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This is a day for counting our blessings, for expressing gratitude for all we have. For Harry Smith, it's a day to say thanks for the memories.


First off, it's not about the food. The turkey, no matter the preparation, more often than not, requires gravy, and lots of it. It's aromas that are key, those smells that bring back memories from the days when you were at the kids table, simultaneously thinking you wish you were bigger, and at the same time pleased not to be with the grownups. The kids table was always more fun. We know that smell and memory are close neighbors in the brain. And on Thanksgiving, it seems, the visions of holidays past are quite clear. Mom, as usual, going that extra mile in the kitchen, guests bringing pies. Some great, some not so guests and pies. There is always some melancholy, even mourning. But the mists are remembered with fondness and laughter. We look around the room and pause and gaze lovingly at the faces of the folks who surround us. Even if there's not, there's room for dessert. And yes, now you can turn on the football game. But first, help with the dishes, please. Harry Smith, NBC News. Thanks for watching. Stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media.