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Tonight, video and documents just released by the NTSB shedding new light on that devastating train derailment and controlled explosion a year ago, including transcripts of the conversation in the train's cab when conductors realized something was seriously wrong. We didn't get any air in the back, one says. That means we've come apart. 38 cars had jumped the tracks, some bursting into flames and leaking toxic chemicals. Christina Dilworth says that day, East Palestine changed forever.


We all had to leave. It was scary.


It was like a horror movie. For much of the last year, Dilworth stayed at a hotel paid for by Norfolk Southern. But that relocation program is ending.


Bottled water. It's just my new normal.


She hoped coming back to her house would feel more like coming home.


A lot of people just think, Oh, it's done. It's over. Everybody's safe to go home. I always feel like we're like the forgotten town.


An October EPA report did not show any concerning levels of contaminants, and state regulators say the tap water is safe. But many here worry about the long-term health impacts. After the derailment, Dilworth says she developed a rash and headaches. Healthwise, are you concerned just being here?


Yes, I am concerned. What's my long-term future? I've already been exposed.


As for the cleanup, Norfolk Southern says that is nearly complete. Trucks and heavy machinery remain as crews rebuild the area that was dug up to remove chemicals.


We want to make it look like it was beforehand.


Cruise also installed pumps, which are still collecting all stormwater from the site. A lot of people ask me why it took so long. What was the biggest challenge at this site?


It's a complex site, but everything we do, we've got to work with the regulators to get done correctly.


Meanwhile, all day long, trains run through East Palestine, and no new federal safety legislation has passed. Stephen Romo, BBC News, East East Palestine, Ohio.


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