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All right, to tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic that we have been watching. And tonight, it's the battle brewing over JD Vance's previous comments, appearing to criticize people who don't have children in this country. Online community is now galvanizing over resurface comments from Vance, calling Kamala Harris a, quote, childless cat lady that he's now chalking up to sarcasm. Also, some unearthed Vance's past suggestion that parents should get more votes than childless people. He's now calling those 2021 comments, a, quote, thought experiment. This whole controversy is showing how affairs of the family have become central to America's culture wars, but also highlighting issues that are really important to a whole lot of voters.


Child care, family leave, reproductive rights.


One group trying to bridge that divide.


A jaw-dropping moment in a debate with many. What would you do to make childcare more affordable?


Just to go back, the general got fired because he It was no good.


There was a real movement to have a question in the presidential debate around childcare, and neither candidate answered. And that was hurtful.


This guy hasn't fired anybody. No one wants to screw around with us. Nobody.


Biden finally got a few words in on the topic.


He did very, for virtually nothing to talk here. We should significantly increase the child care tax credit.


But it didn't impress Aaron Ehrenberg, a co founder of Chamber of Mothers.


There are a lot of representatives and congressmen folks, people who are not thinking about these issues. We want to give the power back to moms.


Erin, alongside Reina Boston and others, are working to make issues affecting moms front and center in the upcoming election.


Look up their candidates. Are they even talking Are they talking about paid leave? Are they talking about maternal health? Are they talking about the cost of childcare?


Through voter registration drives and a non-partisan message, chamber of mothers hopes to reach millions of moms and engage them as a bona fide voting block.


In In the pandemic, mothers put this country on their backs and made it so that we did not incur economic collapse. That's power.


But voting like a mother or on any issue surrounding family often becomes political in today's heated culture wars. I think it is you, the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. Remember this controversy? He disrespected his wife and stay at home moms everywhere. Mothers across America took to Twitter, claiming they like being mothers. And these comments from JD Vance resurfacing after he was named Trump's Running Mate. We're effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of childless cat ladies. A recent Pew research poll shows a major gap in the way voters view government policy around the family, with 59% of Trump supporters saying, Society is better off making marriage and having children a priority, versus only 19% of Biden supporters. The A member of mother says that's all just noise.


From you formula feed, are you breastfeeding? Do you work outside of the home? Are you a full-time mom? And we say that all of that is just a false divide.


Right now, there is no federally protected paid family leave. And according to the Center for American Progress, over half of Americans live in a childcare desert, meaning very few options, often unaffordable.


And that's just not how we want to run our country.


This group of moms came together after paid family leave was cut from President Biden's Build Back Better legislation in 2021. And now three years later, remained committed not only to the issues, but the power of being a mom.


We're united in that vision. We activate moms to create change around that, and we're here to stay.


So the chamber of mothers, they tell me they're excited to see Kamala Harris platform issues like paid family leave, affordable childcare, and better maternal health care. They're also saying they're hoping for unity, where Democrats and Republicans can agree specifically on these issues.


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