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A terrifying scene at a packed rodeo in Sisters, Oregon, over the weekend. It happened during the final event of the night in front of a crowd of thousands. That's when a full-size Bull, nicknamed Party Bus, jumped over a fence, instantly causing chaos in the stands. Danielle Smithers took this video.


I was panicked knowing that now this giant animal is out there.


The Bull storming into a concession area, striking some in the crowd, knocking over a garbage can and sending terrified patrons scrambling. We had a bull loose. We had one down. The bull then flipped an unsuspecting woman several feet into the air. You can see her tumbling head over heels before slamming into the ground. Five people sustained injuries, according to the Cloverdale Fire Department. Although, amazingly, they say none were life-threatening. The Sisters Rodeo Association issuing a statement saying in part, the rodeo announcement immediately activated with the emergency response plan, adding that rodeo livestock professionals quickly responded to safely contain the bull.


He wasn't loose for more than, I would say, 25 to 30 seconds. He actually ran through a gate that was at the end of the arena towards, and he went right back to where the rest of the bulls were kept.


The professional Rodeo Cowboys Association saying, while rodeo is a very entertaining sport, on very rare occasions, it can also pose some risk.


Nobody could have anticipated appreciated this happening. And when it actually did, they were very quick to react. I think the Bull was even caught faster than a lot of the crowd even knew it had escaped. I 100% plan on returning to the Sisters Rodeo and other rodeos.


Organizers say, Veterinarians did evaluate the bull and it did not sustain any injuries. The annual Sisters Rodeo Competition did move forward with scheduled programming yesterday. It's final night.


Ellison. Emily Aketta. Thank you.


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