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Welcome to episode 10 of the offline TV podcast. Today, I am joined by Evo and Toasty.


Banger lineup, if I do say so myself. Yeah. One of the best ones.


Why you say it like that?


Yvonne, you ruined it. I didn't ruin it. You were 10 seconds in. Bro didn't start off explosive. I started off explosive, and you went for the pessimistic one of you.


We talked about this high energy. I am optimistic.


I am high energy. More. I have a lot of energy. It's in my voice. Let's see it. I watched this video of when you're singing, sometimes if you are louder, you can go to the wrong key. That's just a fun fact.


You just killed our energy again.


We have to restart, restart, restart. I'm going to block you out of my mind. What the fuck?


All right, we're rolling. Welcome to episode 10 of the Offline TV podcast. Today, we're joined by Toasty and Evo.


What's up, guys? Hey, everyone. Happy to be here. Excited.


Why don't you say your banger lineup line?


I don't have a banger line.


You had a banger lineup line. You're like, Wow, this is a banger lineup.


I had a banger line, and then we had to redo the intro because you were giving us attitude about it. But rest assured, viewers and listeners, it was quite the speech. Lost to the sands of Time now. How's everyone doing?


Lovely now.


Yvonne, we talked about this, and we had to redo the first one because you were-I'm going to hit


Were being really mean. I'm going to hit you. I'm going to hit you, and they'll hear it.


And now you're doubling down.


Can they hear this?


I will hit you. All right, so what are we going to talk about today?


I want to cut to the chase. Yvonne, why do you keep saying Sabrina Carpenter is better than Taylor Swift? You're going to change sides like that?


You're not going to make... You're going to start this drama. I don't. I'm not one to compare like that. Why are we comparing the girls anyways?


That's what I'm saying. They're both awesome. It's really weird of you to do that.


That's weird of you to put me on the spot like that over something that was never true. I love them both, and I want to go to both of their concerts. If anybody knows anybody's having concert tickets for Sabrina Carpenter in November, feel free to let me know.


How much of our viewers do you think resonate with what you're saying right now? How many of them do you think already turned up to podcast? Hey!


Okay, how about you go? Where's your topics, huh?


Yeah, where are your topics?


No, no, no.


Listen, come on. I personally love Taylor Swift and Sabrina Carpenter as well. I would listen. Yeah.


They're the top artists. Of course, there's a lot of people who also like them.


Yeah. I find it fascinating how Olivia Rodrigo came with the first swing at Sabrina, and everyone counted her out, including myself. Then she followed Taylor Swift around like a little lost puppy. Got to open some shows for her. What are you saying? Now she put on a couple of bangers, and she's back.


Well, actually, did you know, yes, the air tours gave her a lot of popularity, but she got a lot of popularity because of her clips of her outros for Nonsense. She got so many clips from that. It's like she also did her part in the opportunity and everything.


She was saying some racy stuff at the end. You just can't never count anyone. It happens in streaming quite often. You write off someone as a streamer, then boom.They're back.They're back. Overnight success. It's never too late, whether you're a singer or a streamer.


As long as you create something that people resonate with, you're back.


Anybody that we know that was like that?


Well, when you look at creators that do something for five, six years, and then they stay at the same level, and then something happens, then boom, 10K. Like Ninja. He played Fortnite for... I mean, not Fortnite. He played for a long time, and then Fortnite, boom. Then I think Jinkie streamed to zero viewers for a year straight, and then something happened. Boom. It's very much like an overnight success thing for most streamers.


But do you feel like that was them putting in their 10,000 hours? Maybe they weren't good then, but then after doing a year of streaming to no one, they honed their craft?


I don't know. How does any big singer get big or big actor gets big? You have to get a little lucky sometimes, right?


Slow burn of effort plus the opportunity that comes up. Yeah.


I rarely see someone go from 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, month to month. It's always stagnant, stagnant, boom, stagnant, boom. I first heard of Emaru seven years ago, and then she got to collab with OTK, which featured her content. And her TikTok and her cosplay has always been really amazing, but just no one was really paying that much attention. And then getting to collab with OTK, brought a lot of eyeballs and boom. 10k viewers. Now, the question is, was she the same person she was before that 10K boom, what was the difference? How did you go from 100 to 10K? Did she change as a human being? Probably not. It was just she was always making good content, and now that she has eyeballs on it, people can see it.


Zara called it. I I remember years ago when she was still mostly streaming League, that he was like, I think she's going to blow up.


Scara has a great eye for talent.


It does.


Every time Scara says, Oh, I think this girl or this guy is going to blow up, I always go, Yeah, okay, grandpa.


Go play some TFT. Yeah, and what?


And then it happens like, shee. He was right. The most recent one was Cina. Oh, yeah? She's been collabing with like, AMP, Kaizenat, and getting a lot of popularity eyeballs. I remember I remember three months ago, he did a stream with Cid, and Skara was like, Oh, yeah, that's Cina girl. I like her. I think she's going to blow up. I'm like, Okay, grandpa.


Damn. Yo, we have our own four-seer here the whole time, and what We're not using him properly. Hey, Scara. What are you doing? Wait, he can help a scout new OTV talent.


Yeah, he's got a good vision.


If you want to join OTV, message Scara.




Impress him.


Send in your application to him. Some of the video, like a reel.


The best thing about Scara, he's not going to be weird with you.




That happens a lot in the entertainment space. Woman messages a man in power. The man's going to say some stuff. Not Scara, though.


Not Scara.


He's not going to say weird stuff to the girl. He's not going to say weird stuff, though. The man has no filter.


Yeah, no filter on Scara.


Blunt things.


He's going to be blunt. Sometimes too blunt.


Your feelings might get her if you had in your application. That's a disclaimer.


But you'll learn right then and there if you're good or not.


Well, I was thinking the other day. I saw a TikTok, and then people were just giving their icks, but there's very obvious icks. There's like, Oh, you're rude to a waitress. Of course, that's an ick. But what's a non obvious ick that to you guys, specifically, would be an ick?


I think all my icks are very obvious.


You've never had a slight Someone did something, you're like, You didn't like it.


I have, but it's usually pretty obvious, though.


Yeah, I can think of one. Go ahead. Mine was one time, there's this guy who I had a guy friend I introduced to one of my friends, and then she was doing a magic trick. And then so obviously, he's the person who's doing the magic trick with her and stuff. She's like, Oh, do this. Pick a card. And he picks the card. And then she goes like, Oh, yeah, the trick ends. And then he's like, Oh, yeah. Well, that's thanks to me. I did that. And then I was just internally cringing because I'm thinking like, the way-He made it about him. He made it about him.


He was just bantering, man.


I know, but that gave me the ick.


You know what's my ick? Woman that says ick. I don't like this new trend. Like, Oh, what's your ick, ladies? This guy gave me the ick because he ate with a fork with his left hand. Okay, no valid. Wait. Oh my god. You've seen them?


Fuck you, guys. His heart rate's 98. That's too high.


Okay, that's when it goes too far. I saw a TikTok, it went viral. It was a girl who was talking about, I got the ick because a guy walked out with a Frappucino. Why are you buying a Frappucino? And I was like, What the fuck? That is crazy.


I feel like with icks, there's no middle of the line ick. It's like, Oh, that's a reasonable ick. It's usually like, Oh, that's obvious. The guy's a jerk or being rude. Or it's like, You picky ass What's wrong with you? That's why I hate that phrase ick. He gave me the ick.


Some of it is funny. Have you seen the ones where it's like, they ran after a ping-pong ball and the way they ran gave them the ick, and then they just didn't want to... That is funny. Yeah, anyway. So that's what I'm asking. Has there been funny ones?


That's just going to teach so many boys to train themselves.


To run properly after a ping-pong ball.


There's no cool way to run after a ping-pong ball. It's so bouncy, and it bounces between the bars under the table as well. There's just no cool way.


What about the way someone sits? You think if they sit, their legs spread out very far, it's going to give you the ick and you're just staring at this.


Let me tell you something about men, Yvonne. We just want to bang or to date or to marry. No amount of small little things is going to deter us from our mission.


Really? Yes. I've heard otherwise. I've heard at the bar, a guy was about to... I saw the story on TikTok. He was about to buy a girl a drink, and then she He was running over to her friend and he saw the way she ran, and he got the ick so bad. He just left.


From how she ran?


From how she ran, yeah. She was running and he thought the way that she ran was very... He didn't like it, so then he just left. He was like, No, I ain't trying anymore.


To me, that just says she wasn't hot enough. If I was going after a hot girl or a girl I found attractive, nothing's going to determine it.


You don't think there's a single thing she could do or say that could give you the ick?


Nothing quirky. If she starts dropping slurs, I'd be like, Oh, that's too far from me. If she runs funny or has a weird facial tick, that would not stop me. She said, Wouldn't it be funny if I just pushed you off here right now?


What if she starts saying weird things? But she's like, What if she just... It's quirky. Or she thought she was funny the whole time and she just laughed at herself and you did not think she was funny at all. You would endure two hours of that to bang her?


Well, if I was going to date her, then no. But if it was just to bang I can put up with two hours of that.


Okay, let's say dating. What if they had a really annoying laugh? Or what if they laughed like SpungeBob?


No, I'm not.


Wait, if they laughed like Spongebob, I don't even think you could bang her.


Yeah, no, I would.


Okay, so we found Yeah, we saw the one.


That's not ick.


That is.


That's just someone having a quality that is strictly a negative. Lapping like SpungeBob will give most people pause. To me, ick is a very unique thing.


It doesn't have to be.


Yeah, she's ugly. That's my ick. Yeah, but we're not talking about those.


We're talking about more particular ones.


My ick is women with small boobs. That's my ick.


I can't say stuff like that.


The ick just don't make sense.


He's a boomer. He doesn't get it.


I am.


Okay, what's your broading? You got any? Have you experienced it? Or you just don't remember, maybe.


I'm sure I have, but I don't have a catalog. That's honestly part of what surprises me is those TikToks where it's like, Yeah. And then this happened. It's like, Why do you remember this?


Maybe because it's fresh. But you probably don't remember. You've been on... Have you been on some dates? Have you Has anyone ever given you the ick on a date?


I don't know if it's... I've been on dates where within 15 minutes, you're like, Oh, this is going nowhere. But I wouldn't say it's because the way she twiddled her hair.


What's the thing that made you like, Oh, it's not going anywhere?


The one that specifically comes to mind was I was on a date with someone, and she asked me a question. I don't remember exactly what it was talked about, but she asked me a question, and I said my opinion on it. And then she was like, Oh, that's interesting. I'm the opposite. I was like, Hmm, okay. And that happened three times. And the third time, it's like, All right, should we just get the check? We're good, right?


Were you locked in? Was it a dinner or was it a coffee day? Was it a chill?


It was a dinner.


So do you sit out the rest of the dinner?


Honestly, I don't think we even... I think we ordered appetizers, and then we're like, I think we're good, actually.


Oh, right.


Wow, that's so direct.


Yeah, that's very nice.


Well, when it happened the third time, both of us were basically in in agreement of, There's nothing here. Yeah, there's nothing here.




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This reminds me it's not an ick, but something that irks him is when I say, Sure. And he once sent me a-That's not a me thing.


That's not me thing. That's an article. I sent you an article, remember? Yes, he sent me an article. I sent you an article because everyone has this feeling.


No, not everyone has this feeling.


When... Thank you. Thank you for pulling it up. When have you asked someone to do something or experience something with you and they reply, Sure. Just, Sure. No explanation, nothing else. Not all kept, just S-U-R-E. You read that and you go, Wow, that made me feel good. I'm glad I invited this person to come hang out with me.


Usually, it's like, Hey, do you want to go to this? Sure. What's wrong with that?


My question is, what's wrong with showing some enthusiasm?


I'm sorry. Are you the person who shows enthusiasm all the time?


I don't. But when someone types to me, ask me to do something, I'm like, Sounds good. Yeah. I make them feel like, Oh, you asked me to do something, and I really appreciate it.


When Toast is enthused, you know because he'll do like a, Ooh. And then you're like, Oh, sweet.


You don't say that to me when you say yes to things.


You never ask me anything interesting What do you do? League of Legends? A-ram?


It's like, fuck. Oh, yeah. You just don't reply at all. Is that better than sure?


No, I reply. No. I reply. No. Okay. My thing is with all of that is, why I-E-S is just as much keystrokes. People who refuse to search for a shirt to anything else, they're being stubborn. I'm not asking you to change your way of living. When you type to me, I'm just like, Hey, it will make your mom and dad so much happier.


My mom doesn't care.


If your mom and dad is like, Hey, you want to come watch a baseball game to me? You hit them with a Sure. They won't say anything, but you know. Deep down, it's like, Oh, man, I wish little Bob is more excited to hang out with me. He just gave me a Sure. Is this so much to ask that you change which keys you press just to make your parents happy?


Have you felt this way about people who say Sure?


Less so, but I see exactly where he's coming from.Thank.


You, Bro.Do.


You have an iPhone by chance?




Can I see it? I'm going to change your settings so that anytime you type Sure, it autocorrects to, Hell, yeah.


My second biggest trigger is people who type sigh in text. It's like, Bitch, this isn't an anime. You can't type sigh, and then you're sighing.


You got a list.


Yeah. Go sigh in real life. Why are you typing it out? If you want to express disappointment, express disappointment in a way that I can process. Sigh is...


It's not helpful. This girl that you would want to bang, she's typing to you. You're texting beforehand. She says, Sure, when you ask her. And she types, Si, I wish I I'm going to be late. And then what?


Yeah, it would annoy me a little, yes. Now we'll probably have a conversation with her after we have sex.


Go and type sure to me. That's a text to me.


That's crazy. Thank you, Berlin. More people should do that. Everyone on the iPhone or Android phone right now, just go to your auto setting. Change sure to, Hell, yeah. Yeah. Hell, yeah. People would love asking you to do I feel like we made real progress here. Yes, we did.


Yeah, what else you got?


What else I got? Yeah. Okay, well, this one's when I asked Jody a bit ago, too. And Sid, Which celebrity do you think you could pull?


And what did Jody and Sid say?


I think Sid said she could pull some athletes.


Hey, not to flex, but I've had some pretty prolific girls reach out to me during the Among Us era. One was an actress on Netflix. The other is a YouTuber with millions of subscribers.


Yeah, drop the names. Oh, no, I wouldn't do that. We'll bleep it. We'll bleep it.


That's tacky.


Yeah? That's tacky.


A certain person was pulled up who I think she's 22.


How old were these girls in your DMs?


My age. Like mid-20s.


Among us, huh?


Yeah, I mean, that was my peak. But I didn't do anything with these women because I'm not like that.


Okay. Well, who do you think you could pull? You think you could pull Garlet Johansson?




Okay. Which are the ones? She's married.


I guess what are the parameters? So non-married ones. Are the parameters like we're sending a DM to them or we're meeting them at a bar?


Anything. You think you could win them over in some way, if given the chance?


I think that if I was face-to-face Met someone?








He said anyone. Oh my God. The confidence is crazy.


Who can you pull, Yvonne? Who'd you answer?


Maybe people with yellow fever.


That is what you're reducing yourself to, huh? Really a champion for both women and Asian there, Yvonne.


I can't think of anybody that I'm like, Yeah, I could pull them. I'm just not one who has that much confidence in myself. I think if I were in a room and I met them at maybe a party or something, and we got to talk, then I think, Yes. But I don't think... I don't have anyone in mind, specifically.


Do women pull? I feel like it's more of a men's thing.


No, a woman can pull. There's a woman who take initiative, and they're like, I like you. And they tell them, I like you. And usually, technically, the woman pulls if the guy's interested. They're like, Oh, actually, What?


What you got cooking up.


You're talking like you're an expert, but from what I know of your personal life, it's a little like the Sahara Desert over there. By choice.


By choice, okay?


You're speaking with a confidence off a very...


My earlier years were a lot more handsome in numbers, I'll say, okay? This past year, month.




Okay. Has been, Hey, still by choice.


Yeah. You're focusing on your baking. Exactly.


What if I'm not ready? And I have standards.


Okay, so who You didn't name anyone. You just said someone with yellow fever.


That's not my real answer.


What's your real answer? That was your chance. That was my chance. This person might be watching the podcast.


No, they probably wouldn't.


Speak it into That existed.


Well, the thing is, I don't think I could pull them.


Just say it.


You know, maybe also an athlete of some sort. I could see someone from the Olympics or something.


Well, Yvonne, the Olympics are in LA in four years, so we can put that to the test.


Oh my God. Can we?


Which Olympian?


I don't know. But I just see... Basically, all over TikTok, all I've been seeing are people going like, What sport is that? I'm interested in that now. The person that's walking by who has a fan cam on them. Yeah, suddenly, I'm interested in volleyball.


Are you into the Turkish sharpshooter?


Oh, those look cool. The ones that are like this? Yeah.


The Turkish one, specifically.


Turkish one, specifically? Yeah.


Pull him up.


No gear needed.


Oh, I've seen memes of him.


Yeah. Is that doing it for you? He's an Olympian.


Not him.




Not the shooters?


No. Well, the shooters... I thought the female shooter was really cool. The one with the elephant. Yeah, her. She looked really cool. You know, apparently, those are really tiny. The target is insanely small.


It's like a size of a quarter.


It's crazy. They're standing from that far away, and they could still... That's insane.


I want to dive into your technique here of how you think you would pull Olympians. Would you go and watch? You'd go to their event and be like...


It would have to be a thing where we socialize, and then I win them over with my personality.


Why'd you laugh? Why'd you laugh?


Why is it so funny about that? I'm sorry.


Is my personality bad? Let's first figure out what social event are you going to intersect with them at?


I don't know.


You're at the gold medal after-party or what?


Yeah, we're at an after-party or we do a sponsor, and then we're having to be at the same area or place, or they're visiting LA somewhere in a club or a restaurant.


I will say a lot of these young Olympians, the ones that are hitting mid-20s now, are COVID kids. During college, they were staying during COVID. Among us. True. Among us, yes. It would have been for... The next Olympic, it would be eight years. Let's say you're a teenager, you were during COVID, you probably watch a lot of Twitch streams. I would say a good amount of them are gamers. One of the medalists plays the Legends, even. It's like, Oh, yeah. Yvonne. You would be the cougar. But I think you'd be okay with that. Would you bang a 25-year-old Olympian? 25, so he's an adult.


That has to be probably the lowest.


Like That's your cut off. I'm glad you have a cut off at least. I'll tell you what, his body is peak. He's a swimmer.


You can't do better than that. Yeah. I have some shame, woman. You have some shame, okay? I would bang her even if she did all the things I hated.


I think most men would put up with a short amount of annoyance to get late.


A short amount?


Yeah, short amount. I'll bump you for that.


Okay, well, do Do you have any celebrities?


I feel like, and this might be a race thing, but I feel like only Asian women would be interested in me. The idea of a random white girl or Black girl being interested in me is-Nasimah is probable.


Yes. I can see why you think that.


I think this is why a lot of Asians end up dating other Asians because they just... It's not that they're like, Oh, I'm not going to date someone outside my race. It's just like it never really enters their head.


They don't think outside box.


Well, it's also because of media. Media did not do Asians much of a favor growing up. It's the Asian nerdy guy in class, not the cool athlete in movies or shows.


I feel like if a white girl was interested in me and I go to her room, they're going to have BTS on the walls. They would have K-pop even.


You're going to go and be like, There it is.


They did do wonders for Asians in media.


That was the story of Dev Patel made a movie called Monkey Fist. I forget. But the story there was that he had not seen an Indian man in the leading role of an action movie in the US. And so he's like, Well, if no one's going to do it, I guess I'll do it, and I'll lead the charge.


I feel like there should be more Indian representation in Western media. In fact, if there's anyone watching out there, offline TV is looking for an Indian person to join. If you're Indian, let me know.


Or message Skara.Message.






You get past Skara, you're in.


Damn, I can't believe you said anyone.


Jemma Chan. But what if Jemma Chan is at the same event you and I are at, Broden? What's the code there?


The Instagram probably have to fist pipe for it, right?


How do we settle this?


Yeah, it's like, do we take turns like you go and if you feel I go? Or is this like a Challenger's and Deia situation? What?


You've seen Challenger's, right, I've heard?


No, I haven't.


Two guys, Bangs and Deia, and each other.


Each other. Threesome.


So you guys-I would have to kiss Bro then, yes.


Wait, I always wanted to ask this because I talk to one of my guy friends the other. Don't ask why this conversation came up. But it was basically like, if you were to have a threesome, would you rather have it with your Bro, or would you rather have it with a random dude? And every guy that I've talked to has said their bro. And I thought, is that weird to see your bro?


Is the girl or a random girl?


I don't know. It doesn't make a difference. If it were your girlfriend, you'd rather it be a random person. And if it were a random girl, you would rather be your bro.


I would say that's accurate. Yeah.


Way to say it again. If it's a random girl, you want it to be your bro. Yes.


If it's your girlfriend you want.


Yes. I would like to know one person and not know the other person.


Can only be intimate with one.


Because if it's with your bro, it's like, yeah. Yeah, it's like, high five. When it's a girl, it's like, you have fun, but, Hey, I never want to see you again.


Yeah, here's your check. Yeah. Go away.


Is that the case for you two? Do you care?


I think I would agree with that. Yeah.


What about you, Yvonne?


I just thought it was weird. I thought you would never want to see your bro in that setting. But maybe... I always thought you would always want a stranger. I never thought they'd be like, Oh, no, I'd rather you.


Would you prefer to be in the guy, girl, What's your guy, guy, girl?Me?Yeah.


If it were strangers, I do not care. What? What? What are you saying? No, what are you mean that much? What? What? You're just going to surprise It was a surprise. It was a surprise. What's your thing?


Did you do anything with the girl?


That's the thing. I just don't think I know how to interact with another... I've never had a threesome, so my problem is I would not know what to do. They're like, standby. There's like, what?


Do you need a water bottle, anyone?




Does one person be the water boy, a person at one point? I don't know. You guys just think, cool. I'll wait my time. How does it work?


I've seen a lot of videos.


And how does it work?


Well, each human has a mouth and genitalia. You can do like an interlock system. Human Beat style.


I feel like two guys and a girl makes it so it's easier to have everyone participate than two girls and a guy.


Logistically, I agree. Because even as a guy, it's like, Bro, I don't have enough strokes for both of you. I barely have enough for one woman. For two? I just find twice the women.


There's one unit, so someone is always waiting. Unless they get involved with the other girl.


Yeah. It usually has to involve mouth stuff. Well, if it's people you know, let's say it's your boyfriend.


Well, if it's my boyfriend, then I prefer another guy.


Do you want to know the other guy or you don't want to know the other guy?


I feel like it's just safer to not know the other guy. Any scenario where it's you and your SO, I just feel like it's safer to not know the other person at all. I think once you include someone that you know, it's just so dicey or the potential for that to go bad is so high. I don't know. It scares me. Just for both of our sake, I wouldn't...


Yeah. Okay, so what if there's a world where this third guy comes in, you guys have a great time, you say goodbye to him, and then you and your partner are like, he really did the trick. He did what he was doing. Let's Why don't you invite him back. You think there's any world where that happens?


Yeah, I think that could happen. I just think it depends how frequent, too, though. Is it just the second time or is this person going to be a consistent thing? And then we grow emotional attachment to them?


Would you want your boyfriend to do gay stuff with the guy?


I wouldn't want it, but if they... I don't know.


Would you find that attractive or would you be like, Oh, okay, wow.


I'm going to step out for a second. I don't think I need to step... I don't think I would find it attractive, though. I'm very like...


You're not into the boy love stuff.


I don't feel anything towards it. I wouldn't be like, Yeah, I want you to. I just don't. I'm like, Yeah. Leave you if you want to. I don't think it's particularly hot or anything.


You wouldn't be like, Do it.


Exactly like that. Like you're Nelson from the Simpson. No.


Well, you guys, if you guys are there, so I don't know if you guys would you guys want the girls to do something with each other?






Yeah. Yeah. Yeah It is a beautiful, unique thing. All right.


Isn't lesbian porn the most watched in a lot of states?


Yeah, because it's two chicks. I want to also specify that a lot of things I say are caricatures. And said in irony, I do not actually believe in a lot of things I say unless I believe them. In which case, I do believe those things.


You sound pretty passionate.


All names and images shown are purely coincidental and bear no meaning on the real world. But yeah.


I mean, as a guy, it's just twice the women. Even though, logical is that if they're lesbians, they're not going to want to have sex with you.


If your girlfriend was bi, and you have a threesome, and you see her passionately making out with this other girl, and even though you like girl, like lesbian, whatever, action, you think you start feeling insecure?




Hey, wait a minute.


I've had this thought before. If I was dating a girl and she's like, Oh, I want to spice things up. Is it cool if I go bang a dude? I'd be like, No, that's the end. It's fine. But if she said, Oh, I want to spice things up. Can I go bang a girl? I was like, Yeah, that's fine. But why does it make me feel that way? Because at the end of the day, it's another human being. If a girl cheated on me with a guy, I'd be like, Oh, man, you're fucking your bitch. Get the fuck out of here. But it's like, Oh, she cheated on me with another girl. I was like, I never had a chance anyway, so I don't feel too bad about it. But it should be treated in the same.


Well, you're just less threatened by... It depends maybe their sexual orientation, right? Or what they like. The threat of someone taking them away is more so the... My boyfriend is not going to be afraid that I'm going to be taken away by a girl necessarily because I'm straight. You know what I mean? The threat is there if they have potential to be. I think that's the thing, right?


Yeah. Okay. I feel like, emotionally, it would be... You would need to set a lot of ground rules there. Yeah. I don't know.


I think sometimes I do think like, Oh, could you have sex with one person the rest of your life? I feel like, probably. But then what if you do want to spice things up? I feel like, dang, bringing a person in is so dicey.


I mean, what's crazy is there's a show on Netflix, I think, called Easy, where every episode, it's an anthology show, but every episode just explores different facets of relationships. So one episode is an open marriage, one episode is cheating and how a couple deals with it, another episode is swingers. And then as you watch it, you're like, This exists? I'm like, Yeah. And it opens your eyes.


How would you feel if your girlfriend was the one who brought it up to you? If they're like, Hey, what are your thoughts on a threesome? Then they say, The guy. Another guy.


With another guy? Mm-hmm. Does she have someone in mind already? What's his name?


Yeah, who's she been talking to?


A guy from work? I knew it.


Because I think I would be upset. I don't know. I I want to say I wouldn't be, but I feel like if my boyfriend came up to me and was like, Hey, what are your thoughts on a threesome? But preferably be like, Two girls, one guy. I would not feel as comfy with him bringing it up. I'd be fine if it were my idea.


What if he did it like this? Man, it'd be so cool if we had a threesome.


But that's what I'm saying. Would you guys feel like if they were the ones, especially, too, who brought it up?


If they brought it up and they have a guy in mind, it's like, This is uncomfortable. I think they should also be okay. It's like, Are you okay with a guy-guy girl or a girl-girl guy? Because if they just want a threesome and it doesn't care which way it goes. It's like, Oh, you just want to spot yourself and say, No, it's got to be this guy.


I've had my eye on him.


I think I'd be okay with it if I'm also had the same headspace of like, Oh, man, yeah, I guess we have been having sex with each other exclusively for the last eight years, and I'm also bored. So, yeah, let's try this and figure out how it works. But if it's six months into a relationship.


You think Do you think that if you were the one who wanted the threesome and you preferred that it were like, Girl, girl, guy, that you could bring it up to your girlfriend effectively?


I think what I would do is have this conversation almost at the beginning of things that I might be interested in one day. But I think if you have it in a person in mind or you're going in, you almost have to plant the idea a year in advance. Because if you do it too fast, then it's on the breaks.


I've actually heard the opposite. I've heard also the argument of you could do all the spicy things in the beginning and then stop that. Because the reasoning is if you say you're trying to spice things up after you've been together for five plus years, right? And then at that point, you're so comfortable, you're like, You know this person. And then a new person gets introduced, could potentially actually cause more, I guess, freshness of like, Oh, my God, this person is being... That whatever. It could be more enticing versus you have it all in the beginning when you're still very much in love or in on the honeymoon stage with this person, and you're less enticed by new people.


Me personally would just find someone that is super hot, so I never get tired of banging them.


That's a pretty sound reasoning. They'll never wither. Their beauty will stay forever.


If I was going to do weird sex stuff, I'd probably rather just go to a sex club.


Are those easy to find? We live in LA. I'm sure they're all over the place here.


But you don't want to go to the one people know about because Clubs, let me tell you, when you think about it in your head, it's all hot and people are thin and in shape. But in reality, let me tell you, the people that do show up to sex clubs on a Tuesday evening don't want to be there.


My favorite thing is going to be imagining you going there and somebody goes, This guy's toast?


Yeah, that's why I can't ever... I have to go to a sex club with a mask on.


Oh, he's into that. That's what he likes to do.


The toast mask.


Yeah. Oh, the toast mask. Oh, that'd be even better.


Would you guys go to a sex club?


I wouldn't because I think I'm too scared of SDIs and stuff. But also- Everyone's pre-screens.


You get in, you have to show them your blood test.


I'm still afraid of disease. Yeah.


Yeah, I don't know. I just don't think I need to. I don't feel like I'm that... I'm not at that point where I want to explore that bad yet, maybe. I don't know. But I'm just at the point where, yeah, one person is enough for me, if ever, right now.


I feel like even if it wasn't an STD or everyone was clean, the next day I would be sick. My immune system is not ready for that.


I just imagine this.




Just strangers like that, and a lot of them is not seem tempting at all.


I had a friend who went to a nightclub in Germany, and he said the hallway walking in It's this super exclusive. You got to be really cool on the outside. They turn away most people. But if they let you in, you walk inside and immediately there's this dark hallway. And as you walk, you see at the end of the light, the boom, boom, boom, and lights and stuff. But your eyes are adjusting and your ears are adjusting. As you walk forward, you realize things are moving next to you. Then by the time your eyes have adjusted and you're at the end of the tunnel, if you turn around, you'll notice it's just like an orgy. People are just in that hallway having sex.


How do they keep it going? Because I'm one of those guys who goes splash. I'm feeling zero sexuality. I look at myself in the reflection of my iPhone. I'm disgusted.


Closer net clarity. Yeah.


The people at the club, they finish and just get up. Like, Oh, thanks, guys. I'm going to put on my clothes and leave now. Yeah, it's right here. Because I'm not going to want to hit up the club right after. I got what I wanted.


I think some people could just keep going.


This is a club where you can go in on Friday and leave on Sunday.


That's crazy.


Some people are built different.


Mm-hmm. You can go home at 8:00. I tried to get him to stay out at a party when we're in Toronto past 11:00. He's like, No home time.


I had a flight at noon the next day.


You're talking about Toast or You?


Me. Then she stayed up to 4:00 AM.


Yeah, because I'm going to say, You're stallion. There's no way you went to bed at 8:00.


Well, technically, it was 6:00 AM, but it was Toronto time, so it was 3:00 AM LA time. You technically left at 9:00.


I don't succumb to pure pressure. I have a flight at a reasonable time. I would like to get there at a reasonable time. What am I going to gain by staying out till 6:00 AM?


I don't know. Good times. Friendship.


Friendship. I got all the friends I need in this house. All the people we were hanging out with were wonderful, if you guys are watching. I know something that you I enjoy spending time there. Yeah, now you're explaining.I have a flight. I would never pressure other people to hang out. I'd say, Oh, you got to sleep early? All cool. All good.


Just old and a boomer now. That happened so fast. And then in the last couple of years.


You're talking about yourself or me. You.


I can still go out. We went out the other night.


In the six years you've known me, when have I ever stayed out at a party?


You went clubbing with me twice. Now, you wouldn't even do it. Forced to It was not forced.


Both cases. Then the first time, an Asian girl recognized me and said, Thank you for doing all you do for Taiwanese people around the world. I was like, Bro, man, I'm trying to get my freak on.


Yeah, wasn't that fun? We paid for $50 shots.


I was like, No, thank you.


No, thank you. That was pretty awesome. Walking into a club and within 10 minutes, someone basically saluting you. Thank you for your service.


For all Taiwanese around the world. That's why I can't pull. Because you just never know who's a fan. Also, I got no game. Have you seen those animal documentaries where there's an alpha of the group and then the beta males have to sneak in for sex?


That's the kangoo. I showed you that clip, right? The alpha gets to have sex with all the female kangaroos, and the other ones have to just chill, and they're not allowed. But then they want to have sex, so they sneak it. They go like this to check to see if the alpha is watching. They peek behind them.


I don't know if we can show this this one, can we?


I'm the sneaky kind.


Have you guys seen this?


You've shown this to me, yes.




I remember- Are they punching each other?


The delight you had when you showed me this.


It's just fun sharing that with... Oh, it's about to come up. It's right here. I recognize this. This is when the alpha lays down. Oh, right here. And they peak and they're like, Oh. Is he watching? Yeah, he's not. Jason, no, we're watching for the first time.


I just don't know how they do it. Their tail must get in the way. Because you just wrap it around the tail.


Can you look up kangaroos? Do they have little tails?


They have big tails. I think they have to go around it. Unless the vagina is on the back of their tail, which would go against all laws of mammothind.


I want to say they have a little nubu tail, right? Oh, that's right. They have a worm tail.


That is a huge tail. I've seen a kangoo before.


That's right.


Dude, the way the kangoo is laying on that one looks very human.


What's weird is their upper torso is just so... Jacked. I think it because it's so muscular, they look so humanoid. I want Who wants to get a kangoo now.


I want an otter. You can own an otter in California.


No, but kangoo. Imagine we're walking around the house, you go into the kitchen and someone's standing there, and then you close the fridge, you're like, Oh, that's the kangoo. That's not one of us.


It would be sick to live with a kangoo.


It would. It'd be probably my size and bigger.


I like to live with the capibara.




In the yard. It just hangs out in the pool. Exactly. We could have that. I don't know why we don't do it.


Let's get a license. Let's just get five exotic animals and put them around the house.




We put a big anaconda in the laundry room.




Just to spice up the lawn. No one ever wants to go to the laundry room because it's boring. You're folding your clothes.


I would want to go even less.


But now it's like you walk past that room and you feel something.


You know what I've been getting into? It's ants.




You've been getting into?


Because there's an amp infestation in my room right now. But I don't kill them. I just look at them and I go on this deep dive on YouTube to figure out how ants work. Because they work together so well. It's all based on pheromones. Thousands of them working together to achieve one goal and they're so small. They're just bugs. But they work together. They have social hierarchy.


Yeah, and they can lift a billion times their weight.


How do they do it? How do this tiny thing communicate with an entire society of beings to achieve goals?


And they can pass information. I can have a thought and be like, boom, and you've got it. Really?


With the antennas. They can tell them, Oh, there's food there. It's like, Rub a tannas, then they know.


Well, that's us with our mouth holes. Go on. We also say, Hey, there's food over there.


It takes so much more time than like...


They have the queen system, and then they have ants that enslave other ants, the polygarrows ants, likes to enslave the four micca ants. They invade, they conduct raids, and they steal their babies and raise it in their colony. When the babies hatch, they don't feel enslaved because in their... Since it's based on pheromones, they get born and they're like, Oh, these are my people. I'm going to work for them. They don't even know. They're different, even though they're different colored. Now I'm on an ant deep dive.


I want to say there Is this a video where a guy took nine or 10 ant colonies and created a box.


You're thinking about Ant Canada, AC Family. Is this the guy? What the... He called his viewers the AC Family. Okay. He took seven test tubes filled with Anne colonies. Yeah. Then stuck it in a box, one by one. Ants Canada. There you go. I'm going to be honest, the title is more enticing than what actually what happens. They mostly just ignore each other. Except one case, a scout from Colony One went to Colony Two, and they imprisoned him. Really? Who the fuck is this guy? That's funny. And then he had to pull away and escape. He had to spit out all the sugar juice he was holding so that the ants will leave him alone, and then he just ran out. You want to see something gnarly? Pull up a Japanese hornet glue trap. These guys in Japan, and they want to protect their honeybees. The way they kill these giant ass hornets is glue trap. These hornets are so fucking big, they almost can't escape. The way they die in the glue trap is horrific. But you don't too bad because these are evil ass hornets. Oh, yeah, your Japanese natural. This guy is so funny because he says it in such a polite Japanese way, and then you just cut to him murdering these hornets.


I see one here.Murder. Give it to the glue part.It's huge.Yeah. They're like, Almost. I got one leg up. This happens Because the Hornets are also a team. They can buzz to each other. Like, Help, help. Yeah, they have a signal that says, Help, help, help, help. You feel bad because their bros are like, Yo, I got you, man. Here I come. Oh, shit. Help, help, help, help. Another Hornet here is like, Hey, don't worry. I'm here. Over and over.


Oh, my God.


Yeah, no, they are... This is cruel.


It's as big as his It's huge, and it's rising, and you can see the glue on them.


It could kill humans.


Look at the imprint on the glue. They are so strong.




So this is what I've been doing with my nights, watching Japanese Hornets die on YouTube.


Oh, my God.


There's some poor honey bees that get caught in the collateral. It's sad.


That's crazy.


It is. That's what you've been doing, That's what I've been doing.


Oh, my goodness. Oh, wow.


Well, we've been visited by Spiro.


And Oasis.


He's told us that that's where we should end this.


Great podcast. Loved our topics.


Look at those Japanese hornets videos, they go pretty hard.


I'm really curious to see what this ends up getting titled.


Probably something related to sex. That's what most podcasts are. Sex. How do you sex on your sex night?


What podcast are you watching?


Yeah, right?


All podcast clips are related to sex. Oh, that's funny because Danny played one of those drinking games with us, and that was his number one complaint. It's like, Oh, you motherfuckers talk about sex. Who wants to have sex with who? Why can't we talk about other stuff?


Wait, that was his criticism of us?


No, he came over for a party, and we were doing drinking games, like Truth or There. God, you guys only ask about sex. To be fair, that's what ended up happening. Yeah.


Thank you guys so much for watching.


Yeah. We have a comment about sex down below. Catching the next one.


Who do you think has the most sex in OTV?


Catching the next one.