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We have been following that story of an American woman who went missing from a yoga retreat in the Bahamas last month. Tonight, NBC news is the first US outlet to report that another American went missing from that same retreat over a decade ago. 52-year-old, Wesley Bell, disappeared from there back in 2013 after he wandered off to go snorkeling, according to someone who was on the retreat with him. It appears there's no evidence of foul play in Bell's case, but police have not commented so far on this matter, drawing parallels to this year's June disappearance of Taylor Casey. I want to bring out, NBC Outs, Matt Lovides, who broke the story for us and joining me now. This is fascinating, intriguing, a lot of questions, it seems, and not a lot of answers. Let's talk about this discovery of Wesley Bell a decade ago and his disappearance. Is there any connection between his disappearance and the one we learned about in June?


Right now, police have not returned our request for comment. I spoke with Wesley's father, Dawn, earlier in the week, who said that there was a massive search for his son, but they were not successful. They did not find his body. He believed that his son drowned. I also spoke with a woman who was with Wesley on that retreat back in 2013. She said that he went snorkeling the day before he disappeared. They found his clothes and his hat on the beach the next day. As of right now, we do not have any reason to believe that these cases are connected, except for the fact that both of these people went missing while they were on this yoga retreat.


Then there's Taylor Casey. Taylor's family did actually not reveal that she was a trans woman initially when she went missing because they were afraid it would distract from the investigation. Where are we on this investigation as to what happened to her? And have we heard anything else from the family?


Right. So when her family initially started speaking with the media, they did not disclose that she was transgender, which raises a ton of questions as to whether or not she could have been targeted for her gender identity. Now, I spoke with her mom who said that she didn't want the media to know because she thought that the media might actually disparage her daughter for her gender identity or that they wouldn't take the case as seriously. Where that case stands today, police found Taylor's phone in the ocean several weeks ago. More recently, they told us that they were not able to recover any information on that phone. But with this new information that someone went missing 10 years at the exact same yoga retreat, we have more questions than we do answers.


Certainly. Matt Lividis, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it.


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