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Tonight, Israel says at least a dozen children and teenagers were killed after a rocket hit a soccer field where they were playing. The israeli military says it's the deadliest attack on its civilians since October 7. And it's blaming Hezbollah, the powerful iranian backed militant group in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah tonight denying responsibility, but Israel vowing to strike back.


This attack shows the true face of Hezbollah.


The rocket hitting the Golan Heights, disputed territory Israel captured from Syria in 1967. Most of the victims from the druze religious minority. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now rushing back from Washington. Hezbollah has fired thousands of rockets at Israel.


We're seeing more interceptions now over the skies of northern Israel as a fresh barrage of Hezbollah rockets comes in.


While more than 100 miles from Gaza, Israel has pounded southern Lebanon, raising fears of war on a second front in central Gaza today. Hospital authorities say at least 36 people were killed, including 15 children by an israeli airstrike on a school. This little boy tells our team glass and stones fell on us. There was dust everywhere. The IDF says it was targeting a Hamas command center inside the school. The latest young lives cut short in this unforgiving war.


And Raf joins us now from Tel Aviv. Raf, we understand the CIA director is heading to Europe for hostage talks.


That's right, Lester. He'll be in Rome tomorrow for what a senior administration official says are hopefully the closing stages of ceasefire negotiations. But those talks could get a lot more complicated if there's major escalation between Israel, Israel and Hezbollah.


Lester, thanks for watching. Stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media.