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Tonight, an urgent search for the person who intentionally started this massive inferno under a Los Angeles freeway.


We still are looking forward to anyone that wishes to come forward with any information around this suspect.


Cal Fire releasing these images over the weekend of a person of interest in the arson that caused one of the city's busiest highways to shut down, creating a logistical nightmare for drivers and business owners in downtown L. A. And beyond. Authorities describing the suspect as an approximately six-foot-tall man weighing between 170 to 190 pounds, black hair, wearing a black hoodie, blue shorts, and a knee brace. They say he also appears to have a visible burn on his left leg. As the manhunt continues, for many residents, a welcome Thanksgiving surprise.


The good news is there was more.


Good news. Just in time for holiday travel, overnight, the damaged stretch of Interstate 10, reopening days and even weeks earlier than previously expected.


It was a week or so ago that we were here, not knowing if we would be here at this moment, announcing the reopening, for six more months.


Governor Gavin Newsom sharing the news of the expedited timeline on Sunday, alongside local officials and Vice President Kamala Harris, who praised the construction teams working around the clock over the last eight days.


The work that happened here is extraordinary, and the estimates were that was going to take a long time. There were some who said that a three to four week estimation was ambitious.


Officials say the repairs could cost an estimated three million dollars and will be covered by federal funds. Authorities are also investigating the private company that leases the area where the fire started, with state officials looking into how they manage the property. Now, as travelers hit the road this holiday week...


We wouldn't have to wait till Thursday to give thanks. To give thanks for the opening before the Thanksgiving holiday of the I-10.


A massive sigh of relief in a city already notorious for traffic.


All right, Liz Croyce joins us now. Liz, local, state, even national elected officials there for this reopening. Sort of interesting, but I do have to ask you, do we know why it opened up so fast? I mean, was this classic politics where you under promise and overdeliver?




In it, obviously, all three of them there with local, state, federal altogether saying that they work together to make this happen. Governor Newsom, though, really said the reason that they were actually able to open up so much faster than expected was because of a handful of factors that just worked in their favor, including being able to get certain materials and supplies that they needed quickly. But ultimately, he said it came down to construction workers who worked overtime. He says in total, over the past eight days, workers put in about 10,000 hours of labor to make this happen, Tom.


Pretty incredible. All right, Liz Croy, for us from L. A. Actually, Liz, before you go, I do have one more question. Do we know if there's a motive yet in this as far as the arson is concerned?


Yeah, obviously, Tom, that's still the really big question, and it's unknown as they continue to search for the suspect.


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