she's like, Okay, okay. So then I'm like, You know what? I'm pushing, catch her. Catch her. So I give three pushes, her heads out, and she just slides out.


Paramedics arrived minutes after the birth, and the father, Miguel, was able to cut the baby's umbilical cord.


It's a scary situation for a baby. Baby is good, so that's all that matters.


Grandma Rosie smiling, saying they never expected baby, Eslin, to make her debut this way, but she's just happy everyone is safe. Leslie and her new baby are doing well. And one day, Baby Eslin will hear how she surprised them all on The Five in the back seat of her grandad's car.


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