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The teachers each have an ID with their picture on it, and they have a button on that ID, and they press it so many times, and it alerts us where that incident is occurring. So it sends us a GPS coordinate of that actual ID to the foot of where that person is at. It also locks down the school's screens. We're on lockdown, and the teachers know to go in and block the doors, and they begin doing that as well.


We will get alerts, and then I have an alert history from yesterday. Obviously, these red are hard lockdown, and it has different levels. I got 26 yesterday, and you can go here, and it'll tell you what school it's at, obviously, when the alert goes on. But for example, yesterday at Appalachee, you have the actual layout of the school. When the alert goes off, you'll have an actual pin of that location of where they were at. So the actual shooting occurred at this hall here, and there were multiple red dots going off in that area, so the law enforcement knows to get there.