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You nailed it that time. You even said it in a way that it made sense. Listen to it. As NFL players, we know sleep plays an important role in recovery, and we are all unique in what we need from our bed.


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I just changed it recently. I've been having some back issues, so I went a little bit firmer. I was at 45, now I'm at 65.


Do you have the one with the crack in the middle?


I have a half crack. I got a plumber's crack. When Kyle doesn't want to listen to me snore, she lets it raise up and doesn't have to deal with it.


As Super Bowl champions, we know how important sleep and recovery are to everyone, not just to professional athletes, which is why I got my dad a sleep number bed.


If you're in the market for a new bed, you should definitely stop at a sleep number store. They can assess your body's pressure points and recommend a bed that's just right for you. Why are we watching this again? I'm proud of it, though. With the sound, it looks pretty good.


You should be fucking proud. Oh, my God. Hey, run, run, run, run, Bones are fucking flying all over the place. Flopping all over the place. Yeah. That shit is gold. Welcome back to New Heights 92 Percenters, a Wondry Show, produced by Wave Sports and Entertainment, and brought to you by Buffalo Wild wings. Let's go, Sports Bar. Got to love BW3s, baby. We are your hosts. I'm Travis Kelsey, my big brother Jason, Kelsey, out of the University of Cincinnati, and rightful owners of the victory Bell. Shout out to the Bearcats getting it done over there in Miami. I forget what that actual name city is. Is there Oxford? Hamilton City or something like that. Yeah, there is. It's Oxford, right? Oxford. There you go. Getting it done after a tough loss to Narduzzi and the gang in Pittsburgh. But yeah, we're rolling, baby. Subscribe on YouTube, Wondry Plus, or wherever you get your podcast. Follow the show on all social media @DuhaiShow with one S. Jason, why don't you tell the people what we got coming up?


Trev, we got another incredible episode. We're going to get to the Chief's Thrilling Ender versus the Bangles.


I love the energy.


As well as the big Jason Kelsi Monday Night extravaganza, where all the Atlanta fans are probably really tired of seeing me, and I fully get it. I'm sorry you had to sit through that, Falcons.


Oh, no. They want to see more of you.


We're also going to break down the biggest stories from across the league, including a brand new meaning of the term chunk plays. That's right. Can't wait to get into that. But first, as always, we're going to get to the other new...


The new...




New News. Hey. New News.


Hey, here's some new news. New News is brought to you by United Airlines, where good leads the way.


Man, we got airlines out on this?


We're airborne now? Crazy.


I'm going to take a United Airlines flight this weekend.


Are you? Are you guys united out in KC?


Yeah. That was actually the slogan for the team last year was United.


Nice. I love that.


It had nothing to do with the airlines. That's a good- That is a good...


I've never thought about that. United Airlines using that as like...


It had nothing to do with the airlines. I think it just had to do with United.


Is that how United Airlines became United? Did they unite?


They were once an ununited airline, and then they gathered all the airlines together, and then they became united.


What's the history of United Airlines?


That's a great question, Jason. I don't We got a really good show.


United Airlines.


I don't know if we got enough time to Google these things.


Does United Airlines have a Wikipedia?


Yeah, it does. Everything has a Wikipedia. This is crazy.


United traces its roots to Varny V-A-L. V-a-l. That's a big name upgrade to United. I'm not getting on Varnie Airlines.


That was a great decision. Whoever's decision that was to go from that name to United, they should have got paid.


It wasn't their founders, probably. Walter Varny is the one that founded Varny Airlines in 1926 in Boise, Idaho.


The Idaho Gang. Okay.


Continental Airlines is a successor to Speed Lines, which Varny had founded in 1930. This Varny guy, he's a transportation mogul. He is a pioneer. This guy had a lot of this stuff going on. And whose name changed to Varnie Speed Lines. So he just started changing everything into his name, okay, in 1934. Then VAL flew the first privately contracted airmail flight to the US on April 1926. Man, how about that? Okay.


Absolutely nothing interesting at all. Let's get to some bonus content.


Here we go. This is it. In 1927, William Boeing found a Boeing air transport. I think we've heard of that one, to operate airmail routes under contract with the United States Post Office Department. In 1929, Boeing merged his company with Pratt and Whitney to form the United Aircraft and Transportation Corporation, UATC, obviously, which Then set about buying in the space of just 28 months, Pacific Air Transport, Stout Air Services, Barney, and National Air Transport, as well as numerous equipment manufacturers at the same time.


Jason, the energy was so good.


On March 28, 1931, all of these airlines united to form United Airlines Incorporated.


It's what we came up with before.


It makes sense. All right, guess we can do the show now. Bonus content update on bonus content. Next week, we'll be dropping our first piece of content exclusively for our WNDYRY+ subscribers. I wonder what it is. They haven't even told us yet. Last week, when you guys asked what you wanted for bonus content, and here's a few of your suggestions. From Emma, fell in love. Is that like a Lyric or something? Do we know? All right, anyways. I'm sure many Swifties and tons of dads daughters would love some new Hyde Show bonus content, teaching football concepts in an Eli5 format. What the hell is Eli5?


What is Eli5? Explain it like I'm five.


Oh, okay. All right.


I mean, that's probably one of the better ideas that the 92% came up with.


How would you explain football to a five-year-old? How do I do it to my...


We're not very good at dumbing down football. I've realized this.


I talk about it with Wyatt, but it's real dumb.


Wyatt is five, or will be in She's coming up.


Not even a month. So there's Uncle Trap. She didn't really know football. I don't even explain football to Wyatt. I got to figure that out.


Nice. Wyatt. When you try and- Ellie, what do you think about football?


Tell me what the rules of football are. Don't put your head through the railing. You got stuck last time, remember? Don't do that. Okay. Ky, does Wyatt know the rules of football? Where would you start if you were explaining football to a five-year-old? Explain score. I don't know how scoring works?


But that's like- You got to start with the downs and scoring, probably.


We're going to move on. We're going to move on. This is going nowhere. Anyways, I'd love to be able to understand the NFL portions of podcasts, but a lot of this is hard to grasp as someone with no background. The only problem with this is I feel like to explain football, it's easier done with visual. Brandon, this bonus content is audio only, correct?


Audio only, correct.


Yeah. So I just don't know that it's going to be great if it's audio only.


I think It's going to be a little harder, yeah.


Yeah, but I think it's a good idea. We can figure a way to do it audio. I think that makes sense.


Like I said, I think this is the best option. Let's go to some other options.


Okay, sorry. Yeah, we have more options. I'm sorry. Yeah, we do have a show to do. Okay. Bonus content idea. Keep it simple. Give us the deleted footage. No.


That will never happen because then we won't have a show at all.


There's a reason it's deleted.


Me and Jason will have nothing else to do on our Tuesday afternoons.


Or Mondays. Or Mondays. I will be.


Yeah, we all will.


I'll be driving Wyatt to school every day.


You'll be able to tell Wyatt exactly what football is after that.


All right. So that's not happening.


Sorry. No, that's definitely not happening.


And then bigblueworld_fishing. Jason, doing food reviews on things he'd never tried before sounds like good bonus content. Well, I mean, that leads us to this.


How about it? That's actually perfect timing. Shout out to Ky for a perfect timing.


Well done. Well done, Ky. Last week, you guys mentioned something about pumpkin spice lattes, and Travis and I told you that we've never tried them, so I figured I'd try one now on the show.


I hope it's scorching hot and it just fucking burns your tongue.


So this is something that's nice about lattes, which I never have. I always drink black coffee. The milk, it's never scorching hot because you have the milk in there, so it's always drinkable. Watch. Now, I'm nervous. Burn them.


Burn them.


Not going to lie, it's pretty good.


Nice. Give us your review. Tell us as if it was bonus content.


It doesn't It tastes like coffee.


Okay, so not coffee.


If you don't like the taste of coffee, I highly recommend this.


I think that's all lattes.


Yeah. I mean, it tastes like a... It almost tastes like somebody melted... What are those old-school... You remember those old candies that you had in grandma's house? The Butterscotch, like little candies?


Oh, baby. The gold wrappers, yeah.


It tastes like if you melted that down into a liquid form and then added some spiciness to it. That's what it tastes like.


I'm not going to lie, I'd probably be into that. I used to fucking pocket every single. I'd take a handful of those candies. It was those ones and then the little strawberry ones that actually where the rapper made it look like it was a strawberry.


Gosh, what is it about? Why are we reinventing candy when those have been around forever? Those strawberries, nothing's top of that, strawberry.


Dude, one of my favorites were the- Other than their clusters. The lifesavers, the cream savers. You know what I'm talking about? Where it was the orange, and I think there was like strawberry cream circles or cream savers, life savers. Dude, they were so fucking good. I used to fucking house those things.


Pumpkin Spice Latte. Tremendous. If you don't like coffee, highly recommend it. Nice. It's a really good way to have coffee without having to taste it.


I got a feeling. Anything that has too much creamer in it, I don't love it.


I just only drink black coffee. I don't add anything to it. I just love the beans at this point.


I love the earthiness.


I don't know what it is. I think it's just like, when you're so addicted to a substance like caffeine, that the faster your brain recognizes that what you're drinking is just straight caffeine, the more you're just immediately... I don't know that it matters what coffee tastes like. I think my brain would just absolutely love it. It would trick my mouth into loving it. Does that make sense?


Yeah. You play tricks on your mind all the time.


All right. Well, Yeah, so maybe that's some bonus content. We can do some food reviews. We're still figuring this thing out.


They only want Jason reviews. They don't want anybody else's.


Well, do you not want to do... You're not a big experiment with food.


Yeah, and you know how to get the best out of the reviews. Me, I'm just like, I like it. Your reviews are great.


You just don't want to eat it.


I don't like it.


We got to get you reviewing some goat.


I'm not eating a goat.


Come on now.


I'm not eating a goat.


Have I told that story on the podcast?


I don't know.


About, what was it, three years ago, I'm in Los Angeles, and I'm visiting my brother, and my brother makes a reservation at this restaurant called Lady and the Goat.


I heard great reviews from it.


I decided. I'm like, Yeah, I'll go down. My brother proceeds to not eat anything and complain about there's so much goat on the table.


I didn't think it was like Chick-fil-A where all they have is fucking chicken. They had a lot of other stuff than goat. It was a five-star restaurant. They had a lot of other things. It was a five-star restaurant, and every single piece of protein on the menu.


The food was fantastic. Highly recommend it.


Yeah, it was highly recommend it to us.


If you're goat forward or just have a palate that is something that resembles an advanced palate, you would really appreciate it.


Advanced palate.


But Travis proceeded to just not eat anything and eat In-N-Out immediately after going to this Five Star.


I think it was more so the fact that I knew that In-N-Out was right down the street, and I was just like- Why am I even eating this when In-N-Out is right there? That Double Double is about to fucking kill any of this fucking goat. I already know it's about to be so fucking good.


I do like some of the fine dining, but there's just some things that you're not going to top.


Wouldn't you get your mind set on it, it's just like, Hey, you want to go to this fancy new brunch spot, or do you want to have a sausage, egg, cheese, McMuffin?


I know exactly what I want, and it's the one that I don't even have to get out of the car to get.


It's so true. Oh, my God.


I got my girl Janet working the freaking drive-through. How are you doing, Jason? Fantastic. I'm about to shove the most unhealthy thing down my gullet, and it's going to be delicious.


That does it.


We're still figuring out exactly what we're doing. If you want to listen to us early, or without any interruptions, and get this bonus content, we're still giving you three months free of WNDRI Plus.


This is only available for a limited time, so get going. 92 percenters, visit wondry. Com/newheightsoffer to redeem. That's right. And that was new news. A lot of new news, a lot of stuff happening. And shout out to the pumpkin spice lattes. New news brought to you by United United Airlines.


Formerly, Varny Airlines.


Varny Airlines. Just learned that. Shout out to Varny. Shout out to Walter. Where good leads the way. Let's move along to Week 2 games. Shout out some fan mentions.


The Chief Social Team shared a clip where they asked the team, What was the most random thing that you've purchased since being in the NFL? And a lot of you demanded some more explanation. I like watching these clips for the first time live and just getting a really authentic reaction. That's the Oh, I saw this clip.


There's a lot of random stuff. A lot.


Juicer. Juicer?


I got an NQ, too.


Is that there, remember?


I got real in space.


Plants. Plants? Yeah. Plants?


Hold on. What a human-sized hamster ball. I don't know why. It is fucked up.


Do you have it?


I got it.


I I don't think you ever shipped it because it couldn't get shipped.


Damn it, dude.


Somebody has that. Remember, you tried to ship... That thing was heavy. It was like hundreds of pounds.


It was like a fucking car. I was like, Why the fuck is this thing so heavy?


Can we find the whereabouts of this hamster ball?


We I love to, dude. I'm not going to lie.


Maybe that's a piece of bonus content. Yeah, finding all the- Maybe not the best for audio.


All the dumb shit I bought in my life. I don't know where it is. I thought I had it shipped to you, but if you don't have it, somebody's fucking having some fun with a human-size hamster ball right now. There were some bowling pins, too. It was a human-size hamster ball and bowling pin.


We need to get this hamster ball because why it's at an age where we could just shove her in that and just push her out all day. Oh, yeah.


She'll lose some energy. That sounds like a great time. Yeah. And it's like a safety box. That's why hamsters can go in there. Yeah. Keeps them away from all the cats.


If you guys don't know what we're talking about, we're talking about those inflatable giant balls where the inside is hollow, and you can go in there and run around and move. I mean, it's exactly what Travis is saying.


And that is by far the most random shit that I've ever bought.


You bought a lot of random stuff, Travis.


Dude, it's up there. But that's probably the most fun random stuff.


What's some other random stuff?


Oh, man.


You're a big art collector.


Yeah, I do have a bunch. I got a bunch of trinkets. I just have shit.




I have so much shit. Loads and loads of shit.


I'm trying to think of what else. Those red moon boots that were- Those were free.


Those were the to buy those? Somebody sent those. That's all I could think of. That's all I could think of when I read the questionnaire, too.


I mean, that's the epitome of random thing. Should I take Zorb to some tailgates? There's got to be something we can do with the hamster ball at a tailgate or something like that.


Dude, we got to find this thing or buy another one.


I mean, at this point, we'll probably just buy another one, right?


Dude, whatever. Don't buy it the way I bought it because that thing is way too fucking heavy.


Is that a business expense? Can we deduct that? Can we get like, wave or wondering to pay for it so that we don't have to buy it because it's technically a prop?


Green jacket, gold jacket. Who gives a shit? Just fucking buy that thing, dude. This is what it is. That's neither here nor there, dude.


That was so good.


God damn it. What we need to do is get that thing in the Lumbaby games. That's what we need to do.


That thing floats, right?


Oh, yeah.


So we could do something on the water with something like that, right?


It's time to talk about our next sponsor, Buffalo Wild Wings. Jason, I watched your new beat-ups commercial. It's so cool seeing you in a B-Dubs commercial. Are you trying to replace me with a new brother?


Yeah. Listen, Trab, I can't help that Hank happens to have a lot more free time and loves to watch football B-Dubs. You've officially been replaced by a giant talking Buffalo with wings.


I'll just go ahead and let that slide because I love Hank, too. And plus, I can't blame you for wanting to watch all the games at BW3s, or as everyone else knows it, B-Dubs or Buffalo Wild Wings this season.


B-dubs really is the best place to watch football. They have wall-to-wall TVs to catch all the games, delicious wings in sauces like Honey Barbecue, Asian Zing, and 30 plus beers to choose from.


All right, now, 92 %. Make sure you get to Buffalo Wild Wings this football season to watch all the big games and enjoy the best wings and beer.


And for the 92 %, if you want to support a good cause, there's a new B-Dubs T-shirt featuring Hank and Me. That's right. That you can purchase from our friends at Omage. A portion of the proceeds will go to the B. Philly Foundation.


Buffalo Wild Wings. Let's go, sports bar.


Can you feel it? Can you feel it?




Do you feel that in the air? Well, that's the NFL season being finally here. And that's why we need to tell you about our special hookup from today's sponsor, SeatGeek. That's right. They're back for their third season with New Heights.


And we have a special discount for the 92%ers this year. Get 15 % off any ticket on SeekGeek. That's whether you're a new customer or not. Just use this code, kelsey15.


That works for sports, concerts, comedy shows, going to see Travis play, you name it. You can even grab a ticket to experience a Monday night game. How about that? Join me in person.


Seatgeek rates on a scale of 1-10. Look for those green dots. Green means good, red means not so good.


So do yourself a favor and save yourself some money. Open the SeatGeek app and add code Kelsie15 to your account to get you 15 % off your next order. Doesn't matter if you've used SeatGeek before, code Kelsie15 gets you 15 % off. But there are terms, and they do apply. All right, Let's talk about some football. That's right. Bold topics to wrap up. Week 2 in the NFL, starting with Chiefs 26, bangles 25. That's right. Chiefs found a way to get it done. Tread, you got any initial thoughts you want to talk about from the game? You guys found a way to get it done? Yeah. Close matchup, right?


Yeah. I mean, initial thoughts are we got to play better as an offense. I think the defense is playing their asses off, getting turnovers, finding a way to make opposing quarterbacksUncomfortable? Yeah, comfortable. And they're really making it hard for them to throw the ball downfield with the type of pressures that we're getting and how good our coverage is right now. And I just think we have to match that accountability on the offensive side to really become another Super Bowl caliber team. I put that on me. I think it starts with the leaders. I think it starts with making sure you're going with the right mentality. I didn't play my best. It spreads if you don't fix it. So I got to get that thing fixed, man.


What's going on in your head as the game is unfolding? And Pat tried to go to you twice early on with some incompletions on the interception, and then you only have one cat catch? What's going on in your head as this game is unfolding?


Well, there's a lot of things that have to go right for anybody to get the ball, outside of our running back, where you're literally just handing it to them. If you want to catch the football, one, it has to be the right play, two, it has to be the right coverage, and three, it has to be Everybody doing their job up front and on the back end in terms of running their routes for everything to match up and be in sync. It's just for whatever reason these past two games, it hasn't gone that way for me. And that's football, man. I'm I'm not about to sit here and get frustrated about it. I used to get really, really pissed off and almost lose my cool a lot of the time from not having that success, knowing I demand that out of myself. I demand that I just like to play the game to such a high level of accountability that it's tough for me to deal with being mediocre or having stats that represent that. I stopped caring about stats about four or five years ago, and I just went out there and started to just play free and wanted to play for my guys.


Sure enough, I think that's a better mentality. You think about it more play by play and what your job is on that specific play. I think moving forward, it's just, how can I be better in those moments. What's the issue? Am I not getting out of my route fast enough? Am I not... Whatever the situation may be, it's all play-specific anyways. But you're always looking at the film, looking at the scheme, and trying to perfect it more and more each week. Typically, you see these games earlier on, and then you just keep trying to get better and better and more accountable for the guys around you, man.


Well, that's awesome. And I think that's a testament to where you're at in your career and why the Chiefs just feel like one of the most unselfish teams in the entire league. But probably the most amazing stat from the game. With the Chiefs win, the NFL teams are now one in 151 And since 1991, when the team doesn't get 300 yards on offense, allows 21 plus points on defense, commits three plus turnovers, and convert 15 % or less on third downs.


It's insane, yeah.


It's pretty remarkable you guys won this game. And like you said, the defense, especially bone up in red zone situations, and Spag's is, dude. I mean, he was so good last year, and it's gotten off to another great start. For those guys.




Why do the Chiefs, besides the refs being on the Chiefs' side, why do the Chiefs always find a way to close these close games out?


I think always is a stretch.


We had a close game last year.


Yeah, exactly.


You guys almost pulled that one out. Freaking almost catch late down the middle. Might have ended that one differently. But anyway, it's good.


I think that when you have a veteran quarterback like Pat Mahomes, he's He always gives you a chance to win it. So you always have confidence, and you always have that in the back of your mind that you can find a way to win this football game. I think that helps. I think Coach Reid, being in the league so long and his leadership, his swagger, how he leads the team on the sideline, you always feel like you're in it. You always know you got a chance, and he's going to put you in a really good position at the end of the game. I feel like we just have a team that plays really well together when the moment's bigger. Guys don't really get anxious or they don't let the moment get too big. They keep their composure, and they get more confident as the game goes on, and it gets more intense. I felt that on the sideline, and sure enough, it was a weird ending, man. It was a weird ending. There were flags on both teams late. Obviously, the bangles getting the last of that with the pass interference at the end. But we have to try to beat teams earlier than that last drive.


And I think that's the biggest thing. And shout to the bangles, their defense, the players over there are just, they're comfortable playing us, and they feel like they have a good idea of what we're doing. That's a huge challenge for us the next time we play them, man.


Absolutely. And it's a matchup that I was looking forward to because all these concepts between you guys and the bangles have been so close. With the Chiefs win, they've even the record against Burrow and the Bangles at three and three. Five of the last six sincey KC games have been decided by a field goal. That's how close these games have been. First half offense, Chiefs had a 16-play, eight-minute, 30-yard drive that ended in a field goal. I mean- St staggering, man. It sucks. Putting all that work in, and credit to the bangles for bowing up at the end of it. But when you go all that way and it just doesn't happen, it's frustrating. Very, very frustrating. They also had two turnovers in the first half. But the play cheese fan loved to see was obviously the Pat connection to Rashe Rice on a 44-yard That tied again.


That was a hell of a ball.


Ten to ten. It was. It was very impressive. We got the clip right here for you. Check it out. Protection's good. Let it go, Creeg. Gosh, perfect ball. I mean, did he not think he was going to run past him. Was he not ready for that move?


I guess not.


All right. After a small drought, the long shutdown pass is back in KC. Mahomes has already thrown as many deep shutdown passes of 20 plus air yards this season, as the previous two seasons combined. Wow, that's an insane stat.


Very interesting.


Between 2018 and 2022, nobody was bigger on the deep ball. Tyreek Hill might have had something to do with that, just probably.


I wonder who's now the best at it. Is it Miami?


That's weird. Everybody that Tyreek plays for is the best quarterback of the thing. Mahomes do 44 deep Dutchdowns, second most in that span. Was this the emphasis to bring them back to the offense? I really don't. I think I'm going to answer this for you. The way teams have been playing, Kansas City, and really the way teams have been playing the NFL, if you look at quarterbacks across the league, all of the big plays for the last two seasons have been way down. Ever since the air rate attack that KC was implementing with Tyreek, and that other offenses starting to do these big shot plays, and defenses have adjusted by playing these softer coverages, a lot more too high looks, and making you take the underneath stuff and really dink and dunk down the field. And That's probably a bigger reason why these numbers have dropped off besides losing Tyreek Hill, which is also a big part of it.


I feel like there was a transition period where, obviously, you always had big-name cornerbacks since Deion Sanders and Reevis and those special guys that would get the opportunities to try and lock up a wide receiver, one guy. There were only really a I'm full of guys like that when I got in the league. Now I feel like corners are getting a lot better. Corners are starting to understand what routes, how guys are released. And I just feel like the defenses are evolving a lot. And on top of what you're saying, everybody's just keeping that umbrella over the back end of the defense and limiting those big plays downfield. Absolutely. As well as the second-level guys. If those guys are backing up, the second-level guys are getting a little bit more depth and Running backs and the underneath routes. Everybody, the defense is taught to rally to those tackles instead of giving up the huge plays, man.


Absolutely. And it's something that's the kryptonite to that, which is why we're seeing it a lot in the NFL right now, is running the ball. You guys, We mentioned that 8 minute, 30 second field goal drive. First half, you guys were running the ball all over them. It felt like you were really moving the ball on the ground well. And maybe that's why it opened up that big play for Rasheed. Maybe they're like, Hey, we got He's trying to stop this. Let's go to a single high look, finally. Bangos took a 16:10 lead into the half. And then, coming out, second half, we get right to it with a thick six.


Oh, yeah. Juan Ye.


I'm a big fan of the thick six. Even though Trab was wide open, too, it's okay. We're happy for the big fella to get the Dutch down.


Always happy when a big fella gets in. He hit it, too. Did you see his dance? Yes. Oh, yeah. He had a great celebration, man. I don't know what he calls that, but he was getting it.


Marshall house on X. I was like, That's more than three pumps. That's a penalty.


That's a penalty? The old key and peel?


Yeah. On second and goal on the one-yard line, Pat connects with O'Liam and Wanya Morris for the TD, and the Chiefs take a 17, 16 lead. Leo Chanel lined up next to Mahomes in the backfield. I love that. This guy does everything.


It's just a football guy, man. Yeah, man. Whatever you need, he gets it done. Look at that stance.


What does that say?


He's ready for- It's like a four-point stance, yeah.


It looks like he's playing goal-line defense He's just about to bear-crawl.


He's about to bear-crawl into somebody.


Walk us through an O-line eligible tackle play.


Well, you don't always have them in the game plan. It's one of those things where it's a play off of all the running and all the big boy stuff that you do because you bring in an extra O-line to run the football. You don't bring them in to throw him a countdown.


That's what you wanted to think.


There you go. One is it athletic enough and small smooth enough with the hands and sure enough. He even said to me right before the play, he said, Man, I was getting excited because I realized nobody was covering me. I was just like, The fact that you actually know when you're covered or when you're not covered as a tackle, that's pretty good stuff. Big man move. When you bring a linebacker in and extra offensive lineman, I'm pretty sure it's a big time indicator for the defense that you're running the football. So it's a hell of a play call, a hell of a call to draw up, or a play call to draw up at the right time.


You got to be a little sneaky at the tackle. You can't just run straight out. They know.


Oh, no. He ran straight out.


Oh, he did. Yeah. Never mind. Yeah. Mix that.


You said speed kills, Jason. He didn't bluff blocking at all. All eyes were in the backfield. They thought we were running the whole time.


Well, you mentioned the celebration. Let's check out Morris here. Looking good, looking good, big fella.


Looking good, looking good.


The next chief drive ended in, I mean, has to be the most impressive interception I've ever seen in my life.


Dude, I don't know if I've seen one. I definitely haven't seen one in-game like this before in my life. That's one of those when somebody hits a home run in baseball, or they hit one all the way to the warning track, and somebody just goes up and robs them, and then the batter then tips his cap to the guy. It's like, Dude, I'm not going to lie, that shit was sweet. That's a hell of a fucking play, man.


I don't know that anybody could have... I think everybody was just like, Wow, you know what? Well done. Well done. Respect. One of the reasons it's so eye-catching is that most of the time on this sideline, with your left shoulder being the outside shoulder, a one-handed grab would be more like grabbing it with your left hand. You know what I mean? The spin right makes it just insane.


Yeah, insane.


Phenomenal pick right here from Cam Taylor-Britt. Then the fourth quarter, defense comes up big. At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Joe Burrow is sacked by Mike Dana. Shout out.


I think he just got- Mike Dana. Yes, sir.


Dana, sorry. Did he got a contract extension this year?


Yes, he did.


We talked about him being a- Very worthy. Important piece, similar to what you're talking about with Leo Chanel, able to do a lot. Mike Dana does a lot on that defense, moves a lot all over the place.


Forces a big fumble.


And it was recovered by safety, Chamari Connor, in return for a countdown.


That's always nice. 2-7, baby.




Dude, it is, especially at that point in the game, huge for the defense. You always set those expectations before the season on how many special teams scores you need, how many defensive touch downs you need. Right now, our defense He was playing so goddamn good. For them to put up six points like that in such a tight game is such a crucial game, especially with us not playing the way that we think we should on the offense or living up to our potential as an offense right now, I think, obviously, we're We're leaning on that side of that ball right now pretty heavy.


That was a huge play, huge turning moment in the game. And no shocker, the guy who initiated this whole fiasco starting was Chris Jones. He's been really good. Surprised, surprised. The first two weeks, applying a lot of pressure. He split two on that one. Check him out. Look at him in the backfield. Is this just expected from Chris at this point?




You know what I mean? Even in the first week, he was taking his... They had some new guys playing for Baltimore He was just moving around. Hey, whoever wants it can get it. It's a frustrating day. No, you're supposed to be the three technique. Not you're supposed to be over here. You're supposed to be over there.


He could do it all, man.


Per next Gen stats, Trent McDuffie aligned across Jamal Chase on 17 to 38 routes, 45% of the time, including four routes and press coverage. We nothing allowed one reception for four yards on two targets as the nearest defender against Chase. Way to go, Trent.


Solid game. Trent is playing great football. Our entire defense is really playing great football, man. Hats off to them keeping us above floating. Man, we got to start playing up to our potential on offense because we got the guys, we got the ammo. We just got to get it done, man.


It's always fun when you win games and you're not playing your best.


Yeah, that's when everyone says it's a good one to learn from. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's a good one to learn from.


That sets us up for the game-winning drive. That's right. Chiefs get the ball back with 2 minutes and 35 seconds. You guys are in fourth and sixth situation with 53 seconds left on the clock. Pat not competes a deep pass to Rashe Rice, but it comes back. Trey Hendrickson was wreaking havoc all game long.


Yeah, man. He was fired up. At the end of the day, man, you can't put it in the refs hands that late in the game. And that's for both of us, both sides of the ball. Obviously, you want to play physical. You want to make sure you make that play. But if you're going to put it in the refs hands, you're playing with fire. It is what it is. You're just playing with fire, man. That's why as an offense, we got to make make sure that we don't put ourselves in a position to where we have to score at the end of the game. Obviously, we still feel comfortable and confident that we can get it done. But if we can win the game before that, let's keep it out of the refs hands. Let's keep it out of the hands of just fate or things just not going our way. I think that's the mentality you got to have. And did we get lucky? Yeah, we got fortunate that they threw the flag on that fourth and 16. And I would love to make sure that we don't get ourselves in a situation like that again.


Yeah, especially two minutes. Whenever you're in a two-minute drill, penalties, sacs, these things are just crucial that you don't do. Easier said than done when you're trying to block Trey Hendrickson. But yeah, that one almost killed you guys, and you guys get bailed out at fourth and 16 with 48 seconds left. Pat targets Rashe Rice again, but this time somebody arrives a little early. I don't even know how this is controversial. I really don't. I get that people are frustrated with the officials and the chiefs, I guess. But I mean, you can't run through a receiver's back and make a play on the ball.


I really don't. Can't do it. Just like on the play before that, you can't put your hands in someone's face while they're rushing. You can't do it. It's the same thing. It's hands to the face, and then there's a pass interference, and it is what it is. But yeah, I can see how everybody's upset because it's- Nobody likes a fourth down conversion that essentially is given to the Chiefs.


But the reality is, what do you want the official to do? What do you want him to do? You want him to not call pass interference? Don't run through the guy's back. I don't know what...


Like I said, as chiefs, as our officer...


When it's close, I get not calling it. This wasn't even close. I don't really know what we're talking about. I agree the game should be called tighter down the stretch, and we should avoid questionable calls. But when it's to the point that the guy can't even make a play on the ball and touch it. What are we talking about?


You said it, man. I'm not going to argue for this point. I'm just going to go ahead and say that I think we need to fucking keep ourselves out of that situation so we don't have to rely on the officials to make that fucking call. But sure enough, they made the call. Harrison Bucker comes to save the day yet again. Harry for the win. Absolutely nails a 51-yard field goal. All of us had a lot of confidence in him, but I There's always just that lingering feeling. You're just sitting there like, Come on, Harry. Come on. You got to do it again for this big guy, please. Sure enough, he came up big for us again, man.


Absolutely. Chiefs now 2-0. Some disappointing news following the game, or maybe this was out right before, but Hollywood Brown was put on IR. It was before the game. It was right around game time. Hollywood Brown was put on IR before the game. And unfortunately, Isiah Pacheco is now injured and is going to miss about 6 to 8 with, was it Tibby or Fibula? Fibula? One of those two?


I think it's the... Yeah, it's Fibula. It's one of those.


That was an aggressive hit. Even when it happened, I was like, Oh, my gosh. You could see that he just had a guy in his legs, and he just got folded over top of it. But hopefully, pop comes back.


That sucks, man. He's been playing unbelievable football, man. High energy, just a guy you love blocking for, you love playing the game for, you love playing the game with, man. It's just an all-time teammate of mine, man. I love pop, and it sucks how well he's playing and how comfortable and how fast he's moving right now with the ball in his hands that he has a setback like this. But I expect him to be back better than ever in 68 weeks, man.


On to next week. You guys have the Falcons in Atlanta. Trav, the last time you played the Falcons, the Chiefs won both games. Actually, you played them twice in your career only. Wow. 2016 and 2020, Chiefs won both games. The last time you played the Falcons in Atlanta, it It was at the Georgia Dome, December, 2016. Eight receptions for 140 yards. That's a good day, Trav. There we go.


Damn, it's been that long since I played in Atlanta. I guess I had a few preseason games there, but I haven't played a regular season game in Atlanta yet.


Yeah, that's crazy.


Man, yeah, I remember that one. I think that was the first My Claw's My Cleets game, actually. Oh, wow. How about that? That's how long ago that thing was.


Yeah. All right. Well, good luck in Atlanta.


Shut up to Eric Berry in that pick six.


Down in the ATL. Atlanta loves me right now. Lebron's stat of the game, Patrick Mahomes has 2,424 completions in 98 career starts and surpassed Matthew Stafford for the most completions by a player in His first 100 career starts in NFL history.


It's a good company.


Yeah, definitely good company. We also got to talk about your historic streak, Trev. I know the game didn't go the way you wanted it to as far as perceptions. And unfortunately, it ends the longest NFL streak in history with a player receiving at least three catches. That's right. Sunday marked the first game since September of 2018, where Travis Kelsey did not get at least three catches. It snaps a streak of 114 games, the longest streak by any player in NFL history. Not only is that the longest streak, the next closest is our guy Antonio Brown with 81. Mahomes' quote, We play two opponents. We play a lot, and they have a plan on how they're going to account and defend Travis. But as the season goes, he's going to get his catches, and he's going to get his yards.


Yeah. And I could have played better, man. It is what it is.


All right.


Could have played better, could have ran better routes, could have got out of my breaks a little bit faster. Noah Hendrix was on one. You see things Monday morning, quarterback. You see things better after the game and realize how you can play better and be better for your teammates. Sure enough, I've always had that accountability. I've always been my worst critic, and I'm going to remain my worst critic. I think that I can improve a lot for my guys and be there for Pat in a lot of different situations. But like I was saying earlier, it takes a lot of things to go right for somebody to get the football. I'm just fortunate that Coach Reid and this offensive staff has given me that opportunity and has the confidence that I'll be able to get it done.


I love it.


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And we got a whole lot of one o'clock games that everybody in the world gets to choose from if you have NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV. Jason, what games are you watching this week? We got the Eagles Saints. That looks like a good one. Chargers, Stealers. I'll be watching that one. Harbault has got the Chargers rolling right now. The first 2-0 start in a long time.


I'm going Eagle Saints, Texas Vikings, Chargers, Stealers. I'll probably Bronco's box.


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I'm sleeping, Jason. I'm a big napper, and I just like to sleep. So I'm going to go ahead and just bundle up on one of those.


Shut it on down. I like watching movies. I do.


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Once again, go to united. Com or download the United app to book your next trip.


All right, now, let's move on to some Monday Night Football. Now at The Link, where you get everything Jason Kelsi?


Dude, there's a lot of Jason Kelsi.


Dude, and the people loved it. They actually wanted more of Jason Kelsi because they wanted to not only see you hype up those words before the game, but they wanted to see you answer all the questions that they had for you after.


Atlanta had to deal with me for four hours before things got rough for the Eagles, and they were like, Oh, no, come back in the booth. Jason, where are you at now?


Jason, answer us what happened.


And rightfully so. Listen, I want to apologize to Falcon's fans watching because I understand that you just had to watch just a Philadelphia celebration in a parade of a former player coming back home.


We all deserve to see that. That was what people wanted to see. Espn did a great job. Yeah.


I'm just going to say I want to apologize, but I'm not going to because it was fucking awesome. I'm just going to let you know it was a lot of fun. That's the first one. Let's get into it. How crazy is it? The first time I'm back in the building, I'm commenting on a game. Shout out to Roger Goodell for scheduling that one or whoever was in charge at NFL headquarters for making that happen. We're going to get to it. But before the game, being out in the parking lot, the countdown, being up in the booth with Joe and Troy. It was really, really awesome for me. So selfishly, I'm just beyond happy that that was how I get to remember my first time being in the link, not as a player.


It was so cool, man.


At the same time, I fully understand why a bunch of Atlanta people hate my guts right now. So I apologize.


Well, let's get to it, baby. Jason's Monday night homecoming. That's right. We went back to Philly, headed back to the link for the first time since he was playing there for a little eagles Atlanta Monday Night football action. And just like any homecoming, it was about the pregame. And boy, oh, boy, did you not disappoint. And by the way, Philly did not disappoint because you weren't the only one there. It was an entire showing of how faithful those birds are and how excited they are about this football team and how good this football team could be. And you made it to the Eagles tailgate. That's right. You made sure to hand out some garage beers.


I remember what section. I think it was C2 or something like that. I can't remember where this was in the parking lot.


I'm surprised you remember any of this, Jason. I thought you were going to black out. I've seen those dance moves before that we're about to get to. I was stone cold sober.


I know you don't believe me. No way. I was not drinking until after the game.


No way. Those knees don't work like that sober.


After I was up in the booth at the end of it, I promise you, I don't know how I did that because I've never done that sober.


Everybody knows you don't have rhythm until you have 10 beers.


Travis, I'm letting you know right now.


I could tell by the way you were talking in the third quarter in the booth that you had been in an up and down roller coaster of being in and out of being drunk since about noon. No. Zero. Zero beers. Dude, I could tell you had- Do you know how hard it was to throw garage beers?


I threw probably 100 beers. I'm not exaggerating from a pickup truck. It didn't drink one. My arms were going to fall off. Do you know how hard that was?


It's a feat I don't think you've ever accomplished before.


I'm a professional, Travis. I don't mess around.


I respect it.


No, this tailgate was awesome. A bunch of these guys had been to the golf outing, right? So Dallas Sucks, Maniac, Malloy, Shoulder Pad, Sean, and my guy Duffy. All these guys had been around. I've seen these guys at all these events throughout the years. They've cheered me on. I want to be out there with these guys. I don't know how we got to throwing garage beers. I think I was like, I got up on the top of the truck where they were smoking an alligator, which is pretty gnarly. I don't know if you've ever seen a smoked alligator covered in bacon.


Where the fuck did Philadelphiaans get an alligator?


I don't know. I don't know that. I think that they just do it.


I remember having an alligator one time, and it was when- Fried alligator when we were down in Florida. Florida. Yeah, we went to that county fair down in Florida, and they had gator nuggets.


Yes, and they were delicious.


They were fucking phenomenal. Yes. That was the first time I was like, damn, I didn't know people were out here eating gator like this. That's what we're doing down here. We're just catching gators, like we're catching fish, just going out there and fucking reeling them onto the boat and putting them on a fucking... Putting them over a fire. That's right. Very interesting.


Well, they've smoked it all day. It was delicious. They stuffed it with cheese and whatnot, covered it with bacon. I was getting different pieces. I was getting the tenderloins. I ate a piece of the cheek right off of the freaking face of it. It just tastes like lobster, almost. It was delicious. It was very good.


The fuck?


It's like a lobstery chicken.


I don't want to hear that. You're ruining my day by telling me this shit.


It was good. Just letting you know.


I'm in on fried, just about fried anything. Fried gator is probably as far as I'll go on the gator train.


All right.


But either way, it sounds very eventful because you don't always have gator at tailgates up in the northeast.


It's not a regional delicacy. But either way, it certainly was an event. They also had cheesecakes. They had a bunch of food at this tailgate. It was incredible. The fans were into it. Everybody's getting ready for Monday night football. We just so happen to have like a thousand garage beers. So I just started putting them in koozies and chucking them like grenades.


Yeah, because koozies are like bubble wrap. It's safe.


Yeah, exactly. I was basically playing jackpot with an entire parking lot of eagles fans.


Throwing full beers might as well be a I mean, none of them...


I was making eye contact. I almost took out a Jeep window, but I was making eye contact, crushed a moonroof. It might be cracked, but it was electric.


Dude, throwing beers further than 20 yards 15 yards. Dude, that thing, that's dangerous.


No, it's got the koozie on it. It's wrapped in koozie.


There you go. It's nice little...


It honestly reminded me of the parade.


Every time the parade comes around, you're on the floating.


People are throwing you beer. So it felt like it had been reversed. And that shit gets dangerous. Now it's time to throw the beers the other way.


You're about to catch this rath.


I was making eye contacts. There were some talented people in that parking lot of catching beers. I don't know if they can catch footballs, but if some of these guys can catch football as good as they catch beers, they might want to try it for the Eagles.


Fucking idiot. We also got to look at some new moves. Jason showing off some moves. One move that's actually new to me. I've only seen you hit one of these two moves before.


I told this to Kylie. I said, That's a new move.


That is 100 % a new move. I haven't seen that one yet.


Kylie said it's the same as the stop. She said it's just a different variation of your stomp.


Yeah, which means it's a new move, this stomp, though. The Running Man.


It wasn't my best Running Man. I've been better at Running Man.


Those knees are getting up. That's what I'm saying. These knees and this bounce doesn't work unless you have 10 beers, Dude, those knees are shattering if you're fucking doing it with no fucking fuel in you.


What happened is, we were supposed to be on that stage to start countdown, and I walked over there way too early. I had to kill 30 minutes before the show started. And I'm just up there with these DJs just standing there. I'm like, I got to do something up here. I can't just stand here like a Jamoak. I got to bring the energy.


I hope you brought it.


I don't even know what I'm doing. It's golden. Do you know- Dude, you have the greatest running man of all time, dude. Do you know how devastating it is to- Oh, my gosh. This is so fucking good, dude. Do you know how devastating it is?


I keep watching it, and I keep crying, laughing, man. I was so proud. I was so proud. Everyone thinks I'm the dancer. Dude, you are the fucking most electric dancer I've ever met in my life. You can put a smile on anybody's face by dancing, dude. It is so good. And when you get in that mode where you go full send, oh my gosh. Thank you for that. Thank you for that. I'll have that forever. I'll have that in my back pocket on a fucking cloudy day. I'll just be able to fucking have happiness.


That shit was so good. Do you know how devastating it is to open X and just see a bunch of people quoting tweets of you dancing and putting clown emojis above you?


The Running Man looks like you're like, when they put shoes on a dog for the first time. They're just fucking trying to figure out how to step in those things. But they're getting their knees. Oh, dude, it's so fucking good, man.


Just countless people quoting a picture of you dancing and saying, This is a full-grown adult male with kids, and he's doing this in public. I'm like, You know what? You got a good point. It's ridiculous. I don't know that I got a rebuttal for that. Stop showing this. It's so good. Are we going to be able to Are we going to be able to have the sound? It looks so much worse without the sound. It's going to look terrible. It doesn't make any sense. The sound doesn't... I mean, it doesn't make it that much better. It's still ridiculous.


But- God damn it, that's so good. Well, it was so good. Even Pat Mahomes had to get a little comment in there on that, saying, with a lot of the crying emojis, Go crazy then, Jay Kels. And that is what you did, You snapped. You went crazy on them. You gave the people what they wanted.


Pat's seeing these dance moves up and close and personal.


This is why ESPN hired you, Jason.


This is why.


You're doing them.


Are you an expert at football?


Yes. Kind of.


I mean, I guess.


These moves cannot be reenacted by anybody else. Nobody else can do these fucking moves, I promise you. Jason is the only one. And you look good doing it because of the jumpsuit Big Dom gave you. Hooked you up with the South Philly tuxedo. Green velour tracksuit. Did you feel as Italian as you looked?


Dude, I feel like... You know when you dress up in a uniform, you feel more official. I felt more official in the car.


That's exactly why I dress up. That's why I dress up.


That's the feeling I get when I dress up. No, but when you dress up as a uniform, if you dress up as a police officer, you feel like you're- Yeah, but a good two P A good two-piece, that'll make you feel like you're in costume. When I was dressed as a South Philadelphia in this velour jumpsuit, which, by the way, velour, not very breathable, dancing around like that at all. At all. Full sweating. My man Marcus Spears had me covered with the towel on the set. He was like, Hey, take this.


You're going to want to have this. A fellow big sweater.


Yeah, he knows. He knows what it's about. But yeah, I'm hooking it up. We had to sew on these Italian flags because it was really an Eagles tracksuit. But they didn't want me to have an eagles thing on, which I get. I don't want to show any bias. We didn't do that a lot.


We didn't. They put the- We didn't show you were very biased that day. The eagles' passes are way too much. The chance, you can do the chance all day. Yeah.


You can actively be cheering- Fucking feely.


You can actively be cheering for the eagles in the booth.


Oh, he's in. Yes. He got in, right? I'm like, Oh, yeah, I'm not supposed to say that.


So good.


I think the Italian flags really set it to another level. Had some nice chains on. It was a fun look.


You look great. Shout out to Big Dom for getting you some swag.


And a lot more. Shout out to Big Dom for everything.


Then we got to see why Jason is making Monday Night Countdown, the greatest show on TV. And dude, it was fun seeing you in your element. But even last week, man, it's cool to see that you are now one of the guys that is driving the love of sports. I think it was so cool to hear that you were getting offered by everybody, and you were torn between a couple of different networks. But when you chose ESPN, in my head, I'm like, Man, he's going to be like Chris Berman. He's going to be like a SVP. He's going to be like a Rich Eisen growing up and fueling that love for the sport of football. I was so fucking proud of seeing you doing it last week in San Fran. Even this being in your moment with Fletcher Cox and nick Foles doing the Eagles's champ before the game, to even being in the booth with Akemen and Joe Buck, two legendary guys in the booth, and obviously a Hall of Famer in Akemen. It's so cool seeing you in this moment and seeing you in this next phase of life in football. Man, I just couldn't be more proud of you, brother.


That shit's fun. Absolutely, man. It's fun I'm going to watch. Man, I appreciate it. I really do. I think first week, definitely nervous. This week, there was so much going on. I was nervous a little bit. It's interesting being up there. You're trying to say the right thing and formulate responses in real-time. It's difficult. There's a whole new respect that I have for anybody that does this. It's difficult. The pre-show is difficult. The booth, I mean, Joe and Troy, going up there with those guys was trying to fit in. I was like, Man, I don't want to- You don't want to overstep. Yeah, I can understand. You don't overstep, but also there's a chemistry between calling a game with the play-by-play and the color guy, and they have it down pat better than anybody. Tell me if I'm being an idiot. It was very, very humbling to me up. Coach me up.


Coach me up. Dude, I'm here to get coached. I can definitely respect that. I feel like I took that mentality this offseason in a lot of different, I don't know, different- Acting roles. Yeah, acting, all that shit. Everything that I did in the offseason, I was like, Yeah, just let me not fuck this up. Coach me up. Tell me how to go about this. I think that's the right mentality. At the same time, man, trust your gut, man. You're fun as hell to listen to And as much as the Falcons fans probably didn't want to see you chantin' eagles and doing all that, you can't tell me they weren't enjoying that shit, man, because you do it in the right way.


I think they get it. They get that I was an eagles fan. I mean, it's a fortune for them on a national broadcast that they But it was one time, right? We're going to get back to... And I really wanted to offer unbiased opinions for the Falcons, who I thought played a fantastic game, and we'll get to that shortly. But this was really cool to be back in Philadelphia. It was awesome. And this is probably the one chance I got to solidify my retirement as a player. And to be up on stage with Fletcher Cox, the guy that retired the same year as me, nick Foles, a guy that I won a Super Bowl with, Super Bowl MVP, And then all the fans. It was a really, really fun moment. So I can't thank ESPN enough for, I don't know, man, just letting this all happen. I don't know.


I hear you. It seems a little much, but they definitely looked out for you. I think it was a great look for ESPN, and it made everybody really excited to watch Monday Night Football, not only yesterday or last week, but in the future, man. You guys are doing a great job, and don't want to not give credit where it's due. Svp Ryan, Clark, and Spears. I mean, those guys are the fucking best, man. I love seeing all you guys throughout the game and throughout the evening talk about ball, and you guys always have great takes on it, man. So shout out to the Monday Night crew. We also But speaking of Eagles fans that you were just thanking that were there, Big Rod Dunphy, the Eagles super fan on stage. And Jason forced him to do a Chesbar. You forced him. I heard you on the mic. You forced him. You said, No, we're doing this. Do this.


We talked about it beforehand. We were both excited about it. And I was just like, Come on, we're doing this. We're getting it done. He Dunphy is the best.


He said, Get it out of the way. Get it out of the way. You, move. You, move. You ready? Let's do this. Oh, nice three-point stance by the big guy. Up top and... Man. In quotes from Big Dunphy, Fucked my whole knee up, but it was so worth it.


Yeah, it's not funny. The funny thing was, he texted me I was asking about him because I didn't know that happened until afterwards.


I see on Twitter-He has also tweeted that he waited until after the game to get it checked out.


Dude, he stayed the whole game.


That's going to be a good time, right? I can't believe this is first Monday night football game. It's the Burntome opener.


I can't miss this one. Guys, fucking electric.


Said it was so worth it. I mean, it was an electric chest bump. It's a big dude chest bump.


I chest bumped the fucking Philly Superfan with the fucking Philly's fanatic snout over his... Are you kidding me? That thing was awesome. I hate that he got hurt on it, but he's a fucking legend, though.


Well, moving on to another part of the pregame show was your interview with Jalen Hertz.


Yeah, baby.


It was awesome to see the interview because you guys just have so much respect for each other. You guys could tell that everyone could tell how close you guys were when you played, and you're just so appreciative of each other's work ethic and leadership. I don't know. It was just really cool, man.


I don't know. I mean, he was more loose than I was. I'm in the interview, and he's calming me down, which is just like, I don't know. I think, like you said, there's so much familiarity there. I think he knows that I'm the one who's doing something. He's done a thousand interviews. See, there ain't nothing new for him. Now, I'm on the opposite side asking these questions. And he kept the light for me. So it was awesome. It was really cool to chop it up with him.


Yeah, it's a different world.


It was interesting. It was weird being in that bubble and sitting across from a teammate.


Yeah, it's pretty crazy.


He'll get more normal, but I thought it was great. The tone that he had freaking made, and it was just like when we played. I don't know, man. He's just got a way about him. He really does.


Well, let's get into the game a little bit then. The Eagles 21, Falcons 22 on Monday night football. Not the way the Eagles It was planned it, and it came down to a play call here, a play call there, or a big play made here or there. And it just didn't go their way down the stretch, man. Falcons come back and steal the win on a Kirk Cousins It was a two-minute drill, ending with a TD pass to Drake London. And obviously, that Jalen Hertz interception there after that with just seconds left. The initial thoughts on the game, brother?


Listen, it was a great game.


It was. It was. It was. It was a fun one to watch.


Both offenses struggled early on and started to catch their stride right towards the end of the first half. And then in the second half, it felt like both offenses were functioning really well. The offensive lines of both sides really controlled the line of scrimage, I felt like. I think in particular, I got to give Atlanta... You watched that first game that Atlanta played against Pittsburgh, and T. J. Watt and Cam Hayward were given that offense a lot of issues. Everybody's talking about Kirk Cousins, and he's not the same quarterback. He can't move anymore. There was a lot of narratives out there after week one.


Yeah, prove that wrong.


And they got him up under center, got him into doing a lot of things that he's probably more familiar with throughout his career. But really, the big thing was, bro, they were running. They They were running the ball, and they were giving him a lot of time back there. And I think that that offensive line, that was a big bounceback game for Atlanta. In particular, they were in an outside zone. I mean, that was a clinic tape of outside zone. Cutting on the backside.


It was a battle of two really good fucking runningbacks. They have really good offensive lines. They get after it, man. I keep looking at the Eagles's offensive line, and I'm like, Dude, since you left, they have become the biggest offensive line in the world.


Well, I think they were already enormous But yeah, Addy McKay-Beckton.


Holy shit.


It's a big wall.


Every single one of them. Yeah, it's unbelievable. Yeah. Eagles were without their star wide receiver, AJ Brown, with a ham string, unfortunately. But Jalen Hertz played pretty well up until that last drive, Jalen went 23 of 30 for 183 yards and one shutdown, 85 yards on the ground with a shutdown. Saquon in his Philly debut, although he had that drop there at the end, 116 total yards, which is exactly what you expect out of him. The guy can do it, can beat you every single way. I don't see him dropping that ball ever again in that situation. He's such a good player, man. It rips your heart out when something like that happens.


He's such a big piece for the offense, and that was an underrated thing that really didn't get discussed at the end of last year. Obviously, we struggled with the blitz, and that was the main narrative the last two games of the season. But another big piece is A. J. Brown's hurt, and I just think he's an equalizer, man. He's one of those guys, Alshon Jeffrey used to say it, even when I'm covered, I'm not, where at any time, he's there, and you can throw that ball up to him, and he can make a play on it. It opened it up a little bit for Smitty, which I don't know that I've had a teammate that I respect more in my career in Philadelphia. There's guys I respect as much, but Slim is just such an awesome dude. So happy that he got a little bit more.


It was awesome seeing him eat last night. Yeah, he was killing it.


Yeah. Jalen, I thought, was a lot more composed I thought he played great. And even the rushing yards, like the scrambles, it felt like he was trusting the pocket more, staying in there. And then he would push up when it wasn't there. And it just felt like he was doing a lot better throughout the game. I know everybody wants to talk about the last interception. At the end of the game, you're pushing to make a play. He's getting hit while he's throwing it. I thought that he was really good in his decisions he made and his comfort and poise in the pocket in week two. I thought it was impressive.


I'm right there with you, man. I just watched the game today, knowing that we played the Falcons this week. Watch the start to finish. I thought he played fucking awesome. I thought he made some unbelievable throws, especially over the middle in tight windows. His countdown to Skinny Badman.


He put one ball to Calcaterer early, where it really was guarded. He just threw it in the right spot to where Calcaterer could go make a play on it. Oh, yeah.


You're spot on, man. I just think that the Eagles fan base, you guys don't need to get too worried, man. Everybody knows that it probably should have went in their way, but hats off to the Falcons.


Yeah. I mean, the big thing everybody's talking about is the end, right? Yeah, of course. And that's what Falcon's fans Sure, wanted me up there in the booth, probably, when things weren't going as well. But yeah, four-minute drill, it feels like teams, and I don't know where you guys stand on this, but it used to be just conventional, like run out as much time as possible. You don't really try and throw it in certain situations, especially once the other team's out of timeouts. And the big question that everybody's talking about is that third down and three, they elect to go with a roll pass, where the running The track is into the flat right now. And I get... Listen, I understand. You run it, you're going to guarantee you're going to take off 40 seconds. The clock keeps moving. Yes. I get it, and that's big in that situation. And I think that it's hard to argue against. But I also think that roll pass is a conservative... Because if it's not there, Jalen is going down, or he's going to run, and you're going to get... That's only going to be thrown if it's wide open, which it was.


It was the perfect play call. And the percentage chance that a wide open pass to Saquon Barkley is getting dropped like that, I just think that's got to be pretty low.


Very low.


If you told me before the play, we can either run it and we don't know how many yards we're going to get, or we're going to have Saquon wide open in the flat to catch a ball and win the game, I'm probably taking that throw if he's wide open in the flat.


Yeah. Because you don't get the ball back. At the same time, you guys got one of the best offensive lines in the League.


And I will say, Tony Dunge, you brought up a great point with this. With us, it's not even third and three, it's third and two. Because if you get two yards, you know you're sneaking it on that fourth down. You're not even giving them a chance. I don't know, man. It sucks. But we've been seeing more and more of these decisions to throw it in these four-minute situations because more and more offenses are getting aggressive. They don't want to give the ball back. We actually did it last week. The week right before this against Green Bay, we elected to throw a slant route. I think, even I forget who was announced in that game, but they were like, Are they going to pass this? It was obvious, Hey, we're running this ball out. And they completed it and it ended up being a huge completion because We picked up the first down, we ended up fumbling it on the one-yard line in Touchebush territory. But I think it feels like more teams are passing in these situations now than they ever have. But I don't know. A lot of this comes down to game theory and analytics.


I don't know half of this stuff. I know the safe call is to run it and to keep that clock moving.


The guys that do know this shit are the guys calling the plays. It was a It was wide open. I hate to say this for a sake of one because I love the guy and everything. But it just is what it is. He's got to come up with it, and I think he knows that.


Here's the worst part about it.


At the end of the day, you win and you put the game in your defense's hands, and the defense has to make a stop. It is what it is. You can't throw it all on Saquan. You can't throw it all on the play call and things like that. You guys had another chance, and Kirk Cousins just showed everybody why Atlanta paid him $180 million.


Listen, Hats off to Atlanta. They played a fantastic game. I'm not trying to... They earned that win. No two ways about it. To march down the field there at the end with Kirk, to take all the criticism that Kirk and that team faced going into that game, coming off of the Stealers' loss. That was a big statement game. Offensive line, huge bounceback game for those guys. They played fantastic up front for the Falcons.


I'm with you, man.


I don't think I've seen... I might have mentioned this already. I don't think I've seen cut blocking like that at this day. You don't see people on the backside cut anymore. Chris Lindstrom was a cutting machine, and that ball kept winding back when it wasn't hitting front side. I mean, it was an impressive performance by the Falcons' offensive line. It was an impressive a bounce-back game for Kirk. The coaching staff adjusted wonderfully. They got him under center, got him into things that he's done well his whole career. Listen, I'm obviously an Eagles homer, but I'll give the Falcons credit all day. They played their ass off. And to come into Philly after a game like that, that's a tough matchup. They answered the bell for sure.


Well, with 140 left, Kirk Cousin drives 70 yards, gets the go-ahead, touched down to a great route, ran by by London. And with 34 seconds left, the Eagles did have a final drive. And I'm not going to lie, man, with a couple of timeouts in your back pocket-It's enough time to get a field goal.


100 %. I was waiting to see if they were going to pull this off. Not, I was. I fully expected Jalen.


I had a little juice that Jalen was going to find a way, man. And I'm sure he wishes he had that one back, looking back on it on film. But at the same time, throwing it up to Skinny Batman is always a A pretty good chance.


Did he get hit as he was? I know he was getting hit pretty much while he was throwing. Did that affect the ball? I don't know.


I have no idea. Either way- It looked like in real-time. Final drive ends in an interception to Bates. And yeah, Any final thoughts, brother?


No. Like I said, I closed it out. I thought Atlanta played a really good game up front. I thought the birds played well on offense.


I thought the birds played well, yeah.


Yeah. I mean, both teams did a good job in the red zone of keeping guys out for most part. But then the offense has got going there towards the end of the game, and Atlanta just executed a little bit better. We talk about this. These mistakes, this is the margin of victory in the NFL. And you guys, The Chiefs operate so well in these end-of-game situations at being disciplined and not beating themselves. When it's this close, the teams that do that better ultimately end up winning more games in this league. It's just frustrating because it was right there. But an outstanding game by Atlanta. It was right there for them, too, and they were the ones that capitalized. So shout out to Kirk, shout out to that whole offense, shout out to Raheem Morris. They got it done.


And I know it ended up like it did, but at the same time, I'm putting the ball in Jalen Hertz and Saquon Barkley's hands at the end of the game to win it, even after that game. Those guys have the ability to finish it off and get the wins, and I don't think that trust is going to waver either way. I think you guys You got everything you need to be a great team over there, man. Right. All right, birds. Have the Saints down in New Orleans next week. How do the Eagles bounce back after that game?


Listen, I don't know that there's a hotter team in the NFL right now than New Orleans. You see what they did to Dallas this last week?


And Panthers.


Well, the Panthers one was like, it's the Panthers. But I'm just being honest. I think everybody after the Panthers win, they blew them out, which is impressive. Anytime you blow out an NFL team, that's impressive. It doesn't It doesn't matter who it is. So it was an impressive win. But Derek Carr, when he's on, he's a very good quarterback when he's on.


Oh, I know.


But this week in Dallas, you know how good Dallas has been in Dallas? I don't think they lost a home game outside of the playoff game last year. The Cowboys in Dallas have been very formidable, and they went in there and just put a whipping on them. I don't know, there's a hotter team right now than New Orleans in the country. This is a huge test and a huge huge game for the Eagles to try and bounce back from. They're offense right now. I'm a big fan. They're doing the same thing with this. They got to figure out how to stop outside zone because that's all freaking the Saints ran. Again, not all, but Dallas got a heavy dosing of outside zone with Kamara, Boot, shots down the field. You better be ready. It's coming. So they're going to have to- They're going to stress you east and west. If I know Vick, he's going to be... There's going to be some accountability being held. That's for dang sure. And they got the guys. They just got to execute. Come on now. Let's move on. We're going to get to the biggest story lines from across the league outside of those two games in week two right now.


Right by the eye, man.


Big on close games. Eleven games were decided by one score, including five that featured the game-winning score in the final minute of regulation or an OT. One of those close games was record-breaking in a Bunt's way. I'm fortunate for the Giants, I suppose. The Giants lost to the Commanders 21-18 and became the first team in NFL history to score three plus touch downs, allowed no touch downs, and lose in regulation.




The Commanders only had field goals and got 21 points. Oh, they probably had a defensive touch down.


I think there were a few different other ways they scored.


Yeah, had to be, right? They didn't kick seven field goals, right? Anybody?


Waiting on Brandon?


You were the slowest Googler.


Man, it's not a quick hand. It's not a quick hand.


I could have I already found this out on my ESPN app. Have you ever seen seven field goals in a game? I've seen maybe five tops. That's a lot of field goals.


It's a fuck ton of field goals. I feel like we've had something close, but I want about seven.


They got to find a way to get in the end zone if they're kicking seven.


Yeah, shit. I feel you on that.


Or not. Apparently, you win the game still.


There you go.


There are also a few blowouts this week. Derek Carr and the Saints, we already talked about it, blew out the Cowboys, 44-19. The Saints. I mean, the Cowboys look great against Cleveland in week one. Are the Saints?


Are the Mighty Saints? I mean, yeah, the Saints, baby.


Alvin Kamara. Do you know Alvin? I They told me right before I went on air, it's not Kamara, it's Kamara. Is that right? Alvin Kamara. I thought it was Kamara for my whole freaking life. Alvin Kamara scored four touch downs in the win.




I won the Hemi Award there on the Monday Night Football broadcast.


The same- He's one of the smoothest athletes I've ever fucking seen with the ball in his hands.


I love watching him run. I really do. It's annoying as it has been playing big games against that guy.


It is so cool, man.


I think the shoes, the cleats he wears exacerbates it. You know what I mean? Something about wearing a light a colored shoe or a colored shoe. When you're running, it just looks different.


Looks like NBA Jam when you had a turbo on.


That's exactly what it reminds me of. Oh, my gosh. You just hit the nail on the head. He's on fire.


He's got Unlimited turbo, yeah.


Unlimited turbo G code. Saint scored 47 points in week one, and had 44 points in week two. They now have 91 points this season, the most by a team in its first two games in 15 years. So They're doing something right down there. I really dig what... Is it Clint Kubiak, the OC? It's Gary Kubiak's son.




Dude, he's doing something right down there. And Derek Carr has been...


He showed- He's playing lights out.


He has showed this his whole career, this upside. It's just been inconsistent a little bit when he was in Oakland, or I guess, Vegas now. But man, his first two games have been pretty dang good across the board for those guys.


Oh, yeah.


They're looking good. Got to love that.


Yeah, right? You got to love that. We play them in three weeks.


Is that the Monday Night game? That's the Monday Night game.


Monday Night football. Yes, it is, Jason. I'll see you there.


Cardinals took On the Rams, 41-10. I got to say, Kyler Murray. Especially with the injuries that the Rams have right now. I mean, the Rams are not... They got a lot going on in their own organization right now in terms of players injured, and They've lost maybe three or four offensive linemen, Pukas out. They're struggling right now. They're limping around a little bit. But that doesn't change the fact that Kyler Murray, it's been an up and down for his career to start. Dude, I don't know that He was throwing some balls and making some plays that were just out of this world.


He was incredible in this game. He's always been an electric player to watch. Dude. But I mean- He's a gamer.


The accuracy. He was putting some of these balls. I'm like, Are you kidding me?


Fucking rifle.


Yeah. It was a very impressive game.


He might be a little guy, but don't think he can't fucking sling that ball around, man.


There's always been questions about his committedness towards football, to be honest.


Committedness? Nice.


We're being honest.


They used to track his iPad usage, right? Dude, you've been knocking it with your vocabulary today.


There were reports coming out that he wasn't watching tape because they were tracking his iPad usage or some crap. All I know is that I've heard through the Grapevine that he's recommitted himself in a different way this year. If that's the case, and he can continue to do what he did yesterday or this week, the Cardinals are very, very good.


Damn straight they are.




Cardinals wide receiver Marvin Harrison Jr. Became the first rookie with at least four catches, two touch downs in the first quarter of a game since his dad, Marvin Harrison Jr. In 1996. That's pretty cool. Which I don't even know if his name is Marvin Harrison Jr. I think I just know him as Marvin Harrison.


I think he's just Marvin Harrison.


There you go. Which is a stat that means absolutely nothing other than he broke a stat that his dad had.


How does that work? If you're Marvin Harrison, do you automatically become Marvin Harrison senior when you have a son that becomes Marvin Harrison Jr?


No. Our grandfather's name was Don Blaylock. Our uncle's name was Don Blaylock.


Yeah, that's a good point. I don't think Uncle Don is a junior.


No, he's not. All right.


Well, this isn't really helping us analyze week two, so let's move on. That was a big bounceback game for Marvin Harrison Jr, though. He should have a struggle in week one. Big game this week.


We also got a couple of upsets. Baker Mayfield and the Bucks take down the Lions. A lot of people didn't see that one coming, but Baker's playing lights out, baby. He's rolling, and he's got the Bucs rolling their 2-0 start this season. The Lions didn't look terrible, but didn't look great. I think the Bucs just got after him a little bit.


Svp brought it up on the countdown show, but Todd Bowles, man, he's a great equalizer. He's He's such a great coordinator.


God damn it. That guy's good, man.


He can scheme up a run game as great as the Lions are and as good as their offensive line is, and I'm sure that there's plenty of points that they probably had opportunities in this game. Detroit, if you're shutting on their run game, it can make it difficult. Todd is just an incredible coordinator. He really is. This was an outstanding win for these guys on the road in Detroit, right? Yeah. I mean, come on.


Shout out to Bowles. Got to love playing them in a few weeks, too. Sam Darnold led the Vikings to a 23 to 17 win over the 49ers.


How about that?


Probably the one game this weekend I definitely didn't see coming. I thought Sam Darnold has always been a really good quarterback. I think he had some blows over there in Carolina his rookie year or his first couple of years in the league. But I always thought he was a gamer, and he had the arm talent, and he was smart enough, and he had the swagger and the ability to be a great quarterback. And sure enough, he's showing it this year with the Vikings, man.


Yeah, absolutely.


A big-time win.


There's not a lot of good quarterbacks that play well in the Panthers organization right now, so I don't know that we can hold that against him.


Andy Dalton's next.


There we go.


The Ginger. To play the game, though, as you watch this clip right here on Justin Jefferson's 97-yard countdown, the ref is flying. Absolutely flying, trying to stay out of the fucking way.


Not the 97-yard reception. Let's check out this guy.


Look at him. Oh, God. When he cut it back, the ref knew he was in trouble. Nice hip. Nice way to open up the hip. He's good swivel. He's going full speed. That's pretty good. You could tell.


That's a former athlete right there. Yeah. He might not be-Former?


No, that's still an athlete. That's a current athlete. Check him out. Look at the arms. Look at him. Get it going. Just great form. Stay out of the way.


His core, you could tell he's got a good core. You know when you see somebody and it's just very stable right here?


It looks like they're floating almost.


It's just arms and legs. That core is staying rigid. He had good rigidity.


Shout out to the ref. You don't always see them showcasing their athleticism like that. What else we got? The ref's name was Tyree Walton, former Division 2 running back. There you go. Adams State.


Adams State.


There you go.


Second year as an NFL official.


There you go. Well, he's showing real good promise. All right.


Taken officiating the New Heights. Shout out to him.


The biggest surprise in week 2, where are we going with? I'm going to say Darnell.


I think it's the Vikings over the 49ers, right?


It's got to be. It has to be. Shout Shout out to everybody else.


I mean, the Saints blow out was a big one, too. Cardinals, that's not that surprising.


Raiders beating the Ravens. Another big one.


That was surprising.


God damn, Max Crosby, man. Fuck. That guy's getting better. But just when you think he's fucking one of the- He's topped out.


Just so you think he stopped. You know he's looking... Dude, Aiden Hutchinson is wreaking havoc right now. Really happy I don't have to play against that guy anymore.


Yeah, ditto. All right. Petty game ball. In more news around the League, Stealers QB Justin Fields introduced the world to the petty game ball during the postseason. I'm sorry. During the postgame press conference. Fields was quoted, I think we all know Russ got done dirty last year. It was awesome getting that win for him. He got a petty game ball, so it was great getting a dub for Russ. There you go. I didn't know they- I've never heard of that term, but I love it.


I'm not going to lie.


I think a game ball is a game ball, whether it's petty or not. Sometimes you just get motivated to win a game for a guy playing his ex-team.


There you go. Coach Tomlin declined to share more when asked about petty game balls. I can't give you all the ingredients to the hot dog. You might not like it. So now I'm even more interested. What the hell are we talking? I thought it was just a game ball. There's more to it than just even the petty game ball.


And what all are you putting on the hot dog, Coach? You're a relish guy.


There's not a lot of ingredients in a hot dog. Yeah, hot dogs are pretty-Actually, you ever seen how hot dogs are made? There's a lot of stuff that goes into them. But once the hot dog is solidified.


God, I don't know what to talk about.


It's like ketchup and mustard and relish. There's only so many sandwich options.




Let's move on to the puke balls. We went from petty game balls to puke balls. Packer Center, Josh Myers, redefines the chunk play. Jesus. Prior to the snap on third and 10, you can see, here's a clip, if you want to watch it, of Packer Center, Josh Myers' projectile vomiting on the football before he snaps it. No false start. For the life of me, I have no idea why you would not move your head.


Just to the left.


Just like, I He tried to. He tried to go a little bit left.


He did. How funny is it? It timed up just as right as he was in his cadence. Yeah, that's fucked up, man. God damn it. What are we eating before the game, What are we doing? We got to fucking figure out a different pregame meal or something, man. Taking too much pre-workout.


Shout out to Malik Willis for catching that. He knew exactly what was happening. He just caught a football covered. What did he eat before the game? You think there was corn on the ball? Or you think there's chunks? Jesus.


That is just so gross. Yeah, I can't get into it. I fucking hate throw up.


It's so nasty. After the game, Coach LaFoure asked Malik why he didn't throw the ball on third down, and he told me Josh threw up on the ball. He's like, That's the first time I've ever heard of that. Yeah, me too, Coach. Me too. The official came up to me and said, We saw your center throwing up on the ball. Do you want us to take him out next time? And I said, Absolutely. Please do that because you're talking about a critical situation.


I've seen a lot of throwing up on the football field before, never on the actual fucking football.


This is a first, and hopefully a last. Jason, were you able to snap a vomit ball without issues? I have never snapped a vomit ball, and don't ever plan on doing so. So, yeah, I got nothing for you.


Yeah, I was counseling not a whole lot of liquor.


Can't offer a perspective on that.


Moving on to some no dumb Questions wrap up the show this week with no dumb questions because there's no such thing as dumb questions, 92 %, or it's just dumb people. The No Dumb Questions is brought to you by our friends at NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV, my favorite way to watch the NFL on Sundays. Nfl Sunday Ticket bundled with YouTube TV gives you the most live NFL content all in one place. Terms and embargoes apply. Going on to from X, it looks like, Amalia, Ameli, I have no knowledge about football, but what would be a good sentence to drop during a game so my family thinks I know what I'm talking about? I like this.


Somebody who doesn't know football, what could they be watching and say something and people be like, Oh, he knows what he's talking about.


Good catch. When you see them pass that yellow line, yell, Oh, yeah, first down.


First down, yeah. If the team with the ball starts getting towards the end zone they're trying to get to. When they're inside the 20, say, Oh, they're in the red zone. Red zone is a big word. Red zone offense is a big deal.


Big deal. Oh, when you see them Fake it to the running back first and then throw it downfield. That's called a play action.


Play action? See, you're doing better at this than I am. If you see a running back or somebody with the ball hit somebody with their off hand, that's called a stiff arm. Oh, yeah. They say, Oh, nice stiff farm.


That's a good one, too. When it looks like a defensive player is moving really fast and playing really physical, just say, Man, that defense is playing fast and physical.


There you go.


It's pretty It's simple. You just make up whatever and it'll shake. You're good.


If they try to run a quarterback sneak, make sure you tell everybody that's a 92% chance that that's going to be successful. It works 92% of the time.


Use your awareness around you and feel how the room is. If there's a penalty, and you hear a lot of people saying, Oh, just yell at the refs.


Context clues. Yeah.


Yell at the refs. Just be like, That was a shitty call.


If the quarterback gets touched at all, make sure Or just be like, That's quarterback. That's a-Ruffing the passer.


Ruffing the passer.


Why the fuck can I? I'm an idiot. If the quarterback gets touched, that's ruffing the passer.




What's a good one? What's a good one? Touchdowns or when the offensive team gets in the end zone. Got to take the points.


Got to take the points there. Nice.


How do you explain that?Analytics say go for it.


Analytics say go is a great one. Anytime it's fourth down, just say analytics, say go for it. Especially like fourth and shorter, like fourth and two, three, fourth and one. Analytics are telling you to go for it here.


I think that's enough.


We hit it, though. You use that stuff and just, like I said, use your context clues. People are getting excited, say something exciting. There you go. People are getting pissed off around you, say something that really fucking pisses you off. Typically, you can yell at the rest, and it works. Shout out to all the reps. Moving on to Gillian from X as well. Jason, what was your favorite book you read in college as an English major? Travis, what's your one random law or idea you remember from criminal justice?


Why does Gillian think I was in English? Did I ever say I was an English major?


I have no idea. I have no idea. I didn't even know. I was a marketing major. Yeah, and I definitely didn't get a degree for criminal justice.


My favorite book I read in college as a marketing major was probably Outliers. I really did like that book. Travis referenced that book a lot. A friend, Malcolm Gladwell.


Just a fan of Malcolm. I really don't remember much of the book. Yeah, he's a beast. He's fun. He makes it informative.


Yeah, I thought that was a really good, not only pertinent class for marketing, pertinent book for marketing, but it was a good read. That's probably the only book that college made me read that I really actually enjoyed, if I'm being honest.


Law or idea. I think one of the ideas was called the Broken Glass Theory. If it's kept nice, they're going to want to keep it nice.


Look behind me. You can see how nice I keep my house. All righty. That does it for No Dumb Questions brought to you by our friends at NFL Sunday. Ticket on YouTube TV. Don't forget to sign up today at youtube. Com/nh Beach. That wraps up another episode of New Heights. Thanks to everyone for tuning in and putting up with our shenanigans and football commentary and whatever else we talked about. Make sure you're subscribed on YouTube to the New Heights channel. Follow New Heights on the WNDRI app or wherever you get your podcast. Reminder, you can listen to new episodes of New Heights early and ad-free right now by joining WNDRI Plus in the WNDRI app or on Apple podcast.


You heard the man. Once again, New Heights is a WNDRI show produced by Wave Sports and Entertainment and brought to you by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let's go, sports bar. Follow the show on all social media @newheightshow with 1-S, 92%ers. And thank you to our production and crew for always making us look way better than we are. Make sure none of that deleted shit gets put on the bonus content. That to really fucking get us all fired. And shout out to the 92% of us for tuning in. We love you guys. Peace. We'll see you next week.


Oh, what's that? You don't like it? Tough shit, Wendery. Greg okayed it.


Talk to Greg. Don't bring these problems to me. Sounds like a you and Greg issue.


Why didn't they just cover up the garage beer sign? Greg okayed it, guys.


Greg said it was only flickering.


He said, And I quote, My beard looked crisp.


So what do you expect the guy to do?


My guy Greg tells me my beard looks crisp. I'm not changing a thing.


Give somebody a compliment like that. I'm fucking sending it. I'm like, Oh, I'm fucking press record. Let's roll, baby. Follow New Heights on the WNDRI app or wherever you get your podcast. You can listen to new episodes of New Heights early and ad-free right now by joining WNDRI Plus in the WNDRI app or on Apple podcast.


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