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For Rodney and Ruth Walker, celebrating Juneteenth in the nation's capital is historic. I feel honored and I feel appreciated today as a veteran. Both serve during the Vietnam War, Rodney as a combat Marine and Ruth with a job stateside. The two married in 1971. Early this morning, the couple started their date, joining some of America's finest heroes. We'll get ready to board. On a trip from Atlanta to Washington, DC. Their trip, the first of its kind, the Honor Flight Network, bringing together these 26 Black veterans, paying tribute to those who served and marking the end of slavery in the US. Today's veterans are greeted with a water cannon salut and a warm welcome. What does it feel like to be here on June 10th as part of this historic flight.


I would have never imagined being here at all, let alone on June 10th. I'll cherish this moment for the rest of my life.


Since 2005, the Honor Flight Network has flown 300,000 veterans into DC. Today, the group visited a number of war memorials, making a stop at Arlington National Cemetery, laying a wreath with 101-year-old Calvin Kemp, who served in World War II.


I broke down in tears.


For the Walkers, a day of reflection.


I see other men like me who serve their country bravely and courageously and with honor, and now they're here, and they're celebrating.


Yamish Al-Sandor, BBC News, Washington.


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