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A horrifying dog attack caught on camera in Texas, shantay Wright Haywood pulling her two year old son CJ from the jaws of Astray.


And I just I couldn't even process what was going on in the moment. I just knew I had to get him from under the dog.


The dog running at CJ as they were leaving their home before Shantay scoops him up and spins him away. The dog keeps lunging at the toddler, chasing the pair right up to the front door.


I just figured if I'm between them, too, there's definitely a chance he can bite me, but he's not going to get a hold of my son.


Shantay able to shield CJ as the dog jumped up and snapped at him, eventually able to hand him off to his sister waiting inside before escaping into the house herself. But the dog wouldn't let up, breaking the door off the hinges and pushing to get in.


The kids are putting their body weight up against the door, and I have my foot planted on the door, like, right behind the frame of the door.


The dog retrieved by the sheriff and Animal Control, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. A potted plant shattered in the doorway. CJ suffering a bite mark on his abdomen. His mother says he's still dealing with the trauma of the attack.


I feel like he may be a little traumatized. He's playing fine with his siblings, but every so often, he'll kind of stop and point at his stomach and say, doggy, dog, dog. And he's kind of just, like, thinking on it.


Dog trainer Shelby Samel says, when a dog attacks, do your best to stay calm and use nearby objects to shield yourself.


If you have any food on you, you can actually toss it or throw it. If you know that there is a stray dog problem in your neighborhood, it might not be a bad idea to have some hidden in your pocket or your purse.


Shantay's now using the incident to call for accountability for dog owners. In a neighborhood where stray dogs have become a constant nuisance.


Without him, our family wouldn't be complete. I just like, look at him and I'm like, oh, Lord, thank you for just protecting him and just giving me.


Strength for her family. A sigh of relief that she was able to rescue her son. Morgan Chesky, NBC News.


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