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Hello, and welcome to episode 6 of the offline TV podcast. Today, we're here with Yvonne, and I have a fluffy friend behind me, but don't worry about that. I'm also wearing a mask because I'm feeling a little sick, but that won't affect the pod.


That won't affect the pod.


Yeah, we call it the pod here.


The pod.


The pod. So if I sound a little different, that's why. So Yvonne, typically on the podcast, you've received the brief, but we do a news correspondence segment. So What have you got for us? We heard that you went and explored something in LA, and you're coming back to tell us about it.


What? You guys got a brief?


You didn't get the brief?


I Did you get a brief.


Well, the brief said that you are going to come with some news to share.


Is there a real brief?


It could be anything, honestly, at this point. She didn't do her homework. Whatever. Do you want to share I didn't get no brief.


You did. I did? You'll have to check after. Say, I can't check now? Go ahead and check now, but I think it'd probably be a better use of time if you just told us something.


You Wait, no, I really need to know what this is. I'm confused. Wait, what is this thing that I just went to that I came back from?


That's what you're supposed to report to us.


That's what I'm supposed to report back? Wait, do you guys know?


It could be anything. Anything. Well, folks, that's the end of the podcast. Thanks for joining us. Yeah.


Our viewers are falling asleep at the wheel because of you. We can cut this.


They're just waiting. I know we can cut it. So I'm thinking, we got movie magic. There's no way that you do this right now.


We don't edit this. This is uncut. Wait, no, please edit it, please. I don't understand where I would have gotten this. We're actually livestreaming right There is just no way.


I did not get it. I did not get it.


Are you guys making this up? Are you guys scousing me? We're not making this up, but you could tell us. Yeah. I'll throw you a bone. You could tell us about the fair.


Yeah. Wait, before we tell us about the fair, did you watch any Are you listening to your episodes?




Oh, you don't watch our podcast? I did.


Watch some clips. That's two strikes. I didn't watch some clips. What do you mean? What's two strikes?


You're not familiar with your own podcast.


Guys, I haven't watched anything. I've been tired, okay? And the only thing I've been watching is Free Rind.


Oh, banger. I just finished that yesterday. Yeah.


So I'm on episode seven now, so I need to catch up.


It's good. It's really good.


It's just too wholesome. And they taunt you. They taunt you with the love interest. And it makes me angry. How about this?


Give us your non-spoiler review of Free Ryn.


That'll be your news. My non-spoiler review right now is sitting at a nice eight, and I'm only seven episodes in. So I feel like if I were to watch more, it would only be higher because I heard there's some epic stuff later, potentially.


I've lost my pal.


Yeah. But it's really wholesome. And normally, I don't know if it's not... It's like... There is essence It's a slice of life, but then you know the storyline is going somewhere. So you're intrigued. And there's a character development and story development.


It's a slow burn. Very slice of life. The most slice of life of life.


But a very enjoyable slow burn because there's a lot of slice of life that I don't like. So I don't know.


The world building is very good. Yeah. You do a good job.


And the love interest. I ship. I ship so hard. I can't spoil anymore, right? Okay. Yeah. I mean, I don't know what happens. I'm only on episode seven.




Who are your favorite characters?


Probably Freeran. Yeah. I think she's funny in the way that she's very like, doesn't see it sometimes. And she just says things that's very like... She misses a lot of... Cues. Cues, yeah.


Oh, she's like the awkward character, fish out of water type.


Yeah, I like that.


Been around too long. Yeah. Does she use trendy be slaying or try to, and it doesn't work.


You haven't seen it?


No, I'm like 12% into episode one.


Okay, so you haven't seen it. What a weird way to say no. I just like, why did I think this whole time that you've seen it?


Yeah, I tried to.


It's very slow. It's very slow. You would like the second arc of the story a lot. Yeah. But getting there.


I mean, I can like a slow burn. I just need the time to...


If anything, I've been more captivated initially by episode one of other things, like Goblin Slayer or other things, and I didn't like them as much as time went on.


Okay, well, you can't use Goblin Slayer as your...


I can't.


Episode one of Goblin Slayer.


That was pretty like, holy fucking shit.


And that captivated you, you're saying. Do you want to go ahead and tell Jody what happens in episode one of Goblin Slayer?


I've actually heard about this because people have talked about it so much.


Yeah, see, she knows.


We're really turning into Scara's podcast right now.


I know. I'm just also thinking that, do we want to swerf? I don't know. Do we want to swerf? I'm going on I'm going to have a podcast tomorrow. I'm going to be talking about the same thing. You're practicing. Yeah. Well, I did go to Japan again during cherry blossom season, and that was a month ago.


You didn't bring us?


Did you guys have to go? During cherry blossom I swear, it is like, you don't know how to go back to Japan without it. We still will, but it is-I want to see that so bad.


I mean, we're going to see it in Shanghai, maybe. Yes.


Pink petals everywhere. It's so cute. On the ground, it's just covered in pink, and it's just esthetic like, bam, bam, bam, everywhere. And the pretty thing is when they're falling from the trees, it's like they're raining or sprinkling down. It's just magical.


I saw it when I was 12 years old, but I need to see it again. Oh my God.


I want to see it.


So We'll see it in Shanghai. Yeah. Are you guys excited to do anything in Shanghai? Yeah.


You know, it's funny that this podcast just feels like the travel podcast. It's just, so where have you been? Oh, Vancouver, whatever. Yeah. I'm excited for Taiwan. I've never been there before. Shanghai, I've been twice.


Oh, really? Yeah. For like, League stuff?


No, once when I went on a Chinese propaganda tour, and then once for League.


Sorry, what was the first thing that you said?


Oh, the Chinese propaganda tour? Yeah. What's that? What the hell is that? So it was this. I don't really know why this existed, but my grandfather, who is Chinese, found an ad in the Chinese newspaper that was like, You spend $200 for an all expenses paid eight or nine day trip through China. All you have to do is pay for your flights and then $100 or $200 for all of your trip. And so he told that to my mom and our family. He was like, Hey, we should all do this. It's like, Go to China for free. So we all went to China together. And then they took us to eight different cities. Maybe it was a twelve-day trip. They took us to eight different cities. We saw the Jade district, the Silk district, went to my hometown, Nan Jing. And then, yeah, we just We saw China. The reason I call it the Propagandatour is because it was clearly intended to convince Americans to like China. Because you show up, they take you to all the nicest restaurants France, the nicest hotels. They take you to the Jade district, and they're like, Look at all this beautiful Jade.


And you can buy it for 60 % off now. And then you go back and tell your friends, Oh, my God, China was beautiful. But the funny thing is that they advertised only in Chinese newspapers. So people that probably would already know about China anyway.




Yeah. Interesting. Well, technically, if you're doing a tourist guide, then I'm going to take you to the shit places. Yeah. Anyways.


So long story short, grandpa found a great deal. Yeah.


I've been in China once. This will be my first time. Once? Yeah. Once, when I was in grade four. And all I vaguely remember is, so we were visiting my relatives. They live in Like, quite the poor parts of China. I don't remember where exactly because... Yeah. But I just remember going to the market, and there was a giant area, and then they just have... Basically, they are killing live animals there. It could be frogs. I saw how a frog was just dissected and stuff, basically, how they cut it. And then same with chicken. There was the first time I saw a chicken go through boiling water to get all the feathers off. And then they... All this stuff. Crazy beginning of the pod. But you can go to restaurants and you pick the thing you want, and they're like, Okay, and they'll just cook everything fresh. So So that was my memory. And I remember squatting over toilet, the whole thingies. Yeah, classic. And then they have huge nets. So when you sleep, because there's so many mosquitoes, and they have burning incense, so that the mosquitoes don't Like, hang around there.


Yeah. You reminded me of frog worship in China. That's a great... Oh, that's a person.


How are we watching this when it only has 1,000 views. What are you looking up?


I was going to say you reminded me of when we toured the silk Factory, they showed us the silkworm milking areas, where it's just this huge factory factory of a bunch of worms just getting milked, milked for silk.


I've never been. Crazy. This was my first time.


Damn. I want to take Jody to the other parts and have her see some real shit.


Oh, God. No, I don't want to see animals die.


No, I don't. No. I mean, I don't think anybody does. I was not by choice. I was following my relatives. I'm like, grade four. I'm like, I'm sorry, what? Like, bringing from Canada?


Where, I don't know, I love animals.


So just seeing that was very like... That's my ideal. I don't want to go out of my way. And they really like snake there. So they're like, yeah, a lot of snake soup.


I saw so many snakes in jars.


They're just not really about that. But that is... And I just remember my cousins drinking when they were like 10 years old. Okay, okay, yeah. I'm like, damn.


The good stuff, too. Yeah.


I don't know if it was the good stuff.


Like snake wine?


Oh, maybe, yeah. I just remember them drinking beer. I remember a lot of kids, I don't know if there is a real age restriction on drinking, but they just let the kids drink whatever the heck. They don't IV, they don't check the waiters, waitresses, do not care.




So what are you guys going to show me? What's the good stuff?


Well, Shanghai is supposed to be really advanced. Cool. China is pretty advanced. China is pretty advanced, yeah.


I only know that Shanghai is big city vibes.


I am excited for Taiwan as well. Just I'm excited to travel. Travel with friends. Oh, yeah.


I'm excited for Taiwan because of the night markets. I just never got to experience it, but I've seen that it's crazy. And night markets are so overpriced here. It's true. We get real cheap food over there. I've been watching videos I've been binging them. Top, like Taiwan, foods, stuff like that. You got to practice Chinese.


Yeah, give us some Chinese. We're all Chinese here.


Yeah, exactly.


Perfect. All you got to know is you have the menu.


Wait, are you going to teach us Chinese or Mandarin?




My family's Vietnamese.


Wait, she's fluent Chinese. She's Chinese?


I'm Vietnamese.


Fuck, yeah.


See? Wait, you guys are... You guys are buds now.


Yeah, we're bud. Yeah, we've been buds. We go way back.


Yeah. But for the menu, you just got.... This. This. This. This. This This one, this one. Is what you're pointing at. I can do that. Exactly. Exactly. Do you need to know more than that?


And then if they ask you a follow-up question, just say male. That means no.


Cool. I can remember those. Yeah.


So I don't know. I think it'll be very simple. That's what I'm planning on doing.


It's just ordering?


Well, I get... It's where I can read Chinese I know Chinese, but I think or read it in like, Cantones. And then when I'm trying to say it, I get shy and I get like... Because my enunciation on the words are not very good. So I totally sound like a he's barely a Cantones speaker, like trying to speak Mandarin. So it's just like, I just second guess myself, when you're trying to do that. And so, yeah, I don't know how I'm going to... I might just piss myself while I'm trying to order it.


Wait, have you been to Taiwan before?




Oh, okay. So first time for all three of us? Because I know a lot of other people have already been. Wow, okay. And then are you guys both coming to Sweden with me after?


Okay, you know what, Brogan? It's crazy. I really, I really debated it. I really did.


She's going to say no.


No, okay. The thing is, I was like, I'm just not going to go hang out with Brogan, his three sisters, his sister's boyfriend, and that's it. It's just me and Brogan kicking it with his family.


No, you're going to mid-somar.


It wouldn't just be- Wait, are you actually going to mid-somar?


Yeah. That was the worst movie.


Wait, I liked that movie.


That movie looks negative in my life. My life has been worse because of that movie.


I like them, especially when they're screaming all together and they're all feeling... It's the empathy of this group. That's crazy. I loved it. Which part did you like?


The pubic hair in the water?


I don't remember that part. Well, I just think it was crazy. It was just a crazy movie.


It was Yeah, it was like 90 % accurate.




Well, does that mean we don't see you? What? Like you're not coming back? You said if it's like 90 % accurate.


I'm not the May Queen.


He's coming back, don't worry. I was going to... If I wasn't going to Taiwan and Shanghai, I would go. I would have gone. Rats.


She tricked me into going to Taiwan and Shanghai.


No, I didn't.


No, I didn't. Because she was going to come to Sweden with me. I know.


I was. But then I was like, Oh, Taiwan. Otv is filling. You're going to go. Okay, I'll go. I'll go to Taiwan or Shanghai then. And then Brian's like, Sweden?


Nah. She tricked you and you couldn't convince her back. That's just sad.


Well, he was going to go to Taiwan or Shanghai anyways. No, because originally, he was going to come, and then she canceled because she made me go to this one.


Well, I was going to have to go to Taiwan or Shanghai anyways. John has to like, Hey, when's this podcast coming out?


I don't know. Next week?


John's got something. And then I'm the plus one to that. And then, OTV is filming a video. I'll go to Sweden next year.


Yeah, me too. It'll be too late.


What's going to be too late?


I mean, you would know if you went.


I'll go next year.


Midsoul Margot is there every year. Exactly. They're always going to be killing people. What?


Excuse you?


It's the movie. Yeah.


So you're down to come?


I'm not going. I I like Liv.


You like Liv? I like Liv. They kill the oldest two.


Okay. I am old. I don't know if I'm going to be the oldest two. You're not going to be the oldest person there. If I'm older than you guys, there's a chance that I may be the oldest.


You think you're the oldest person in Sweden? I don't know.


Well, is all of Sweden going to be at mid-Somar?


Yes. Really? Yes.


Then I'm not going to be the oldest.


Fine. You're in the clear. You can go. That's okay.


What's funny is my great aunt, she's the one who lives out in Stockholm and has invited me and my friends and my family. But she was giving me the rundown of like, Yeah, so this happens at this time. This happens at this time. They do the Mayflower, the May Pole, whatever. We don't go to that. She was very clear. Yeah, we do the cool stuff. We don't do all that stuff. Yeah.


Damn. Okay, man, have fun. Come back in one piece.


Yeah. Transcended.


Let's just all plan a trip with friends and your family next year.


Everyone can. Yeah. We'll just take over the whole bunk house and kick my sisters out.


Guys, we should go see Northern Lines.


I would love to.


Just specifically plan a trip for that. I'm done.


We could have gone to what? Seattle and Sanhana.


Yeah. Okay. The thing is, though, that was actually so... My mom doesn't travel a lot. She hasn't traveled in her life. She got married, had kids, been home. And so to Just have my mom see the Northern lights just for free, just in her backyard. That is pretty crazy. That's great. I'm just like, oh my God, I can't... I don't know. It just made me so happy.


It was like nature was like, hey, this one's on us.




And she's sending me photos of... She went to where I went to high school because it's close to where we lived. And the high school turned off all the lights for everybody. And so the whole field, the football field that's on the valley area. My mom was just sitting there. There's a bunch of high schoolers around, and everyone's just looking at the Northern lights. I'm like, How magical. How did everyone know this was happening?


I know. That's what I mean. Okay. Yeah, I didn't hear about this. The Northern lights and things is like, Shit. I never know that's happening.


Yeah, me neither. I would have flown to Seattle for that.


Yeah, Seattle's not bad. It's nice to visit.


You know what's funny, though? So that I would have really wanted. If we learned about it, I would have flown and done it. Same. Eclipses. Too many times have I been told it's a once in a lifetime experience. This only happens every 300 years. There's been like six eclipses in my life. There's not... I've learned not to really trust that.


That's like my fire alarm.


There will be more eclipses. Yeah.


Isn't it like that there are eclipses, but there's not specific eclipses? Hey, hey, Google, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so there are two lunar eclipses, but a solar eclipse is what is like, you know what I'm saying?


Is more rare?


Yeah, that one happens. So lunar eclipse happens every year, and then a solar eclipse happens every five years?


One rare one.


I don't know, guys.


See, that's Nobody's telling... There are two to five solar eclipses each year. Oh. So many times I've been told, Hey, this only happens every 200 years.


Okay, well, well, well.


We're probably trying to sell you something.


I will say as somebody... Oh, the event occurs around the globe. So you have to fly to the globe. It's like, Where are you? I'll be wherever I want. Where are you? Basically, it's like, they'll happen, but if they're happening, are they happening near you? Kind of thing. But I flew to Dallas for the eclipse because John's dad, it was like a bucket list. He's like, I'm going to go. You guys want to come? We're like, All right, sure. It was really incredible. I just think that experience proved to me that natural phenomenon is so It's worth seeing.


And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying eclipses aren't cool.


Yeah, I want to see. I just never know when it's actually happening for me to set aside time and plan to see it. It feels like it just happens. I see it on social media, and I didn't even know that it was going to happen. I was in Japan. I didn't, no notice of it.


But that was incredible. I just think if you ever can, and you should fly and go and see it, just because one, you make a trip of it, and two, it just was like, holy shit, this is not real.


I don't think we realized how cool nature... It sounds really troll to say it this way, but how cool nature stuff is until you're literally there, and then you feel it all so much more. I don't know. Actually touching grass, going all over, like random trips that we did to Joshua tree or camping is what gives me those.


Hey, how often is a particular spot on Earth in the path of totality? On average, for the The whole Earth, the answer is 375 years.


We're talking like an eclipse happens in one spot every 375 years. Is that what you mean?


We're getting a shrug from the back.


Google does not know. We're getting a shrug from the back.


It was cool, guys. It was cool. I think sometimes I often think about how I want to live in a fantasy world and whatnot, but I'm like, Oh, I do. Like, when I look at the fact that I can see the moon and the sun at the same time, occasionally when the sun is setting in the moon, like the moon is rising, like those moments or like, I'm on the beach and I see that or I don't know, the total clips, the northern lights.




Then I'm like, oh my God, I live in a fantasy world. I do.


I also want to see like tangled lanterns everywhere. Yeah. That's like something I really want to do, too.


True. Where? I feel like that was going to happen somewhere.


I don't know. I feel like I always see this fucking shit on my TikTok, and I never know where it is and when. I It's just really have to be... Sometimes it could be in China, and sometimes it could be in California somewhere. And I'm just like, I'm just never going to know. What are it? Tangled lanterns.


That is true. It is hard to know. You got to really put in some effort to figure out when and then plan this trip.


You got to do geo guess here. Start learning where everything is.


My hope is that one day that someone I'm dating will go out of their way to be like, oh, she likes tangled or something. And then like a lantern. So I'll be like, Oh, yes. I do get to go. You know?


So until then, no lanterns for you.


No, I'll wait. The right person will do it for me.


Yeah, the right person.


They're out there somewhere.


Oklahoma City. There you go.


I don't know if my person's in Oklahoma.


Is that LMFAO there?




It totally looks like LMFAO.


They've got the glasses and everything. Well, speaking of cities, I was in one last week. Oh, yeah. I have a question for you. Okay. When you think of Poland, what do you imagine? Don't search it just yet. I don't want to give her the answer.


I think of ice and snow.


She's looking at me, and I don't know why.


You know?


Ice and snow?


I know it's not Iceland, but I do think of Poland the same.


She's on to something.


Okay, you've started... Where is Poland on a map? I don't know.


I don't know geography that well. I know Canada is America's hat. Thank you. Nice.


Yes, correct.


Yeah, killing it.


Yeah, so I'll give you a hint. Poland is next to Germany. Do you still think of ice and snow?


No, not anymore. Now when you say Germany. Okay. Yeah. I have a rough idea of where it is. Europe somewhere. In the cluster, fuck of things. Yeah, Europe.




The cluster, fuck of things.


Over there, somewhere.


Yeah, I was invited to Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland. Where, what's that? It's a city.


Oh, okay. I mean, I don't know. You just...


Yeah, I played some games by a studio called Elevenbit that were very fun. I was invited by our friend Alex Jordan, the voice actor.


He was invited by our friend Alex.


Yeah, he lives in London.




Yes, he was a great tour guide in London.


He was the best tour guide in London. Dude, okay, we're on a cruise with my family. We get off the boat, we meet up with his friend Alex. It was my first time meeting him. He's the most charismatic man you'll ever meet. And he's just like, Come with me. And then he just leaves us to the city, gets us some beers, and then we just go into a park and drinks a beer while the sun sets.




It was quite a night. Okay.


I had an incredible night with him once that turned into an awful morning. But yeah, he knows his way around London. He's a good time. Oh, he's a... You know that game, Wuthering Waves? Wuthering Waves?


Is that the new got you game?


Yeah, he's a voice in that. Cool.


Yeah. Was the question you just wanted to ask me was where I think Poland is or what I think of Poland. So that's what led to all this.


Well, I did want to ask because when he invited me to Poland, I had no concept of what to expect.


Had he been to Poland? I would neither. Had I?


He had been there. Yeah. Because he would record there. He recorded because he was in cyberpunk, too. And he would record there as well or something with that. But yeah, he was telling me like, yeah, really fun time. Come on out. But in my mind, I'm like, all I have is like, fuzzy images of World War Two. And so I like to going there to get an actual sense of the city.


And what did the city feel like? This. Like any other city?


It looks very city.


That almost looks like a nuke town. It's like a perfect city. Why is it just...


That looks pristine. So what's interesting, I'm going to misquote this a bit, but what I learned is that, so Warsaw was totally bombed out during World War II. It was laid to ruin.


Okay, I had take back my nuke town comment. It just was a Call of Duty reference. I did not mean to reference any bombs that were on the town. I'm really sorry.


Well, to be fair, so they were bombed out and leveled. And then so the city is all modern buildings because after that, they rebuilt, they're restructured. And so it looks like a new city on top of an old city, which is cool.


A new city on top of an old city?


Yeah. So you'll see this beautiful glass building that's built on top of the foundation of stone and brick. It's literally still got the bullet holes in it. Oh, wow. What? Wow. So they kept that history. That's interesting.


That's pretty cool. Yeah.


That's cool. Yeah. Cool city. Also, I sent you that text. I think it's very much your vibes.


The bar that you sent me?


I'm going to generalize here, but all of Warsaw had this very cool esthetic of plants, wood, and black steel.


Love that. Wait, we're referencing the bar.


Like that bar. Yeah.


I see. Yeah. Brogan sent me this bar, and he's like, Hey, you like the esthetic here? I was like, Yeah, I do. And it was like a, I don't know, a dim-lit bar, but it had modern lighting and wood and stone and tile. I don't know.


It looked nice. It plants everywhere.


That does sound like your esthetic.


Yeah. And I was like, truly plants everywhere. I was like, I'm in.


While I was there, I snuck in a tour to CD Project Red, who makes cyberpunk. And also, they followed the esthetic. All wood steel plants. And then as I'm walking, I didn't really put together that the plants could be real because they're just literally everywhere. And then at one point, the guy giving the tour, we're just seeing all the dogs here.


Yeah, I love them. Getting their visit.


At one point, the guy giving the tour was like, And this is the nursery. All the plants that are sick, we put here so they can get better. Oh my goodness. And that's when it clicked like, Oh my God, they're all real. And they're all... Yeah.


Cool. I love that. The world is giant.


Yeah. Yvonne, I have a question for you. Yeah. And you can deny this if you think it doxes you in some way. Okay. But it has to do with squeling rubber late at night. Yeah. You want to elaborate on that?


That's a crazy sentence. That sounds like a sexual innuendo. I'm going to be really honest.


No. Actually, if I showed If I were to see the clip, it would be crazy. There's this place in my area where these people will drift in an intersection, literally for fun at 2:00 AM, and they'll just come randomly. I'm sure they have maybe a Like a calendar. They'll meet up a spot. They talk online and set up a meeting thing. But what they do is they block off all intersections with cars, and then they just fucking drift. What? Yeah. And there's people hanging out like, Oh, So we're off the car.


This is like real life Fast and Furious?


Dude, it's real Fast and Furious. What? If I had my phone, I would show you right now.


Do you think they have hot girls that are hanging around them, too? Definitely.


Okay, she sent me a video of it, and it looked like... Have you seen Fast and Furious 2?


I haven't seen any of them.


Okay, the opening of Fast and Furious 2 is this street race through, I think LA. And I was like, oh, my God, it's real.


It's on TikTok. It's on TikTok.


There's a millions view video on it or even on IG reels, where this person is hanging off the car and two cars smashed together as they're drifting. And the guy just walks out like, oh, he's like, I'm all right type of thing.


I don't- There's so many things that happen in LA that we just never see or know about.


It's so unhinged. And then they'll call the cops, and then you'll see one cop car in the distance with the lights on coming. And then by the... But they're stuck in traffic because it's so backed up from them blocking off all the cars. So they see the cops and they're like, All right, time to go now, I guess. And they just start fucking leaving. And then the cop car is still stuck in traffic. So then finally the cop will get there, but everyone's gone.


Wait, okay. This traffic is just by standards or everybody that's hanging out?


I think they purposely do a block.


They purposely block. Yeah. And all these people stand outside the car. They'll be literally doing this where they're filming it. This is so crazy to me. Yeah. This is what they did at the intersection.


I guess I need to understand why. Is it fun?


I don't know.


This looks like a great time.


Yeah. But sometimes it looks like the car is about to hit the people, too.


No, fuck that. Yeah. Am I old? I don't know.


I'll just hear them.


This feels like a bunch of rowdy kids out at night. You know what I mean? No, it is. I don't know if I get it. Maybe I would have to show up, drink a couple beers.


Yeah, you could. I like to watch.


Why are they lighting fireworks?


There are fireworks sometimes. Yeah. What? Yeah. It's a good time.


Hey, guys, let's go drift our car's lights and and drink some beer.


The crazy thing is they do this at a busy intersection. It is a really high traffic intersection that everybody passes by.


This is... Wow, yeah, I just stay at home and play video games. Look at these guys filming.


They're all filming, and you could hear and smell the burning rubber, and you could hear them. They're really loud when they're drifting.


This is crazy. Can you do some recon on when this happens?


Because I think we should go one night. There's I don't know because it's random. Wait, I want to go. I want to go. Yeah, sometimes it happens at 2:00 AM.Message me.


Yeah. Hit me up. Hey, guys, they're starting.


They usually hang for 15, 20 minutes, maybe. You had some time to make it there.


These are just car lovers. They're just a bunch of car lovers. I guess so. Yeah, they love cars.


I want to know who organizes it. Yeah. Is it a Facebook group? We need five drifters. We need three tuners. And then we need a bunch of people to just clog the road.


They're probably just saying, Hey, happening tonight. Show up. Yeah. Then I always got people coming up.


I want to show up just to see what the crowd's like. What's happening.


So we gave John homework to go and get Donald Glover on the podcast.


No way. Really?


Yeah. I think we should check in on him. Your homework is to get us to this drift thing.


Oh, that'll be easy. Just stay at my apartment every day.


What if we did a podcast there?


Yeah. You might just hear them. They usually happen at night, too, around It could range anywhere from 11:00 to 12:00 AM to 2:00 AM. Actually, I think the last couple of times, it maybe happened around 1:00 to 2:00 AM.


This is so bizarre to me. It's also like you would never know until you move in around that area. No What was he going to tell you.


Apparently, they move spots. So they used to be at another place, and then cops got down on them, and then now they're at another place. But this place is so popular.


Literally, a giant city.


And you can see all the tire marks and everything during the day.


I love the idea of you receiving a tour or someone receiving a tour of a place and be like, Oh, and the view is so pretty. And they're like, Yeah, look up at the sky. Don't look at the intersection over there.


Yeah, but I'm moving soon anyway, so probably, I think. I just don't know also if I want to live by myself. Like myself, myself. I have Calleigh, but she's gone. She's like, She missed Worldwide off with her fiancé now in London somewhere, which is so crazy. We first moved in. We're like, yeah, we're both you and me. We're both chilling. Good. She gets cuffed, literally before I even move in. And then she's like, I'm going to go to London and Japan. I'm going to visit, see him, and then go to Japan after. I'm like, Okay, cool. Goes to London, goes to Japan. Hey, when you're coming back, she's like, I'm going to London. I'm going to stay because long distance. They don't want to leave. I'm happy for her. I am. But I thought I was going to have a roommate. But now I'm like, do I want a roommate for real? Or do I want...


It looks like... I mean, I don't know. It seems like you're thriving. You've been baking, you've been blogging. I don't know if you see you got your own little set up going.


It's because I think it's weird. Ever since I moved to LA, I had always been living in a house, whether it was OTV and then roomies and then moving out, I also wasn't sure if I could do fully living alone. And also, rent is expensive. So I was like, maybe I just get one roommate who doesn't really do content, but she is super nice and we get along really well. And then she went off to London. Because I thought it was like, it's a nice little ease into living alone-ish, right? And it ended up actually having to live alone. And it was honestly really hard. And I was honestly sad for a bit until I finally got used to it, where the baking and cooking more. And then honestly, I think now I'm used to it and I like it. And now it's brought me some peace that I like protecting almost. It's really nice to have your own space. And especially I like baking or I feel like the blogging is such a huge part that it's really nice that I could vlog for my kitchen whenever I want. I don't have to share or ask anybody.


I just go, I'm like, okay, I think I'm going to cook something. I set it up and just be like, okay, I'm doing this. And so that freedom is really nice. And then having a clean space is really nice that you're in control. Although it feels like it's just never ending. When you live alone and you have to clean or you want to keep your place clean, the cleaning is never ending. You're just continuously doing it, basically. Well, for me, at least because I cook and stuff all the time. But if you don't do that, then it's not that so bad. Yeah, but I felt like, wow. It was shocking to myself that for the first time, I was really okay with living alone because I never thought I would be. I always thought I was like, such a social creature. And so I traverted that I was like, no, I need people around me. But actually, it's nice. I feel like I need an arc that's like this. So it was good. It ended up being good.


I think that if or when I live alone, I will become that forever. Forever. Because I think I will just be so comfortable with it.


It is very comfortable. That's why I'm not sure if I want a roommate, because I pretty much live alone right now, and I don't know if I want to to go there again because I'm like, Oh, this is really comfy, actually. And then Somi gets to roam around everywhere, and it's so nice. You don't have to worry about anything. Exactly. Never worry about anything. I have so much more control of the environment She can go anywhere. And when I leave, I come back. She's always there. No one's going to let her out or do anything. So, yeah, it's really nice.


I think about that often, the notion that when I eventually move away, I probably will never be able to come back to this because it's my standard right now. But I love living with people. I love that it does feel like the college experience all the time.


It's better.


Yeah. But everyone has their own shower. It's the better version. And I love the sense of community, like such an easy sense of community, too. So I think I want... If even if I moved out alone, it would be something I miss. But the comfortability, there's a lot of ease Actually, I think if I lived in a house again, if it were a house, I would live with people.


But if it were another apartment, that's the one I'm iffy about. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's a smaller space. Smaller, yeah. And it's like, if I were to live in an apartment, rather alone. But house, I'm okay. I can dive back into that.


Did you live in the... This might have been the first OTV house. This is one where Toast was telling us there's six people all sharing one bathroom.


I did not live in in that house. Thank fucking God. I lived in the house right after that where everyone got their own bathroom.


That is absurd to me. When he said that, I was like, That's not real. That's crazy. That's actually crazy.


They said it was terrible.


Yeah, I mean, I could have told them that. I feel like that's something that you know is terrible.


You've been to that house, though, right?


My very first time, I had a meeting there, and that was the one time I was ever there.


Okay, was it the house where you walk in through the front door, you go straight for a little bit and turn right, and then there's a kitchen, and the kitchen has a grid light?


I don't remember the kitchen, but I remember if you go through the front door to the left, it's a living room right away.


Yes. There's like a house. There's almost a step down. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.


So that was the very first one. I remember I had a meeting there because I was going to be the house manager. And then right after that, our second meeting was at the new house already. I didn't have to...


Got you. Who lived at this first house?


I want to say Scara, Toast, Pokey, Lily. There is no way. Yuna, based Yuna. There is no way. And then a sixth person, right?




That's crazy. One bathroom? Scara. Six people. It's actually absurd.


So when I... The The first time I went to this house, there was an OTV party there.


Oh, I did hear about that. The wall?


Oh, no, no, no. This was a later one. Oh, later one. But the first time I went to that OTV house, was it the That was the first house?


That was the first house.


That was the first house. Okay. So when I went there, there was a party there, and I didn't really know streaming culture or anything. And so I was just there being friendly meeting people.


God forbid, streaming culture is like that. Well, I didn't...


You know, once you know about it, there is a wall of like, well, I don't want to feel like a cloud chaser and be run up to there.


Yeah, it's all shit, guys. It's all real shit. Anyways, continue.


But so in a way, it was freeing because I could just meet everyone with no Whatever. And at one point I met Poki, and I was like, Hey, nice to meet you. What's your name? And I think that threw her off. She was like, Oh, cool. I'm Amman. I go by Poki, whatever. I was like, Cool. What do you do? And she was like, I'm a streamer. And I just asked her about that a bit. And he was like, Oh, that's cool. Yeah. I walked away. But I had no idea who any of you were, really.


I miss that. I miss moving here and being so starry-eyed, exciting, because it's cool meeting people that either you've seen online or in the industry. And you're very not jaded. Everything is like you're full of promise and excitement. No, we still are, but just in different ways.


Actually, you know what's funny is after I met Pokey, I had one friend who was trying to become a streamer, and I remember texting him and be like, Hey, I met this person named Pokey. If you want tips, I could probably ask her about streaming. And then he was like, What the fuck are you saying? What the fuck are you saying?


I don't know. I just... Those were O-G days. The offline TV parties. I remember I met Jody for the very first time at an offline TV party.


Those were a hell of fun because they felt like genuine house parties. I feel like... I don't I don't know. I feel like everyone was ready to let loose, just get to know people.


The best part was playing Rage cage. Flowers was fucking leading the charge. And he's like, All right, everyone, this is how it works. Like, laying down the rules. And then we put all the cups in the middle. Everyone's learning and trying to play for the It was the first time. It was very wholesome. It felt very innocent. I don't know. You were just excited to be there.


What's funny is that all those parties were super League of Legends heavy. Oh, yeah, they were. It was all pro players, casters. They It's been a pretty good time because most of the time they're locked away. And then when they can come out, they can just really go hard. But I remember someone from those olden days came to one of our newer parties and was like, wow, times have changed.


There's only five or six league players here. It is different. I don't see that many league players at our parties anymore. It expanded and changed so much. I remember the C9 team, somebody got sick, and then they got in trouble for coming to the OTV party, and then they got banned from parties.


It's crazy because even at our current OTV parties, I don't know anyone. Yeah, it's the same. I genuinely don't know anyone, but it's really awkward because they're at the OTV house, so they probably know me, but I can't... It's really just awkward. It's an awkward interaction of like, Oh, hi, my name. Oh, you know... Okay, you know me. I don't know you. Or maybe, I don't know. It's just like, it's hard to navigate. Yeah.




This is just like just actually so many people.


I think it's like before it was very much so like industry, it's like friends If they're your other friends or friends of friends that you've met before I've seen at some point. But now it's like, oh, I'm going to this thing. You want to come and just say a word of mouth that you don't know anybody there anymore.


But I wish that we could all do like ice breakers because I want to meet people. And then it's like, sometimes when I go up to people, you could tell, oh, they don't want to talk with me. It's like, Okay, that's fine. But I want to do the icebreaker where it's like the whole point is to just get to know people. And anybody who's involved, cool.


Just hang up by the door.


I feel like you might like not necessarily meeting people at offline TV parties, but just people in the wild.


An other thing, that's easier to do almost, I feel.


She goes to all these events. She meets so many people. The times I meet a ton of people is when I go to stuff with her.


So the last I met someone was at that Soju party, and I was like, my goal is to go make a friend. I don't care. I'm leaving this establishment meeting people.


We've tried doing this, too.


But I can't do it at an offline TV party. The vibes just aren't the same. It's off. It's off.


You're also a host. You're like...


Yeah, it's different. It's off. It's different because it's industry. I want to say it's so much easier to meet someone in a space where you're not sure what everyone does. Everyone could be a creator, but you don't know. So asking them stuff and getting to know them is I feel really natural. And I feel like it's different in the scene.


It's where I thrive, genuinely. I love meeting people. I love chatting with new people. It's just the environment has to be right.


And then that's why we fucking will go.


We'll go. Yeah. Hey, the TikTok party is on Thursday.


Yeah, exactly.


I met up with some friends that I went to high school with because they were in town, and we went to a bar, and hanging out with them, honestly, unlocked, reminded me of what we were like back in those times because they were just talking to random people. And people would come up and be like, Hey, drink with us. Yeah. And I was like, That's right. I used to do that. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. I love that shit. I love talking to just people. I love, I don't know, hearing what this person does. Because it's, I don't know. I feel like it's the beauty of life, man. Yeah.


I guess so positively reinforced by the good people that I meet. I won't always meet someone, but for every one person that I meet out of maybe 30 that I've said hi to that I will never talk to again. And they're cool. It's so encouraging for me to keep going to all these things. So I don't know. Probably we'll always go because I think meeting people is always nice. And I think it's always Because it's like a butterfly effect or a thing where you meet one person, sometimes they invite you to go somewhere else. And all of a sudden, it's a crazy thing that spirals into something else that you have never thought. Yeah.


What's also crazy is you start realizing how small the social network is.


Dude, for example, I have a friend. I don't know if I should name her. Her name is Puple. What? I'm giving her her nickname. We'll call her Pup.


Let's call her Pup. Pup.


Great. Her name's Pup. Basically, I make friends with Pup at this Soju party. I was like, Hey, we hit it off immediately. We just clicked to each other. And she's like, You want to hang out? I'm like, Yeah, I want to hang out. Let's hang out. So we hang out, whatever. Anytime I'm outside with her, I run into someone that she knows. And then that person, if I'm with Broden, knows Broden. And then somehow we're all connected. And it's like, without a shadow of a doubt, this happens, where Pup is like, Oh, running into Broden somewhere. And then they just ran. I don't know, guys. The world is small. It is.


The world is small. Oh, actually, you know the person we ran into? Yeah. So at this point, I can say their name, maybe.




Okay. So long story short, we meet Pup. Jody really meets Pup. I don't really meet Pup at the Soja thing. Jody has this pickleball thing. I go and play with her and Pup. I'm like, oh, yeah, we met. But whatever. Later, I go to this thing in K-Town with K-Pop people, and I'm like, what? She looks up from the table and points at me. I'm like, what? There's a connection there. I meet her friends there. We talk a bit, whatever. Later on, we're hanging out with Pup, and Okay, I won't name them. Someone that you introduced me to at a Gold house event that works in 88 Rising Music Circles. You know who I'm talking about?


Yeah, I think so.


She knows Pup. Oh, well, apparently. And we run into them. Twice. Twice, yes. Who's Pup? Small Circles.


I'll tell you later. Okay.




It's crazy. Small world, man. It is. Laura, LA is just a small world of people who go out.


I also look like So going to certain events, you see a lot of the same people over and over because I think a lot of the agencies have a PR list of people that they all continuously send things to. So you always get invited to events. And it's fun to make friends because then you see I got adopted before by people that I was like, I never knew. And I went to a party, and then this couple adopted me, and now we're really good friends. And then I saw one girl that I knew. She usually has her boyfriend with her at all these events, but she was alone that day. And she was just like, I don't know anybody. I was like, come with us. And like adopting people. And it just feels like you just always look out for other people who may be scared or going alone to these type of events because they are influencer or like events. And then sometimes they don't let you bring a plus one. So If we happen to know people, it's really nice to do that.


Okay, now be real. Have you ever met someone at one of these events and been like, oh, I shouldn't have invited them into the family?


Not that I can think of. Like, I have met people that I feel like I was locked in talking to them longer than I would have liked to be, but nothing that... Because there's no one that I've introduced you guys to that you guys have hung out with again in terms of... Or something like that. So I don't think so. And if you have them, they're cool.


It's a pretty good record. Yeah.


Yeah. Good radar. Because they're usually just event people or event friends. Yeah. Not all the time friends you upkeep or keep up with. That type of thing. Yeah.


All right. Well, let me know when the next one is.


It's Thursday.


It's Thursday. Tomorrow.


Wait. Yeah. No. The day after tomorrow.


The day after tomorrow.


What's happening on Thursday?


The TikTok party.


We're going to TikTok party?


I'm going to TikTok party.


I'm going to TikTok party.


I mean, I'll go. Do you have an invite? The pup has it in.




All right. We'll talk to pup. Yeah.


Let me know where you go.


I'm curious. Yeah. You guys want... I mean, Premiere stuff? Sure. Primers? Yeah. Movies? Shows? That was always fun.


I like movies, TV. Wait, we should just start a segment on this that's just talking about movies or something. All right. Yeah, you're it. I know you guys tried to watch Challenges, but did you not?


We couldn't. Our Internet went down. Honestly, we should do it tonight.


Oh, you guys haven't watched it yet. I'm not going to watch it.


I'm not going to watch it.


I haven't seen it. You said the soundtrack was good.


Yeah, I like the soundtrack. I'm going to be honest, the start was really not getting any of us slow.


It ramps up in a weird way.


Yeah, no, I believe you. I really do. I was like, I have a feeling this is going to get good. Right now, I'm a little uninterested.


Well, if that's the case, I'm for sure going to fall asleep because I'm tired already right now.


You are the notorious movie sleeper.


But I've changed. I swear. I stopped. No, no, no. Because I stopped falling asleep to shows. I used to fall asleep to show, so I think that conditioned me. And then I stopped watching shows. So then that pulled me out of it. And now I can watch something without falling asleep. It's crazy. Unless I'm really tired at night. But then that's a normal thing. So you can watch full movies now? I watch full movies now.


So what is the last full movie? What are we-I've watched everything.


I've watched any The newest O. N. Hathaway movie that was the idea of you that was based off of the-Oh, was that good?


Let's hear a review from your latest movie.


It wasn't good.




It's just hard because The premise is like a older, like a 40-year-old woman going for a one-direction-inspired type of boy band guy, but they don't have much chemistry together. I don't think there's I don't have a problem with that. I just think that the chemistry between them didn't feel that natural. And then the-That is hard. Some of the acting or lines felt a little... Like Anne Hathaway, great. She's a wonderful and beautiful actress. I think all the elder elements did not work well together.


The writing was bad.


This is someone's fan cam web novel that was turned into a movie?


They do that a lot with Harry Style fanfics. I don't know why him specifically.


Strange. I do love the idea that Anne Hathaway is just like, Sure. Yeah, I'll take the money.


Yeah, why not? They wanted to do a sequel, and she was like, No. She's like, I'm good. One is enough. Yeah. But I watched that, and I watched Anyone But You, the one that Sydney Sweeney.


Jody loved that movie.


That is the worst movie I've ever seen.


Yeah, I remember talking to Jody about it.


We're just like, That is the worst movie I've ever seen. I'm just kidding. Mulan was the worst movie I've ever seen.


Like, live-action Mulan?


The reason why was basically I said, Guys, this is the worst. Okay, I'm going back. I'm getting my hair dye. It's five hours. It's a long process. You know. Yeah. I don't have control of the TV. My stylist does. She puts on the new Sydney Sweeney movie, and I'm forced to look at the TV and I'm like, Holy shit, this movie's bad. I'm looking around the salon like, Are we all in agreement? This movie's bad. But this girl over there is laughing. I'm like, Oh, my God. I'm like, Wait, is it just me?


Somebody likes it.


This movie's bad, right? Then I come home, and I'm telling Sean and I'm like, Guys, this is the worst movie. You got to watch it. Because I'm like, You don't understand how bad it is. Because I'm telling them, I'm like, Yeah, she wants a cookie, and now she's face sitting him on a plane. And they're like, How is that possible? I'm Yeah, there's a lot of things that happen in the movie. You're like, How's that possible? Like, Yeah, now he's just butt-ass naked on top of a cliff. I don't know. And it's just... It's absurd. It's actually... It's so bad. So, yeah, I don't remember where we were going with this. Oh, And then I said, Brogan, that's the worst movie I've ever seen. And Brogan said, no, let me show you live-action Mulan.


I remember watching that. That was during COVID, too. We were like, Nice. Mulanza. Let's all watch it. We're all sitting in the living room. We're watching it like, Yeah, We made an event.


There was like, 12 of us in the living room. People made pop for it.


We planned it. Oh, yeah.


We were excited for it.


Oh, that's a let down. Well, I would say, of all the ones that I've seen, to be fair, though, I haven't seen all of Mulan. I only saw a lot of clips.


I showed her only the best. I showed It's the best clips.


It just makes me sad, though, because I feel like rom-coms back in the day were so good. There's like some type of thing to them that I love, like the proposal or like, legally blonde, all those. So good. And what happened? She's the She's a man. She's a man.


I think just because of the industry, rom-coms might be dead.


Is it because it's been overdone? Or what's the thing? How to lose a guy in 10 days? It's so good. What's the problem?


So there used to be a whole gamut of movies. You'd have your indie films, you'd have your mid-tier. It's expensive, but still has an interesting story. And then you got your blockbusters. When we had all the superhero movies, blockbusters became so much of the focus that pushed out all those mid-tier movies, which a lot of those were rom-coms. Rom-coms? Any story that was like, this movie's about a horse, and that horse makes it all the way to the moon. Movies like that don't get made anymore. It's either your indie movie or blockbuster now.


I like no hard feelings.


I thought that was fucking hilarious. I have no idea. But I know, usually me and Leslie are very on par with our rom-coms or comedy movies. We usually have similar tastes, but she didn't like it, and I liked it.


Can you look up what that is?


No Hard Feelings is the one with Jennifer Lawrence.


Oh, you watched that one? Yeah. Did we like No Hard Feelings? I actually think that there was a lot of laugh-out-loud moments. We were like, Oh, my God. What the hell?


I remember you telling me that... You gave me a short review of you were so surprised Jennifer Lawrence was down for some of the bits. It was Yeah.


I think I was just like, whoa, caught off guard. And I really liked the guy. I was like, holy fuck, you killed it. You nailed it. Yeah.


You played the part.


Romantically, no. But the movie was-It was not meant to be like, it was real romantic because that'd be weird.


But like the... How it was, how it all played out was like, it was funny. Yeah.


We need more weird movies.


I think I just don't believe in romance anymore. I I wish people be romantic, and if you do not have chemistry, I'm like, I take it back. Have you seen Queen Charlotte?




That's a good one. I'm a Queen Charlotte stand. Okay, everyone. I don't like Bridgerton. I think Bridgerton is very bad, and that's okay because I think some shows need to be bad. And Bridgerton is... Some shows need to be bad. Okay. No. I do think... It's like, it's... Bridgerton isn't meant to be good. Bridgerton is meant to be like, oh, shit TV, but they're just dressed well.


Like you put on the background type of thing.


Guys, I don't think it's meant to be profound. It's just, it's not very good. The writing is okay. It doesn't... It's not great. And the, the actors aren't... Some of them are bad, some of them are good. She's still going. And also, the story lines are confusing at points. Queen Charlotte, on the other hand, you love romance. This is the only thing that I've watched recently that I believe is romantic. I'm like, Oh, I feel this. I feel the chemistry. I believe in you guys. I root for you. I ship for you.


I'm fucking down for something to be convincing.


So I was hella confused because I thought this was Bridgerton, but it's not. It's just a Bridgerton side story.


So is it like, oh, the same makers of Bridgerton, but not Bridgerton?


Basically, from my understanding, which I've talked to my chat about, like, Guys, why is Bridgerton so bad? Why is Queen Charlotte so good? And they're like, because Queen Charlotte had no story, Bridgerton's following a book, Queen Charlotte is not. So it's just like, it's like their inspiration, right? And their baby created from it. And it's good. So watch it and get back to me. I'm holding it down. Why don't you get back to me?


I just have never seen something so one... Just romantic and believed in it. It's been so long since only romantic movies I feel has really come through. A Walk to Remember back then It's like a freaking classic that I love so much. And all those movies back in the day. And then nowadays, if you present a full romantic movie, I don't believe it at all.


Yeah, I know what you mean. A lot of times I'm just not feeling. I'm like, You guys have no chemistry.


Yeah. And I don't know what changed so much.


And I actually I do believe in them, but they hated each other. But maybe that's like, adds to the passion. But I just don't feel the chemistry on camera on a lot of movies.


If they hated each other, they're just that much good or that much better actors. That's pretty crazy.


Did they end up dating? I have no idea.


The rumor is that they did not get along.


Oh, yeah. I think they talked about that.


So who knows? They talked about that? That's wild to say in an interview. So I heard that you two did not like each other.


I think it was like, years later, that they were They were able to just say it and they laughed about it because they actually did each other afterwards. Yeah, but they didn't like each other during when they had to actually do some of the scenes. And they're like, you guys got to fucking get it together. And like, you know Put it in the acting or something.


And they nailed it. I believe them.


What the fuck is this?


Moonlight in Vermont? You never heard of this one? No, I've never heard of this. Oh. I watched You've Got with Lily recently. What is that? It's another rom-com from the '90s. '90s or early 2000s, I think. Back when email existed, people would AIM each other.


You know what this reminds you of? Harry Met Sally.


When Harry Met Sally. I've never seen that, actually.


I heard it was good. I just watched that with Broden and my friend Abby when we went to New York, and this one's really good.




Yeah. What is the year on this? '89.


I can't remember my opinions of it other than it has its cute moments. You got to believe in the character development, basically.


It's really well written.


Yeah, it's very well written. Okay. And it's just character development.


I'm down Because it seems like a movie I trust back in the day movies. I don't know what it is. I want a devil wears Prada or something that... They just had some spark to them or some magic, and I don't know what it is, but it's just not replicated nowadays. Some things feel so meta that they put in movies or something. That doesn't really translate well. I agree with that.


I'm curious to ask what your opinions are on movies from '90s. '80s, I will say, yes, those are a little older because that feel like period pieces. '90s to me are still like, it's not quite there that it's period piece and that old. But I know the newest generation is probably like, what are you talking about, man?


Can you give me an example of a movie so then I can think of like, oh, yeah.


From '90s? Princess Diaries? Okay, let's say, like 2001. 2001, I think, was Lord of the Rings. Do you see that as an old movie? No.




Forrest Gump?


I've never seen Forrest Gump.


I remember watching Lord of the Rings when I was younger. So I guess maybe because I was alive. You know what I mean? Yeah.


Princess Diaries was the first movie I saw in theaters.


Princess Diaries?


I don't I don't know what mine was. I can't remember. Yeah.


And then after that was Cat Dog.


How about Goodwill hunting? You have seen that? Yeah. You have seen that. Okay. Do you think if that's an old movie?


I guess I see that as an older It's a banger movie, yeah.


Yeah. That one does look older.


It just feels older.


Yeah. Dude, Freaky Friday was a classic. A banger.


That's a banger movie. That's a banger movie.


It's because it's a fun movie.


And they don't make fun movies anymore. Yeah.


Mean Girls was such a classic as well. But I don't know what the... Like, new Mean Girls.


Okay, here's my next question. Oh, sorry. Did you have something?


No, I was just going to say, what was the last movie that we laughed at in the theater in it? 21 Jump Street. Anyways, cool. Love it. It was a great-I took bomb. Dude, I can't believe that movie's so funny.


Anyways, I also love Bridesmaids.


Well, that was a great one, too. So do you guys, when you think of a '90s movie or an '80s movie, do you think like, Oh, too old. I'm not interested.


No, not at all. Not really. Wait, not at all. Yeah. Because I think those movies, they had something to them that had charisma. I think if anything, nowadays, I've seen more shitty movies in modern day than I have back then.


I would way rather, before having a movie night. I would way rather sit down and watch an old good movie than something new. Because I have not watched a lot of movies. I got a long ways to go, which I didn't know until I met Broden. I was like, Okay, yeah, I got a long ways to go. My letter box is full of to watch. So I would way rather watch something and catch up on older movies that I know are good than, I don't know, the fucking Cindy Sweeney movie.




Okay, but I do want to watch Madame Webb, bro. Yeah, we should watch Madame Webb.


No, guys, you guys don't understand. I saw a tiny ass trailer on Netflix with Madame Webb. Oh my God, I could not believe it. When people said that this movie was bad, I never saw a scene from it.


I haven't either. I've just heard how bad it is. Also, that wig is atrocious.


Maybe this is what we watched tonight.


The scene that I saw was like, they were on a train or something, and then she's really urgent or trying to be really urgent. You guys got to get off or it's dangerous type of thing. But you don't feel the urgency. You feel like she's very, Hey, guys, we got to go. And then this one girl on the bus, this is a kicker line, okay? My parents told me not to talk to strangers. And I'm like, No shot. You use that line. Like, as a pushback. Is it comedic?


As a pushback?


Dude, I don't know. It was just incredibly bad. Like, I can't believe you used a, my parents told me not to talk to strangers line in that when you're like, Hey, get off the train.


It's dangerous. I got to watch it now. But maybe there's something about a movie being so bad that we all watch it. Maybe that's what they're going for.


Yeah, I think it's like if you are all in, we all watch it as a group, like trauma bonding type of thing. It would be really great.


There is something about watching a bad movie together. We all joke and laughing about it. I just feel bad for the actor. Yeah. Okay. That's my question. Why is the movie bad? Is it the actors? Are they not acting? Or is it the writing? Or is it the editing?


This is a period where I feel like I should hold my tongue because I don't want to be outcast from any future movie opportunities.


Okay. Tell me later. Tell me all your thoughts later.


What I will say, though, I felt bad that the actors thought that they were in the MCU. Yeah. Because they were doing interviews after saying stuff like, Yeah, and I'm so stoked to be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Maybe someday I'll mess with the Avengers. And it's like, oh. No, you're in the Sony universe. You're not in the Marvel one. Oh. Yeah. Well, they knew that going on. I don't know that they did.


Yeah, because I would assume you're all in the same. Because I'm confused sometimes by ownership of things It's like, if Spider-Man is owned by Sony, but Disney bought back... I don't know. But then if Spider-Man is technically owned by Sony and still part of MCU, then I don't know. I don't... Why isn't that what?


Yeah. There's a lot of blurred lines there. Because Also, that landscape is always changing. Disney just bought Fox so that they could get Xmen. So now Xmen are now part of the MCU, which they were not before.


Got it. I love Xmen.


But there's been all of these little asterisks where It's like, Hey, can we borrow Spider-Man for three years?


Cool. Thanks. Sorry, stupid question. Is Xmen not DC?


No, there's no stupid questions. It's okay.


Is it not? Or is it like, Batman?


Xmen are also Marvel.


They're Marvel? Yeah. Why do I think they're DC this whole time?


Well, to be fair, they've been in their own universe because they were owned by Fox. Okay. Yeah, but now they're under the Disney umbrella. They're just assembling every superhero ever. Ever.


Disney is going to buy everything. Jesus. Yeah.


Well, catch Broden's true opinions and thoughts on the movie world on our Patreon segment. Oh, yeah.


Catch you guys next time. Thanks, Evo. Bye.

