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Do you guys think it's harder to be a streamer or a YouTuber? I think it's harder to be a streamer. It's probably more mentally taxing to be a streamer because I've tried both and I don't stream anymore, but I still do YouTube.


It's totally different because YouTube, you're forced to be calculated in some ways because you have to edit the video and post it and stuff. Where streaming, you have to be calculated. I talk as if I know, but just looking at it seems like you could just go on and play a game. If you know it's within your realm of a formula, you can.


Just have fun. That's actually interesting you say that because I feel like in streaming, I'm like, Oh, God, I hope I don't say something horrible today. But on YouTube, I can say anything. -and then I'm in premiere and I'm like, I can get that out of there. But on streaming, it's like you do it, you say a thing, it's there forever, you're done. It's such a constant thing, too. You wake up, you stream, you go to sleep, you wake up, you stream again.