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John, we begin tonight with breaking news from Colorado, where the state Supreme Court has just disqualified former President Donald Trump from Colorado's 2024 primary election ballot. In its ruling, the court cited the 14th Amendment, finding that Mr. Trump engaged in insurrection for his role on the January sixth attack on the US Capitol. Today's ruling has stayed until January fourth to allow for an appeal, and the legal fight is just beginning. And late word, the Trump campaign is responding tonight. Garrett Hake is following this. He has the latest details for us. Garrett, could this have an impact on the Republican frontrunner?


It absolutely could, Lester. This is a stunning decision here from the Colorado Supreme Court, which tonight ruled that former President Trump is disqualified from serving as President again, citing his actions on January sixth, then ruling that, quote, Because he is disqualified, it would be wrong to allow him as a candidate on the Colorado primary ballot. The court here sighting the 14th amendment of the Constitution, which says that no person can serve as an officer of the United States who engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the US. The Trump campaign tonight calling this decision completely flawed and vowing a swift appeal to the US Supreme Court. Now, all of this comes as other state courts have heard similar challenges, but ruled in Mr. Trump's favor. This ruling, Lester, has been temporarily paused pending Mr. Trump's appeal.


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