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You guys have horror dreams or dreams you remember?


I do remember most of my dreams.


The only time that I've had a really scary dream, but I can't remember, it was when I was taking ashwagandha, which is basically your drug.


The drug? Yeah. My naturopathic doctor prescribed me ashwagandha because my cortisol levels went through the roof.


In other words, I'm stressed, apparently, all the time. I take ashwagandha.


My dreams get weird, which is apparently a very common side effect of ashwagandha. But they didn't warn you.


It's something I knew, and they did be like, Oh, there's side effects. Well, they didn't go into specifics.


But'm pretty good about remembering my dreams.


I don't remember any of them other than when I woke up and been like... Cold sweat? Yeah, literally.


I was like, Okay, I'm not going to take that anymore.