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Proofread it. Stop by my room.


At Roseville Middle School, near Detroit, they've put a new twist on a big idea started last year by coach and reading teacher, Stacey Earle.


It's perfect. The teachers and staff at one school honoring their students in profoundly moving ways.


You light up our classroom with your kindness.


Back then, we showed you what happened when teachers wrote letters of thanks to students. If we finish, we get free. Now, the students are taking a turn. These sixth operators going back to their elementary school to thank their former teachers.


I haven't seen you in so long. When I need an extra help, you were the teacher that helped me.Thank you.You're welcome.


Here you go.Thank.


You.thank you, honey.


How are you? You taught me so much stuff about middle school, and you were right. It gets hard sometimes. Hi, honey.


Olivia Collins had teacher Janice Litz for kindergarten.


Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now. Me and my siblings are all very appreciative of you. Oh, honey. Janice Litz. Thank you.


Thank you soYou're welcome.


I can't believe you remember me. This was for you. Thank you.


That is so sweet. I cry.


Thank you, honey.


I was happy to be your student, and I'm still to this day grateful for having a teacher like You are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face. Sincerely, I sure care.


Oh, honey, that is so sweet. Thank you. Can I give you a hug?


Oh, thank you. You just made my whole day.


More than 50 heartfelt handwritten letters in all. I'm not letting her go. Each card leading to hug. Can I hug you? Thank you. I appreciate that. After hug, a meaningful lesson on the power of gratitude.


Oh, here he comes.


Second grade teacher, Jenn Sacala, has been an educator for more than 30 years.


I felt safe in your class. It was the only class I felt safe in.


Thank you, DJ. Thank you, buddy. You're welcome. You made me cry when you played your instrument because you were so talented. When I saw that concert, it touched you. Amazing. Thank you. This is a hard, difficult job. You put a lot of time, effort, emotions into it. And when somebody appreciates it, it feels good. Quit making me cry.


It's these precious moments that Stacey Earle hopes students and staff here will remember forever.


Probably the bigger message that I would like everybody to understand or know that you can change a person's life with a small use of words. It's very simple. Thank you so much..


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