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Indicted congressman, George Santos, is accepting his fate tonight, admitting he expects his colleagues will vote him out of Congress during a three-hour tarade on social media Friday.


I know I'm going to get expelled when this expulsion resolution goes to the floor. They have done the math over and over. It doesn't look.


Really good. Santos survived past attempts to expel him, including an effort earlier this month. But after the Bipartisan Ethics Committee found Santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his House candidacy for his own personal financial profit, dozens of Republicans and Democrats who voted to spare the embattled congressmen now say he's not fit to serve. The blistering report accused Santos of spending campaign donations on nearly everything but his run for office. Instead, he allegedly used the money to pay for his personal rent, to take out cash from an ATM at a casino, to spend lavishly at designer stores, for cosmetic treatments like Botox, and on the website OnlyFans, which is known for its adult content. The Ethics panel did not make any recommendations on Santos's political future, but its GOP chairman filed a resolution to kick the first-term lawmaker out. Santos railed against other elected officials he called hypocrites.


I have colleagues who are more worried about getting drunk every night with the next lobbyists that they're going to screw and pretend like none of us know what's going on. This shit happens every single week. Where are the ethics investigations?


Julie is with us from Capitol Hill. Now, Julie, the House is back from the Thanksgiving break this week. How soon could we see that vote on expelling George Santos?


Kate, nothing's been finalized yet, but the House could take it up as early as Tuesday. That vote would require two-thirds majority to pass. Santos for his part, saying he will not resign on his own. Kate.


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