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Thank you. After weeks of waiting, the city of Tacoma has announced that the three officers who were charged in the 2020 death of Manuel Ellis no longer work for the Tacoma Police Department. Last month, a Pierce county jury acquitted all three men of murder and manslaughter charges connected to Ellis's death. Today, the Tacoma Police Department announced the findings of an internal investigation showing the officers didn't violate the department's use of force policy when they arrested Ellis back in 2020. The investigation did find that Officer Matthew Collins violated the department's courtesy policy over his explicit language during Ellis's arrest. For some, news of the officer's resignation doesn't bring the necessary closure.


You can still go decide to work in any other precinct, in any other city and commit the same atrocities that you committed in Pierce county upon another person in community somewhere else in our state and or in a different state.


Attorneys for officers Matthew Collins and Christopher Burbank sent us a statement saying the police department needs officers like Collins and Burbank in that Tacoma has not become safer. As part of their agreement with the city, each officer will receive an additional $500,000 for voluntarily stepping down from the police department. All three have been on paid leave with the department since 2020. Meanwhile, community members say the city's payout to the officers sends the wrong message.


You can kill a person in our community and still be able to create generational wealth for your family. That alone within itself is problematic for me.


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