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Did you get mom anything?


Why would I get her anything?


It's Mother's Day on Monday.


Well, yeah, but that's not till Monday. That's not. That's like a week, right?


Yeah, technically.


I got time. Yeah, we got time.


All right. All right. Welcome back to new heights, ladies and gentlemen, presented by wave Sports and entertainment, and brought to you by Buffalo wild Wings. Let's go, sports bar. Hey, guys, I'm Travis. This is my big brother, Jason. New episodes come and drop every single Wednesday.


Sure do.


Subscribe on YouTube or wherever you get your podcast. Ladies and gentlemen, 92 percenters. And follow the show on all social media at new heights show with one s. Check out our official fan club at new heights Also with one s. Jason, tell the people what we got coming up.


Oh, we got a great episode as always, guys, thank you so much for tuning in on this episode. You can expect to hear us talking about all the latest news around the NFL, including the start of rookie mini camps. And we're also going to get into Travis's week out of the house at the Kentucky Derby, getting out of house Miami. But first, as always, you know how it goes. Gotta get to that little bit of new, new news. Kelsey jam. That's right. The second Kelsey jam is officially happened in Kansas City, and we gotta talk about it.


Kelsey Jam 2.0, baby.


Kansas City's biggest music festival, Kelsey jam, presented by Jim Beams, is going down May 18.


Jim beans in this thing now. All right, now, Jimmy, it's going to be insane. And I'm fucking pumped about it. And it's not just a music festival, ladies and gentlemen. We got food all over the place in this thing. Kansas City's favorite barbecues will be there. There's a whole bunch of stuff and fun, like, engaging things that'll be around the festival. But for the most part, the main attractions. Lil Wayne diplomacy, two chains, DJ Ire, DJ Ev. We're. We're gonna have some fun on stage, but make sure you get there early and. And you have. And you have some time to eat because the food's gonna be delicious.


That's awesome. Yeah, man.


The fucking music's gonna be electric. Last year was so much fun. And this year, I can't wait to see everybody in Kansas City show out and have a good time, man. It's gonna be a good time. It's out of the ample theater. The Azure ample theater. I always fucking screw that name up. But if you're from Kansas City or you're around the KC area, not hard to find.


Are you planning on doing anything fun and creative? Last year, you infamously spiked the Lombardi trophy.


Not going to do that again this year. No, that was a one time thing.


You know, hide your Super bowl ring and anything.


I'm not doing anything with my Super bowl rings.


No, it's probably smart.


We both learned our lesson. Just keep those things in the store, in the. In the closet or something, you know? Don't bring that shit out.


If you're not going to have fun with it, what's the point of having it, you know?


No, I hear you. I hear you. I'm a huge fan of all, all three of the big acts here, and I just. I'm just excited to bring these guys into Kansas City.


Yeah. Lil Wayne, Diplo and two chains. It's going to be awesome. Who's the headliner of those three?


Little Wayne Diplo. But I'm not going to lie. Two chains. He probably has the most recent, like, music that's came out that I'm, like, pumped to hear live.




Diplo always slaps, man. He's. He's one of the best to ever do it. He can kind of dabble in every single genre of music. It's been so cool to see his. His career unfold. And then, obviously, Lil Wayne. I mean, we grew up on fucking little Wayne through middle school, high school, the mixtape era, college years. So pumped to see. Just say what's up to him in person and see how Kansas City reacts to them being on stage.


So this is true. Honest question. So Diplo is a dj, right?


Yes, but he's also a music producer. He produces all types of music. He's Eagles fan, too, I believe. Talking to him, I think it might have done the Eagles after party at the.


I figure, right? Yeah, I feel like you're right. We didn't go over to that section. We were in the one section. We were just at the 1 bar. That was on the side.


Either way, everybody come on out to Kelsey jam. I I don't know where you can get your tickets, but I'm sure if you just google Kelsey jam tickets, you'll find it.


Get your


I didn't even know we had a website. Nice. Oh, and I'm pumped about the merch this year. I love a good. Some good. Some good, like, tour merch.


I thought you must say some good girth. I really thought that's what you're.


I mean, who doesn't love good girth? Yeah, just go to get you some girth and some merch, and I'll see you guys.


Wait, time out. Seriously, why are you excited about the merch?


I love, like, tour merch, and it's going to be cool. The last year, it was awesome. We sold out of everything really quick. So this year, we're going to make sure that we stock up so everybody can, you know, walk away with some souvenirs and some fun. Cool ass shit, man.


Hell yeah. What's your favorite bit of merch? To cop at a. At a festival? At a concert?


Dude, it's just a sweet t shirt, man.




Yeah, just get us just a dope t shirt, froggy.


Or if I dressed in a, like. Like, not efficiently. I'll go hoodie, but nice. I feel like the t shirt is where.


It's just a good tee you can wear at any point in the. In the year. You go around the house.


Maybe a hat, but the t shirt is. I do agree.


T shirts are bangers, too. I like a good bucket hat, but Kelsey.

[00:05:16] Check it out. Next bit of new news we get, the Lumbaby games. Final mention we mentioned last week we were dropping all of our videos on our social medias and YouTube and all that stuff from the Cincinnati live show and the Lumbababy games. So if you haven't watched those yet, go ahead and check them out. They're pretty funny. Not bad, dude.


Absolutely hilarious.


A lot of time and effort went into it.


Did you know they were interviewing? I did not think it's.


Are we planning on doing, like, a full length thing?


That could have been an entire, like, reality show. I'm ready to put my dignity on the line to take the dub. It would absolutely destroy me if we lost a team nerd. I don't really see them as competition. We're mounted up, baby. Get ready.


Get ready, baby.


I don't think it'll be that hard. I gotta be honest. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna lie. Just watching the clips all week, it gets me excited to do that shit again.


It was so fun. It was so fun. And really, the contestants made it fun. They killed it.


They said there was a full send.


They had such good energy.


They were into bearcats.


They're bearcats. What do you expect? You're right. It's what we're not disappoint. Way to go.


All right, well, let's jump into who's talking about us this week, because some people that. That we got a lot of love for where we're all over the podcast world giving us some shout outs. Brand new segment that we're bringing to you. Who's talking about us this week? It's a fun little offseason subject to jump into. It's a working title, so let us know what we should call it if we shouldn't call it this shit. And the segment is basically fan mentions of the week. Except these mentions aren't from fans necessarily. They're from, like, people that we actually know and like friends. First up, we got a little shout out from Rob McElhenney and Mister Ryan Reynolds, who are on the Dan Patrick show. Shout out to Ohio legend Dan Patrick. Just a few days ago, Rob McElhenney was asked about Rexam and said, I know for sure that the Kelsey brothers are coming out to a game. And God damn, we said he threw us on the spot. And I'm not gonna lie, I really do want to go to a game, man. Any, like. Have you been following Wrexham at all?


Dude, I'm a big whales guy. I follow all of it.


Oh, this is. Yeah, you retweeted it. You retweeted it saying that you're a big whales guy. I'll have to tell Louis that we've.


Been meaning to get out there for a game. I've been. I mean, listen, you gotta talk me to get overseas, jump the pond and go watch some football. I'm in. Sounds like a blast.


I'm so in. And both these dudes are just the fucking best, aren't they?


Yeah, they are.


McHenry and Ryan, dude, they. They just don't make them any better, man. And happy as hell for him because they've taken Rex them and got them promoted and taking the new heights, taking them new highs. The guys on the field are the ones doing the work. So you want to make sure you give. Shout them out and pump them. But they are huge on making everyone well aware of what's going on over there in Wrexham. And it's fun to follow them on the other side of the world, man. So we'll definitely try and make a game, baby. We got to get out there.


The beautiful thing of that show is they're taking a history club in an area that isn't the biggest economic booming spot. And they're showing that investing in those communities, investing in these areas that deserve it, they're growing something much bigger than people probably thought possible.


Hell yeah.


You can see the invigorating energy that it's given the community. I'm all about that.


And all in that all in.


Check that out. For sure.


Maybe hit a few pubs.


We also got to check out JJ Wat, though. We can't. We can't play favorites. JJ Watts got a football club over.


There you already know. And. And you know first before we get to JJ wrecks them. Congrats on the promotion. They're going up levels.


They're good.


Like you said, they're taking it to new heights. But JJ Watt is part owner of Burnley, who is actually in the Premier League. So they're at the top. They are up there. And who doesn't want to see the best football in the world?




So, JJ, we got to come check you out, too. And appreciate the jersey and hat. Make sure. Weird if we ever get to a game, brother.


And our next shout out is from our good old friend Pat Mahomes. That's right.


Hey, right now at Texas gunslinger, Patty.


Mahomes was recently on Logan Paul's podcast, impulsive about another.


Another Ohio guy. Man. Shout out to all these Ohio guys.


He's Lake with duds.


We're fucking all. We're Ohio guys are kind of. We're hogging this podcast stuff.


It is. There's a lot of Ohio guys. Cause there's not really much else to do than talk about things, you know? Patty Mahomes, recently on Logan Paul's podcast impulsive, was asked if he can keep up when partying with us. Pat responded, no, I cannot keep up with the Kelsey brothers. I used to, I think. And then I had kids, which I'm calling bullshit pack.


He knows again, he's playing corners right now.


Everybody knows, especially if it's cause light. Nobody's keeping up with Pat.


Listen, I see. I've seen that man literally drink bars out of cool out. Of course, literally. Like, we gotta run to the store and get some more. We didn't. We didn't think that we were gonna run out of these things. But Pat Mahomes has done it twice now.


So when you got a Jerry Curl Mohawk like mullet going, you can drink some beers. I ain't trying to hear none of this, Pat.


Your body don't look like that for nothing. Pat.


Yeah, come on.


That dad BoD, it don't look like that for nothing.


Then he asked. Was asked specifically about partying with Jason. And Pat said, jason has kids, too, so he has to pick and choose, which is very true.


That's the truth.


But when he chooses, he can go. Which is also true. I think it has something to do in their blood. So it's all about blood?




Do we know what we are? Are we a or b? Are we the same? Is it on our driver's license?


They still put, I think it was.


Blood type on your driver's license.


I think they did something like that. Is it on yours?


I don't know. I'm gonna check.


I don't have my wallet on me.


I'm an organ donor. Because I'm not a selfish dick.


I'm trying to think, would it be dad or would it be big Don, Uncle Don?


What do you mean?


Who would we have got it from? Because our drinking abilities.


I don't think dad can drink that good. I'm not gonna lie.


He shit on Dad.


I don't think you can drink that good. I will say this. I don't think I've ever seen dad shit faced. Yeah.




Not once.


Never. But I've seen him drinking. Seen.


Have you ever seen dad Chug a beer?


Yeah, we've chugged one with him before.


We've never chugged a beer with dad.


I guarantee you I've chugged a beer with that.


I've never seen dad chug a beer. A foster's. You seen dad chug a foster's?


Those things were fucking. It was a big beer. It was a fucking girth.


That was talking about girth. Fosters had some girth Australia for beer.


They don't even sell that shit in Australia. Yeah, dude, I'm, um. Who knows where we got it from?


I think we got it from Cincinnati.


The natty. Yeah.


So if a and B, there's a, there's a.


Oh, our blood types.


Like, is abv.


It's way over my head.


Isn't that's like the percentage of alcohol abv.


I would know.


I don't know Pat.


I don't know where the fuck we get it. I just know that you better stop playing modest and act like you can't drink, because shout out to Logan, Paul, and everybody on the. On the podcast. That thing is a well oil machine. And the Paul brothers have been killing it. But I know Logan has been killing in the. In the wrestling world.


That made some more headlines during his appearance on impulsive when he was talking about the corndog play that you guys ran in the last two Super bowl victories. Pat's quote was, we're going to run a fake version of that, and we're going to do a little shuffle pass, which, you know, that's going to. And it's going to be wide open again. So next year in New Orleans, we're gonna do it again. Put it on the table. We're gonna do it again. I think he's gonna do it again. Tell me right now.


You gotta make better. Make it the fucking New Orleans, goddamnit. One game at a time, baby. Corndog is one of those plays where even if you know it's coming, if you're in a, if you're in the coverage that it's meant for, it's a tough fucking play, no matter if you, like, have a clue or have a tick or think it's coming. Because if you get caught in man to man coverage with that thing, the guy playing man to man coverage could just get caught in the wash. It's just people just running routes and all types of shit, so.


But these are the head games. I can get on board with two.


Like, yeah, coach Reed always has this. Listen, he's got the, he's got the fucking, the double move. He's got the, the next level of the play, you know? I mean, like, just when you think you got him.


No, you know, he wants you to defend Corndog. Because you defend Corndog, the next one's gonna score exactly. Like, if we're playing rock, paper, scissors, and I tell you, hey, I'm throwing scissors, what do you think I'm throwing?


Not scissors.


Anything but scissors. Double fucked you. You thought I was fucking around. Dead serious. I'm throwing scissors.


It's like. And now, now you're just frustrated mentally. Yeah, because he's coming.


He just told me what he was gonna do and then I say, hey, I'm throwing scissors again. Ha ha. Rock. God dammit, he got me again. I better not throw paper.


True competition, baby. True competition. Doesn't always, it's not always athletic. Sometimes just right up here. No doubt Jason knows that. He's, he's a professional mind. Let's just make sure we get to New Orleans, boys, and then, then worry about what, what plays we're gonna run.


It's probably. Good plan, good plan, good plan, good plan. All right, let's talk about our next sponsor, Buffalo Wild Wing.


Oh, yeah.


Hey, Travis.


Yeah, let's go.


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You heard that man. 92 percenters. Let go. You can get six free wings and order them with your favorite sauce. Jason, which sauce you going with us? You'll switch it up or you gonna stay the same?


I mean, dude, there's so you can't go wrong. What? I don't mean Robin Arrow. Agent Zhang. I mean, honey barbecue, it's just.


Can't beat it.


Honestly, I get as many six wings as I can get, and I just get as many different sauces because I like trying all of them.


There you go. And then you can always take them home.


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All right, now let's do it. Jason, 90% of people aren't getting their range of nutrients they need daily. Even people who think they're eating well. It's not out of ten, missing out, you know, just due to poor gut health, which is. It can mess up your, your mood, your energy, your immune health.


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Shady raise?


Yeah, it's an independent sunglass company offering world class product rated five stars by over, I don't know, 300,000 people.


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Exclusively for 92 percenters, Shady raids is giving out their best deal of the season. That's right. Head straight to and use code new heights for 50% off two or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. Wow. Alrighty. Time for no dumb questions. That favorite time of the show when we talk about no dumb questions, because there's no such thing as dumb questions, just dumb people. No dumb questions is brought to you by our sponsor, Tommy John underwear. That's right, Tommy John. Comfortable underwear on the planet, which. It's better underwear, I will say. I kind of said that it was a little bit tight. The last time we talked about Tommy John, I realized I was wearing a size down. I went up to the next size and had no tightness issues.


So nice.


Clear the air with Tommy John, there's more than enough space, which is to be expected. It was very weird. I've never. Anyways, okay, so for this question, it's brought to you by. No ruin. 3001. Jason, we got to know, did your assistant find a sword for your anniversary gift? Yes, we. We did.


Did she?


We got the sword. Kylie loves it.


Does she?


I mean, I'm pretty sure. I think she does.


Nice. All right.




Great job, dude. Thanks, m. Oh, my God. Dude. What? Oh, my God. That's a nice ass sword.


It's really not. It's. It's. I've seen better. It's not that sharp, dude. It's a symbol. It's a symbol.


All you got to do is just get. Just sharpen that thing up, man. I'm sure it has to come dull, you know, get a little angle grinder.


And just get this thing nice and sharp.


There you go. Thin out the medges, man. Oh, yeah.


Yeah. It's not doing a thing.




Pretty pointy, though.


Take out that chair real quick. Let's see.




Oh, I felt that right there when you did.


I don't want to break it loose.


Take it out. Take it out.


Oh, my gosh. It moves too much.


Oh, it's got a little jank. Little Jank in there.


It's not made. It's not made to kill.


Yeah, you're right. It's for show. It has an engraving on it.




Nice. What does it say?


Says, happy anniversary, Princess Kiana. Nice.


There we go. Jason. Well done, boys. Now we know everyone. Jason. If we have a whole Robert Durst situation going, we know what happened to Jason.




Jason killed in the basement. Listen, Kylie did it in the basement with the iron sword. It's like the movie clue.


Yeah, listen, let's. I'm just gonna be honest with you. If Kylie killed me with a sword, I had it coming to me. No need to punish her. No.


Razor praiser. Yeah, razor. Well done.


Yeah. I think we can all safely assume if jason was killed by Kylie, he had it coming. No investigation needed, no ask, go collect $200. Move right along, ma'am.


God damn, that's good.


All righty. We had our next dumb question from. No, dumb question from at Mandy Asbury as Berry.


Stop. Stop.


Andy Asbury. I think it's just as Berry. I screwed it up. As Berry.


I enjoyed it the way he said the first time.


Yeah. Is Asbury just a dingleberry? Dude, people with hairy asses know what dingleberries are. What's up, guy? We're talking about dingleberries. Are you talking about your asshole hair on the podcast right now? We're talking about dingleberries specifically.


Kai, we gotta get Jason some wet wipes. We need to go somewhere else with this.


Anyway, so from Andy Asbury at new Heights show for T Kelsey and at Jason, Kelsey both, would you subject yourself to a roast, Tom Brady style? Of course. Tom Brady's roast, dude. Viral.


My goodness.


And if so, who would you want to roast? You. Besides each other, of course.


Man. That is.




That was unbelievable. First off, everybody involved. Hats off. I had been in tears the whole, like, last, like, day, just watching the clips and everything. I wasn't able to actually watch it, but watch it live. But I tell you this, man, I commend everybody, because nobody seemed to get, like, their feelings hurt. It was kind of. It just looked like everybody was having fun with it.




But at the same time, man, that shit had me rolling because of how, at everybody's neck, people were going.


I mean, it was pure entertainment, and I'm really happy they did it, but I do not want. I don't. I just do not get the roasts. I don't understand why people do them, like, because it's calm. Maybe I take myself too seriously, though.


Listen, I'm. Yeah, I'm. I'm in on all of it. Nikki Glazer killed it. Yeah, Schultz. He killed it.


Listen, it was star studded.


Jeff Ross rocks it every time.


The best part about it was how many just iconic NFL and, like, celebrities just of immense stature that were there, not to mention just the entire Patriots dynasty, showed up for Tom.


Yeah. That was so fucking cool, man.


All of them together. I mean, that was the coolest part about it. That being said, I really don't fucking get it. I don't get why people do rose. I don't get why they. My family's ruined. It's so funny. Everyone's laughing. It's great. Yeah, we're all having fun, right?


I will say this, man. All the football guys that got up there and cut it loose. Edelman, Gronk, Tom talking to Goodell about the deflategate and how there was just. Yeah, he probably did. He probably knew about it and talked about how the NFL spent, like, millions would think, like, 20 million, 30 million. He's like, you just gave that money to me.


I told you.


I knew it was so good, dude. Tom was a good fucking sport about it. Knowing that he was taking some fucking aggressive strays, man.


Yeah, I guess. Who would you. Let's say in this hypothetical world that we agreed to do something as ridiculous as a roast, who would you want to roast?


You, dude. Well, Santino's one of my favorite Pete, comedians of all time, and I think he would fucking deliver. Dave Chappelle is the all time great. Kevin Hart. I would love Kevin to go up there and just fucking rip me in half. I know it was. I knew it would be coming when he went up there, I was like, okay, this is where it gets hot, boys. Kevin is about to fucking go crazy. Yeah, basically, all my favorite comedians. I met Ross out in LA, the comedy stores out there. Yeah. And he. He actually hosts roast battles between comics, and I was able to kind of be a part of and judge one of them and had a fucking blast with him. So it'd be an honor to get roasted by Jeff, but yeah, maybe that day will come. I guess if I won't, if I.


Was picking who to roast me, I would pick people that, like, I would have no problem getting into a fistfight with, like, family members. Like, I bet, you know, dad roast me, but I'm gonna beat the fuck out of dad when the camera turns.


Off, like, you just see me and Jason. I'm running from Jason, like, Tom and Jerry after just, like, fuck.


It was a joke. We're just having fun.


Nice. You gotta have big ed up there. Take a few strays. Am I saying that right? Strays?




Why? I don't know why. That's my vocab for it, but.


No, it's good. It's all good.


Cats astray's.


Which teammates would be good at roasting? Lane Johnson would be great at it.


Pat will probably have some good ones. You probably figure some good ones out.


Trying to think of who else would be good. I bet Slay would be pretty good at roasting. I don't know why, but I feel like he's got that moxie to him.


Yeah, I don't know who else.


I feel like Andy would be good roasted.


I don't think Andy would take it there, though.


That's why. Yeah. He would say something that would be hilarious, but it wouldn't be, like, that offensive.


Yeah, it wouldn't pierce your soul. Like, 90% of the jokes last night, I just let it go.


Like, why are we inviting? I just.


Oh, man.


I get when it's, like, your friends and, like, close people, but, like, when it's just, like, random celebrities up there and they're.


Yeah, Nikki Glazer's fucking hilarious. If I did a roast, I would. You would have to get Nikki up there.


Tom also lost 30 million in crypto. Tom, how did you fall for that? Even gronk was like, me know that. Not real money. Jesus. Yeah, it's good. It's a great joke.


Goddamn 30 mil is crazy.


I mean, probably got it all crypto's back up. I did the crypto's back instantly.


Bam. Netflix gave him his 30 mil back.


All right, take it back. I'll do a roast. Would you guys pay Tom?


Yeah, that's pretty good.


The one person I wouldn't allow on the stage is Kylie. She has way too much. I can't.


She knows too much.


I can't allow that. Can't allow.


Kayana is going to go up there and fucking torture you.


I mean, every day I'm getting roasted by Kylie, and I don't need her to go up on stage and do that.


And that's what I'm saying. Like, it's, like, almost like an honor to get, like. I don't want to say, like, shit on. Yeah, just shit on. But if you're open to it, just go online. You can fight. You could get fucking roasted. Like, a lot of these jokes already been said.


I'm already getting roasted, I guess.


Yeah. Just look in the comments. That'll help you.


I don't get it. I don't know. Yeah, some things I just don't get.


I do, and it's fun. And that does it for no dumb questions. Brought to you by Tommy John underwear. Get your Tommy John. Get in the right size because you don't want to get to scrunch together. Get it in right size.


Let's move on. Out of the house. Out of the house is brought to you by our friends at party city. Party city, where you can get all of your party needs in one place. Balloons, birthday, Halloween, and more. We got you covered that party city. Trav, you got out of the house once again this weekend. I mean, are you ever in the house at this point?


I feel like I've been out of the house for forever. Yeah.


Yeah. When are you. Would you be. We should start a section. Travis was in the house.


I was. I was. I was in the house all last week.


Oh, no. I was otas.


Yeah, otas. Yeah. Running around. Not only signed that contract right before we. We did the show last week, but.


They talk about getting out of the house. That should have been the get out of the house segment. Got out of the house and signed on for number one tight end money in the NFL. All right, here we go. This weekend when he went to the Kentucky Derby. How about this?


The Derby. I'm a derby guy now, man.


Dude, did you never so much with us? You never went with us.


No, I think you went earlier on. I don't think you did it by the time I got there.


No, I definitely went all three. I went three years in a row, brother.


Well, then I might be in one of those years. Yeah. Who knows what I was doing back then.


It was much different than this. I did not look this dapper when we were in Cincinnati was mostly old lineman. I think that's why you probably didn't go. It was like all the old linemen would get together. We'd stay at a motel somewhere in the Louisville area where five of us would sleep in one room.




We get up, drink early times whiskey, and we buy a $40 infield drinking.


Whiskey in bourbon country, dude.


Well, I think it might be bourbon. I don't know.




Which one it is. But, yeah, early times, at least. It's. I think it was the. That's the official bourbon. At least it was at the time of the Kentucky Derby.


Yeah, yeah.


Then we go to the infield for $40. I never saw a horse once. All right, so the Kentucky Derby. Everyone saw you roll up to the Kentucky Derby, and one of the most gangstered out outfits I've ever seen. I even know they still made stuff like this.


Nice little double breasted pinstripe I right.


Now, fedora and all. Yeah. Looking good.


Thank you, man.


Where'd you get this at?


And what made you choose? Custom super. My guy, Patrick.


Christopher, you. In order to make suits, you got to have a name like Christopher or something like that. You can't. And then there. My Tom Ford.


I know Miss Patrick, and he's a great dude. Ex Hooper turned great suit maker. Yeah. Now he makes great suits.


Very dapper.


Got a bunch of them. This was one of them. And shout out to pat for hooking it up. Dow.


Can he do, like, the Peaky Blinders style?


Any of it? He can do any of it.


He can work between. Yeah, you work with Tweed. You're saying that right now Christopher can work in tweed?




All right. We'll find out. Be honest. Were you the most styling and profiling motherfucker?


I was just up there having a fucking blast and shout out to the. The Zolden family for Youngstown, Ohio, man. My guys, Bruce, Alex Zolden, the entire family, they. They've been ingrained in the derby for, I believe, over 30 years now. And for it to be the 150th derby, there's a whole new setup, uh, around the track for fan engagement and, like, kind of like, just a really dope experience. And, um, the Zoldens, um, rightfully so, are treated like royalty around there. They had a horse that wanted, I believe, back in either 2011 or 2012, Magic Kingdom. Magic Kingdom came out there and won that thing. So it's funny, we were just at.


The Magic kingdom with the Zoldens.


But they, uh, made it really easy and really fun for us to come out there and enjoy the derby. And it was a light. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I am definitely going to try and experience again, man, because it was fun just being a part of the entire environment.


No, it looks great. I appreciate the invite.


You ain't even get out of the house. Yeah, we saw the horses up close and personal. Saw the jockeys, not gonna lie. Thought the horses were way bigger on tv.


These are thoroughbreds, brother. They're made for speed.




Jockeys are so small, you can't get tiny.


But that's what I'm saying. When you see it on tv and you see the horse to jockey ratio, you're like, damn, that's a big ass animal. But in reality, the jockeys are all like, 100 pounds little guys. But impressive the way. The way they can get those horses going at top speeds is the Derby.


Perhaps the biggest dress up event outside of a Halloween party.


That was actually one of the coolest parts of it. I mean, I ran into Smokey Robinson and his wife, looking so fucking cool.


Super dapper.


Who else I run into, Jimmy Fallon was up there. Nice smooth operator. He was. He's a brilliant man. He's very brilliant. He was walking around with a little labrador in his hands. He had a puppy in his labrador. I'm just like, goddamn. That's how you do it. That's how you do it. That's how you make us a statement and get everyone to just fucking love you. Because the dog was cute as hell. Who would have knew that a. That a dog would have stole this show at the Derby, man. Yeah.


And you got to be able to take animals into the derby. I mean, it's a. It's a racetrack. It's not like a plane.


It's a good point.


Don't get me fucking started on this.


Nonsense you don't get used to. You got yourself started.


I just hate fucking. Good job, Jimmy. Way to take a dude.


I. Listen, I can't tell you how. Fuck, how much I love just seeing Jimmy. I was literally placing a bet and he just. He's right. He just sneaks up right next to me like nothing's going on, man. It was a surprise. I wasn't expecting, man, but damn, it's always good seeing Jimmy. He was on the fucking move, though, man. That guy is a hard worker, man. It's so impressive, everything that he does him. Smokey, a bunch of the NFL guys were out there. Got to say hello to our guy. He would. Yeah, I missed my guy. Kyle Rudolph. Rudy will have to look up the next time. He had a gangsta outfit, too, did he? His. Yeah, he had a pinstripe suit, too, man.


And that thing was.


He was. He was looking fly.




He always does, though, man. He's always suited and booted. Joy Fatone got to scout to say what's up to Joey. Uh oh.




Who else? Yeah. And then I got to say hello to some tequila, and I got shamed for not drinking bourbon out there. Stab my stomach. Not my forte.


Yeah. So you've never been in the infield?


No, but I did see the infield. That was crazy. That was crazy. I actually. You know who else I saw? Louisville zone. Kentucky's finest, Jack Harlow.


Oh, nice.


Such a good dude, man. Him and his family are up there. I think they've. They're pretty much ingrained in the. The entire race as well. Through a big party Saturday night. It's just. It's cool to see everybody in that environment dressed up, having fun and, yeah, I'm definitely in for. For another year that if you want to go next year.


Dude, do you want to do the infield with me next year?


Yeah, I'd love to fucking experience it.


Yeah. Did you go to the infield? There's a little bar that's, like, right down from the. Where you enter the racetrack.


Yet I would assume it's probably even more jazzed up than when you were there. Probably more bars, probably more, like, areas and, like, fan experiences.


Yeah. When I was there, there was, like, a little hole in the wall, like, literally a hallway. And there was, like, an abandoned elevator shaft. And you would go there, and then there was a random table, and all you could see was a person's legs and you. And this is outside of the establishment. This is, like, down in a corner of, like, outside of the racetrack. We pregame there. And I remember, like, saying. Walking up and someone was like, what do you want? And I'm like, do you guys have any beers? Like, $2. And then I hand her $2, and she just handed me some beer, like, down under, like, the table. I just handed money up to, like, an elevator woman. I don't really know what was happening or what it was called.


It sounds like it's, like, a fucking shady. Like, they had, like, a whole concert.


At the place after the derby. Like, we. And there's a trailer park to connect it to it. Or at least it was like, so be a bunch of trailers parked. And then there's a whole, like, trailer concert right afterwards.


Yeah. That's sweet. They made it look fun in the infield. They made. I'm telling you, they do it right out there, man.


Especially if it rains. The one year it rained and everybody just collectively decided to create, like, a big ring in the infield. And you would. And everybody just started mud wrestling, and you would just watch telling you, dude, it's a different experience. I see all these hats. I'm like, yo.


I want to see some mud wrestling.


The derby, as a tale, has a tale of two worlds.


It really is. It really is. You can. You can enjoy that thing multiple ways. I'll tell you what, though. I was. I was like. Was a nose away from winning that fucking thing, dude. So there was, like a photo finish.


At the end looking at it, right.


It was 311 or two. I had eleven. I had a little bit on two.


And you put. You put eleven to win? You put eleven to win. Not the place or show place as.


The winner, but, yeah.


Do you do a trifecta at all? Doing a trifecta?


No, no, I was a beginner. I didn't, I didn't. I didn't get too far into that. I just wanted to fucking put the money that I brought in there and throw down, like, one horse and just get fucking pumped if that thing was.




And sure enough, coming around that corner, you see that thing fucking. You put enough money on that fucking thing. God.


Yeah. You get excited. I bet. I bet I'll get going.


Almost fucking won a hundred thousand off a fucking japanese horse in this Kentucky Derby. Do you think America would have shamed me for that?


I'm shaming you right now. You bet on a japanese horse. Forever young. What was the name of the horse? Forever young.


Forever young.


Forever Young was the name of the horse you bet on?




That's a japanese horse. Yeah, it's a wagyu horse.


Ooh. I don't know if they're massaging that thing. Those things get fat when you massage them like that.


That's good.


This thing's running.


Mystic Dan was obviously the horse that won.


Mystic Dan won it.




Sierra Leone was the other one that I was like, should I go? Forever young, Sierra Leone. Everybody in the fucking place was going, Sierra Leone. I'm just like, that's not how they win. Yeah, they don't do that.


Don't be a sucker. You can't bet on the favorite.


Everybody knows favorite. That thing that came. Came across the water.


I feel like. Always bet on the jockeys. Not even the horses. I feel like there's certain jockeys that just do really well. At the Kentucky Derby.


Yeah, no, I met one of them.


Oh, nice.


John. Damn, I forget his fucking name. He's a great guy that got.


John's good. I know he's.


John is really good. Yeah, he's a little guy.




Fucking riding sweet.


Speaking of horse racing, does it count as a sport? Is horse racing a sport.


I mean. Yeah.


Where does competition end in sports?


Race is any races or sports is a sport.


Just competition. That is physical in nature.


There you go. We do that. Yeah. Eating contest, sport.


I feel like anything that's individual is competition.


They put poker on ESPN for a reason.


Yeah, but that's competition sport.




Time out. Sport. Pokers, a sport.




I come up with my own definitions. To be a sport, you gotta be team. You gotta have some type of cooperation happening. No, that's the Jason Kelsey definition.




Otherwise just a competition. So tennis, tennis competition, singles competition, doubles sport. That's how I do it.


You're ridiculous.


Golf, individual competition, Ryder cup sport. You got to be relying on somebody else other than just yourself. Otherwise it's just a competition.


Yeah. Oh, no.


Some would call these team sports. I call them just sports. Why don't we race more animals? Well, because some people would. We tried that with, like, greyhounds, and it turned into a whole fiasco. We stopped doing that. What else? What other animals? We've seen frog races. None of the other ones have really caught on that much.


Yeah. I think the dog. Most entertaining one.


This is a bad world.


Could you imagine elephant races?


I think they do. I'm sure they do elephant races.


That would be electric if I saw an elephant race. Gosh.


What would be a great race? To watch racing.


Anything is electric. Like, even, like, little. Like, what is it? The little, like hamster races. We got a big races.


Animal Olympics. We got dolphins swimming.


Peter's not gonna let us.


I would much rather watch dolphins race in a swimming pool.


That would be fucking unbelievable.


They're doing, like, flips in the air talking about they're gonna be hauling ass, dude. Yeah. I think we're on to something.


I can't be a part of it.


But I'd watch it dunk competition. But instead of watching NBA players watch.


A kangaroo, dude, kangaroo races. I'm in on all this. But, yeah, I don't think PETA is. So we'll never speaker two.


Yeah. I mean, the problem is facilitating it would require, undubitably, some sort of animal cruelty, so.


Yeah. And we don't support that. But I do just want to seem like if they all came together and, like, let's race, I'd watch it.


Well, all major speed records in the Triple Crown races are still held by secretariat, who set them in 1973, which is wild. It's not that wild, because secretary was juiced to the gills. What are we talking about? Here's right. Secretariat just so happens to be right in the heart of the steroid era, 1973. Every NFL player, every baseball player, they were juicing them to the gills. You don't think Secretariat was fucking juiced to the rafters?


Of course.


It's the fastest horse of all time. They didn't drug test secretariat the way they did Mystic Dan.


It's a good point.


I'm just bringing up. Nobody talks about it. Secretariat was doping. There's no chance secretary wasn't doping.


That's fucked up, man.


They weren't testing for steroids in 1973. We talk about Jamis.


Oh, yeah, jamo. Jamis, man. He's up in Cleveland now, too, for him. I let him know you need anything, man. He was looking smooth as hell as well. He's got the crab leg. Them dubs out?


Yeah. Is that a dub or is that west side? What is that? Is it?


I think that's the, that's the winston right there.


Wow. Ah.


Winner, man. NASA is dub city. Um, yeah. But other than that, shout out to everybody who put on the show, man. That, uh, that derby is a hell of an event, man. And, um, I'm definitely in for, uh, for another run at it. We'll have to check out the infield next year.


You go to the infield. Let's just do both. Let's go down. Let's start up top. Then just go down to the infield and see what it's like while we're in our nice suits.


I'm down.


Fit right in. Trust me. Alrighty. F one in Miami. You left the Kentucky Derby and went straight to Miami for a little Formula one grand prix to support your team. Alpine. The team. Or it is.


It is.




It's a race team.


That's right. It's a sport.


One team. Yeah, it is a sport.


You are co owners of Pat Mahomes and a litany of other co owners, I think. Yeah. How was it? How was the f one race?


It was awesome. I went to. I went to the first Miami grand Prix back two years ago. Have been trying to get back. And now since I'm in on alpine racing, I got a whole new experience that I had no idea f one was really about. And it's just awesome to see all the familiar faces again. It's just, you're going up there seeing. I got to see Clay Thompson. I got to meet rip Hamilton. A lot of NBA guys were up there floating around, saw the button, saw a bunch of NFL guys and just people in the industry and the entertainment industry. And it's just so cool seeing, seeing familiar faces catching up. Got to catch up with my guy k. Love talk a little Cavs basketball as we got the dub to move on to the next, next round in the playoffs. So let's go, Caz, baby. I know it's Boston, but we got this.


But, yeah.


Back to f one. Absolutely. Just an. Just so cool. And the race keeps getting bigger and bigger and. And just more. There's just so much shit you can do while you're there. And when I tell you those cars fly past you, it is. You feel it in your veins, man. Those cars are fucking moving.


Yeah. F one. Is it like, is it inside a stadium or they going, like, really far away?


So it's around. It's. It's a part of hard Rock stadium in that, like, area. Okay, so. And that's Miami Dolphins Stadium. The track doesn't go through the stadium, but it definitely goes, like, around it.


Got it.


It's everywhere, though. Like, in Monaco, it's in the fucking streets. In Vegas, they did the part of the race is on the strip. It's not just like, in, like, its own track. Like, they make these tracks for the races. And it takes fucking months on months to get these things together. I remember they shut down Vegas strip for, like, four or five months just to get the shit up and down. It was insane. But Miami is the only f one event I've been to. I've been to it twice now, and I'm happy as hell, man. Alpine came away with a point. Finally. We got. We got. We got on the board, I believe, the standings and everything, where we're finally making some moves.


You got a picture with Zidane? Zidane, my favorite footballer from growing up. What is he, part of Alpine?


Yeah. And when I tell you is cool as hell to meet him. I don't know if he knew too much English. I'm not gonna lie.


He's an old school Frenchie.


Yeah. He's not fucking around with us. Yeah, but he was cool, man. And I honestly, I was just happy I didn't get headbutted, dude. It would have been honor. It would have been an honor if you would have had buddy me, though.


I don't know if you want that. It doesn't damage.


Fuck, I. This is what I do for a living, Jason. I had but for a living, so did he. Yeah, he did. You're right. Guy from Italy was not. He didn't use it for that one.


Not just that he ball that anybody's can. Come on.


Yeah, he was cool as hell. He almost has, like, that Jason Statham. Like, fucking, don't fuck with me. I will fucking kill you. Yeah, you're me. He's got, like, that.


I know exactly what presence is that look in his eye where it's like, oh, this guy's got a. He's collected right now, but in the drop a hat, they can all.


Yeah, he was. He was cool as hell.




It's always cool to see, like, the international, like, stars. I mean, getting to shake their hands and, like, see him in person. That guy had, like, a fucking glow to him. Like, he was just like a different type of sedan. Human. Yeah.


I just loved watching him. It was. Dude, he had, like, the ball on a string. It's hard to, you know, like when you're watching bigger.


Dude. He's a bigger soccer player, too, man.


You know, when you're watching Messi or, like, Cristiano play, it's, like, insanely explosive. They. It's like, almost like jerkiness where it's, like, super deceptive last second.


Really quick movements.


The thing that I loved about Zidane was that it was just. It was all efficient and it was a smooth operation. That remind me a lot of you, the way you play football. Like, it was. It was like you're watching him dance while he's doing all this stuff. It was. It was always a. It was a blast to watch him play.


And now we're teamed up, baby, and we. We got a point for the alpine racing this weekend. My God. My guy, Esteban, man.




Went out there and placed 10th, which would get you a point. I ran.


That's a point. We're plotting 10th.


Yeah. It's not an easy sport, Jason.


I'm not saying it's easy. I don't normally applaud 10th.


We just.




We just regrouped. We got a new, I believe, 10th.


But I'm saying I don't think we should gonna make. Start to make our way 10th place.


We're gonna make our way up.


Yeah, it's great. But you don't applaud 10th.


You do when you get a point, Jason.


I'm not applauding it.


We're working on points, all right? We need these things for the standings, God damn it.


For 10th place, you get a. Like, that's.


I think it's our highest place this year, so I'm gonna fucking applaud it and fuck you.


All right?


Let me be happy and shout out to everybody at f one. Man. The Miami Grand Prix keeps getting better and better, man. Can't wait to go again next year, dog. Let's move this thing to jason. Jason, you didn't get out of the house, but you did get a saxophone.


No, I got. I got the saxophone out the house.


Doing what?


I was at a golf outing.


They gave you a saxophone at a golf outing?


They were honoring me for my contributions as a eagle and member of the community. Yeah. The Vincero institute. Doctor Bill Myers. Shout out to doctor Bill Myers. Did a surgery on both Travis and I for our sports hernias.




Yep. Uh, the Vincero institute is one of the leading orthopedic centers for hips and all sorts of injuries in the, uh, in Philadelphia, headquartered in the navy yard. Uh, and I've been a part of doc's golf outing ever since because I don't know. That'd be playing football without his innovative, uh, surgery that he pretty much created you a lion.


So has an entire hospital dedicated to the surgery?


No, it's. It's. It's proved to be very, uh, good for not only all the people with fixes, but for doc. Doc's done a really good job with it. Dude is killing it. And the Vincero foundation puts on a golf outing every year.


The first time. The first time. So I got the surgery twice. I got it both on my left and my right side.


Yeah, but you got them separately where I.




That's what I was, I guess, fortunate, kind of, that I needed them both repaired at the same time, so I only went in once. There's just a clean sweep of, like, hey, you got to fix both of them right now.


I went in there. I went in there, and in my head, I'm like, all right, I'm gonna get this surgery. I'm not really thinking about, like, how the procedure is going to go, and it is what it is. It's like the. It's the core. It's your abdominal. At its, like, core. Like, almost, like, down by the pelvic bone. So it's down by the old ball and chain.


Yeah, no, it's. It's. It's. It's right in the area of all the girls.


I woke up out of. I woke up out of the surgery and was like, oh, man. I'm like, on the days I'm like, I got to go to the bathroom. They're fucking pumping me with iv's. Like, I got to go to the bathroom.




I go to the bathroom, and I realize I am a bald eagle.




I am fully shaved.




And I'm kind of like, nobody told me they were going to do this.




But also, who the fuck just did this?


You were violated while you were put under.


I'm like. I go back to the. To the. To where the hospital bell was, and I'm, like, looking at everyone in the eyes, like, did you shave my balls?




Which one of you guys lifted up my shaft?


They do a great job, honestly. Best shave I've ever had. It's not even close. Like, you're not focused on that right out of surgery, but it's really. I mean, it's a high quality treatment.


I'm looking at everybody in this place, man, and this shit is just so funny. It's like a game of, like, which one of you did it?


Why'd you say? I'm sure they would have told you.


Oh, my gosh. I was terrified. I didn't want to know. That shit is so fucking funny, though. Yeah. So if you want to get your ball shaved and your abdominal. Sara Institute's got you covered.


If you want a twofer where you want your abdominal lining sewed back down to its pelvic bone and also want a good, clean shave, and Sarah Institute has you covered. The other thing is just like, it's a. It's a. It's an incredible procedure that doc has done, but it is.




I mean. And then the scar tissue, you break up, your balls turn blue at one point.


Yeah, we didn't say that. But it's very helpful because it's not. It's an excruciating pain. It can linger down into your fucking groin. I know that's where the majority of my discomfort was. And I'll tell you what, man. Getting that surgery is really twice helped me out a lot, man. And I got to hang out in Philly with Jason for a month.


That's right. Yep. Shout out to bill for inventing an awesome procedure that allowed Travis and I to keep playing football. And thanks for the saxophone.


Yeah, the sexy sax man.


That's right.


You put that thing to use yet, or. No?


I mean, I'm literally coming right from the golf outing. I don't even know how they got this on the rundown this fast.


Oh, literally. I was wondering why you had a collared shirt on. Like, what the fuck? Is going to have an anniversary dinner or something?


There was a gala where they were supposed to honor me, and I'm like, I got to go do this podcast for my brother. I'm so sorry, guys. It was.


Thanks for the saxophone. I gotta go, though.


Yeah, it was.


We'll pump you on the podcast. Yeah, they talk you up.


So I have not had a chance to play it yet. I'm looking forward to it. I'm actually looking forward to getting back into playing saxophone.


Hell, yeah, man.


I've played more guitar and messed around with other instruments. I think it'll be fun to go.


Back to where it all started.


Where it all started. Also, I played golf with Branford marsalis, who is an icon saxophonist. So I got to ask him about the whole bunch of tips and tricks and really just hang out with them for 4 hours and place up on golf.


I love it.


I got the itch.


Oh, I love that for you.




All right, well, that does it for.


Out of the house.


Brought to you by party city, part of city. Make sure you check out party city for all your party needs. And if you ever want to throw the Lembabi games, Jason, it's spring, and coincidentally, I've had a spring in my step lately. I ran that, but I've been trying to figure out why that could be.


Oh, well, I don't know, Trav. Maybe you've been playing a little bit more golf late lately. You're at f one events. Oh. You've also been raving about your Tommy John's.


I am. I'm always raving about Tommy John, and.


That'S definitely doesn't stop talking about it.


He doesn't stop talking about it. Just, like, raving about it right.


Now, these Tommy Johns, they hug the thighs, right? They cup the butt, right?


I've had zero distractions, zero chafe, zero friction. Just pure focus on my tasks day in, day out. Tommy John claims they're the most comfortable underwear on the planet, and I'm gonna have to back them up on that.


And I'm gonna have to agree, trav, you and the 90 percenters know I was skeptical about Tommy John and every underwear because I don't usually wear them. I gotta be honest. They got good mesh in the right areas, allowing for breathability. They got good tightness in the right areas, allowing for support and frictionlessness. So, yeah, Tommy John's gets the air circulated down there and gives me the support I need.


You. You said you've been wearing Tommy John for workouts. You still doing that?


Yeah. I actually wanted to golf today. Yeah?


Nice. I bought it. How about he shoot low?


Actually, I was striking the ball really well. I don't know if Tommy John was the reason for that or it was my athleticism, but it is.


So, you know, all you golfers out there, some Tommy John. See how that stroke feels.




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That's Tommy, new heights and the code new heights for 20% off your first order. This episode is sponsored by Betterhelp. I don't know about you, Jason, but sometimes I feel like I have to get things off my chest. Jason, is there anything you want to get off your chest here on the podcast right now? Got anything going on you want to just talk about?


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Yes, it is. Mama Kelse tells it like it is, and that's why we love her. But, um, we'll take all the help we can get, uh, to fix this thing, um, because she deserves it more than any mother that we know. And what party city has to offer is what, Jason, again, I think it's.


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You can go ahead and order these ahead of time. Pick them up at a part of city store near you or get them delivered. Check out party city for your Mother's Day shopping this year. Let's get to some NFL news roundup. Let's talk some football. Guys, we just talked about a whole bunch of nonsense. We're about 120 days from the actual kickoff of 2024 NFL season. It's seems like it's going to, it's so far away, but it is already started. And I promise you, all you 92 percenters, the NFL is back. We are officially working out, training. Everybody's gearing up for this season, and we get the rookies in, I believe next week, next Sunday, we had our rookie camp super fucking pumped up about checking out the, the, all the plays. Jason talked about it last week and just how much fucking chaos it is. People doing the wrong shit left and right because they got to learn a playbook in one day.


I actually went to our rookie mini camp. I don't think what I was, coach Kells, I don't know that I was doing that. I just, oh, wanted to go get.


Some free breakfast on those rookies, huh?


I'm not gonna lie. I miss being around the guys and being on a football field watching guys play. And it's just interesting right away the moment you see a guy, even the first time, you start to like, I remember when he kind of moves like this guy or he does this that's unique. Or, you know, he's got some great explosion or this guy has a great punch, or this guy, you know, you start really assessing all these things in like a span of, like, you know, ten to 20 minutes. You're already, like, seeing what you think of guys. Keep in mind, none of this is on any defenders like this is all even for the old line, especially just on air. Yeah, you got to be careful with drawing any conclusions from anything like that. But you're. Listen, you're already starting to think about it, no question about it.


I remember seeing a Kareem hunt come in. Yeah, my fucking brother forever. Another Cleveland guy. Goddamn. We're just talking about Ohio's finest right now.


Hey, man, northeast Ohio, baby.


You know, Kareem's a smooth, athletic guy, very powerful guy. So when he's just. When he doesn't have pads on, it's like, yeah, that guy can play some football. But when the pads came on, it was like another. He stood out so much more because I have physical. And how strong he was, like, running through arm tackles, how he accelerated through the hole because he had. He had, you know, that protection on his shoulders. Be able to give him that. That extra, like, I can fucking run through this. You know what I mean? Whereas you're just. You just have, like, the jerseys on. You're not gonna hit that hole the same, you know, because you just don't want to get that wear and tear. When Kareem came in, I was like, man, it's just you can assume something all you want until those pads come on. Because nothing fucking matters until. Yeah, until those pads get on.


And yeah, it changes it completely. Even in defensive line, there's some defense lineman that are so impossible to block without shoulder pads on. Moment. The moment they get shoulder pads on, it's like, yep, okay, that's the easiest thing in the world. And then. And then guys that are like, the easiest guys to block without pads on are just monsters. Man mountain. Dean, like, the pads really do make a huge difference. Same thing for offensive line. There's guys on offensive line that look great until the pads come on. All of a sudden, it's like, okay, this guy struggles with this or that. That. Yeah, it's a different game. So that does not surprise me at all.


But the biggest thing about rookie minicamp is getting guys lined up, running the right shit, getting in and out of the huddle, hearing what a NFL play call sounds like in the huddle. And, I mean, then on top of that, yeah, guys got to go make plays in the back end, you know, throwing the ball and seeing dbs make a play on the ball or wide receivers make a play on the ball.




That's what I'm excited about, knowing that we got a. We got some really good talent in the skill and. Yeah. And the skills component of the game. At the wide receiver tight end position, so I'm excited to check that out. Yeah. Did you see a white corner?


I mean, he was out there. I don't know if I didn't gander over to the defensive side to see whether he where he was playing.


What did they do? Like team stuff or.


They didn't. That's what I'm saying. They did like, I think they did seven on seven and stuff like that. But I was down with the Hog Molly's. I was just checking out the new line guys, so I didn't really peep over there.


I'm not gonna lie. I kind of peaked at, like, my rookie mini camp. I was a fucking scrub.


Oh, really?


Yeah, they were like, there were some plays was like, oh, yeah, nice route. Oh, nice feat. There were some other plays where it's like, you are a fucking jabroni.


I hate watching old tape of myself. Yeah, why was I doing that? Why would I do that? Just put your head here. It's so stupid. If only I knew now what I knew when I was 27, I would have been so fucking good.


Oh, man. Monday, Monday morning quarterback. Let's go. All right, well, shout out to all the rookies and the Chiefs and Eagles mini came and there were a bunch of rookie mini camps around the league. Can't wait to get you guys in the building. Really, really set the set the culture again, man. Because that's what, that's what the offseason is about. The OTAs are about, is getting everybody on the same page and how we work and can't wait to see how every. How it brings the best out of everybody.


Yep. Speaking of putting in the work, it's that time of year where the special time of year when guys post videos and teens post videos of people working out in weight rooms. That's right. Everybody's getting into shape and nothing's more important than the weight room social media posts. All right, let's start with this one from Jamus Winston, which I personally love because it's obvious that Jameis is mocking people that do this. In this clip. Post. A few weeks ago, modern day fitness on Twitter, Jamis didn't even have to change after signing his browns contract before he immediately is taking snaps under center.


Love this dude.


He's so ready to go. You think he's got his w underneath the while he's taking the underneath snap?


No, I don't, but that'd be a good bit.


Social media is a big thing now.


I'd rather just work out, you know, I'll pump up all my trainers, you know, I'll make sure they get their love and their shout out, because I do appreciate, you know, what they bring to the table. And I want to help their career out, but at the same time, I'm. I'm over posting workout videos and even practice videos at that. I don't like posting practice highlights and shit. All that shit doesn't mean anything for sure. If I'm going to post anything is going to be about a game on the field, in a stadium. Everything outside of it, I think, is just, you know, it's to your discretion if you want to do it. More power to you. I like to kind of work and work behind the scenes now. And the workouts I'm doing aren't very impressive. Like, I just.


Unbelievable 20 minutes bike ride I did after I lifted weights.


Yeah, I'm doing sprints in a parking lot.


You did have a nice hill incline in a parking garage.


It really is nice. And I'm telling you, it works. You already know incline inclined running.


Very good.




Here's my deal with it. I don't care. I know that everybody's into social media now. I don't care if you post and stuff like that, as long as you're actually working. If you're working, do whatever the fuck you want on social media. I don't care. But in my experience, most of the guys posting shit on social media ain't working. Yeah, they're like, I literally would see guys come in, take a photo of them doing some curls, and fucking walk straight out, my brother. You just got in this motherfucker. And then I'd see on social media putting that work in, like, come on, let's. Let's get out of this. Yeah, but there's got, I mean, Aaron Donald. Aaron Donald, you suppose? Videos of his guys doing fucking knife fighting with his hands and shit. I went and worked out for a week with Darren. I'm. Oh, this dude's actually.


Oh, this ain't bullshit.


He's actually putting that work in. Right. So if you're putting the work in, more power to you. Post it to social media all you want. But I just can't stand when guys are like, do one set just so they can get a, like, a post out there, and then they're on to whatever else you're doing for the rest of the day. Yeah, come on. Let's not. Let's not put that facade up. Next up, we got Houston Texans wide receiver Stefan Diggs putting that work in with some weighted push ups.


Yeah. And I've seen Stefan is definitely one of those guys who puts the fucking work in. I've seen that guy go to work out in LA numerous times.


I mean, this is impressive.


He competes, he competes all year round. Like when he's, if we're just throwing routes, he's finding a db to work on some stuff. And so I admired how he does it. He's one of those guys that definitely posts would. How he, how he works and he does it the right way, though. This is impressive.


I mean, it's very impressive. I just don't know what the point is.


Well, just, I mean, have you ever done it?


Have I done push ups? Like a plate on my back. But like once you start getting to like this level, why not just do a bench?


Bench? Like maybe this is that what the.


Weights, that's what you use the bar for. So you put the plates on.


Maybe it's more course to be.


I'm sure there's more core stabilization. I'm kind of being funny here and there's clearly a lot of stabilization going on here. It's a very, it's impressive. It really is. Yeah, I think a lot of times people just do shit to make it look cool on social media.


Like knife fight.


Hey, it worked. That's all I know.


Whatever he's doing, if I can keep doing it.


I questioned nothing questions to find either because whatever he's doing is working too.


Next we've got Michael Parson put in the work on his trip to Tokyo. Man, this is actually, this is some good shit right here. He's shared a video with himself taking on a sumo wrestler out there in Tokyo, which is cool as fuck. And this is, you made a good point earlier about it reminding you of the most iconic sumo wrestler that we know because he just using an anomaly. Yeah, looks like none of the others, dude.


So Jeff Stoutland would show this guy every year to like show how important technique and leverage and fundamentals are because this guy, I think it's a taka. Yeah, here he goes. Taka Noyama shuntado.




I don't even know if I'm saying that right, but it was close.


Fuck it.


Dude would just go in here and he would just beat the shit out of guys twice his size, even bigger off of just pure hand placement. It's a like and leverage. But it was awesome to watch.


Micah held his own as well, Mike.


So he lost the first one.




And then he came back and he totally got after him in the second one, bro.


He still.


I think Mike, if he really, if you put his mind to it and decide to be like just get fatter than fuck, he'd probably be like one of the best sumo's of all time.


Yeah, but that won't get you 50 million a year. So you keep sacking those quarterbacks, Micah.


Do we know that for sure? Do we know what sumos make?


Who? That's a good question. I don't know.


What's the top sumo? Making it on this. What's the top sumo?


I'm so curious now. I might have fucking said too much.


Highest paid sumo. It's a big deal in Japan. In Japan?


Are you kidding me? Hell yeah it is.


Top earners of sumos from 2022. Yeah, he should stick to the NFL. Definitely he should stick. He should stay there. I don't even need to refer.


He's damn good.


I see where they're starting with this at and we're not even in the same.


Let's just take the football sauce.


Gardner. Imagine a sumo wrestler playing center or guard in the NFL.


Dundas guy.


I mean the replacements, it's a decent. Yeah, I mean, listen, Eugene Chung. There's judo. Judo, there's a lot of judo techniques with sumo wrestling and like kind of like understanding leverage and throwing. And I think you know who is.


Really good at it, who's not necessarily sumo wrestling but like jujitsu and stuff. Was Tamba Ali.


That doesn't surprise me.


Tom Ali, he used to actually have a mat every training camp. Yeah, in the indoor for the afternoon. And he would just, he would ask it like an offensive lineman, defensive lineman, he'd ask somebody every day if you want to come in here and just get your ass beat on the fucking mat. I'm just like, I never saw. I'm not signing up for that shit. Tampa, he would get in a full sweat and just fuck. Chris Jones actually had a pretty good bit about that, I think that one time and never went back out.


Never did it again. Dude, get on a mat. There's nothing more tiring than race doing jujitsu. It is the most tiring thing you will ever do.


It's not doing it.


It's fun as shit. I think a lot of offensive lineman and defense alignment work, hand fighting and like different martial arts or boxing techniques and yeah, I think there's undoubted. I mean, to an extent you're utilizing a lot of similar strategies. You know, like in boxing when you have the length, you're using it, you're throwing jabs. Like if you have the length. As an offensive lineman, utilize your length. You're, if you got a little bit shorter arms and you, like, you're now a. Let's get into the Mike Tyson. Let's start working the body. Let's get into them and utilize our quickness and our athleticism. I think some sumo wrestlers could be pretty good at offensive line. I think you're going to have to have a little bit more agility and athleticism and open space that you don't really get to show up on, on the sumo wrestling mat.


But, but like you said, some, some of the skills that does.


There's a crush. There's a carryover for sure.






Oh, dude, I'm. See, exactly. Yeah, he's working with my guy Felix right there.


He's bigger than he was in the league.


This is, this is them just working football stuff. But he'll actually, he'll put the whole jiu jitsu outfit on. I forget what they're called, and, and just be sweaty. He'll be sweating just like this. And you gotta wrestle him. And he used to just torture people.


I'm not gonna name names. I wrestled in middle school, and one of the guys, he, I mean, he would never wear deodorant, and every once in a while, he would get me up under his armpit, and it was, it was so I wanted to, like, quit on the spot. I'm. Dude, can you operate with some type of personal hygiene here? This is like, I could still smell it today. All right, and lastly, we finally got to some Eagles clips here with, we got to what everybody wanted. Everybody wanted to see the Saquon and Jalen squad off and asked, but this is actually not a squad off. They're just squatting guys. This is what they do. They're football players, and they're in the offseason, and they're going to squat. But, I mean, it's pretty cool. Two legendary squatters in the same room squatting. I wonder if they're both going to push some weight, really test the limits to see who's got the best squat.


My knees almost exploded just watching this.


Trav, what are you squatting these days?


Bodyweight squats number big, like calisthenics work with rubber bands and big band guy. Big Kaiser guy, too. Big Kaiser machine guy.


Jalen might have six on there. I can't even see.


Yeah, there's a lot of weight on those bars.


I think they both got five, which is impressive. It's a 495.




Oh, Jalen. Carter. Hello, big boy. I think he's got five and a quarter.




I can't tell. It's hard to tell.


In the video, Jalen was caught enjoying every bit of seeing Saquon fucking squatting.


Oh, yeah, look at that big size.


You know, he looks like just a proud coach.




Hands on the hips. Admire it.


He's got good depth.


He's got really good depth. You don't coach that.


He's like, oh, yeah, he's gonna be running. He's gonna run through the hole just fine.


What's he wearing?


He's got them barefoot shoes on. Saquon's got them barefoot shoes on.


Yeah. When are, when are we gonna drop a squatting video?


Listen, I'll do it.


The last time I squatted with you, what's that machine you always take down to the shore?


I don't take it all the time. Actually. That was the only year I really took it down there.


That was the only K box squatted with you. Yeah, the K box. There you go. Which is really built for more like, of the endurance of squatting than it is actual power, but correct.


What? It's, it's weird because it's like the harder you go, the harder it pulls you down. So it's like an eccentric exercise.


Ooh, nice.


It was actually created for astronauts so they could work out in outer space because there's no gravity to, like, utilize for, like, working out. So you have to like, you have to like about that. Yeah, I think that that's why that thing exists.


So many smart people out here. I would have never thought of that one.


For sure.


It's good machine, though. Are you still squatting?


I do. I love a good back squat. I'm not gonna lie. I have not been squatting heavy, though. I've been, you know, trying to preserve my knees, but every once in a while I, you know, get the itch. But if I'm ramping my knees and Belton, I can, I can still push six plates. I can get, I can get over.


Six plates rapid my knees and belt and, dude, if I fucking put on a belt, I'm retiring.


All you gotta do is wrap them knees. You'll be surprised. Make them knees feel like rubber bands. Throw that weight on, bubba. All I need is a little pop.


Out of the bottom, shout out to my knees.


All right, I think that's all the football stuff we got for you guys.


Sorry, guys. It is the offseason, but we're gearing up and we're fired up. We're only 120 days out.


Yeah, baby. So nice. See? End of the show. Hope you guys liked all the talk about football and girth and swords. Tune in next week for another episode about who knows what the fuck we're going to talk about. Make sure you subscribe to the new Heights YouTube channel. So you know what? All the new episodes coming out, we'll be back with a new episode next week. And listen, subscribe wherever you podcast. All right.


Now, once again, new Heights is presented by Wave Sports and entertainment, brought to you by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let's go, sports bar. Follow the show on all social media. Add new heights show with what? Thanks to the production and crew, every time.


Oh, yeah.


Hopefully. You know, we really need you. And thank you to the 92 percenters for tuning in. We love you guys. See you next week.


Peace. Thank you. So, shall I get the sword?


Oh, shit. Dude, that is legit.


It's a fucking sword.


Oh, my God.


Let's give it a test. No, it's not. It's not sharp. It's not sharp. It will not.


Fucking idiot.


It will not cut.


There we go. Break it down.


There's no chipping. It doesn't have the best edge on it, guys.


Gonna have to sharpen it. What does the engraving say on it? Nice. Very good.