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While President Biden helped get today's transfer back on track, there are new questions tonight about why no Americans were released. Kelly O'Donnell is traveling with the President in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Kelly, did Mr. Biden give any timeline for the Americans?


Jose, he's signaling optimism, but with two transfers of Hamas-held hostages and no Americans among them, US officials do tell us they are disappointed, but remain hopeful, although not certain that that could soon change. Two women with American citizenship and a four-year-old girl could be released. Now, the President was out and about here in Nantucket before attending Church, and he was asked about the status of hostages, and he said, Hopefully, you'll see something soon. The President was also on the phone early today at the first sign of a delay, speaking with the Prime Minister and the Emir of Qatar, talking about the hurdles in this process and urging all the parties to get back on track. Jose?


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