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Hello, and welcome to episode 8 of the offline TV podcast. Today, we are joined by Cyd. Hey. Cydian. Hey. Cydny.


Hey, that's me.




Haven't heard that one, but that's also me. Yeah. Welcome. Thank you. Welcome.


Thank you. Cyd, today, we have a question for you.




We typically start the pod with a little would you rather.




So would you rather eat someone's week old bandaid?


That's fucking gross. No, I would not.






Do fentanyl.


That's the shit that kills you.


Yeah, so which one is it?


I'll take the fentanyl.


You want the fentanyl?


I'll take the fentanyl. Really? Yeah. Over the bandaid. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


No, you wouldn't. She lies.


The internet's been rough lately, okay? my stuff back up, and then head out.So they've created a stress room for you.Oh, it's the poop room. I know that room in my mind as the poop room.Hey, it's got a door. I've gotten really good about shutting that door. I really do try my best not to let them in there.That makes it easier. They probably love it, though. It's like a dark Coast.It's just a little corner. Yeah, it's secluded. Yeah, just take a poop right there.You've added something to our house for your cats as well, for your pets.Yeah, I should have done that maybe a two years ago, but that's okay. Honestly, I feel like Citi is going to use it more than me.Yeah, I do use it. We've tried quite a few different dog gates for the dogs, but they're a lot of the time just really annoying for humans. Even at our old place we lived in, it was just fucking annoying to open the dog gate.To clarify, what Jody has installed is a giant iron giant- Net?I don't know.Yeah, it's just a giant cat net.It's like what fishermen use catch tuna.Yeah, it's like a big net.It's just a big ass net that has a magnet on one side, so you can slide it one way, slide it another. The cats can't climb it because the net isn't taught. So it's very loose netting, and they can't get through it. But it honestly is really nice. The thing is, though, because my cats, it's such a new environment because I've been locking them in my room for two years, they're stressed when they come down. There's a lot of people, there's dogs, and they're like, I don't know about this, man. But I feel hell of bad because my cats just don't experience humans. They just get locked in my room for forever. I brought that net because I was like, Come with me, children. You're going to experience a little bit. But then, well, we're moving soon anyway, so no, no, no.That we are. But for the last month and a half or however long we're here, it'll be useful. It's also just nice because it's basically like a sliding screen door. It's just really easy, and you don't have to unlock the latch and whatever. Spiro is really dumb, though, and he keeps running into it head-on, trying to get to the other side, and he sometimes knocks the top of it loose. So I've had to readjust that quite a few times.Is he just not see the giant?I don't know. I think he did a little stupid.He did a little dumb.He did a little stupid. It is probably the nicest dog door, because there was a period where we had 12 dog doors in the house, and it was just a hazard.Yeah, it was miserable.This one is a lot nicer because you slide it and it's open closed, but still a hazard to me.Yeah, unfortunately, so it has a... Let's just imagine a A giant rectangle. A giant rectangle, and inside middle is a net. But the top part of the rectangle is still too short for Broden to comfortably walk through?The top bar is exactly above my forehead. So if I have a hat on or I'm looking down, I do not see it, and I definitely hit my head every time.Yeah, sorry, man.What can you do? You get other trade offs, being able to hide your food at the top of the pantry. I can't remember what I saw in there today, but it was like something, Oh, your Chesman, your crackers. We have a pantry. It's really tall, and I know it's Brogan's shelf because it has ramen crackers. There's spam up there or something, and none of us can reach it. I'm like, You're Why are you hiding your snacks up there.It originally wasn't my shelf. It was just extra storage because every other shelf was taken. But I've just adopted it because I realized no one can reach it.No, yeah.You could put anything up there. It's funny you say that. So anytime I want endo me, I just take the broom in there and smack it down. Perfect. Yeah.That's not all mine. That's for the house. Yeah.No, I'm like, I know that this endo me is for anybody. I just can't reach it. So I literally take the back of the Swiffer Duster and I smack it down, and then I catch it.It's like a fun game, right? Yeah.Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.Fun game. It's creating amusement. Cool. Here we're in Wimsey.Very nice. Thank you.There's also a little corner in our pantry that's like Sean's. And so, because often I'll go in there and I'll see If things can be organized better or categorized better, I'll move it around. But the one spot I don't touch is Sean's because it's this little dense consolidated fortress of just spaghetti, sauce, and whatever crackers and stuff he's got. But yeah.I have also taken a corner, but my corner I put behind other things. So there's a big Codiac pancake mix, and I hide all of my stuff behind that.Oh. Yeah.I don't have anything It's good back there. It's like plantain chips and Fig Newtons. But if that's your thing, it's back there.Yeah. Generally, when I buy stuff, I don't care if the house eats it.Yeah. That's how I feel. I don't really have a corner. I don't even have... I don't really... I don't know. I don't got a lot of stuff. Or if I do, I'll put it upstairs because I'm snacking during the stream.I generally don't mind when people eat stuff that I buy. It's more so that I've gone back to empty boxes of my own things so many times. And if you have the audacity to take the last of my thing, at least throw the box away.Wait, that is something I actually don't understand. I don't get it. What's with the empty box? I feel like it's like someone must have a trauma with their parents, and they were eating the last of things and then not getting away.I don't know. I'm so the opposite of that, that if it gets down to maybe two or three left, I'll remove the box and put the three there. I'm not even taking one, just to free up space. So many times, I will go into our kitchen, and either on the kitchen island or in the pantry, there'll just be an empty box. I'm up, is you don't know what's going to happen after you die, right? But I always felt like I don't know. I'd still be around somewhere, right? Be floating in the Ether. I don't know. But then the idea of all of humanity ending. I know that our existence is not tied to humans being alive on Earth, but it's hard. It's just hard for your brain to fathom what would happen to us after we die, but especially if no humans exist anymore.Maybe I feel differently because I feel Or I guess when I think about when I die, I think I'm just going to lose consciousness. I'm just not going to be around. I'm not. It's just nothing, is it? What does that mean? Well, I think energy cannot be created or destroyed. I'm sure energy-wise I'm around, but not Really? And let's say once the stars burn out, whatever, I'm just another blip in the galaxy. I don't know. Not being conscious. I'm not conscious for sure.What's it like to not be conscious? I don't remember.Does that freak you out? I feel like you don't I think it's just like when you're sleeping. I feel like death is literally just you sleeping, except not dreaming. You know what I mean? You know when you sleep and have no dreams? Yeah. That's what I imagine it is. So I guess I'm not worried about it because I guess without all of humanity, I don't know, there'd still probably be like, rocks and stars and shit. Just no humans.Do you think your soul goes anywhere?Or do you think- Do you believe in the soul?Yeah, that's a question. Do we have souls? I feel like, I think I'm of the idea that we're just the universe experiencing itself, thing. We're just rinse and repeat. I I don't know if I believe in a soul, per se.Michael asked me an interesting question. He said, Is it a guaranteed chance that life exists out in the universe if there's other Earths? If there's water, plants, rocks. Do you think it's 100% guaranteed that intelligence is the apex that biology leads to?I do think so. I don't I guess I always imagine as things are evolving, it only makes sense for... Okay, I have two branching thoughts here. I do think that eventually, with evolution, life forms are intending to get more intelligent, more emotionally intelligent as well, just expanding their mind, whatever. I think that would be the end goal, also physically, if possible. My other Third tangent is that, and this one might be stupid. I've never said this one out loud because I'm scared it's stupid. It's okay.It's a safe space.But if we're speaking hypothetically about life on other planets, it always surprises me that we speak in hypotheticals using what we know about life. Why do we... We're like, Oh, yeah, well, this planet has oxygen and blah, blah, blah, and other things that support life. And I'm like, Yeah, life as we know it. But who's to say that in four galaxies away, the fucking people there don't breathe grass up their nose. Exactly. No, I agree. But scientists, whenever they're talking about it, or people just in general, they're like, Oh, yeah. Well, it's like they have oxygen, and they've got water. And I'm like, What if they don't need to drink water? What if they need to eat garbage? Yeah.Well, okay, I follow your notion a lot. For example, we can't live underwater, but fish can. Okay, we're just... Granted, we live on the same planet, and there are some basic necessities that we all need to live here. But the idea that, okay, there's animals that do survive off different things. For example, plants who just photosynthesize. We're all a little different, but I understand the environment. But why can't, I don't know, someone eat rocks and that's their life force?Yeah. It's like they could have entirely different elements there that support their life, yet we only think in the scope of what supports our life, which has always just been really interesting to me. They're like, Oh, yeah, we found a... I was just watching a I did a video yesterday about the next most habitable planet out in a galaxy, however fucking far away, I don't know. But basically, it was just it's four times the size of Earth and has water and oxygen and carbon and all this stuff. I'm like, okay, yeah, great. That's habitable for us. But when we're speaking about the existence of extraterrestrials, it technically really could be anything. I feel less stupid now. Thanks, guys.I feel like a lot of it is just because they're trying... It feels like the conversation is always like, oh, can humans survive there? Like, oh, when Earth gets run out, we fuck up all the resources, whatever. Can we move to Mars? Kind of thing. I don't know. That's also a really interesting thought to me is that I remember the whole, Oh, sign up to go to Mars, thing. They were sending people to Mars.They're like, It's going to take 200 years to get there.We basically don't take care of this planet that we inhabit, so much so that we're like, Yeah, we'll just go and have another one instead of...We're parasites.We are parasites.If you guys had the choice to live forever, would you? If it was like, Oh, yeah, we're going to put you in cryo sleep, and we're going to put you on the fucking discovery ship that's going to take you a thousand light years to get somewhere?My initial answer is no, because I think I would be really unhappy. Unless everyone I loved also I could.Do I feel the effects of age? No. Or am I free, random?No. You just go to bed right now and you wake up, two galaxies over.Oh, I'm not a mortal. You're saying, do you want to hit fast forward?Yeah, sorry. Not live forever, but move on to the next human expansion.It'd be like the movie Click. It'd be a little like, if everyone I knew and loved died.Okay, yeah. Can I live out this life and then go on to the next? Or Or am I forced- Yeah, but you're old now. I think I would not be able to leave this chapter of my life and all of the people that I've met and become friends with to then go on to another that I don't know anything about. Granted, I'm sure I could meet people, new people, and make new relations, but it's not worth.Okay, now say Earth's about to go boom, and the government's Jody, I'm taking you to Mars. You coming?Probably. But I also think, I feel like most people will say yes. I feel like everybody instinctively chooses survival, even though I do not know what Mars life would look like.You wouldn't want to have Earth all to yourself?She's the queen of the wasteland.I'm just a cockroach who just survives some nuclear bomb? Okay. Every time I think about it, it's like, you ever...You ever think so hard, your brain hurts? Sometimes I think so hard about this stuff that I exhaust myself.Okay, wait. Split second decision for you.Okay.Your mind in your own business. You have your two dogs with you. You're on a walk. You're on a hike right now. Suddenly, Zzzz-wack, Gorgon, a giant space Eel appears in front of you. Telepathically, he can speak to you, and And he says, My name is Gorgon. I absorb methane from the galaxy. Your world is about to not exist. Get in my mouth right now, and I'll take you somewhere safe.That seems like a pretty good deal, because no matter what, you're dead. No?Yeah. I do think... So I feel very driven when it comes to these types of things by knowledge, and the idea that I get to learn now about Gorgon and his peoples is like, oh, yeah. If it's It's just hard. I'd want to warn my homies, but you all are going to die anyways.Yeah. You ask him, Can I go to... And he's like, No, no, no. There's no time. And he opens his mouth. He's like, Quick, get in.And he's not a trickster who's just going to eat me and then leave the plant.He might You don't know that.You don't know that. He could just eat you and then stop away. Sorry.So I actually think if it was like, Oh, get on my spaceship, let's go, I would be more inclined. But the fact that I have to get into this alien's mouth is a little like, Oh, buddy, I don't really trust you.It's also just like he's just like a... He's like an alien superpower playing tricks go, I just saw the space portal, and they're like, No.I think everyone would believe you, and they only don't in movies to push the plot.I'm not stupid. And I hate when shows and movies do that.I think everyone would believe you.I'm not going to lie. I would not. I would stand next to the portal. I would not walk away from that thing. I would do a group FaceTime to walk me and be like, Hey, hey, pick up. Hey. Because if that thing starts shrinking, I'm going through.Yeah.That is true. We do live in a time where we could just call our friends. Yeah, that's so true.That's so true. I forgot about that variable. I would probably do the same. Yeah.So then what? Would you grab your... I would have to grab Genchi and Mabel, then you guys, and then hop in.It's like, how many people are we getting? What all are we bringing? Is that your question?Yeah, it's more just like, I'm thinking about like, Oh, if this happens, Cindy calls me. There's a fucking portal. I'd be like, Oh, fuck. Okay. I'm pretty much texting my mom, Hey, there's a portal. I got to go. I got to go. Sorry, Mom. Love you. Bye. Just don't worry about me. I'm bringing Genji and Mabel because if I don't, I don't have enough time to They're going to be just alone. No one would be around to take care of them.I think, yeah, if we're going that far, I'm also... I'm texting my parents saying, Hey, guys, got to go. Dogs. Dogs are hard. Don't know if I would want to bring them through a mysterious portal where I don't know where it ends up.Yeah, it's like, I don't want to. It's just, can't not.Yeah. Yeah. I have a dog sitter who would give them a very good life here on Earth, I think. And I don't know how well they'd do on So hearing this tells me, if you're a demon listening, just start popping portals up to hell and people will hop in. We'll take them. We'll take them. It's easy in and out. I always thought that about the theories like, Oh, deal with the devil. People always talk about that. I remember when I was in middle school, I was like full... I was Illuminati-coated, or not coded. What's the word I'm looking for?She's 12-year-old Sydney's.12 Their Old Sydney was deep in that shit, okay? I've always enjoyed conspiracy theories very much, although I seldom believe them. It's just fun for me to fantasize about that stuff. But I always was really into watching videos of people who had accounted or had talked about like, Oh, yeah, I made a deal with the devil and blah, blah, blah, and all this stuff. I met him in the blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know if you've ever seen those videos, but they're crazy.I have not.Oh, yeah. There's people who be like, Oh, yeah, I definitely I met the devil. They're probably all absolutely psycho, but they just talk about the things in their life that they traded with them. It's always just a human person.They just traded a whole ass human person?No, no, no, no, no, I'm like, Oh, yeah, I'm going to trade my leg for X, Y, and Z, and whatever. Then I used to be like, If you're listening, make me like Jennifer Anaston.Oh, so you were looking for the deal.Oh, I was looking for the deal. I was totally looking for the deal. Not anymore, though. Not putting that energy to the end.Wait, what do you mean you make me like Jennifer Anaston?Yeah, make me famous like Jennifer Anaston. I'll give you my leg.Got it. Yeah, got it. My dad did grow up semi religious. And so something he would say to my brother and I growing up was like, Yeah, maybe you don't believe in God. Just invite the devil in your life. I dare you.And I was like, Okay, I believe in God. You And that's how religion works, folks.Yeah. My dad's not like that anymore. But I don't invite him. I don't.Is there something you would make a deal with the devil with now?No, I don't think so.Eternal youth, immortality. No. Because he's really good at the drums.I think the case for that stuff is the self-sacrifice isn't worth it. Let's say we do have souls. There is heaven and hell and like, okay, I'm about to spend the rest of my eternity slaving away in the hot fires of hell. Pass. The other options are like, Give up family members and souls and friends. Pass. Other options, a man just tricks you. Pass. I'm not so interested anymore. Could have got me at 15, though. He really could have.He's down there, Fuck.Fuck. Damn it. This is a good one.What if the price was just growing horns and you have horns for us?Oh, shit. What am I giving up for horns?No, that's... Oh, you're saying that's your gift?Oh, yeah, shit. I want horns. You meant the punishment is horns.But that's really not...That's not a punishment. I'll be a badass. Are you kidding me? You have fucking horns.You'd have governments coming after you. You'd be a research experiment, probably.I would just say, Oh, I got these cosmetically Yeah, it's done. The government's stupid sometimes.I guess it would matter what you traded for. If you were suddenly really good at astrophysics, government might be like, Mm, some may end up.Yeah. And she has horns? There's something going on here. I don't see horns as a punishment. They could even give me a tail, and I would not be mad about it.I feel similarly.But we're not furries.Well, okay. Whoa. When I say I want a tail, it is not a furry tail.Yeah, that's true. Sorry. We're not scaleys.I don't know what I'm thinking. I guess I'm thinking like a devil's tail, which is ironic, but something that I would wear in a video game. Yeah. Yeah. Like a dragon tail I would have, and I'm not a scaley.But not like a monkey tail?No.If I was getting a tail, I'd want something I could use. Like a third appendage.Like a platypus tail.You want to just smack things with your tail?It's really strong. Beavers, too, no?Yeah, they're just a little ugly, esthetically. But hey, maybe beavers can't be choosers.Beavers can't be choosers, man. A tail is a tail. That is so cute.Beaver is good.That is so cute.Okay, side question. I don't know how exactly my mind got to this, but Are you guys familiar with Gnome Talk?What? All I know is...Okay. You've been gnomed.Are you familiar with the war?I just saw this on my For You page today and scrolled past it so fast.I don't know the fuck What are you talking about?There was a war on July fourth. So I don't know if you know this, but for weeks, there's been a gnome called Crolley on TikTok, who runs around H&Ms. What? Trying to get into the back rooms. Basically, He'll go to McDonald's or KFC or H&M and just go into the employee areas. Okay. And it's always a guy following him from a third person POV. He's been doing this for a while. He enters places and he gets kicked out. Okay. He's been doing this for a couple of weeks, I want to say. But recently...She just pushed him away like he was a dog.Recently, some comments were like, You need to assemble an army or something and come back. And he was like, Okay, we'll do. He responded in the comments. And that started this chain of events where a A bunch of people have been dressing up as gnomes and basically posting on my way to the battle, on my way to the war. It got to the point where people have been making animations of gnomes running on the battlefield and getting shot by arrows and knights coming over. It created this feud of gnomes versus knights. Because while there's gnomes that are dressing up and crawling into battle, everyone who owns a suit of armor, and this is a lot of people, have been on armor and saying, Getting ready to defend my keep from the gnomes. It's created this feud between people dress it up as kids in blankets and little nets and people in full-on suits of armor saying, We're going to fuck up these gnomes. And then it spiraled even further into people dressing up as mermaids and being the mermaid side with the gnomes or the trolls. The trolls are like, The trolls will defend the knights.It all culminated on something on July fourth. To be honest, I haven't really been following it at I've just like, every so often I'll see more, and it just keeps developing.The Internet is so unserious sometimes. Sometimes I fucking hate just funny ads. It's about to show you America's Home Funiest Video fail type of thing. And then it immediately transitioned to a sales person who's hurting themselves in the same way. Then they just rolled their like, and then down it, Accurave, blah, blah, blah. I've always thought it was really clever. I think it can be done really well and also can be done poorly.Yeah, they're like, oh, wait. Okay, before I say this, can you go to the third row, second one in? This is the animation one that I saw.Oh, it's like- Follow brothers and sisters, war is here. The gnomes in night's heard, war. We must fight the gnomes.This is pretty legit animation. Yeah. Why is it so good? It looks like it was made in like, Unreal Engine. I was expecting stick figures.Like, they're getting professional.Yeah. Wow. This is crazy. So when's OTV getting in Getting in on the meme?Well, I think it's too late.We're too late.People have already started posting heading home from the battle, and it's these nice, peaceful.It's too late. It's okay. We can dress up and show up and be like, Man, we missed it.We missed the battle. There you go.And then it shows us being, Oh, and then we walk on home.I like that. I like that.Would we be gnomes or knights?Gnomes. We're being a gnome. We would be gnomes for sure. Or we'd be like the mermaids, but we'd be like wizards or something. And we'd be like, Oh, the Wizards are. We're with the gnomes. I'm actually really curious, though, if people who watch this podcast think we are the Nomes or the knights. So please, can you let us know? I'm going to be really sad if we're the Nights, but I just need to know.I'd like to think Where are the Nomes.I like to think we're the gnomes, but I just need to know what the people think.Well, okay, you've opened another can now. I definitely want to know this. Let us know if we're gnomes or Nights. What about other content orgs? Like OTK, what do you think are? The Yard, what do you think they are?Yard or gnomes?I feel like OTK is gnomes.I also think OTK is gnomes, but the first piece of content that comes to my mind when I think of OTK is them at the Dressed up in their Renaissance fair stuff. So I immediately went night, but I think, realistically, they are gnomes. But my imagery, lack thereof, imagery is night.What about the amp guys? Nomes or Nights?I don't know who that is. I just feel like content-. I feel like content creators are all Nomes. All Nomes, yeah.Except for maybe the Try guys are Nights. Oh.Oh, interesting. Okay. You've thrown the gauntlet down.You know what I mean, though? I feel like streamers are really stupid, silly. And I feel like I look at the Try Guys, I'm like, you guys are silly, but more sophisticated, and therefore a night. Interesting.Give me some more nights.Can I more content creator groups?Just to Try Guys. All right, Try Guys. The gauntlet's been thrown.I think of Mr. Beast as a night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a night. Yes. Okay.Basically, anyone slightly more sophisticated, I'm nighting.Yeah.Maybe we're nights then.I don't know. I think of the gnomes as you play video games, and you sit at your desk for 12 hours out of the day, and the nights go outside and do stuff, and there are more like A little more well-rounded. Yeah, more integral part of society. Whereas we rot on the other side of things. We're just little gremlin. Yeah. We're the gnomes. So I think of the night as people who are functioning human beings. If anything, it's a compliment.Yeah, it is.Compliment. It's like Donald Glover is a night.Donald Glover, he's a lizard. He's a lizard.I actually agree with that. He's better than the gnoms, but he's not so stiff as the night.When John gets him on, I can't wait to ask him this question. We've got so many questions for him.When John gets him on? Yeah.Oh, yeah. Each guest that we have, they have a quest that we give them at the end. Oh, I'm so excited. John's quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast.Got it. Which he forgot about, by the way. I asked him, and then in the last one, he said, What are we talking about? He forgot? Completely forgot. Like, literally did not even, did not have any recollection.It's been what, two months since we gave him that quest?No work has been done.Rather.That's a bummer. It's a bummer. I'm going to do my best at my quest, but if it's at the equal difficulty level as getting someone like Donald Glover onto the podcast, I will give you guys no promises. Do you come pre-prepared with your Quest, or do you sit and talk with your guests and then see what happens?We can't give away our secrets.Oh, sorry. My bad.Because of that remark, I want to give you the same quest as John's now.No, you can't give you the same quest.Why? Okay.I can't upstage John like that.So she's confident that she can get Donald Lover then. Honestly, if you think you can do it- I think it's a win-win.No, I think it's a John. That's a John quest.We can replace John's quest. Yeah.We can give John your old quest, and then you can take this one.I want my old Quest.She doesn't even know what it is. Yeah.No, but I know I want it, just like I knew I wanted the Fentanyl before it was said. Cool.Well, that about wraps up the podcast. To reiterate Great. Sydney's Quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast, and John's Quest is to get Baby No Money on the podcast. A little trade there. So anyway, thanks. I could have done. It's crazy. We're doing an outro. Thanks for watching episode 8 of the podcast with Sydney. If you'd like to see more with us, we're going to record a Patreon episode after this, where we talk about band-aids. Yes?Okay, the last couple of podcasts that I was on, OTV related, does the Patreon one... Does it get weird? What? Is it weird?I mean, it gets not like... What's your definition of weird?Well, I mean, when we used to do the podcast, it was like, Oh, you go over here, and we pull these raunchy questions.Oh, no, no, no. This time, the patrons, we only just strip and then talk.Oh, okay. It's like naked podcast.Yeah, naked podcast, remaining eye contact at all times, and that's it.Okay. First person to look down, what? Eye to the face.But we did also promise earlier in this episode that you would get a bandaid. I would do.Yeah, so basically we have the bandaid and then...It's not too weird. Okay, it's not that weird. Okay, cool. Sorry. Continue our outro.Watch more there. Bye, guys.Thanks for watching.


my stuff back up, and then head out.


So they've created a stress room for you.


Oh, it's the poop room. I know that room in my mind as the poop room.


Hey, it's got a door. I've gotten really good about shutting that door. I really do try my best not to let them in there.


That makes it easier. They probably love it, though. It's like a dark Coast.


It's just a little corner. Yeah, it's secluded. Yeah, just take a poop right there.


You've added something to our house for your cats as well, for your pets.


Yeah, I should have done that maybe a two years ago, but that's okay. Honestly, I feel like Citi is going to use it more than me.


Yeah, I do use it. We've tried quite a few different dog gates for the dogs, but they're a lot of the time just really annoying for humans. Even at our old place we lived in, it was just fucking annoying to open the dog gate.


To clarify, what Jody has installed is a giant iron giant- Net?


I don't know.


Yeah, it's just a giant cat net.


It's like what fishermen use catch tuna.


Yeah, it's like a big net.


It's just a big ass net that has a magnet on one side, so you can slide it one way, slide it another. The cats can't climb it because the net isn't taught. So it's very loose netting, and they can't get through it. But it honestly is really nice. The thing is, though, because my cats, it's such a new environment because I've been locking them in my room for two years, they're stressed when they come down. There's a lot of people, there's dogs, and they're like, I don't know about this, man. But I feel hell of bad because my cats just don't experience humans. They just get locked in my room for forever. I brought that net because I was like, Come with me, children. You're going to experience a little bit. But then, well, we're moving soon anyway, so no, no, no.


That we are. But for the last month and a half or however long we're here, it'll be useful. It's also just nice because it's basically like a sliding screen door. It's just really easy, and you don't have to unlock the latch and whatever. Spiro is really dumb, though, and he keeps running into it head-on, trying to get to the other side, and he sometimes knocks the top of it loose. So I've had to readjust that quite a few times.


Is he just not see the giant?


I don't know. I think he did a little stupid.


He did a little dumb.


He did a little stupid. It is probably the nicest dog door, because there was a period where we had 12 dog doors in the house, and it was just a hazard.


Yeah, it was miserable.


This one is a lot nicer because you slide it and it's open closed, but still a hazard to me.


Yeah, unfortunately, so it has a... Let's just imagine a A giant rectangle. A giant rectangle, and inside middle is a net. But the top part of the rectangle is still too short for Broden to comfortably walk through?


The top bar is exactly above my forehead. So if I have a hat on or I'm looking down, I do not see it, and I definitely hit my head every time.


Yeah, sorry, man.


What can you do? You get other trade offs, being able to hide your food at the top of the pantry. I can't remember what I saw in there today, but it was like something, Oh, your Chesman, your crackers. We have a pantry. It's really tall, and I know it's Brogan's shelf because it has ramen crackers. There's spam up there or something, and none of us can reach it. I'm like, You're Why are you hiding your snacks up there.


It originally wasn't my shelf. It was just extra storage because every other shelf was taken. But I've just adopted it because I realized no one can reach it.


No, yeah.


You could put anything up there. It's funny you say that. So anytime I want endo me, I just take the broom in there and smack it down. Perfect. Yeah.


That's not all mine. That's for the house. Yeah.


No, I'm like, I know that this endo me is for anybody. I just can't reach it. So I literally take the back of the Swiffer Duster and I smack it down, and then I catch it.


It's like a fun game, right? Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Fun game. It's creating amusement. Cool. Here we're in Wimsey.


Very nice. Thank you.


There's also a little corner in our pantry that's like Sean's. And so, because often I'll go in there and I'll see If things can be organized better or categorized better, I'll move it around. But the one spot I don't touch is Sean's because it's this little dense consolidated fortress of just spaghetti, sauce, and whatever crackers and stuff he's got. But yeah.


I have also taken a corner, but my corner I put behind other things. So there's a big Codiac pancake mix, and I hide all of my stuff behind that.


Oh. Yeah.


I don't have anything It's good back there. It's like plantain chips and Fig Newtons. But if that's your thing, it's back there.


Yeah. Generally, when I buy stuff, I don't care if the house eats it.


Yeah. That's how I feel. I don't really have a corner. I don't even have... I don't really... I don't know. I don't got a lot of stuff. Or if I do, I'll put it upstairs because I'm snacking during the stream.


I generally don't mind when people eat stuff that I buy. It's more so that I've gone back to empty boxes of my own things so many times. And if you have the audacity to take the last of my thing, at least throw the box away.


Wait, that is something I actually don't understand. I don't get it. What's with the empty box? I feel like it's like someone must have a trauma with their parents, and they were eating the last of things and then not getting away.


I don't know. I'm so the opposite of that, that if it gets down to maybe two or three left, I'll remove the box and put the three there. I'm not even taking one, just to free up space. So many times, I will go into our kitchen, and either on the kitchen island or in the pantry, there'll just be an empty box. I'm up, is you don't know what's going to happen after you die, right? But I always felt like I don't know. I'd still be around somewhere, right? Be floating in the Ether. I don't know. But then the idea of all of humanity ending. I know that our existence is not tied to humans being alive on Earth, but it's hard. It's just hard for your brain to fathom what would happen to us after we die, but especially if no humans exist anymore.Maybe I feel differently because I feel Or I guess when I think about when I die, I think I'm just going to lose consciousness. I'm just not going to be around. I'm not. It's just nothing, is it? What does that mean? Well, I think energy cannot be created or destroyed. I'm sure energy-wise I'm around, but not Really? And let's say once the stars burn out, whatever, I'm just another blip in the galaxy. I don't know. Not being conscious. I'm not conscious for sure.What's it like to not be conscious? I don't remember.Does that freak you out? I feel like you don't I think it's just like when you're sleeping. I feel like death is literally just you sleeping, except not dreaming. You know what I mean? You know when you sleep and have no dreams? Yeah. That's what I imagine it is. So I guess I'm not worried about it because I guess without all of humanity, I don't know, there'd still probably be like, rocks and stars and shit. Just no humans.Do you think your soul goes anywhere?Or do you think- Do you believe in the soul?Yeah, that's a question. Do we have souls? I feel like, I think I'm of the idea that we're just the universe experiencing itself, thing. We're just rinse and repeat. I I don't know if I believe in a soul, per se.Michael asked me an interesting question. He said, Is it a guaranteed chance that life exists out in the universe if there's other Earths? If there's water, plants, rocks. Do you think it's 100% guaranteed that intelligence is the apex that biology leads to?I do think so. I don't I guess I always imagine as things are evolving, it only makes sense for... Okay, I have two branching thoughts here. I do think that eventually, with evolution, life forms are intending to get more intelligent, more emotionally intelligent as well, just expanding their mind, whatever. I think that would be the end goal, also physically, if possible. My other Third tangent is that, and this one might be stupid. I've never said this one out loud because I'm scared it's stupid. It's okay.It's a safe space.But if we're speaking hypothetically about life on other planets, it always surprises me that we speak in hypotheticals using what we know about life. Why do we... We're like, Oh, yeah, well, this planet has oxygen and blah, blah, blah, and other things that support life. And I'm like, Yeah, life as we know it. But who's to say that in four galaxies away, the fucking people there don't breathe grass up their nose. Exactly. No, I agree. But scientists, whenever they're talking about it, or people just in general, they're like, Oh, yeah. Well, it's like they have oxygen, and they've got water. And I'm like, What if they don't need to drink water? What if they need to eat garbage? Yeah.Well, okay, I follow your notion a lot. For example, we can't live underwater, but fish can. Okay, we're just... Granted, we live on the same planet, and there are some basic necessities that we all need to live here. But the idea that, okay, there's animals that do survive off different things. For example, plants who just photosynthesize. We're all a little different, but I understand the environment. But why can't, I don't know, someone eat rocks and that's their life force?Yeah. It's like they could have entirely different elements there that support their life, yet we only think in the scope of what supports our life, which has always just been really interesting to me. They're like, Oh, yeah, we found a... I was just watching a I did a video yesterday about the next most habitable planet out in a galaxy, however fucking far away, I don't know. But basically, it was just it's four times the size of Earth and has water and oxygen and carbon and all this stuff. I'm like, okay, yeah, great. That's habitable for us. But when we're speaking about the existence of extraterrestrials, it technically really could be anything. I feel less stupid now. Thanks, guys.I feel like a lot of it is just because they're trying... It feels like the conversation is always like, oh, can humans survive there? Like, oh, when Earth gets run out, we fuck up all the resources, whatever. Can we move to Mars? Kind of thing. I don't know. That's also a really interesting thought to me is that I remember the whole, Oh, sign up to go to Mars, thing. They were sending people to Mars.They're like, It's going to take 200 years to get there.We basically don't take care of this planet that we inhabit, so much so that we're like, Yeah, we'll just go and have another one instead of...We're parasites.We are parasites.If you guys had the choice to live forever, would you? If it was like, Oh, yeah, we're going to put you in cryo sleep, and we're going to put you on the fucking discovery ship that's going to take you a thousand light years to get somewhere?My initial answer is no, because I think I would be really unhappy. Unless everyone I loved also I could.Do I feel the effects of age? No. Or am I free, random?No. You just go to bed right now and you wake up, two galaxies over.Oh, I'm not a mortal. You're saying, do you want to hit fast forward?Yeah, sorry. Not live forever, but move on to the next human expansion.It'd be like the movie Click. It'd be a little like, if everyone I knew and loved died.Okay, yeah. Can I live out this life and then go on to the next? Or Or am I forced- Yeah, but you're old now. I think I would not be able to leave this chapter of my life and all of the people that I've met and become friends with to then go on to another that I don't know anything about. Granted, I'm sure I could meet people, new people, and make new relations, but it's not worth.Okay, now say Earth's about to go boom, and the government's Jody, I'm taking you to Mars. You coming?Probably. But I also think, I feel like most people will say yes. I feel like everybody instinctively chooses survival, even though I do not know what Mars life would look like.You wouldn't want to have Earth all to yourself?She's the queen of the wasteland.I'm just a cockroach who just survives some nuclear bomb? Okay. Every time I think about it, it's like, you ever...You ever think so hard, your brain hurts? Sometimes I think so hard about this stuff that I exhaust myself.Okay, wait. Split second decision for you.Okay.Your mind in your own business. You have your two dogs with you. You're on a walk. You're on a hike right now. Suddenly, Zzzz-wack, Gorgon, a giant space Eel appears in front of you. Telepathically, he can speak to you, and And he says, My name is Gorgon. I absorb methane from the galaxy. Your world is about to not exist. Get in my mouth right now, and I'll take you somewhere safe.That seems like a pretty good deal, because no matter what, you're dead. No?Yeah. I do think... So I feel very driven when it comes to these types of things by knowledge, and the idea that I get to learn now about Gorgon and his peoples is like, oh, yeah. If it's It's just hard. I'd want to warn my homies, but you all are going to die anyways.Yeah. You ask him, Can I go to... And he's like, No, no, no. There's no time. And he opens his mouth. He's like, Quick, get in.And he's not a trickster who's just going to eat me and then leave the plant.He might You don't know that.You don't know that. He could just eat you and then stop away. Sorry.So I actually think if it was like, Oh, get on my spaceship, let's go, I would be more inclined. But the fact that I have to get into this alien's mouth is a little like, Oh, buddy, I don't really trust you.It's also just like he's just like a... He's like an alien superpower playing tricks go, I just saw the space portal, and they're like, No.I think everyone would believe you, and they only don't in movies to push the plot.I'm not stupid. And I hate when shows and movies do that.I think everyone would believe you.I'm not going to lie. I would not. I would stand next to the portal. I would not walk away from that thing. I would do a group FaceTime to walk me and be like, Hey, hey, pick up. Hey. Because if that thing starts shrinking, I'm going through.Yeah.That is true. We do live in a time where we could just call our friends. Yeah, that's so true.That's so true. I forgot about that variable. I would probably do the same. Yeah.So then what? Would you grab your... I would have to grab Genchi and Mabel, then you guys, and then hop in.It's like, how many people are we getting? What all are we bringing? Is that your question?Yeah, it's more just like, I'm thinking about like, Oh, if this happens, Cindy calls me. There's a fucking portal. I'd be like, Oh, fuck. Okay. I'm pretty much texting my mom, Hey, there's a portal. I got to go. I got to go. Sorry, Mom. Love you. Bye. Just don't worry about me. I'm bringing Genji and Mabel because if I don't, I don't have enough time to They're going to be just alone. No one would be around to take care of them.I think, yeah, if we're going that far, I'm also... I'm texting my parents saying, Hey, guys, got to go. Dogs. Dogs are hard. Don't know if I would want to bring them through a mysterious portal where I don't know where it ends up.Yeah, it's like, I don't want to. It's just, can't not.Yeah. Yeah. I have a dog sitter who would give them a very good life here on Earth, I think. And I don't know how well they'd do on So hearing this tells me, if you're a demon listening, just start popping portals up to hell and people will hop in. We'll take them. We'll take them. It's easy in and out. I always thought that about the theories like, Oh, deal with the devil. People always talk about that. I remember when I was in middle school, I was like full... I was Illuminati-coated, or not coded. What's the word I'm looking for?She's 12-year-old Sydney's.12 Their Old Sydney was deep in that shit, okay? I've always enjoyed conspiracy theories very much, although I seldom believe them. It's just fun for me to fantasize about that stuff. But I always was really into watching videos of people who had accounted or had talked about like, Oh, yeah, I made a deal with the devil and blah, blah, blah, and all this stuff. I met him in the blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know if you've ever seen those videos, but they're crazy.I have not.Oh, yeah. There's people who be like, Oh, yeah, I definitely I met the devil. They're probably all absolutely psycho, but they just talk about the things in their life that they traded with them. It's always just a human person.They just traded a whole ass human person?No, no, no, no, no, I'm like, Oh, yeah, I'm going to trade my leg for X, Y, and Z, and whatever. Then I used to be like, If you're listening, make me like Jennifer Anaston.Oh, so you were looking for the deal.Oh, I was looking for the deal. I was totally looking for the deal. Not anymore, though. Not putting that energy to the end.Wait, what do you mean you make me like Jennifer Anaston?Yeah, make me famous like Jennifer Anaston. I'll give you my leg.Got it. Yeah, got it. My dad did grow up semi religious. And so something he would say to my brother and I growing up was like, Yeah, maybe you don't believe in God. Just invite the devil in your life. I dare you.And I was like, Okay, I believe in God. You And that's how religion works, folks.Yeah. My dad's not like that anymore. But I don't invite him. I don't.Is there something you would make a deal with the devil with now?No, I don't think so.Eternal youth, immortality. No. Because he's really good at the drums.I think the case for that stuff is the self-sacrifice isn't worth it. Let's say we do have souls. There is heaven and hell and like, okay, I'm about to spend the rest of my eternity slaving away in the hot fires of hell. Pass. The other options are like, Give up family members and souls and friends. Pass. Other options, a man just tricks you. Pass. I'm not so interested anymore. Could have got me at 15, though. He really could have.He's down there, Fuck.Fuck. Damn it. This is a good one.What if the price was just growing horns and you have horns for us?Oh, shit. What am I giving up for horns?No, that's... Oh, you're saying that's your gift?Oh, yeah, shit. I want horns. You meant the punishment is horns.But that's really not...That's not a punishment. I'll be a badass. Are you kidding me? You have fucking horns.You'd have governments coming after you. You'd be a research experiment, probably.I would just say, Oh, I got these cosmetically Yeah, it's done. The government's stupid sometimes.I guess it would matter what you traded for. If you were suddenly really good at astrophysics, government might be like, Mm, some may end up.Yeah. And she has horns? There's something going on here. I don't see horns as a punishment. They could even give me a tail, and I would not be mad about it.I feel similarly.But we're not furries.Well, okay. Whoa. When I say I want a tail, it is not a furry tail.Yeah, that's true. Sorry. We're not scaleys.I don't know what I'm thinking. I guess I'm thinking like a devil's tail, which is ironic, but something that I would wear in a video game. Yeah. Yeah. Like a dragon tail I would have, and I'm not a scaley.But not like a monkey tail?No.If I was getting a tail, I'd want something I could use. Like a third appendage.Like a platypus tail.You want to just smack things with your tail?It's really strong. Beavers, too, no?Yeah, they're just a little ugly, esthetically. But hey, maybe beavers can't be choosers.Beavers can't be choosers, man. A tail is a tail. That is so cute.Beaver is good.That is so cute.Okay, side question. I don't know how exactly my mind got to this, but Are you guys familiar with Gnome Talk?What? All I know is...Okay. You've been gnomed.Are you familiar with the war?I just saw this on my For You page today and scrolled past it so fast.I don't know the fuck What are you talking about?There was a war on July fourth. So I don't know if you know this, but for weeks, there's been a gnome called Crolley on TikTok, who runs around H&Ms. What? Trying to get into the back rooms. Basically, He'll go to McDonald's or KFC or H&M and just go into the employee areas. Okay. And it's always a guy following him from a third person POV. He's been doing this for a while. He enters places and he gets kicked out. Okay. He's been doing this for a couple of weeks, I want to say. But recently...She just pushed him away like he was a dog.Recently, some comments were like, You need to assemble an army or something and come back. And he was like, Okay, we'll do. He responded in the comments. And that started this chain of events where a A bunch of people have been dressing up as gnomes and basically posting on my way to the battle, on my way to the war. It got to the point where people have been making animations of gnomes running on the battlefield and getting shot by arrows and knights coming over. It created this feud of gnomes versus knights. Because while there's gnomes that are dressing up and crawling into battle, everyone who owns a suit of armor, and this is a lot of people, have been on armor and saying, Getting ready to defend my keep from the gnomes. It's created this feud between people dress it up as kids in blankets and little nets and people in full-on suits of armor saying, We're going to fuck up these gnomes. And then it spiraled even further into people dressing up as mermaids and being the mermaid side with the gnomes or the trolls. The trolls are like, The trolls will defend the knights.It all culminated on something on July fourth. To be honest, I haven't really been following it at I've just like, every so often I'll see more, and it just keeps developing.The Internet is so unserious sometimes. Sometimes I fucking hate just funny ads. It's about to show you America's Home Funiest Video fail type of thing. And then it immediately transitioned to a sales person who's hurting themselves in the same way. Then they just rolled their like, and then down it, Accurave, blah, blah, blah. I've always thought it was really clever. I think it can be done really well and also can be done poorly.Yeah, they're like, oh, wait. Okay, before I say this, can you go to the third row, second one in? This is the animation one that I saw.Oh, it's like- Follow brothers and sisters, war is here. The gnomes in night's heard, war. We must fight the gnomes.This is pretty legit animation. Yeah. Why is it so good? It looks like it was made in like, Unreal Engine. I was expecting stick figures.Like, they're getting professional.Yeah. Wow. This is crazy. So when's OTV getting in Getting in on the meme?Well, I think it's too late.We're too late.People have already started posting heading home from the battle, and it's these nice, peaceful.It's too late. It's okay. We can dress up and show up and be like, Man, we missed it.We missed the battle. There you go.And then it shows us being, Oh, and then we walk on home.I like that. I like that.Would we be gnomes or knights?Gnomes. We're being a gnome. We would be gnomes for sure. Or we'd be like the mermaids, but we'd be like wizards or something. And we'd be like, Oh, the Wizards are. We're with the gnomes. I'm actually really curious, though, if people who watch this podcast think we are the Nomes or the knights. So please, can you let us know? I'm going to be really sad if we're the Nights, but I just need to know.I'd like to think Where are the Nomes.I like to think we're the gnomes, but I just need to know what the people think.Well, okay, you've opened another can now. I definitely want to know this. Let us know if we're gnomes or Nights. What about other content orgs? Like OTK, what do you think are? The Yard, what do you think they are?Yard or gnomes?I feel like OTK is gnomes.I also think OTK is gnomes, but the first piece of content that comes to my mind when I think of OTK is them at the Dressed up in their Renaissance fair stuff. So I immediately went night, but I think, realistically, they are gnomes. But my imagery, lack thereof, imagery is night.What about the amp guys? Nomes or Nights?I don't know who that is. I just feel like content-. I feel like content creators are all Nomes. All Nomes, yeah.Except for maybe the Try guys are Nights. Oh.Oh, interesting. Okay. You've thrown the gauntlet down.You know what I mean, though? I feel like streamers are really stupid, silly. And I feel like I look at the Try Guys, I'm like, you guys are silly, but more sophisticated, and therefore a night. Interesting.Give me some more nights.Can I more content creator groups?Just to Try Guys. All right, Try Guys. The gauntlet's been thrown.I think of Mr. Beast as a night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a night. Yes. Okay.Basically, anyone slightly more sophisticated, I'm nighting.Yeah.Maybe we're nights then.I don't know. I think of the gnomes as you play video games, and you sit at your desk for 12 hours out of the day, and the nights go outside and do stuff, and there are more like A little more well-rounded. Yeah, more integral part of society. Whereas we rot on the other side of things. We're just little gremlin. Yeah. We're the gnomes. So I think of the night as people who are functioning human beings. If anything, it's a compliment.Yeah, it is.Compliment. It's like Donald Glover is a night.Donald Glover, he's a lizard. He's a lizard.I actually agree with that. He's better than the gnoms, but he's not so stiff as the night.When John gets him on, I can't wait to ask him this question. We've got so many questions for him.When John gets him on? Yeah.Oh, yeah. Each guest that we have, they have a quest that we give them at the end. Oh, I'm so excited. John's quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast.Got it. Which he forgot about, by the way. I asked him, and then in the last one, he said, What are we talking about? He forgot? Completely forgot. Like, literally did not even, did not have any recollection.It's been what, two months since we gave him that quest?No work has been done.Rather.That's a bummer. It's a bummer. I'm going to do my best at my quest, but if it's at the equal difficulty level as getting someone like Donald Glover onto the podcast, I will give you guys no promises. Do you come pre-prepared with your Quest, or do you sit and talk with your guests and then see what happens?We can't give away our secrets.Oh, sorry. My bad.Because of that remark, I want to give you the same quest as John's now.No, you can't give you the same quest.Why? Okay.I can't upstage John like that.So she's confident that she can get Donald Lover then. Honestly, if you think you can do it- I think it's a win-win.No, I think it's a John. That's a John quest.We can replace John's quest. Yeah.We can give John your old quest, and then you can take this one.I want my old Quest.She doesn't even know what it is. Yeah.No, but I know I want it, just like I knew I wanted the Fentanyl before it was said. Cool.Well, that about wraps up the podcast. To reiterate Great. Sydney's Quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast, and John's Quest is to get Baby No Money on the podcast. A little trade there. So anyway, thanks. I could have done. It's crazy. We're doing an outro. Thanks for watching episode 8 of the podcast with Sydney. If you'd like to see more with us, we're going to record a Patreon episode after this, where we talk about band-aids. Yes?Okay, the last couple of podcasts that I was on, OTV related, does the Patreon one... Does it get weird? What? Is it weird?I mean, it gets not like... What's your definition of weird?Well, I mean, when we used to do the podcast, it was like, Oh, you go over here, and we pull these raunchy questions.Oh, no, no, no. This time, the patrons, we only just strip and then talk.Oh, okay. It's like naked podcast.Yeah, naked podcast, remaining eye contact at all times, and that's it.Okay. First person to look down, what? Eye to the face.But we did also promise earlier in this episode that you would get a bandaid. I would do.Yeah, so basically we have the bandaid and then...It's not too weird. Okay, it's not that weird. Okay, cool. Sorry. Continue our outro.Watch more there. Bye, guys.Thanks for watching.


up, is you don't know what's going to happen after you die, right? But I always felt like I don't know. I'd still be around somewhere, right? Be floating in the Ether. I don't know. But then the idea of all of humanity ending. I know that our existence is not tied to humans being alive on Earth, but it's hard. It's just hard for your brain to fathom what would happen to us after we die, but especially if no humans exist anymore.


Maybe I feel differently because I feel Or I guess when I think about when I die, I think I'm just going to lose consciousness. I'm just not going to be around. I'm not. It's just nothing, is it? What does that mean? Well, I think energy cannot be created or destroyed. I'm sure energy-wise I'm around, but not Really? And let's say once the stars burn out, whatever, I'm just another blip in the galaxy. I don't know. Not being conscious. I'm not conscious for sure.


What's it like to not be conscious? I don't remember.


Does that freak you out? I feel like you don't I think it's just like when you're sleeping. I feel like death is literally just you sleeping, except not dreaming. You know what I mean? You know when you sleep and have no dreams? Yeah. That's what I imagine it is. So I guess I'm not worried about it because I guess without all of humanity, I don't know, there'd still probably be like, rocks and stars and shit. Just no humans.


Do you think your soul goes anywhere?


Or do you think- Do you believe in the soul?


Yeah, that's a question. Do we have souls? I feel like, I think I'm of the idea that we're just the universe experiencing itself, thing. We're just rinse and repeat. I I don't know if I believe in a soul, per se.


Michael asked me an interesting question. He said, Is it a guaranteed chance that life exists out in the universe if there's other Earths? If there's water, plants, rocks. Do you think it's 100% guaranteed that intelligence is the apex that biology leads to?


I do think so. I don't I guess I always imagine as things are evolving, it only makes sense for... Okay, I have two branching thoughts here. I do think that eventually, with evolution, life forms are intending to get more intelligent, more emotionally intelligent as well, just expanding their mind, whatever. I think that would be the end goal, also physically, if possible. My other Third tangent is that, and this one might be stupid. I've never said this one out loud because I'm scared it's stupid. It's okay.


It's a safe space.


But if we're speaking hypothetically about life on other planets, it always surprises me that we speak in hypotheticals using what we know about life. Why do we... We're like, Oh, yeah, well, this planet has oxygen and blah, blah, blah, and other things that support life. And I'm like, Yeah, life as we know it. But who's to say that in four galaxies away, the fucking people there don't breathe grass up their nose. Exactly. No, I agree. But scientists, whenever they're talking about it, or people just in general, they're like, Oh, yeah. Well, it's like they have oxygen, and they've got water. And I'm like, What if they don't need to drink water? What if they need to eat garbage? Yeah.


Well, okay, I follow your notion a lot. For example, we can't live underwater, but fish can. Okay, we're just... Granted, we live on the same planet, and there are some basic necessities that we all need to live here. But the idea that, okay, there's animals that do survive off different things. For example, plants who just photosynthesize. We're all a little different, but I understand the environment. But why can't, I don't know, someone eat rocks and that's their life force?


Yeah. It's like they could have entirely different elements there that support their life, yet we only think in the scope of what supports our life, which has always just been really interesting to me. They're like, Oh, yeah, we found a... I was just watching a I did a video yesterday about the next most habitable planet out in a galaxy, however fucking far away, I don't know. But basically, it was just it's four times the size of Earth and has water and oxygen and carbon and all this stuff. I'm like, okay, yeah, great. That's habitable for us. But when we're speaking about the existence of extraterrestrials, it technically really could be anything. I feel less stupid now. Thanks, guys.


I feel like a lot of it is just because they're trying... It feels like the conversation is always like, oh, can humans survive there? Like, oh, when Earth gets run out, we fuck up all the resources, whatever. Can we move to Mars? Kind of thing. I don't know. That's also a really interesting thought to me is that I remember the whole, Oh, sign up to go to Mars, thing. They were sending people to Mars.


They're like, It's going to take 200 years to get there.


We basically don't take care of this planet that we inhabit, so much so that we're like, Yeah, we'll just go and have another one instead of...


We're parasites.


We are parasites.


If you guys had the choice to live forever, would you? If it was like, Oh, yeah, we're going to put you in cryo sleep, and we're going to put you on the fucking discovery ship that's going to take you a thousand light years to get somewhere?


My initial answer is no, because I think I would be really unhappy. Unless everyone I loved also I could.


Do I feel the effects of age? No. Or am I free, random?


No. You just go to bed right now and you wake up, two galaxies over.


Oh, I'm not a mortal. You're saying, do you want to hit fast forward?


Yeah, sorry. Not live forever, but move on to the next human expansion.


It'd be like the movie Click. It'd be a little like, if everyone I knew and loved died.


Okay, yeah. Can I live out this life and then go on to the next? Or Or am I forced- Yeah, but you're old now. I think I would not be able to leave this chapter of my life and all of the people that I've met and become friends with to then go on to another that I don't know anything about. Granted, I'm sure I could meet people, new people, and make new relations, but it's not worth.


Okay, now say Earth's about to go boom, and the government's Jody, I'm taking you to Mars. You coming?


Probably. But I also think, I feel like most people will say yes. I feel like everybody instinctively chooses survival, even though I do not know what Mars life would look like.


You wouldn't want to have Earth all to yourself?


She's the queen of the wasteland.


I'm just a cockroach who just survives some nuclear bomb? Okay. Every time I think about it, it's like, you ever...


You ever think so hard, your brain hurts? Sometimes I think so hard about this stuff that I exhaust myself.


Okay, wait. Split second decision for you.




Your mind in your own business. You have your two dogs with you. You're on a walk. You're on a hike right now. Suddenly, Zzzz-wack, Gorgon, a giant space Eel appears in front of you. Telepathically, he can speak to you, and And he says, My name is Gorgon. I absorb methane from the galaxy. Your world is about to not exist. Get in my mouth right now, and I'll take you somewhere safe.


That seems like a pretty good deal, because no matter what, you're dead. No?


Yeah. I do think... So I feel very driven when it comes to these types of things by knowledge, and the idea that I get to learn now about Gorgon and his peoples is like, oh, yeah. If it's It's just hard. I'd want to warn my homies, but you all are going to die anyways.


Yeah. You ask him, Can I go to... And he's like, No, no, no. There's no time. And he opens his mouth. He's like, Quick, get in.


And he's not a trickster who's just going to eat me and then leave the plant.


He might You don't know that.


You don't know that. He could just eat you and then stop away. Sorry.


So I actually think if it was like, Oh, get on my spaceship, let's go, I would be more inclined. But the fact that I have to get into this alien's mouth is a little like, Oh, buddy, I don't really trust you.


It's also just like he's just like a... He's like an alien superpower playing tricks go, I just saw the space portal, and they're like, No.I think everyone would believe you, and they only don't in movies to push the plot.I'm not stupid. And I hate when shows and movies do that.I think everyone would believe you.I'm not going to lie. I would not. I would stand next to the portal. I would not walk away from that thing. I would do a group FaceTime to walk me and be like, Hey, hey, pick up. Hey. Because if that thing starts shrinking, I'm going through.Yeah.That is true. We do live in a time where we could just call our friends. Yeah, that's so true.That's so true. I forgot about that variable. I would probably do the same. Yeah.So then what? Would you grab your... I would have to grab Genchi and Mabel, then you guys, and then hop in.It's like, how many people are we getting? What all are we bringing? Is that your question?Yeah, it's more just like, I'm thinking about like, Oh, if this happens, Cindy calls me. There's a fucking portal. I'd be like, Oh, fuck. Okay. I'm pretty much texting my mom, Hey, there's a portal. I got to go. I got to go. Sorry, Mom. Love you. Bye. Just don't worry about me. I'm bringing Genji and Mabel because if I don't, I don't have enough time to They're going to be just alone. No one would be around to take care of them.I think, yeah, if we're going that far, I'm also... I'm texting my parents saying, Hey, guys, got to go. Dogs. Dogs are hard. Don't know if I would want to bring them through a mysterious portal where I don't know where it ends up.Yeah, it's like, I don't want to. It's just, can't not.Yeah. Yeah. I have a dog sitter who would give them a very good life here on Earth, I think. And I don't know how well they'd do on So hearing this tells me, if you're a demon listening, just start popping portals up to hell and people will hop in. We'll take them. We'll take them. It's easy in and out. I always thought that about the theories like, Oh, deal with the devil. People always talk about that. I remember when I was in middle school, I was like full... I was Illuminati-coated, or not coded. What's the word I'm looking for?She's 12-year-old Sydney's.12 Their Old Sydney was deep in that shit, okay? I've always enjoyed conspiracy theories very much, although I seldom believe them. It's just fun for me to fantasize about that stuff. But I always was really into watching videos of people who had accounted or had talked about like, Oh, yeah, I made a deal with the devil and blah, blah, blah, and all this stuff. I met him in the blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know if you've ever seen those videos, but they're crazy.I have not.Oh, yeah. There's people who be like, Oh, yeah, I definitely I met the devil. They're probably all absolutely psycho, but they just talk about the things in their life that they traded with them. It's always just a human person.They just traded a whole ass human person?No, no, no, no, no, I'm like, Oh, yeah, I'm going to trade my leg for X, Y, and Z, and whatever. Then I used to be like, If you're listening, make me like Jennifer Anaston.Oh, so you were looking for the deal.Oh, I was looking for the deal. I was totally looking for the deal. Not anymore, though. Not putting that energy to the end.Wait, what do you mean you make me like Jennifer Anaston?Yeah, make me famous like Jennifer Anaston. I'll give you my leg.Got it. Yeah, got it. My dad did grow up semi religious. And so something he would say to my brother and I growing up was like, Yeah, maybe you don't believe in God. Just invite the devil in your life. I dare you.And I was like, Okay, I believe in God. You And that's how religion works, folks.Yeah. My dad's not like that anymore. But I don't invite him. I don't.Is there something you would make a deal with the devil with now?No, I don't think so.Eternal youth, immortality. No. Because he's really good at the drums.I think the case for that stuff is the self-sacrifice isn't worth it. Let's say we do have souls. There is heaven and hell and like, okay, I'm about to spend the rest of my eternity slaving away in the hot fires of hell. Pass. The other options are like, Give up family members and souls and friends. Pass. Other options, a man just tricks you. Pass. I'm not so interested anymore. Could have got me at 15, though. He really could have.He's down there, Fuck.Fuck. Damn it. This is a good one.What if the price was just growing horns and you have horns for us?Oh, shit. What am I giving up for horns?No, that's... Oh, you're saying that's your gift?Oh, yeah, shit. I want horns. You meant the punishment is horns.But that's really not...That's not a punishment. I'll be a badass. Are you kidding me? You have fucking horns.You'd have governments coming after you. You'd be a research experiment, probably.I would just say, Oh, I got these cosmetically Yeah, it's done. The government's stupid sometimes.I guess it would matter what you traded for. If you were suddenly really good at astrophysics, government might be like, Mm, some may end up.Yeah. And she has horns? There's something going on here. I don't see horns as a punishment. They could even give me a tail, and I would not be mad about it.I feel similarly.But we're not furries.Well, okay. Whoa. When I say I want a tail, it is not a furry tail.Yeah, that's true. Sorry. We're not scaleys.I don't know what I'm thinking. I guess I'm thinking like a devil's tail, which is ironic, but something that I would wear in a video game. Yeah. Yeah. Like a dragon tail I would have, and I'm not a scaley.But not like a monkey tail?No.If I was getting a tail, I'd want something I could use. Like a third appendage.Like a platypus tail.You want to just smack things with your tail?It's really strong. Beavers, too, no?Yeah, they're just a little ugly, esthetically. But hey, maybe beavers can't be choosers.Beavers can't be choosers, man. A tail is a tail. That is so cute.Beaver is good.That is so cute.Okay, side question. I don't know how exactly my mind got to this, but Are you guys familiar with Gnome Talk?What? All I know is...Okay. You've been gnomed.Are you familiar with the war?I just saw this on my For You page today and scrolled past it so fast.I don't know the fuck What are you talking about?There was a war on July fourth. So I don't know if you know this, but for weeks, there's been a gnome called Crolley on TikTok, who runs around H&Ms. What? Trying to get into the back rooms. Basically, He'll go to McDonald's or KFC or H&M and just go into the employee areas. Okay. And it's always a guy following him from a third person POV. He's been doing this for a while. He enters places and he gets kicked out. Okay. He's been doing this for a couple of weeks, I want to say. But recently...She just pushed him away like he was a dog.Recently, some comments were like, You need to assemble an army or something and come back. And he was like, Okay, we'll do. He responded in the comments. And that started this chain of events where a A bunch of people have been dressing up as gnomes and basically posting on my way to the battle, on my way to the war. It got to the point where people have been making animations of gnomes running on the battlefield and getting shot by arrows and knights coming over. It created this feud of gnomes versus knights. Because while there's gnomes that are dressing up and crawling into battle, everyone who owns a suit of armor, and this is a lot of people, have been on armor and saying, Getting ready to defend my keep from the gnomes. It's created this feud between people dress it up as kids in blankets and little nets and people in full-on suits of armor saying, We're going to fuck up these gnomes. And then it spiraled even further into people dressing up as mermaids and being the mermaid side with the gnomes or the trolls. The trolls are like, The trolls will defend the knights.It all culminated on something on July fourth. To be honest, I haven't really been following it at I've just like, every so often I'll see more, and it just keeps developing.The Internet is so unserious sometimes. Sometimes I fucking hate just funny ads. It's about to show you America's Home Funiest Video fail type of thing. And then it immediately transitioned to a sales person who's hurting themselves in the same way. Then they just rolled their like, and then down it, Accurave, blah, blah, blah. I've always thought it was really clever. I think it can be done really well and also can be done poorly.Yeah, they're like, oh, wait. Okay, before I say this, can you go to the third row, second one in? This is the animation one that I saw.Oh, it's like- Follow brothers and sisters, war is here. The gnomes in night's heard, war. We must fight the gnomes.This is pretty legit animation. Yeah. Why is it so good? It looks like it was made in like, Unreal Engine. I was expecting stick figures.Like, they're getting professional.Yeah. Wow. This is crazy. So when's OTV getting in Getting in on the meme?Well, I think it's too late.We're too late.People have already started posting heading home from the battle, and it's these nice, peaceful.It's too late. It's okay. We can dress up and show up and be like, Man, we missed it.We missed the battle. There you go.And then it shows us being, Oh, and then we walk on home.I like that. I like that.Would we be gnomes or knights?Gnomes. We're being a gnome. We would be gnomes for sure. Or we'd be like the mermaids, but we'd be like wizards or something. And we'd be like, Oh, the Wizards are. We're with the gnomes. I'm actually really curious, though, if people who watch this podcast think we are the Nomes or the knights. So please, can you let us know? I'm going to be really sad if we're the Nights, but I just need to know.I'd like to think Where are the Nomes.I like to think we're the gnomes, but I just need to know what the people think.Well, okay, you've opened another can now. I definitely want to know this. Let us know if we're gnomes or Nights. What about other content orgs? Like OTK, what do you think are? The Yard, what do you think they are?Yard or gnomes?I feel like OTK is gnomes.I also think OTK is gnomes, but the first piece of content that comes to my mind when I think of OTK is them at the Dressed up in their Renaissance fair stuff. So I immediately went night, but I think, realistically, they are gnomes. But my imagery, lack thereof, imagery is night.What about the amp guys? Nomes or Nights?I don't know who that is. I just feel like content-. I feel like content creators are all Nomes. All Nomes, yeah.Except for maybe the Try guys are Nights. Oh.Oh, interesting. Okay. You've thrown the gauntlet down.You know what I mean, though? I feel like streamers are really stupid, silly. And I feel like I look at the Try Guys, I'm like, you guys are silly, but more sophisticated, and therefore a night. Interesting.Give me some more nights.Can I more content creator groups?Just to Try Guys. All right, Try Guys. The gauntlet's been thrown.I think of Mr. Beast as a night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a night. Yes. Okay.Basically, anyone slightly more sophisticated, I'm nighting.Yeah.Maybe we're nights then.I don't know. I think of the gnomes as you play video games, and you sit at your desk for 12 hours out of the day, and the nights go outside and do stuff, and there are more like A little more well-rounded. Yeah, more integral part of society. Whereas we rot on the other side of things. We're just little gremlin. Yeah. We're the gnomes. So I think of the night as people who are functioning human beings. If anything, it's a compliment.Yeah, it is.Compliment. It's like Donald Glover is a night.Donald Glover, he's a lizard. He's a lizard.I actually agree with that. He's better than the gnoms, but he's not so stiff as the night.When John gets him on, I can't wait to ask him this question. We've got so many questions for him.When John gets him on? Yeah.Oh, yeah. Each guest that we have, they have a quest that we give them at the end. Oh, I'm so excited. John's quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast.Got it. Which he forgot about, by the way. I asked him, and then in the last one, he said, What are we talking about? He forgot? Completely forgot. Like, literally did not even, did not have any recollection.It's been what, two months since we gave him that quest?No work has been done.Rather.That's a bummer. It's a bummer. I'm going to do my best at my quest, but if it's at the equal difficulty level as getting someone like Donald Glover onto the podcast, I will give you guys no promises. Do you come pre-prepared with your Quest, or do you sit and talk with your guests and then see what happens?We can't give away our secrets.Oh, sorry. My bad.Because of that remark, I want to give you the same quest as John's now.No, you can't give you the same quest.Why? Okay.I can't upstage John like that.So she's confident that she can get Donald Lover then. Honestly, if you think you can do it- I think it's a win-win.No, I think it's a John. That's a John quest.We can replace John's quest. Yeah.We can give John your old quest, and then you can take this one.I want my old Quest.She doesn't even know what it is. Yeah.No, but I know I want it, just like I knew I wanted the Fentanyl before it was said. Cool.Well, that about wraps up the podcast. To reiterate Great. Sydney's Quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast, and John's Quest is to get Baby No Money on the podcast. A little trade there. So anyway, thanks. I could have done. It's crazy. We're doing an outro. Thanks for watching episode 8 of the podcast with Sydney. If you'd like to see more with us, we're going to record a Patreon episode after this, where we talk about band-aids. Yes?Okay, the last couple of podcasts that I was on, OTV related, does the Patreon one... Does it get weird? What? Is it weird?I mean, it gets not like... What's your definition of weird?Well, I mean, when we used to do the podcast, it was like, Oh, you go over here, and we pull these raunchy questions.Oh, no, no, no. This time, the patrons, we only just strip and then talk.Oh, okay. It's like naked podcast.Yeah, naked podcast, remaining eye contact at all times, and that's it.Okay. First person to look down, what? Eye to the face.But we did also promise earlier in this episode that you would get a bandaid. I would do.Yeah, so basically we have the bandaid and then...It's not too weird. Okay, it's not that weird. Okay, cool. Sorry. Continue our outro.Watch more there. Bye, guys.Thanks for watching.


go, I just saw the space portal, and they're like, No.


I think everyone would believe you, and they only don't in movies to push the plot.


I'm not stupid. And I hate when shows and movies do that.


I think everyone would believe you.


I'm not going to lie. I would not. I would stand next to the portal. I would not walk away from that thing. I would do a group FaceTime to walk me and be like, Hey, hey, pick up. Hey. Because if that thing starts shrinking, I'm going through.




That is true. We do live in a time where we could just call our friends. Yeah, that's so true.


That's so true. I forgot about that variable. I would probably do the same. Yeah.


So then what? Would you grab your... I would have to grab Genchi and Mabel, then you guys, and then hop in.


It's like, how many people are we getting? What all are we bringing? Is that your question?


Yeah, it's more just like, I'm thinking about like, Oh, if this happens, Cindy calls me. There's a fucking portal. I'd be like, Oh, fuck. Okay. I'm pretty much texting my mom, Hey, there's a portal. I got to go. I got to go. Sorry, Mom. Love you. Bye. Just don't worry about me. I'm bringing Genji and Mabel because if I don't, I don't have enough time to They're going to be just alone. No one would be around to take care of them.


I think, yeah, if we're going that far, I'm also... I'm texting my parents saying, Hey, guys, got to go. Dogs. Dogs are hard. Don't know if I would want to bring them through a mysterious portal where I don't know where it ends up.


Yeah, it's like, I don't want to. It's just, can't not.


Yeah. Yeah. I have a dog sitter who would give them a very good life here on Earth, I think. And I don't know how well they'd do on So hearing this tells me, if you're a demon listening, just start popping portals up to hell and people will hop in. We'll take them. We'll take them. It's easy in and out. I always thought that about the theories like, Oh, deal with the devil. People always talk about that. I remember when I was in middle school, I was like full... I was Illuminati-coated, or not coded. What's the word I'm looking for?


She's 12-year-old Sydney's.


12 Their Old Sydney was deep in that shit, okay? I've always enjoyed conspiracy theories very much, although I seldom believe them. It's just fun for me to fantasize about that stuff. But I always was really into watching videos of people who had accounted or had talked about like, Oh, yeah, I made a deal with the devil and blah, blah, blah, and all this stuff. I met him in the blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know if you've ever seen those videos, but they're crazy.


I have not.


Oh, yeah. There's people who be like, Oh, yeah, I definitely I met the devil. They're probably all absolutely psycho, but they just talk about the things in their life that they traded with them. It's always just a human person.


They just traded a whole ass human person?


No, no, no, no, no, I'm like, Oh, yeah, I'm going to trade my leg for X, Y, and Z, and whatever. Then I used to be like, If you're listening, make me like Jennifer Anaston.


Oh, so you were looking for the deal.


Oh, I was looking for the deal. I was totally looking for the deal. Not anymore, though. Not putting that energy to the end.


Wait, what do you mean you make me like Jennifer Anaston?


Yeah, make me famous like Jennifer Anaston. I'll give you my leg.


Got it. Yeah, got it. My dad did grow up semi religious. And so something he would say to my brother and I growing up was like, Yeah, maybe you don't believe in God. Just invite the devil in your life. I dare you.


And I was like, Okay, I believe in God. You And that's how religion works, folks.


Yeah. My dad's not like that anymore. But I don't invite him. I don't.


Is there something you would make a deal with the devil with now?


No, I don't think so.


Eternal youth, immortality. No. Because he's really good at the drums.


I think the case for that stuff is the self-sacrifice isn't worth it. Let's say we do have souls. There is heaven and hell and like, okay, I'm about to spend the rest of my eternity slaving away in the hot fires of hell. Pass. The other options are like, Give up family members and souls and friends. Pass. Other options, a man just tricks you. Pass. I'm not so interested anymore. Could have got me at 15, though. He really could have.


He's down there, Fuck.


Fuck. Damn it. This is a good one.


What if the price was just growing horns and you have horns for us?


Oh, shit. What am I giving up for horns?


No, that's... Oh, you're saying that's your gift?


Oh, yeah, shit. I want horns. You meant the punishment is horns.


But that's really not...


That's not a punishment. I'll be a badass. Are you kidding me? You have fucking horns.


You'd have governments coming after you. You'd be a research experiment, probably.


I would just say, Oh, I got these cosmetically Yeah, it's done. The government's stupid sometimes.


I guess it would matter what you traded for. If you were suddenly really good at astrophysics, government might be like, Mm, some may end up.


Yeah. And she has horns? There's something going on here. I don't see horns as a punishment. They could even give me a tail, and I would not be mad about it.


I feel similarly.


But we're not furries.


Well, okay. Whoa. When I say I want a tail, it is not a furry tail.


Yeah, that's true. Sorry. We're not scaleys.


I don't know what I'm thinking. I guess I'm thinking like a devil's tail, which is ironic, but something that I would wear in a video game. Yeah. Yeah. Like a dragon tail I would have, and I'm not a scaley.


But not like a monkey tail?




If I was getting a tail, I'd want something I could use. Like a third appendage.


Like a platypus tail.


You want to just smack things with your tail?


It's really strong. Beavers, too, no?


Yeah, they're just a little ugly, esthetically. But hey, maybe beavers can't be choosers.


Beavers can't be choosers, man. A tail is a tail. That is so cute.


Beaver is good.


That is so cute.


Okay, side question. I don't know how exactly my mind got to this, but Are you guys familiar with Gnome Talk?


What? All I know is...


Okay. You've been gnomed.


Are you familiar with the war?


I just saw this on my For You page today and scrolled past it so fast.


I don't know the fuck What are you talking about?


There was a war on July fourth. So I don't know if you know this, but for weeks, there's been a gnome called Crolley on TikTok, who runs around H&Ms. What? Trying to get into the back rooms. Basically, He'll go to McDonald's or KFC or H&M and just go into the employee areas. Okay. And it's always a guy following him from a third person POV. He's been doing this for a while. He enters places and he gets kicked out. Okay. He's been doing this for a couple of weeks, I want to say. But recently...


She just pushed him away like he was a dog.


Recently, some comments were like, You need to assemble an army or something and come back. And he was like, Okay, we'll do. He responded in the comments. And that started this chain of events where a A bunch of people have been dressing up as gnomes and basically posting on my way to the battle, on my way to the war. It got to the point where people have been making animations of gnomes running on the battlefield and getting shot by arrows and knights coming over. It created this feud of gnomes versus knights. Because while there's gnomes that are dressing up and crawling into battle, everyone who owns a suit of armor, and this is a lot of people, have been on armor and saying, Getting ready to defend my keep from the gnomes. It's created this feud between people dress it up as kids in blankets and little nets and people in full-on suits of armor saying, We're going to fuck up these gnomes. And then it spiraled even further into people dressing up as mermaids and being the mermaid side with the gnomes or the trolls. The trolls are like, The trolls will defend the knights.


It all culminated on something on July fourth. To be honest, I haven't really been following it at I've just like, every so often I'll see more, and it just keeps developing.


The Internet is so unserious sometimes. Sometimes I fucking hate just funny ads. It's about to show you America's Home Funiest Video fail type of thing. And then it immediately transitioned to a sales person who's hurting themselves in the same way. Then they just rolled their like, and then down it, Accurave, blah, blah, blah. I've always thought it was really clever. I think it can be done really well and also can be done poorly.Yeah, they're like, oh, wait. Okay, before I say this, can you go to the third row, second one in? This is the animation one that I saw.Oh, it's like- Follow brothers and sisters, war is here. The gnomes in night's heard, war. We must fight the gnomes.This is pretty legit animation. Yeah. Why is it so good? It looks like it was made in like, Unreal Engine. I was expecting stick figures.Like, they're getting professional.Yeah. Wow. This is crazy. So when's OTV getting in Getting in on the meme?Well, I think it's too late.We're too late.People have already started posting heading home from the battle, and it's these nice, peaceful.It's too late. It's okay. We can dress up and show up and be like, Man, we missed it.We missed the battle. There you go.And then it shows us being, Oh, and then we walk on home.I like that. I like that.Would we be gnomes or knights?Gnomes. We're being a gnome. We would be gnomes for sure. Or we'd be like the mermaids, but we'd be like wizards or something. And we'd be like, Oh, the Wizards are. We're with the gnomes. I'm actually really curious, though, if people who watch this podcast think we are the Nomes or the knights. So please, can you let us know? I'm going to be really sad if we're the Nights, but I just need to know.I'd like to think Where are the Nomes.I like to think we're the gnomes, but I just need to know what the people think.Well, okay, you've opened another can now. I definitely want to know this. Let us know if we're gnomes or Nights. What about other content orgs? Like OTK, what do you think are? The Yard, what do you think they are?Yard or gnomes?I feel like OTK is gnomes.I also think OTK is gnomes, but the first piece of content that comes to my mind when I think of OTK is them at the Dressed up in their Renaissance fair stuff. So I immediately went night, but I think, realistically, they are gnomes. But my imagery, lack thereof, imagery is night.What about the amp guys? Nomes or Nights?I don't know who that is. I just feel like content-. I feel like content creators are all Nomes. All Nomes, yeah.Except for maybe the Try guys are Nights. Oh.Oh, interesting. Okay. You've thrown the gauntlet down.You know what I mean, though? I feel like streamers are really stupid, silly. And I feel like I look at the Try Guys, I'm like, you guys are silly, but more sophisticated, and therefore a night. Interesting.Give me some more nights.Can I more content creator groups?Just to Try Guys. All right, Try Guys. The gauntlet's been thrown.I think of Mr. Beast as a night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a night. Yes. Okay.Basically, anyone slightly more sophisticated, I'm nighting.Yeah.Maybe we're nights then.I don't know. I think of the gnomes as you play video games, and you sit at your desk for 12 hours out of the day, and the nights go outside and do stuff, and there are more like A little more well-rounded. Yeah, more integral part of society. Whereas we rot on the other side of things. We're just little gremlin. Yeah. We're the gnomes. So I think of the night as people who are functioning human beings. If anything, it's a compliment.Yeah, it is.Compliment. It's like Donald Glover is a night.Donald Glover, he's a lizard. He's a lizard.I actually agree with that. He's better than the gnoms, but he's not so stiff as the night.When John gets him on, I can't wait to ask him this question. We've got so many questions for him.When John gets him on? Yeah.Oh, yeah. Each guest that we have, they have a quest that we give them at the end. Oh, I'm so excited. John's quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast.Got it. Which he forgot about, by the way. I asked him, and then in the last one, he said, What are we talking about? He forgot? Completely forgot. Like, literally did not even, did not have any recollection.It's been what, two months since we gave him that quest?No work has been done.Rather.That's a bummer. It's a bummer. I'm going to do my best at my quest, but if it's at the equal difficulty level as getting someone like Donald Glover onto the podcast, I will give you guys no promises. Do you come pre-prepared with your Quest, or do you sit and talk with your guests and then see what happens?We can't give away our secrets.Oh, sorry. My bad.Because of that remark, I want to give you the same quest as John's now.No, you can't give you the same quest.Why? Okay.I can't upstage John like that.So she's confident that she can get Donald Lover then. Honestly, if you think you can do it- I think it's a win-win.No, I think it's a John. That's a John quest.We can replace John's quest. Yeah.We can give John your old quest, and then you can take this one.I want my old Quest.She doesn't even know what it is. Yeah.No, but I know I want it, just like I knew I wanted the Fentanyl before it was said. Cool.Well, that about wraps up the podcast. To reiterate Great. Sydney's Quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast, and John's Quest is to get Baby No Money on the podcast. A little trade there. So anyway, thanks. I could have done. It's crazy. We're doing an outro. Thanks for watching episode 8 of the podcast with Sydney. If you'd like to see more with us, we're going to record a Patreon episode after this, where we talk about band-aids. Yes?Okay, the last couple of podcasts that I was on, OTV related, does the Patreon one... Does it get weird? What? Is it weird?I mean, it gets not like... What's your definition of weird?Well, I mean, when we used to do the podcast, it was like, Oh, you go over here, and we pull these raunchy questions.Oh, no, no, no. This time, the patrons, we only just strip and then talk.Oh, okay. It's like naked podcast.Yeah, naked podcast, remaining eye contact at all times, and that's it.Okay. First person to look down, what? Eye to the face.But we did also promise earlier in this episode that you would get a bandaid. I would do.Yeah, so basically we have the bandaid and then...It's not too weird. Okay, it's not that weird. Okay, cool. Sorry. Continue our outro.Watch more there. Bye, guys.Thanks for watching.


just funny ads. It's about to show you America's Home Funiest Video fail type of thing. And then it immediately transitioned to a sales person who's hurting themselves in the same way. Then they just rolled their like, and then down it, Accurave, blah, blah, blah. I've always thought it was really clever. I think it can be done really well and also can be done poorly.


Yeah, they're like, oh, wait. Okay, before I say this, can you go to the third row, second one in? This is the animation one that I saw.


Oh, it's like- Follow brothers and sisters, war is here. The gnomes in night's heard, war. We must fight the gnomes.


This is pretty legit animation. Yeah. Why is it so good? It looks like it was made in like, Unreal Engine. I was expecting stick figures.


Like, they're getting professional.


Yeah. Wow. This is crazy. So when's OTV getting in Getting in on the meme?


Well, I think it's too late.


We're too late.


People have already started posting heading home from the battle, and it's these nice, peaceful.


It's too late. It's okay. We can dress up and show up and be like, Man, we missed it.


We missed the battle. There you go.


And then it shows us being, Oh, and then we walk on home.


I like that. I like that.


Would we be gnomes or knights?


Gnomes. We're being a gnome. We would be gnomes for sure. Or we'd be like the mermaids, but we'd be like wizards or something. And we'd be like, Oh, the Wizards are. We're with the gnomes. I'm actually really curious, though, if people who watch this podcast think we are the Nomes or the knights. So please, can you let us know? I'm going to be really sad if we're the Nights, but I just need to know.


I'd like to think Where are the Nomes.


I like to think we're the gnomes, but I just need to know what the people think.


Well, okay, you've opened another can now. I definitely want to know this. Let us know if we're gnomes or Nights. What about other content orgs? Like OTK, what do you think are? The Yard, what do you think they are?


Yard or gnomes?


I feel like OTK is gnomes.


I also think OTK is gnomes, but the first piece of content that comes to my mind when I think of OTK is them at the Dressed up in their Renaissance fair stuff. So I immediately went night, but I think, realistically, they are gnomes. But my imagery, lack thereof, imagery is night.


What about the amp guys? Nomes or Nights?


I don't know who that is. I just feel like content-. I feel like content creators are all Nomes. All Nomes, yeah.


Except for maybe the Try guys are Nights. Oh.


Oh, interesting. Okay. You've thrown the gauntlet down.


You know what I mean, though? I feel like streamers are really stupid, silly. And I feel like I look at the Try Guys, I'm like, you guys are silly, but more sophisticated, and therefore a night. Interesting.


Give me some more nights.


Can I more content creator groups?


Just to Try Guys. All right, Try Guys. The gauntlet's been thrown.


I think of Mr. Beast as a night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a night. Yes. Okay.


Basically, anyone slightly more sophisticated, I'm nighting.




Maybe we're nights then.


I don't know. I think of the gnomes as you play video games, and you sit at your desk for 12 hours out of the day, and the nights go outside and do stuff, and there are more like A little more well-rounded. Yeah, more integral part of society. Whereas we rot on the other side of things. We're just little gremlin. Yeah. We're the gnomes. So I think of the night as people who are functioning human beings. If anything, it's a compliment.


Yeah, it is.


Compliment. It's like Donald Glover is a night.


Donald Glover, he's a lizard. He's a lizard.


I actually agree with that. He's better than the gnoms, but he's not so stiff as the night.


When John gets him on, I can't wait to ask him this question. We've got so many questions for him.


When John gets him on? Yeah.


Oh, yeah. Each guest that we have, they have a quest that we give them at the end. Oh, I'm so excited. John's quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast.


Got it. Which he forgot about, by the way. I asked him, and then in the last one, he said, What are we talking about? He forgot? Completely forgot. Like, literally did not even, did not have any recollection.


It's been what, two months since we gave him that quest?


No work has been done.




That's a bummer. It's a bummer. I'm going to do my best at my quest, but if it's at the equal difficulty level as getting someone like Donald Glover onto the podcast, I will give you guys no promises. Do you come pre-prepared with your Quest, or do you sit and talk with your guests and then see what happens?


We can't give away our secrets.


Oh, sorry. My bad.


Because of that remark, I want to give you the same quest as John's now.


No, you can't give you the same quest.


Why? Okay.


I can't upstage John like that.


So she's confident that she can get Donald Lover then. Honestly, if you think you can do it- I think it's a win-win.


No, I think it's a John. That's a John quest.


We can replace John's quest. Yeah.


We can give John your old quest, and then you can take this one.


I want my old Quest.


She doesn't even know what it is. Yeah.


No, but I know I want it, just like I knew I wanted the Fentanyl before it was said. Cool.


Well, that about wraps up the podcast. To reiterate Great. Sydney's Quest is to get Donald Glover on the podcast, and John's Quest is to get Baby No Money on the podcast. A little trade there. So anyway, thanks. I could have done. It's crazy. We're doing an outro. Thanks for watching episode 8 of the podcast with Sydney. If you'd like to see more with us, we're going to record a Patreon episode after this, where we talk about band-aids. Yes?


Okay, the last couple of podcasts that I was on, OTV related, does the Patreon one... Does it get weird? What? Is it weird?


I mean, it gets not like... What's your definition of weird?


Well, I mean, when we used to do the podcast, it was like, Oh, you go over here, and we pull these raunchy questions.


Oh, no, no, no. This time, the patrons, we only just strip and then talk.


Oh, okay. It's like naked podcast.


Yeah, naked podcast, remaining eye contact at all times, and that's it.


Okay. First person to look down, what? Eye to the face.


But we did also promise earlier in this episode that you would get a bandaid. I would do.


Yeah, so basically we have the bandaid and then...


It's not too weird. Okay, it's not that weird. Okay, cool. Sorry. Continue our outro.


Watch more there. Bye, guys.


Thanks for watching.