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It was a love story now spanning more than seven decades. Former President, Jimmy Carter and first Lady, Rosalynn Carter, already the longest married first couple, surpassed 75 years of marriage two years ago and celebrated.


Seventy-five years, I can't forget.


Both growing up in Plains, Georgia, the Carters went on their first date back in 1945, though Rosaline initially rejected his first proposal. The couple tied the knot on July seventh, 1946. Their love has seen them through raising four children, a presidential term, running the family peanut farm, humanitarian work around the world, and a cancer diagnosis. They've even gone from sharing a kiss on the presidential debate stage to a smooch on the Kiss Cam at a 2019 NBA game. The relationship hasn't been without tribulations, though, the couple reflecting on writing a book together on today.


We really did have a terrible time writing the book. We thought perhaps the last chapter would be about our divorce, and its about to be about it.


The 39th President also sharing this marriage advice with Judy Woodrow on CBS.


We make up and give each other a kiss before we go to sleep.


The Carters celebrated the Milestown anniversary two years ago, together in their hometown of Plains, Georgia.


And to my wife, Rosanne, I want to express a particular gratitude. It has been a really wonderful 75 years.


Andrea Mitchell, BBC News, Washington.


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