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Well, before we talk about the individual races here, what's it like for you to come back?


You know, I think last night during opening ceremonies, you know, just being a part of opening ceremonies for me, I had hair sticking straight up on my arms. Like I had just the emotions and the feelings of being back at an Olympic Games.


Let's talk about some of your former teammates competing. Who are you watching?


You know, obviously, Katie Ledecky is, you know, she's like my little sister. I've known her forever. And, you know, go back to that old photo of her and I when she was, you know, a little ten year old or how old she was. You know, she's really made a name for herself and really become a dominant name in the sport.


Last time we talked, it was, you know, we were talking about mental. The mental approach of this game. As you watch these athletes right now, how are they? How do they seem to you?


You know, for me, a lot of them have taken that part of it in control for themselves. Right. I think, you know, we've had a lot of, a lot of additions to, you know, the mental health space from the USOC. So I think, you know, just from talking to the swimmers, I think it's really cool and really powerful that they're taking that on themselves and taking care of the mental and the physical health. Right. So they can be the best version of themselves.


One of the things I've got to kick out of is the rivalry between USA and Australia. What's that all about?


When we are in the pool? Yes, of course we're competitors, right? We want nothing more than to beat the person next to us, whoever it might be. But when we're out of the pool, we're friends saying that. I hope Team USA rings those cowbells as loud as they can possibly ring them all meat long.


Who are the people we should be.


Watching as we look toward the future?


You know, I think Kate Douglas this week has a great chance in the two breasts. Jack Alexei Hunter, Armstrong Hunter, back hunter, freestylers. It's kind of really anyone's ballgame. And I think that's the greatest thing about this sport, I think now is you really see the younger generation that's stepping up and it doesn't matter if they're racing Katie Ledeckye, doesn't matter if they're racing Caleb Dressel. They think they can beat him. And that's the kind of attitude and the mentality we need to have when we're going up and racing. The best in the world.


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