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Tonight, Paris ready for its closeup. The Eiffel Tower, adorned with those famous rings, one of many iconic locations, now Olympic Arenas. You can see now how the city of Paris is an Olympic venue. They've brought in the sand for the beach volleyball. Behind the Eiffel Tower there, that's the Champions Plaza. The Place de la Concorde, where so often history has been made, will premiere breaking this summer. 8,000 at the wrestling and judo the venue, seated around an historic military statue. The triathlon and marathon swimming planned for the Seine, which officials acknowledge is still not clean enough. I spoke exclusively with the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. Swimming in the Seine was your idea?


Yes, it was my idea.


She says despite canceling a swim in the Seine this week, she remains confident.


Because I want to swim in the river Seine before the opening ceremony.


Everyone's worried that it's not ready. You say.


It's ready.


Down on the river, an American-French family living on a houseboat will move to make way for an opening ceremony like no other.


There's events right here, right here, just behind us. It's absolutely phenomenal. The opening ceremony is on the river. I mean, there's nothing like it.


They hope the world will see the Seine the way they do. Do as magical. Keir Simmons, BBC News, Paris.


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