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At the largest hospital inside Gaza, al Shifa. Tonight, just two doctors remain trying to take care of about 200 patients. Early today, Israel says it detained the director of that hospital and took him in for questioning.


Aaron McLaughlin has more tonight as fighting rages across Gaza, a temporary ceasefire just hours away. Ahmed Muhalati, one of two remaining doctors at the besieged al Shifa hospital, tells.


NBC news the Israeli soldiers and officers pushing you about, if you don't leave the hospital, your life will be taken.


How are you going to leave al Shifa once a refuge for tens of thousands of gazins fleeing the war. Now Muhalati says there are only 200 patients left too sick to leave on their own.


Patients are here with all kinds of injuries. We can't save them. We keep losing them. We lost a patient overnight, and we lost another one yesterday.


Today, the Ghazan health ministry announced there'd be no more convoys of ambulances out of al Shifa after the Israeli military arrested the hospital's director. While he's not been charged, the IDF has accused him of collaborating with hamas.


They tried to ruin this tunnel in order for us not to be able to enter.


After the Israeli military discovered several tunnels beneath the hospital complex once used. They allege as Hamas military headquarters.


Above us is a hospital. Above us, patients, wounded, doctors, all being a human shield.


This as the IDF faces international pressure to justify its seizure by force of the largest hospital in Gaza, the Israeli military found tunnels under al Shifa staff.


Who were treating the patients. What's under the ground is under the ground.


The who tells NBC news there are only two of 24 hospitals still operating in northern Gaza tonight. There's fear that without a full ceasefire, there soon won't be any hospice. Middle's Lab. Aaron McLaughlin, NBC News, television.


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