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Are you guys ready?


Yeah. I'm ready. Can we.


All do a quick shake?


Bretton doesn't believe in my power to turn it on.


I do.


Why did you make me shake?


I just wanted to do a communal... Yeah.


Why is your mic up there?


I know, right? I was wondering the same thing.


They played a joke on me because I'm taller than everyone.


Did he do it himself? He put it up there himself, didn't he? You can't fool us.


You're ready? Yeah, I'm ready. What's up? And welcome to the Offline TV podcast, Episode 41. Today, I am Broden, this is Sidney, Jody, and we are joined by Celine, Star Smiton.


Who were you yesterday?


On the other days, yeah. I was also very curious.


I change. Man of many mysteries.


Yeah. Celene, how have you been?


I've been okay.


I've been chilling. Yeah, it's been a while. We all live together, so I know all their business. I don't know any of your business.


I haven't been doing anything. I recently got back into gaming. I had a phase of not gaming at all. I just didn't want to touch my computer, didn't really game much. Spent a lot of time cleaning up my closet. But then recently, I've gone back into gaming.


I'm you one month ago.




I'm not gaming.




What are you guys doing? Are you guys gaming? You're playing a lot of wow.


I would say I'm playing a lot of wow. I'm not playing wow like everybody else is playing wow. But yeah, I'm trying to hang in there. I'm supposed to be level 45 by tomorrow. I just hit level 30 15 minutes ago. Yeah, I'm not getting there fast. Have we talked about the wow craze on the podcast before?


No, I.


Don't think so. No? Wow. Well, we are in an era right now of the only things era. Soda Poppins put together a content World of Warcraft guild. It was before Twitchcon that it was brought up. So then when we got to Twitchcon, it started just getting bounced around to everybody. Everyone's like, You're going to play Wow. You're going to play Wow. Then all of a sudden, it's just a guild full of streamers. Everybody's playing it. So it's been pretty fun. I got to meet some new people. And I love World of Warcraft, so it's nice to play. There's lots of content being made about it. Celine, you just joined. Oh, really? Yeah, I.


Just started. But I'm not going to lie, it's putting me.


To sleep.


I play it, and I'm like, Maybe because I never played Wow!, leveling up Wow! I never played classic 'Wow'. So when I play 'Wow', I'm just like, Oh, I just want to play retail so I can get into Raids really fast, Raids and Dungeons.




So I haven't found the joy of it yet. But I know a lot of the fun of it comes from the guild aspect. I heard Soda does a lot for the Guild to make it seem like a group. And so it feels like a team and stuff.




Well, I feel like also the catch is at its hardcorea while. Yeah. So if you die, your character is done. There's no respawning. You have to restart. And that's where all the entertainment is coming from.


Yes. Yeah, people have had some crazy deaths.


Yeah, it's pretty wild. I think we, originally, our first... We have guild meetings. It was really serious in the beginning. We all had to sit in a call for three hours while people were just yelling over each other. So I've heard. They are transitioning now to in-person meetings. So it's like everyone... Yeah, but it's in Texas because it's OTK stuff. They have in-person meetings now where they all sit around and Soda stands up at a podium and he just screams at everyone. He called me a... Not in this meeting, but in the online meeting, he called me a shitter and said I was always going to be a shitter.


Wow. Soda is such a good guild leader. Yeah, no, he's great. I've seen a few of his clips and stuff, and I'm like, This man knows the job. Who does he sign up for?


Yeah. So it's been a lot of entertainment, a lot of content. Jon even just died. He hit level 60. Yeah, I saw that. Leveled a mage the whole way up, got popped like a zit in a half a second. Had to restart. It's brutal out there. When you lose friends or when you see, because you can see dead bodies as you're walking through, you just see people - Oh, they just stay there, persistent. They stay there. So you just see bodies laying on the ground. And every time I walk up and chat, we all 07, and wish them a farewell. Oh, my God. It's so sad, man. It's so sad.


We have a friend, Simply, who was Soda's His Dark Horse. He was like someone who didn't play Wow, made it to 60, seemed like a really good, shining example of like, You can do this. He died and Soda was visibly upset by the death. But not only that, I get John was saying that people were messaging Simply being like, Dude, when I saw you die, I actually felt emotional. I felt like I saw my friend die. Yeah, I guess it's.


About the journey. And so a lot of the people who watched him level, if it's his first time, they feel a lot for him. Yeah.


You get attached. It's very sad, but it's been fun. It's been very, very fun. I died once, but I was super low level. And honestly, my death taught me a lot about the game. Round two, I'm feeling real good. I'm not going anywhere.


Oh, you've only.


Died once. Yeah, I only died once.


Wait, that's.


Pretty good. I'm playing a really safe class, though. I'm playing priests, so I shouldn't die, realistically. If I die, I've done something really fucking wrong. I see. I see. Well, yeah, it's been a fun era.


Yeah. Other than that, I think I've just been moving.


You have been -.


Which is weird because we moved into this house a year ago. Yeah. Wait, what?


-never the nomad you are.


My apartment lease finally went up. Finally ended? So I was basically a glorified storage.


Locker for him. Okay, I was going to say I feel like you've been staying here.


Yeah, I've been living here, but half of my stuff has been here. And so you were greeted by my staff in the entry over there. Oh, that's your stuff. That's my stuff. It's also strown.


About the halls and stairs. All the entire hallways and stairs is brought in second room at this point. There's a piano in front of John's room.


Every day, I just chip away at that.


Yeah. That's been a lot of my day. We just pile shit. But to be fair, okay, it's like this really bad habit because John and Toast switched rooms. So John's stuff is out there. And then I saw a little bit of John's stuff, and I was like, Okay, well, I guess I can store this out there, too, if John's stuff is out there. And then Broden put an entire extra room out there. I'm like, Well, I guess I can get rid of this stuff and put it. Now I have a table, a floor mattress, a seat back, just sitting in.


The hallway. Shit, I'm about to put my coffee table out there or something. Yeah, probably you've.


Got stuff, girl.


I just need a storage system out there. It's the junk drawer, but it's like the junk hallway. Yeah.


It's funny. We have a personal one upstairs, and then Offline TV has the room of requirement over there, where just all of our gears and - Yeah.


It's messy. It's messy in here. It do be.


And then you've been reading lots of books.


What have I been up to? I've been, yeah, I went to the bookstore today. It was great. What is it with the phenomenon of when you go into a bookstore, you have to take a shit? What? No one else is is Can't relate.


I have heard this.




Yes. Can't I.


Have heard that. Anytime I used to go to Barnes and Noble or there's this bookstore near us that I really really like, every time I go and I'm like, Oh, I have have shit. Basically, immediately. No one else? Other than you.


All right. I have that with malls.


No, but that is a phenomenon.


I've heard of that. Yeah, I think it has to do with the glue or something of books.


Or it's like smell and toothpaste.


No, actually, there's something in the books.


Books. What I I thought it was like, it's a comforting, quiet place, so your body feels relaxed enough to be able to be like, I can shit now.


The real test is putting me in there. You bring me to a bookstore, and if it calms me enough to take a poop in public, that's we've.


Cracked the case. Well, I don't take the shit. I just have to shit.


Oh, you.


Just have to shit. I would just wait through it.


Yeah. When you go to your bookstore, though, do you sit and read? Because when I went to Barnes and Noble, I would sit and read. So if I have to shit in the beginning, what.


Are you going to do? I have not found a bookstore that is like Barnes and Noble. Noble. Yeah, it's like, Because Barnes and Noble is giant and has seats and all these things, and it wants you to stay. There's a coffee shop in it or something. Something. Yeah. We're here. No chairs here. Just books.


Just books.


I'm going to look at my phone really quickly. My dogs are here.


Don't worry about it. Now I want to look at the phenomenon.


Why do I need to poop.


Every day? The bookstore.


Yeah, why do I - I'm sure there's research done.


Around it. It. And bookstores. I was.


Going to say maybe it's it's smell of paper.


The mariko aoke.


Mariko Mariko Aoke? Mariko yeah.


It's the phenomenon. It means a a sudden urge. People feel to empty their bowels when in a bookstore. If it.


Has a name, that's.


Pretty legit. Wait, why?


I don't know. It doesn't say why.


Okay, wait, Doctor explains it's fucking ad-blocked. Going to Wikipedia. Not yet understood. Okay.


Thank you, Wikipedia.


But it's a common thing.




Common enough to have.


A name. This looks like a long Wikipedia article. It's got a origin, hypothesis. Yeah.


Okay, wait, let let me go read hypothesis. Include the smell of paper or ink have a laxative effect or association with reading on the toilet at a home. Home. It's a little I definitely don't do that. The posture of browsing? No, I was standing. Maybe it's ink.


I have no clue. Clue. In Japan, though, so it looks like it originated there.


It's got to be the.


Smell of paper. It's got to be the smell of paper. That would make a lot of sense, yeah. It's got to be something.


There's so much toilet.


Paper in here. Some book lovers hypothesize hypothesize being by thousands of beautiful beautiful relaxes them so thoroughly that the bowels themselves become relaxed. Relaxed. I don't know I.


Don't know that. I've never entered a Barnes and Nobles and been like, Oh, I feel so relaxed.


Yeah, I have no idea.




Yeah, I just been... I don't know what I've been up to. I can't remember anything.


You took us a.


Small trip. Oh, we went to... God, they got.


Cities here. Oh, yeah. Sent pictures. I mean, shit.


Yeah, we went to visit John's parents, a friend of his from high high had a wedding. Oh, at middle school? Yeah, it was really sweet. Sweet. And went to John's hometown and went horse riding again. I'm really in my horse horse era. I love that. I'm going to manifest my dreams of owning acre and a horse and there's a pond and I have ducks and everything. So, kick starting that.


Are all four of us going?




Oh, yeah. Yeah. Thanksgiving is coming up, and all of us are are gunning, to go. We're going to go. Going to go to John's hometown. He's bringing all the friends for Thanksgiving. Yeah. Yeah. So should be fun. We're going to go on the dunes and drive a little little buggy. They're going to take us wine tasting. Cool. Yeah.


Oh, we're doing stuff. Yes. My God. We're actually doing stuff. Yeah, hell yeah. No, I love it. Dude, lately, I've been been I just want to live life more. When you stream or when you're in this space, I feel like time goes by by so fast, I look back and I've done nothing. I'm like, That's my fault that I've done nothing. It's my fault that my brain feels compelled to, I wake up, I check my phone, I do this, I do that. That. It's just I'm like, Wait, but I could wake up and just cook myself breakfast and call it at that. But why do I feel the need to check my phone, do this, do that, turn on my stream, get lost in stream? I'm just like, No, I just want want to my life. I haven't really sat down in my room or enjoyed my time being physically present. And so last week and the week before that, I've been a lot more conscientious about it. I've been actually trying to put an effort to be like, I got to rewire my brain to enjoy my surroundings, not look at my phone the first thing.


Just a bunch of stuff like that. I'm excited. I'm excited to live a little.


Yeah, it's going to be nice. I think it'll also be fun to trip. Yeah, I I don't road trips. I used to road trip so much and don't anymore. Anymore. I think we can love road So I think it's going to be very fun. I'm looking forward to every part of it, the drive, hanging out with family. Not our family, obviously, but someone's family. Because I just like being around family. Family, I agree. Family is a nice time. And then doing stuff is going to be really fun. I'm going to bring my dogs, which is going going to We'll see how that goes. They stress me out, but I think it'll be.


Really fun. It's okay. There's so many of us who are like... I would say all of us are pretty okay at at handling.


And and Yeah, I agree. It'll be good. It'll be fun.


Are you a driver? Because you get car sick easily.


I don't drive. I'm a passenger princess when when involved. But I get car sick. But But Jon actually a really good driver. He doesn't make me as car sick. I'll have a motion, and then I'm good. It's only two and a half hours, so it's so doable.






Wait, the drive is only two and a half hours? Yeah. That's a lot closer than I.


Thought it was going to be. It goes by-Wow. Yeah, it it goes by that.




Yeah, was in Mid-Cal.


I thought we were going to to I've.


Never been to to but I've heard such good things about it that I feel like I would absolutely love it there. I heard it's like Washington, but just nicer, like weather-wise.


Weather-wise, it's sunnier. It is like Washington-esque.


I would say that Norcal is my favorite area. If I had to pick a favorite city in the US, it's probably San Francisco. Oh, wow. Yeah, even more than Seattle. I love Seattle because of the home nostalgia part of it. But-i think it's one of my favorite that that visited outside of. It even beats New York City for me.


Sorry, city-wise. City-wise. It's like city. -yeah, like city. -i appreciate that.


-are you.


From San Francisco? Francisco?


In that area, yeah. Yeah. Don't don't you're from from Norcal. From 20 minutes south of San Francisco.


I was just talking to Sean the other day. I was like, I think if I bought a house right now, I'd buy a house in Daily City. What's Daily City? It's like south of San Francisco. I'm close enough to drive, but far enough away to be suburban, but not... You know what I mean? Mean?


A nice distance.


Distance. That's perfect. You like Filipino food? I love Filipino food. Great. We have a huge Filipino population.


Yeah. So the reason why I spent so much time in San Francisco is because my first boyfriend was Filipino. We would be there all the time because his entire family was there. Yeah. So very familiar. It's a good spot. We'll have to go eventually. I think everyone will enjoy it.


Something that I like about that area is that the air is crisp. That's the best way I can describe it. And anyone else from the the Bay, when certain days down here in L. L. Where you'll get that feeling. Feeling. Some of you Julian, some of you met Julian. He's also from the the Bay, are days where it feels like it doesn't. It's like, Yeah, the air is crisp today.


Oh, it feels like the air up there. Yeah. I see. I feel.


Like that's why I like the Pacific Northwest. Yeah.


It's great. It's always crisp. The air is always crisp.


Always like that. Mountain air, seaside air, it's all combined, forest air. It was so nice.


I remember being downtown downtown L. One time. Oh, air is not, Chris. The sun was was and it was was beautiful golden golden hour, I'm in the city city and I see the sun beams going in between the buildings, and you can just see all the particulates in the air. The smog, yeah. It looks like I just dusted a dresser and then threw it up in the sunshine. It was so gross. I saw that. I was like, This city grosses me.


Out so much. But beautiful, right?




No. No. There no finding the beauty in that moment. I was like, Holy pollution.


Very dirty. What's not polluted is your skin after using Jody's skincare. Yeah, which.


Protects you from free radicals, which then free radicals could give you premature aging and damage your skin. But hey, now I I hear me me with this face mask that will hydrate and protect and energize your skin. It's one of my favorite face masks, just saying.


I really liked it. We did a fun stream on Jody's channel yesterday where we did a sleepover. It was super cute. We were like, Oh. We were like, wore PJs and put on our face mask and played games and stuff. It was super cute. It was fun. Yeah, I mean, I really liked the face mask.


Everyone's skin was glowing afterwards. It was glowing. Nice. Nice.


Larkto work. Yeah, masks good.


Yeah, I just like them. I love face mask because it makes me feel like I'm doing a lot more, I guess. It's such an intentional thing. It's like 10 minutes of my time. I'm like, Yeah, look at me doing skincare. It feels good. And then obviously, yeah, it's like like doing a lot things for my skin.


I've noticed that your streams have been a little bit different than than Katie but I love that. I feel like it makes you happy. It's fun for everyone, too, and it's just a.


Good job. Yeah, I think I just - Hi, baby.


Hi, baby. Hello, my son.


Yeah, I'm just in the ebb and flow of content creation. I like that though. Doing whatever fulfills me at the moment.


Oh, the baby. Someone got loose. Hi, bud.


Hi. Are you looking for food?


Probably. Hi, honey. One of my life updates since last time I was on the podcast is I have a really consistent dog sitter now. That's so OP. Yes, in the same stride as being able to get outside and do things, it's like I can actually... People are like, Oh, you want to go do this? And I'm like, Yeah, I can. I can have someone help out with the pups so that I can go do X, Y, or Z, or even work because I just wasn't straight. I looked at my stream hours. I was streaming 40 hours a month, maybe even less because I just didn't have the time. But yeah, it's been super, super helpful. I actually feel like I've never felt felt until recently. I'm streaming a solid amount, but I'm also getting out a solid amount and working out and just just -I love that.


For you.


Other things. I love that for you. You sound.


Like you're live. Like you're living. I feel good.


That's pretty pretty good right I was down in the dumps, I'm not going to lie. This shit was rough. But I feel really good right now, so it's been nice. I'd love to hear that. Yeah.


No, It do think dog sitters and cat sitters are so OP. I feel like if I had a cat sitter, like a regular one, I would travel so much more.


It's worth finding a good person.


Person. -you could recommend you might. -yeah, are they willing to come to-You.


Got a.


Third cat. Yeah, I did get a third cat. She's so cute. Her name is Marble. She's really different than my other cat. She's like a puppy. You call her, she squeaks and she runs to you, which is not something my other cats do. Do. That's cute. Yeah, she's really attached when she doesn't see me, she'll start crying for me like a puppy.




Have to call her over and be like, Hey, I'm here. Here. And she'll come running to me. Me. So like a puppy. She's been a handful. I'm not going to lie. But I'm having a good time.


Nice. She gets along with the other cats.


Yeah, she does. I love it. It. Three nice. Really? I thought two was perfect, like yin and Yang thing. No, three, a trio. A trio is a nice harmony and balance, actually. I wouldn't go as far as to say I need four, but three.




And a half. This is how how.


Probably these are We're.


Missing the.


Birth of a crazy lady. Lady. Is like.


I am. I think I'm going to become a crazy cat lady. Hey, no such thing. No such thing.


I know.


Your best life.




That's okay. It's funny. This is a really weird parallel to draw, but it immediately made me think of of and friendships. I think think are good. That's so funny. Funny. So my whole life or my whole schooling career life, I was in a trio. It was always me and two other girls. Girls. And worked really well the first time. Time. And as I got older, it got worse and worse. I feel like that's a common thing is like, oh, oh, of friends don't work.




Feel like I've.


Seen that. That. Do think one person gets left out?


Or there's always some weird dynamic with with.


Like one person gets.


Bullied or like - Yeah, Yeah, one person like, Hey, you're a part of the trio as the comedic relief that was me once. Or the two are really really and then the other one is like, Yeah, we're like, or you know it's weird when you, say, we were a trio, and I would only hang out with you if Jody was around. You know what I mean? That sometimes happens in the trio. But I would hang out with Jody alone type of thing.






And then Jody and I would have this inside joke that you're the little puppy and like, We're not.


Doing this again. We played cards against humanity. We are- Oh, no. No, no, no. No.


Some games are.


Like- game. Some game.


Where you're like, you pick a card and then everyone has to decide who it best represents. When was this?




Night. Yesterday.


On Jody's stream, yeah. Oh, okay. And then you got a card.


That says, I'm just a little puppy. Yeah.


And everyone was like, like, Oh, it's Sidley, obviously. I don't understand.


Understand. It doesn't look like that yet. I get get it. You have to be Why are you nodding your head?


Wait, who are the people there? I don't think I would give you the...


It was Broden, Jody, Sean, John, and Toast.


John, do they get it? I wanted to give it to John. John. I was going too. But then she was so upset about it that we were like, Well, okay, you're just a little puppy. You're just trying to.


Get a reaction out of me. We all agreed that John would be like a large golden retriever. He's not a little puppy. I'm thinking.


Thinking of a puppy. I'm thinking a baby golden retriever. A large golden retriever? I don't think so.


John's stumbling over his his big and his ears are going in the bowl when he drinks water.


And you're right alongside him, and you just, Yep, yep, yep.


It's not true, Cillian.


I I it's.


For your reaction.


Yeah. That's going to live with you for.


The rest of your life. I really hope it doesn't. I'm sad it came up today.


I'm imagining a little chihuahua just barking all the time.


Yeah. That's for a reaction. And I'm not going to give it to them. I'm not going to.




Smallest smallest bark the loudest.


Because they got to make up for their size. Size. I'm so I'm so quiet.


The listeners at home, Sidney, has her arms crossed and is all shoulders up tight, puckered up.


Like a small chihuahua. Like a Doberman.


Like a Doberman. I'm a big guard dog. Actually, if we were all dogs, what dogs would we be?


We already know hers. You actually give me Greyhound vibes. Not in personality, but is it because he's tall? Yeah. I owe.


You to -I would be a -I think I would be really.


Skinny runner. -not an Italian, a Greyhound.


I think I would be a Sheba or something fox-like. Fox-like? Yeah.


Sheba. Shebas are pretty independent. Independent.


Jody a a cock or.


Is it the the king, cock or The ones that are really really Is.


That Lady from Lady and the the.


Yeah, and you have the curls on your ears and you're like a chocolate brown color.


I've always wanted one.


One. Wait, the the Sheba?


Big Sheba. Akita?




Yeah. What are those like? I have no idea.


This dog is tick and cute. Cute. That's you. You. A baby. Baby.


You. You.


A baby. Baby. -they're a baby. They're so Oh, my gosh.


They're so cute. Celine.


I don't know enough dog breeds to know this.


I used to have a book of dog breeds, and you could show me a picture and I would be able to name the breed. That was me when I had that special interest as a kid, and I don't know if I remember all of them.


I feel that. That.


Salline is It's really hard because I already full associate you with another animal. Animal. It a Bunny? It's a Bunny. I'm trying to think of a dog, and my mind mind Bunny. Oh, yeah, but what about a Bunny? What if she was a Bunny?


A Bunny dog.


My mind is tainted. I need backup.


Yeah, I.


See Bunny as well. No, you said Bunny.


I'm like, like, Oh, shit.




It's Bunny. Sorry, it was a Bunny.


It's a Bunny type dog.


Bunny type dog. Bunny dog.


Dog. -bunny dog. -i don't want to have dogs. Well, weird because dogs chase bunneys, too. It's just weird. Yeah.




Difficult. I can't imagine you chasing yourself. Yeah.


Okay, Broden's a grayhound.


I don't see it, but all right.


Really? You don't? When you look in the mirror.


You know it's you. You. Yeah, a long, you're a a and yeah. Yeah. -that maybe a Great Dane. They're fast runners. You You know a Great Dane?


I don't know what what a Great looks like.


What? They're gigantic. Gigantic. They have big.


Super tall. They're like horses, and they live seven years because they're so big. Big. And always say you're going to die early because you're so tall.


Yeah, Yeah, but. Take off a few inches, so that you live longer.


It works.


Like that. That. Physically, but not... I think of those dogs as like... I'm not even really sure how to describe them. I feel like brain-wise, not similar, though. Are we going pure looks?


Are we we going like -Where we? Are you talking about.


About I think we're talking.


About dogs as a whole.


Whole archetype. -gray-dane? Yeah, temperament.


Sorry, are you referring.


Referring to and us?


No, no, no. Okay, all right. Let me fix this. I'm going to fix this right now. He is saying he doesn't look like a Great Dane or a a Greyhound, she's asking, asking, you speaking about one specifically?


No, No, I'm... No, no.


Interpreting. Let me fix this.


I thought I had.


This one. I was asking the question, question, we comparing purely physically or temperament? Are we we.


Saying As a a I thought it was just as a whole.


Yeah, as a whole. Yeah, I don't feel like that. But you're a Great Dane denier and a Greyhound denier physically, because that's that's what.


Like I said, I don't really know what they look like, so maybe.


We're just not dogs.


We're humans. Yeah, it's fine. It's fine.


As a boy growing up, I was always compared to a gazelle.


And you think you relate more to a gazelle than - I'm just putting that out there.


Okay. Putting it in the world. Allright. I've heard gazelle and cheetah.




What's your guys' persona? Persona?


-what's your guys' persona? The test? I got bear, like Mama Bear.


Wait, for context, we're back to... So the OTK wow.


No context for furries.


The OTK wow thing is all like, furry themed. They have to refer to the bathroom as the litter box, and they all have to to know- excuse me? Me? If they don'tIf they call it the bathroom, they lose reputation in the guilt. So you have to call it the the.


Litter Plus one, minus one. I see.


And it's it's furry, kitty It's FKP instead of whatever the actual is like, DKP when you you I think it's Dungeon. I don't know what it it is. I see, I see. It gets you up for gear, gear, Kitty points. When people log on, everybody goes, MAU. That's what we're.


Talking about. Are you a Mama Bear? Yeah, I got a Mama Bear. Bear.


Oh, yeah, I got.


Mama Bear. Well, so make everyone take a test. Test. And so test has been been Yes. Mama bear.


I am a Raptor.


I'm also a Raptor.


Oh, my God.


We're We're Guys, guess what? I'm a horse. Actually? You got horse. I got horse. Wow. I took it the first time and I got canine. And then I ended up taking it two other times. And two other times I got horse. So I'm really in my horse girl era.


I love your best life. I love your best life.


I also want to point out we both associate with the dinosaur raptor. But when you get Raptor, it says like Velocirafter or owl. Owl? Yeah, because like birds, dinosaurs.




Oh, I I see both of you as owls.


I can see you guys as owls. I'm not not I I was thinking of it.


Too violent, I guess. Too violent and not maybe intelligent enough.


Oh, we're like the owl from Avatar.


I always say I want to be that. That's what I say all the time. Time. You are a a -That's your tongue. -wow.




Want to live in this library for the rest of my life. It's where I want to go after after I.


Wow, we're all so awesome. And then Jon's.


With a rabbit.


Yeah, Yeah, Wait, small feline, right?


No, he's a rabbit. No, he's a rabbit. Like a little Bunny.


Bunny. -he's a rabbit.


He's a tough.


Prey, a little Bunny. Yeah, we.


Eat him. We chase him.


Yeah, you guys eat him.


Both forms of us eat him. Yes.


Yeah, that's no good for him. Wow. Yeah, it's been fun to see all of them. Sean got this this made-up-.


Oh, think Sean got the best.


Thing-yeah, he did. -wait, what did Sean get?


Do you remember the name of it? I can't remember.


Like Shargill or something. Oh, it.


Is a... He's like.


A human shark or something.


He's like half shark, half.


Fox or half-Yeah, or dog, wolf, or something like that.


That. Yeah, wolf. Half shark, half wolf.


And the guild icon was whatever that was, but not not for work version. So when you scroll through the Discord, there's just this this wolf with the massive dick. Can I say that? We've talked about.


Work things. Things.


Definitely, you can say Yeah, okay, cool. Definitely. Sometimes I forget, and I end up in other places. Places.


It's got a big dick. Like shirtless and glistening.


I see. But But it was made for the furries to fuck, I guess.


Like to.


Fawn over. Yeah, to like...


Oh, like like how you - one is just an object of sexual desire. Yes, it's.


Like a nada. It's like like a for to be a bit... Yeah, it's an objectified.


Objectified I see. See.


Really. No rights.


Rights. That's strong.


That's strong. That's He.


Lives to please.


Wait, that reminds me of our talk. No, wait, let me cook. That reminds me of our conversation last night when we were talking about Shawshank Redemption, because we watched Shawshank Redemption.




Yeah, and we talked about jail.


This is a crazy jump, but I actually see it. No, I.


Fucking see it. Have you seen seen Shasher.


And Predemption? I think I've seen I don't have my phone on me. Can you guys look it up and show me? Because I think I've.


Seen it. Yes. It's about a guy who... I don't want to to.


No, No.


Don't, honestly. Because it's a really.


Good There's a.


Terminology that comes from this, right?




Got Morgan Freeman.


I think.




Seen it. I think I've seen it. It is an incredible movie. I feel like you would have remembered it if you've seen it.


I don't know. I have terrible movie memory. I can hardly remember the plot of most movies.


I've seen. I watched it when I was in high school, and I remember... I don't know. I feel like it's one that sticks.


With you. Without spoil anything, basically, the beginning of the movie is a a guy out that his wife has been cheating on on him. To the house where she's at to shoot them both, but then decides, no, I won't. But in a weird turn of events, they both get murdered anyway by the similar gun that he would have used to shoot them. Then he gets put life in prison for that. You watch as he has to adjust to prison life.


I don't know if I've seen it. Maybe I haven't seen it. It. Kind rings a few bells. What about the movie, movie, though, you guys.


-so there's a few scenes where he has to defend himself himself from-So grape.


Predators. Oh, that's a good way to put people.


We had conversations last night about how people would fare in jail. They're not graphic scenes, but suggestive scenes. And we just had that conversation about like, Oh, how do you become useful in jail so that you don't wound up dead and you have friends and stuff like that?


And then I said, I'm small and I would try to find some big, big, mommy who I would perform sexual acts on to gain favor of protection. And I think that's the only way that I would survive in prison.


Yeah, the question on the sheet is, are you too pretty for jail? And Jody answers yes. She is too pretty for jail. What does that mean?


I don't think think survived very well.


Sweet, sweet, Celine. In jail, you're locked up with just the women cells and the men cells. You ever heard the phrase dropping the soap?


Wait, no, I haven't. But I never realized jail is like men and women. I don't know why. I've watched like, what's that show? Orange Orange.


Is the... Black?


Yeah, so I've seen that show.


Normally, I don't think it's coed.


Oh, it's not coed.


Coed. I was going to say I've only seen jail jail and it's never coed.


Coed. Sorry, I said men and women, I meant there's a men's block, women's block. But because of that, a lot of people, and you know what I I mean.


Feel all icy.


Yeah. People be hooking hooking up. Yeah. It's all they got. And they're like, not not - And if they're not. Not. Yeah. Yeah. So Drop in the soap is when you're in the shower and you have the soap and they're like, like, drop the the soap. When you bend.


Bend over You become submissive and breedable.


And you've lost lost your Yeah.


So it happens in the shower.


A lot? People take advantage in the shower a lot.


Oh, they just just go of like, it's not like a.


- There's no agreement or or patch.




No. I see. So when you're too pretty for jail, you're a pretty girl in jail, and the other girl is going to be like, I want that girl. Oh, my God. And that's why Jody is.


Like, I don't give it up. But I'll be like, Claim me. Me. I'm going to give it That's fine. Because I think that I won't survive otherwise.




See. See. I won't be able to.


Take So So Jody like, Okay, but you're mine. You're responsible. Yeah, I.


Would just be so good that hopefully she's like, You know why why are you so bad, Shady? They all protect you and stuff. Stuff. I'm like, I'm not touching you. I'm like, I.


Mean, you got to do what you got to do.


Yeah, exactly. I would have to do what I have to do there.


Exactly. Yeah, I think I have a hard time. I don't know where I would fit, how I would fare in jail. We talked about it last night, and I do think I would fall somewhere in the middle, but I also think I'd have to be somebody's bitch.


There's nothing wrong with that. Join me. I would definitely...


I would also have to be.


Someone's, for sure. Yeah, we'll get real good at what we do.


It's all right. All right. Let's go, ladies.


Someone will take.


Good care of us. I hope so.


How about you, Brody? Yeah. I think you're too pretty for jail, too.


I think that I would have to come in and and coin flip, to kill someone to show dominance. Be like, don't fuck with me. Me. And hope that I don't have consequences for that.


How can you not have consequences? Well, you're definitely going to have have consequences. You kill someone, you're going for a long-term.


Time in prison. Prison. Yeah, no, prison standards, sure. They'll send me to solitary for a little bit. But then the rest of the inmates are like, All right, he's hard. Don't mess with him. Versus if I just come in and I'm like, I'm okay. Then' and then it's like, I got a target.


I guess it depends on what you're going to prison for. How long are you going? Are you going to.


-i'm assuming like life.


We're going to be there for a while. Okay, if we're there for life, then I do think think that.


Someone is a big deal. Killing someone is a big deal. I don't know if I'm going to go go more...


They're going to me later. The moral gray area is giant.


Otherwise, though, I feel like I would just try to get in with the crew early.


Yeah. You definitely have to.


I wonder if there's personality personality hires. If you're so funny that they'll just keep you in the gang and that's okay? You don't have.


To kill anybody.


Maybe there's a trio and I'm.


The part of the joke. I will gladly take care of me and make fun of me. Me.


Got to offer something in prison. I don't know what it is, but maybe.


It's laughs. I mean, that's basically what happens in Shawshank, gets beers.


I would want to be like Red or something from Shawshank or or like the smuggling crew. I don't need to be the guy, but I'm the guy on the inside that's working-I'm in a country that's like, Hey, Red, this one's for you.


Yeah, you want to be be You want to offer something.




I know I really started to think about my skill set yesterday.


Yesterday. My body. Okay, my body. I don't know what else I would give in prison. My humor. Humor.


I'm stand-up night, everyone.


Everyone loves to be on the agency, Guys, guys, here she comes.


That's me.


Maybe you could just be like an info-gatherer. People like to know.


What's going on.


Oh, like the wheezel.


-know what's going on. Yeah.


Okay, I could do that. Yeah, you.


Could do that. I feel like that would be a skill set.


I agree. Who can eavesdrop the best and be the quietest about about Yeah. I like that. That's a skill set. Yeah.


Yeah. So now I'm picturing you with the deck of cards, being like, What do you want to know? Know? I can do And then people people like, Oh, tell me about this. I'm like, Oh, I think I remember that. But maybe for a few smokes, I could remember more. That'd be me.


There you go. Go. Take it back. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Okay.


We got the the the murderer, and I don't know, Celina, are we shit out of luck?


I don't know what I would do.


Yeah. Celina in jail is a sight that I don't even want to imagine.


I honestly can't imagine it. There's no part of me that can see it. I think that everyone else in prison would also see that, though, and take care of you.


I would hope so. I think so.


I really would hope so. I think you have good chances in there.


I hope so. It might be the opposite. I was going to.


Say I don't really just wishful thinking. This is optimistic. I don't know about that. What would we go to jail for if we.


Went to jail? I was also curious. I feel like... I would hate to admit it, but I think it would be like a failed heist. I think it'd be part of a bank robbery. And then maybe someone turned on me or something wasn't accounted for, and then I have to take the fault.


But it wasn't your fault. Never. You didn't fuck up. It was someone in the crew. You You.


Were so I I know. He's like, don't want to say this. I'm like, Dude, it's hypothetical. I'm the.




Real -I have no exact revenge when I'm out.


Got you. Okay.


Jody? Okay, I don't know. I'm really really -.


Know, right? I don't know. I've never really imagined a scenario.


What do people go to jail for? We go to jail.


For murder, arson, theft, larcany. Murder, arson, theft.


What does that sound like? -arsony? -assault and battery. -what is larcany? -what's larcany?


I don't know. I threw it out there. What? I think think is theft.


Can we get a a check? Wait, yes, you're right. It's theft. Yeah, it's stealing. Stealing. Yes, I'm not a thief. I took a a from Target once and I cried. Oh, my God. I cried after. I was 19 years old. I took took and then I walked out. I know. And then I was like, Okay, I feel really bad. So I went and I bought something more expensive.


I had the opposite experience where I was like, I think I was nine or ten years old. I was in the grocery store with my parents, and I picked up a a magazine was like, Oh, this is cool. I was looking through, looking through. I was just reading it the whole time as we were walking. Then we check out, we get outside, and my mom looks down and was like, Where did you get that? I just picked, Oh, we're outside. I picked it up inside. I was like, Oh, stealing is easy.


Oh, my God. It's not my experience at all.


I think the only thing I've ever stolen was when you go to a candy store, I've eaten one when I was a kid. Kid.


But that's like really sticks with you. The first.


Time I've done that once because I was like, Can I do this? And then I never did that ever again.


How do you guys feel about people who check the grapes or something at the grocery store to see if they're good? Do you consider that stealing?


I've never seen it, but I feel like if I saw it, my jaw would drop. I'd be like, That's wild.


I'm not like, Oh, he's stealing. But I'm like, Dude, come on.


I feel like that's just audacious, fully.


It's entitled. Yeah, but you do you thing.


I would hope they buy it. Would you guys feel uncomfortable? Let's say we go to the grocery store and I pick up a Gatorade and I just start drinking it.


My grandpa grandpa does it I hate it.


I would just expect that you're going to.


Buy it. I just assume that... Yeah, I just.


Assume that... Fully intending to pay for it at the end.


Yeah, I.


Wouldn't mind. Mind. Makes you feel uncomfortable.


I'm so stressed about it anytime that happens because I don't know if we're going to get in trouble. I won't make it in prison, you guys. Guys.


Think I used to feel that way, and then I did it enough times, and it was fine. You just drink it and you pay for it at the end. But I do remember feeling that way when I was younger.


I did it in a subway two days ago. Or no, it was a Jersey Mike's or something.


You grabbed a.


Drink and you were drinking. I grabbed it, and then there was a long line. I was like, I wonder if they'll care. And I just started drinking drinking it, they didn't even look at me. I could have stolen that.


Yours was just pure limit testing. You weren't even thirsty. I was thirsty. Yeah, I don't know what what I go to jail for. I think the most, not stealing. I feel like I would get in a fight somewhere, but I don't even really think I would get in a fight. But if I had to pick something, that would be the most likely for me. Can you go to.


Jail for speeding?




Maybe speeding.


Do you think of speed? Speed? No, road rage.


Yours is for sure road rage.


I can see a situation where you have to go pick up your dog super fast, so you.


Speed someone. Oh, wow. You really see the best in me.


I was thinking you got road rage and ran someone someone over they were laying in prison. I don't know. I do have really.


Bad bad road Do you? Yeah, I'll be driving if someone doesn't have their their blinker on I'm like, What are you fucking stupid? I go around them and I do this. I'm like, I'm not. Yeah, it's bad. It's bad.


I used to do bad stuff.


Like like that anymore. Someone passes me, even if I'm in the far left lane and I probably should be going 75 and I'm going 70, if someone passes me, then I switch lanes and I start going faster or I ride their ass, it's not good.


Actually, I feel like we shouldn't be saying this on the podcast, but I do still, if I hear a honk directed at me, I instantly honk back, whether I'm in the right or the wrong.


I'm like, Fuck you. Yeah.


Wait, where does Road rage come from? It's definitely a thing, but where does it come from? Why do people get angry in the car?


I don't know, because I'm not an angry person. Person. It's probably I am not a.


- It's probably maybe you are deep down and you're letting it out because no one can see you. It's like, It's the crack in, because everyone can't see and it's like, Oh, well, I don't know who you are. You can't see me and I can't see you. Fuck you.


For me, I get angry at stupid drivers. I think if I had to really think about it, it's like you could kill someone and you're driving like a dumb ass. You put your blinker on, or you didn't do didn't or you or you weren't even looking at me. What are you?


Dumb type of thing. Okay, so I automatically assume everyone on the road is already stupid. Oh, yeah, they're dumb as well. So I don't really react to that stuff. For me, if someone does something directed at me or towards me, then I'll just be like, I'll send it right back. There you go.


It is so common, though.


Yeah. My sister, this is a horror story that I wish that I would have learned. I learned a lot of things not to do from just watching my sister do them. This one, I still have road rage, so I didn't learn it. But my sister was driving on a two-lane road in Washington. It's a really famous one. It's super dangerous for car crashes and whatever. But this dude and her were in a road rage exchange, and it was really late at night. He had a truck and it's two lanes, so he pulled over perpendicular to it, blocked her car off, got a bat, and got out of the car, and went to beat my sister's ass. So she had to run back to her car, get in, flip her car in reverse, and drive and turn around on this highway in the middle of the night. What? She was like, I almost got my ass beat by this by in the middle of nowhere. I'm like, Yeah, I wish I would have learned that lesson, but I didn't.


That's terrifying. I've heard horror stories of it. Yeah. Rode rage. So I'm scared of that.


It is funny. By that logic, my version of response is the worst. I'm doing the most dangerous thing because it's people who are already aggravated, and I'm just pissing them off more.


Something happens to happens to probably road rage related. Yeah.


But you'll know that they were at fault.


Right. Of course, because it's never Broden. Yes.


Never Broden. Just like the heist. Never Broden to fault. Exactly. I think I'd go to prison for stealing or something.




Not something. Not from a big corp. Big corp.


I don't like Robinhood.


Like Robinhood. Yeah. You're like.


An ethical.


I think I would steal from big corp.


That's fair. That is what made me feel a little bit better about stealing from Target. Unless they want to sponsor us, then I never stole from Target. I actually stole from Walmart. It was, yeah.


What if they want to want.


To Yeah, what if Walmart.


Wants to sponsor you? Kmart.


It was Kmart. You were young. Everyone makes mistakes.


Sorry, Pod, you can cut that out if you want.


It stays.


This talks about another... All right, next thing on the list, because we were talking about movies, is we watched As Above So Below. Shit-ass movie, by the way.


Really horrible. I didn't watch it. I made the right choice.


Yeah, he Yeah, right asleep. I didn't watch it.


I knew it wouldn't be good. Yeah. I remembered the trailers back in, what was it? 2014? No idea. Can someone look up when did that movie come out? As Above So Below. Oh, wait, no, not 2014. Not 2014. Say 2011. Yeah, I.


Watched it in high school, so I had to have been out.


Wait, is this movie trending on TikTok right now?


Yes. So that's why... That's where I cooked this one up. I go on... What did you got, Jason? Got, Jason?


What was 2014? Was 2014. Oh, it was 2014. I'm God.


I'm crazy Yeah, you're pretty good at that. You are really crazy at that.


Yeah, I remember the trailers for it and being like, I don't think that's going to be very good.




What is it about?


Well, it was all over TikTok, and I saw it, and it was like, Oh, like, Catacombs. And so it's essentially about the catacombs that are under Paris. That's what it what it was I went on this deep dive about the Paris the and what they are, IRL. But the movie is this whole... I mean, I don't really want to spoil anything, but it's also 2014, and it's and it's It's like hell down there. You go down and there's demons and you have to face your fears and repent and shit, and it's really bad.


Oh, they took a fantasy approach to it.


They took a fantasy approach to it. Yeah.


It starts with starts D, something's D, Dauntes. Yeah, it's a reflection of Dauntes in real. That's interesting. Or references.


But it was really bad. But I do think the idea of the Paris catacombs and what people think is actually down there, how they think that there's people that live in the catacombs. I'm sure they do.


I'm sure they do.


Yeah, that was crazy. That's the deep dive I went on, which was very fun.


My opinion of TikTok's opinion of good media is very low.


Yeah, no, mine's plummeted.


There are niche groups where it's like, it's guys are the ones that know what's up. But then in general, I would say most people on TikTok do not have good taste.


It's like when I think about book talk too, I'm like, Jesus. I read a book, I'm like, No.




Why do you think that is? Do you think it's just because it's not a generation? A generation? I think.


I think it's that they haven't actually been exposed to really good films. I think they see something mediocre and they're like, Oh, that was so good. But they haven't really been moved by something by something.


We're just a bunch of gatekeeping elitists. I don't think so.


No, because I would love for someone to watch a ton of good movies. I wouldn't gatekeep that. I feel like I'm always telling you guys like, guys watch this. Watch this. Yeah.


What's the one you want? Good child, children, men.


The men.


Of men of.


Children of Children.


Children of Men. That's a good one, yeah.


And the one with the guy in the gas station.


No country for old men.


Oh, a.


Oh, a lot of lot of men. A lot of men going on here. Am I right, ladies? Yeah. It's like, hierarchy.


Children of Children is arguably about a woman most.




Okay, you've said children. The opening of the movie basically establishes that people can't have kids anymore.




And what sets the story in motion is it's discovered that one person is pregnant.


Oh, pregnant. Love that stuff. Yeah. Yeah.


And so now it's like, Oh, we got to protect this person because the world's crazy right now.


Yeah, I love that stuff.




Interested. Very interesting. That sounds really moving, actually. Yeah.




My really hot take is that... Speaking of population control.




On. My really hot take.


Is that there's too many fucking people, and Thanos was right.


Oh, yeah.




Oh. Wow, That's my.


Hot take. Hot random, though?


I mean, that's the only way it's fair.


So what if you're the only one left in this room?


Rip, guys, but we won't kill the kill I'll remember you.


Thank you.


For remembering that. No, I'm kidding. I would be really sad. I think the think the just take back everything that is it.


Yeah, I mean, that's how I feel, right?


Feel, right?


Our predator? Oh, speaking of which, dude, I saw a TikTok that said, that punk is going to be what's like what's where people are... Obviously, technology is moving forward, but people are also becoming super becoming super A lot of the trends are like health, plants, organic things, but technology is also improving. So they think it's going to go in this diagonal of that being fused. Instead of just going super high super futuristic, it's going to be like nature combined with futuristic. Love it.


I hope so. I hope I hope that's Yeah, Solarunk is such a cool asset.


Yeah, that's what that's what that people think our world is going to slowly start to shift too. Which would be really cool if we.


Live in that era. Not just cool, but also sustainable. Yeah, that.


Sounds great. So we're going to enter... Imagine Ghibli, but a bit modern future tech, like solar tech.






Would be cool. That sounds awesome. I hope we're alive to see it. Me too.


Aren't we supposed to have flying cars by now or something?






Be fair, I think that's possible. I think that the technology is technology is there, just that it would safe.


That'd be so hard to police.


Yeah. Yeah, it's just too much airspace is already.


A car could just crash into your house because it was flying.


Over you. Yeah. I just think it's probably possible, but it shouldn't be.


I think once autopilot and that thing is perfected, then we can allow it because people can just rely on that.


I'm surprised that we just don't go all in on public transportation.


True. Yeah, trains. Yeah, or just Lily was here, she'd be so happy about this.


She'd be so happy.


I do think that's the way, though. I feel like the thing about the US is that there's just too many cars. Everyone's got a car. I know you need to because everything in the US is also super far apart. But everyone having a car, it just doesn't really work for, I don't know, work towards any good goal or anything, really.




If public transportation was transportation I would use it. I feel like we've all been places and used the shit out of it.


With the With the really good I'm so happy to use it. I'm like, Oh, wow, life is so easy. Yeah.


Maybe one day. Maybe in our in our solar-punk future. Have trains. Or what do they fly in solar punk? It's usually Blimps and stuff, right? Yeah. It's very It's very solar-punk. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's Yeah.


What would you do if on our way there, we discover witchcraft or witchcraft.


Oh, I'm in.


We've already discovered witchcraft.


But media witchcraft? Is that what you're suggesting?


We tap into some... I'm going to be very abstract here. We tap into some higher power and are able to control it better. Would you guys be like, You know what? I'm done streaming. I'm going to all into witchcraft.


Or what would you do? I would stream my witchcraft.


You'd stream your like -.


But then you'd be sharing you'd be sharing it -Maybe Naked in the forest the moon.


So you're taking like, I was abstract. Yeah, we can go in that direction if you'd like.


I think that if it were possible for me to learn the witchcraft that I see in media, like in media, or in Lord of the Rings or something like that, you would never see me again. Yeah. I would.


Be gone. That's all I want. I want to live in a fantasy world.


I guess, okay, you have not seen full-model not But I think what I was trying to get at is if on our way to technological advancement, we discover alchemy or something like that, where it's like, Oh, we can use science in a magical way.


-it's tuddy and shit. -i'd full dive into it. I'd actually just forego everything and full dive.


Into it. We all just get masters in it.


Yeah. Yeah, I wish.


I always think about if there was... Because I used to daydream about... Honestly, I'm 26 years I'm and I still daydream about this sometimes. Oh, I lovea lot. You know, when you read a novel or something like that, it's like you're just a normal person, and all of a sudden, you are in the woods, and this gate opens, and someone comes through, and it's like, I'm going to take you to... Would you go?




Yeah. Yeah.


I couldn't not go.


Yeah. Curiosity would kill the cat. I might die over there. But I have to. Yeah, I could also get freaking awesome powers. Freaking awesome powers. I just have to go. Yeah. I do still think about that all the time. Sometimes I daydream about... I wish I hadn't started I.


Go on. Sometimes I daydream.


That I'm a super secret spy, and we're on a road trip somewhere, and these CIA agents pull up from another up from then they try and kidnap you guys, but I'm a badass. So I flip out of the.


Out of the card That would be so would and I'd.


Believe it. Yeah. Can I leave?




Hug. No, I'm going to take this and run.


With it. I'm going to run.


With it. Yeah, I love that. Okay, we're on our road trip to road trip Who among everyone do you think is the super secret spy that is like, Oh, shit. I'm sorry I dragged you guys into this.


I think most likely to live a double life as you. Yeah.


Okay, what a second.


I can't say myself, but I would want to because I'd be daydreaming about it and stuff.


Okay, let's say it to me. Let's say it with me. He did not like that answer. Would you guys be pissed that I didn't tell you? Or how would you feel?


No. No, I don't understand. I don't understand. I feel like, Okay, new like, Okay, got to get out of this now.


But don't get me killed. I wouldn't be mad, but I would rather not die. I hope you're good enough.


Yeah. See, the way that I imagine it falling through is like somebody gets shot from a sniper and, Sidney's now dead. You're like, Guys, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And it's like, Fuck, but we've lost one. Then I'd be like, Are you serious? But that's not But that's I mean, it is.


Yeah, how would you... Would it be like... I mean, I guess I probably wouldn't be able to talk to you guys ever again. Well, then what, Roden?


What do you want from this interview?


I thought I would be like, Well, how would you guys feel? Would you still accept me? But really, if I'm being responsible, I probably shouldn't include you guys anymore.


But that's not what the movie says. The movie says you can't give up love in order love in know what I mean?


What I be alone. Can't be alone. Spies just.


Find someone We're the friends. We'll be useful.


So you useful. The movie where I'm like, All right, I guess you guys all have to be spies with me now.


Yeah, I'll figure something out. You think we.


Wouldn't be capable?


Would you want to be field operatives?


Well, now we're getting into it.


We're getting technical now.


I want to be the person that has all these has on these.


Dagger Okay, so field-up.


I'd rather be an analyst than be on the field. I'll be at home doing.


The tech. Yeah, you're in the van. You're in the warehouse. Yeah.


You're the girl in the chair.


Yeah, the chair. Yeah, in the chair. I'll run the operatives and give you guys coms.


Yeah, I like that.


That's rather fitting.


Ideally, I would want to be a weapon specialist, but that's already taken. That's already.


-we have to do so many other weapons. Many other weapons.


A field job.


Well, if I had to go second, not weapon specialist, I would want to be like the vehicle girl. I pick you up in a helicopter and I drive in the.


Getaway car. That's sick.




That's sick. I see. I'm a girl. I'm a girl. But you know I'm going to get you somewhere. I don't think that I'd let them. That actually fits That.


Actually fits That's like, Oh, That's like, going to pick us up in today. Like a helicopter, a van, a bus she stole.


I see you just crunching on a cigar, pissed all.


The time. Yeah, yes. I love this. I love this too.




What we should be for next Halloween. It's like a bunch of...


Spies. Yeah, spies. It's another abstract idea that will be really hard to.


Pull off. Maybe just like the army then. Okay.


Yeah, a.


Little SWAT team. Yeah, a little SWAT team maybe.


They're going to be like, What are you guys?


None of your fucking business.


If you knew, it'd be a problem.


I'd finally get to say the to say tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.


That was cringe. It couldn't be more cringe than me telling you me daydream about being a spy, okay? There's nothing worse than that. I've already sold myself on this podcast. I think I.


Have been in daydream like that since elementary school.


Or middle school. I'm a bit of a dragger.


I love it. I think daydream is good.


It keeps your It keeps your creative- flowing.


-juice is guys.


I like it. I like it. So how do you daydream?


Do you that's a fair question. For those of you who don't know, I have know, I which means that I don't produce mental imagery. Yeah.


When imagery. Yeah. When just said she.


Just feels like a spy. She just feels How does.


That work for Sidney?


It works the same way that my entire thinking does. It's just a story. I see. I'm writing a book, essentially.


Wait, there was something you mentioned recently where you're like, Yeah, and I can't... You mentioned your You affecting it. I was like, That's right. This thing everyone This thing can't do. What was it? Do you remember?


Damn. No, I can't.


That felt like an anime line. An anime.


Everybody does that she can't do.


Was it meditation? We were talking about that recently, which I have a hard time a hard time with, I feel like you.


Would be really good at.




Good you can empty your mind.


The meditation practices that I've seen or tried are like, Okay, and imagine you're sitting blah, blah, blah. I'm like, Okay. Like, hear the breeze and connect with and I'm like, Yeah, no, don't. I can't do that. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't remember.


I feel like it was related to was but yeah, I can't remember for sure.


Many things I can't do, but that's okay.


Every time you bring up you I'm always like, Oh, yeah.




I feel like meditating is really the art of grounding art your mind. I feel like you should really Excel at that. The, Oh, imagine yourself on a beach. Scratch that. Empty. Scratch that.


Scratch mind, even though it can't see imagery, isn't actually empty.




No, it's not empty. Thank you, empty. Thank you, Sidney.


I imagine just words floating in your mind.


But she has no imagery.


Yeah, just words. Yeah, thoughts.


So when you imagine things with your eyes closed, it's just...


It's just darkness. I don't see anything.


So is it easier to imagine things when your eyes.


Are open? I can daydream both ways. I see. Yeah, I could just daydream like this, but I can also...


So you know how daredevil can't see, but his other senses are heightened? Yeah. Would you say that something like that is happening inside of your head?


Like other parts of my head or other senses are?


Can you imagine sounds?


No. When I have a song stuck in my head, I don't hear it.


Don't Wild.


What does that mean? What did you just say? You just say?


How did song stuck.


In your head in Okay, so you know internal monologs? That one always confuses me a little bit because you don't.


Hear your don't hear Oh, no.


Yes, we do. -you don't hear your own voice. -we do. Yeah, so I think that I don't have an internal monolog, and I have afantasia. Okay, yeah.


You do not have an internal monolog.


You hear your.


Own voice. I could hear anyone. I could hear my voice. I could hear Morgan.


Freeman's voice. I could -.


You can conjure up any voice. Conjure can conjure up any voice. But it's any voice.


I could conjure a voice and know that I couldn't imitate that, but I can hear that.


So when you think to yourself...


I think that's why I'm such an emotional, conceptual person. I have a hard time with direction, and I have a hard time with memory. I don't remember exactly what Jody said, but I know how it made me feel. What was your question?


I was just saying, if you were to sit here and talk to yourself in your mind, I hear me. If you were to open my brain and take a peek inside, it's a peek voice that says, Okay, now I'm thinking to myself. I just hear in the same capacity.


In the same way that you hear me right now is how you could hear me in your head.


I'm literally repeating it as you go. Yeah, it's just quieter because it's not out loud. But I just repeated everything you said in your voice in the exact same inflection. For some reason, what came to my brain was when Jon goes, A! And I just pressed the Play button.


Yeah, like a soundboard. We can just play these sounds. Yeah, yeah.


But that's not, I mean, I would say that's not an internal monolog. An internal monolog is basically your voice is and you just you hear it like when- Like your conscience. That's probably why you talk to yourself a lot. No, because she lot?


Like because she That's not embarrassing. It's not. No, it's not.


I know it's just funny. I do talk to myself a lot.


Allowed, right? Yeah. That makes sense because you can't internalize it. Yeah. Yeah.


Cool. This has been a fun podcast.


God, I want to deep dive into that. I know.


I know. It felt like we were felt for a moment, and we're like, moment.


And how I feel every time.


It's cool. I'm just so intrigued.


Because every time it's brought up, we discover something up, we I know.


Yes. Yeah, today I learned I don't have an internal monolog.


Yeah. An internal monolog. Yeah.


Now I want to look at the definition of internal, because what if we're reading what if The thing.


Is, internal monolog... When I found out that I was a thing, I knew for a fact. I was like, Okay, yes, I have Okay, But internal monolog monolog confuses me a lot because I'm like, Okay, so how do I hear myself? I don't hear myself.


I don't you don't have one.


But I'm confused. You But.


I'm Literally. You actually to as internal monolog, the voice inside of your head or an inner voice, your internal monolog is a result of a certain brain mechanism that causes you to hear yourself talk in your head without actually speaking or forming sounds.


You know how in anime, they'll be like, Oh, I get it. She went to the pizza and cut it with a pizza cutter. That's an internal monolog. People have that. That's a thing people hear themselves talking themselves about.


Yeah, no, I don't have one of those.


Well, don't feel that. Estimated that feel that. Estimated % people don't have one.


How many people have all Fontasia and no internal monolog?


Okay, let's.


- You're a special one. - You're they.


Go hand in hand. Yeah, I was going to say and -.


Maybe people who don't have internal Maybe are more prone to internal monologs are more prone to.


A People without an inner monolog may suffer from what is called a may So maybe it's not that you've often, you know what I mean? It's because you don't have an inner monolog that you don't have an inner monolog can't sing. I did.


Do nothing up there, man. Can't sing. Is so interesting. This is something that really.


Just intrigues me. Every time it intrigues me. Yeah. I mean, it intrigues me to know that you guys can conjure shit. That's crazy.


I remember we were playing like crazy.


I remember we Cindy was like, Yep, love this game, love being able to imagine what I'm trying to draw.


I'm like, what I'm I forgot, Cindy. You can't visualize. Apparently, it only affects two % of the population. Yeah, I knew % was really low. It was like three % or something, so I figured.


Double is bad. I think it's a spiral. Well, two.


Percent for bad. Oh, two % for % I see. I know if they're generally related then. Yeah.


I wonder if you would be a good screenwriter.


Do you think you a be a.


Good writer? I'm a great writer.


Oh, okay. I used to write fiction all the time.


Used That makes sense. It was like shot glasses. One of my favorite subjects in school was creative writing.




Took it through most of college. But then - Because I thought of that question because I thought of how I do filmmaking. If I read a script, as I'm reading.


The script, I'm watching the movie in my head. So I imagine you're not - No. My can't do I imagine you're not - No. That's probably you don't like reading. It's the opposite. Yeah, I don't like reading.


That's why I read.


Graphic novels and comic books.


Because I - But then isn't that interesting? Because technically speaking, when I'm writing, I'm imagining a.


Movie in my speaking, and I'm regurgitating it. But you are - But I'm always writing a book.


Whoa. This is so cool. But I'm always that I.


Think about, that's why.




I'm daydreaming, I'm writing a.


Book in my head. Wow. Okay, but what I will say book in I see that you're.


A really.


Great writer.


Because you're just.


Always writing. Also, I realized... Yes, okay, okay. Okay, back to the daredevil thing.


Okay. You do have a superpower in that. Because remember when I asked you to describe us? Yeah. All of.


Us were really.


Bad at describing. To describe Sidney was just like, Yes, you have this feature. Your eyes are a little like here. Yes, you have this here. This is the specific color of brown you are. I was like, Whoa, what the. She was defining our Cupid's bow. I'm like, Bro, I don't know. She's like, Yes, Jody's a little up there.


John's is slightly smaller. I'm like, Whoa. Super descriptive. Little up I close my eyes, I can't picture your face. So if I want.


To remember what you look like, I have to - Describe it. I have to roadmap it. I have to write it all down. So descriptive. Damn, that is.


So cool. So cool. Yes, it is.


I would say it's cool of its own, but I do wish. I would say sometimes I do more not being able to imagine things. When I first found out, I went through an existential crisis. I was like, What? How did you first find out? How old are you?


Late. What? Post-college. I think I.


Found out - With me. Were you?


Was like that. Oh, my God. It was like late. It was really recent. So my entire worldview changed. I started thinking back to when I was a kid or why I'm so bad with directions or why my memory sucks or things that I struggled with in school. One of my first thoughts was I remember in math when they would give you the flat sheets of paper and they would have lines on them, and it was your job to fold them up into lines a cylinder, or make this, or make that. And I thought I was fucking dumb. I remember being in, I don't know, eight, 10 years old, and I'm like, I can't do this. I can't make a pyramid. I can't yada, yada. And then I look back and I'm like, Oh, it's because I can't visualize what it's supposed to be in the end. You just gave me a flat piece of paper, and now you want me to make it look like this? I don't know how to do that. It's like, yeah, it changed a lot for me, but also made me feel better about some things like, Oh, I'm not dumb.


I just can't picture a prism. Which is like, Oh, that our education system in the US fails prism.


Which we all learn differently and have different brains. It's so true. Have you looked.


Up the benefits of it?


Because I'm sure there are. Yeah. Or things.


You Excel at, like writing. Yeah, I would say that I was more, when I first found out, way more focused on like, Okay, how did this affect me negatively? Like accepting yourself? Focused on not something that's researched at all. We don't really know anything about It's There's not a lot of writings on it.


We could be.


The researchers, I'm.


Telling you. Yeah, so when I was spending time reading about it, it wasn't any published papers or anything like that. It was literally Reddit. People being like, Oh, my God, I have this. What was your experience like when you found this out? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So yeah, a lot of it for me was just like, Oh, yeah, it's crazy. Crazy. And then I went and I tested my parents with the crazy. Picture because I was like, Oh, I wonder if it's a hereditary thing, which is.


Also we don't know because there's no studies.


I wonder if my parents has it.


I have no one else in my family. Not my sisters. This is so intriguing. Oh, the brain is cool. Oh, the brain is cool. The brain is.


Really cool. The brain.


Is really, I'm like, Oh, God. It's itching. I'm like, Oh, man.


It's so interesting to me. Well, we covered a lot, guys. Yeah, we did. Good pod. Yeah. For everyone watching, thanks for.


Tuning in. Maybe next.


We we'll study more of Sidney's brand. Okay. But until then, we have time we'll study After of and some other stuff. Check out the have to film.


For listening. Bye-bye. Bye.