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The Therapy for Black Girls podcast is your space to explore mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves. I'm your host, Dr. Joy Harden-Bradford, a licensed psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia, and I can't wait for you to join the conversation every Wednesday. Listen to the Therapy for Black Girls podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast. Take good care and we'll the night time is a Tulsi tea. You know that Holy Basal is one of my favorites. It's anti-inflammatory and great for the gut, great for sleep. So that's the other cleanse that I love. And so what I'm trying to do for people is really clean them out. Those clients are the ones that have a little bit of constipation issues, like aren't going to bathroom regularly.By the end of the week, they're going two and three times a day. Wow. That's another crazy thing because Just in five days. People go once a day. That's considered constipated these days. It's crazy.Walk us through that because that's always like an uncomfortable topic for people. It's something that people don't talk about. But I I think we're getting to the point of understanding how important the digestive system is. How often should be people going to the restroom? What should be the healthy way of going about that area of their life?Well, once a day is good, twice is great, three is perfect. Because we don't get enough fiber, because we don't get enough hydration, because we're stressed, because when we're stressed, our digestive system completely shuts down, we are not being able to digest our food. And also we're eating a lot of animal protein, so it takes 14 hours to get through the small intestine, cow and animal protein, and 90 minutes for plant-based food, which is crazy.So we're just- Say that difference again.So for plant-based food, it takes 90 minutes to get through the small intestine. For cow and animal protein, it takes 14 hours. So we're eating eggs for breakfast and chicken for lunch and salmon for dinner. So we're just like, not that it's bad for you, but we're not getting hydration. We're not getting fiber. We're stressed.If you're not doing all the other things.We're not doing the other things. We're not sleeping. Sleeping is very detoxifying and helping us with our digestive system. So we're supposed to be like an animal and going after every meal. And people are a little bit like, Oh, please don't tell me that.Yeah. Wow.I know.It's interesting how interconnected it is, though. You talked about hydration earlier. We're talking about the gut now. It's fascinating because it's almost like, even for me, I was talking to a friend about it this morning, and we were just talking about how we're like, Okay, we want to get proteins. But then if I'm eating this, because as a plant-based person, to get proteins harder, it's also that way around, right? So you're trying to get enough protein in your diet, but then it's like, well, maybe that particular item doesn't sit well with my gut and doesn't make me feel good. And so you're also finding that as well, right? It's not as simple as, well, this is really It's great for everyone. It's so individual.It's not a one size fits all, right? And I do believe in if you're vegan, I can help someone get enough protein or a vegetarian or animal protein. For me, I grew up eating animal protein, so I feel like I need that. I feel like as I've aged, I feel like I need more amino acids. But sometimes certain animal proteins don't agree with me. I do take digestive enzymes before I eat animal protein, so I can digest it. What form do you take your digestive? I love this Enzamedica Digest Gold. At Pro is one of my favorites. It's on the cleanse. But you can also get it from apple cider vinegar. You can also get it from bitter greens like Dandeline Greens, Arugula, Endive, Radicchio. Sometimes I'll just take a handful of arugula before I eat a meal. It's really crazy, and it will wake up your enzymes. Really? Yeah. That's incredible. I didn't know that. Or after a meal, if you have a digestive issue, you could take some arugula eat it. I know it sounds very strange, but or have some apple, cider, vinegar, or take an enzyme after the meal. It doesn't have to be before the meal.So there are a lot of tricks that people sometimes don't know because digestion can be an issue. And I also don't overdo the animal Protein. I'm not having 8 to 10 to 12 ounces of something. I'm having 3 to 4 ounces. So that's 30, 40 grams of protein. So I feel like nowadays protein is the hot topic. Some people feel like you need to get a gram per body weight, but I'm really someone who feels like 70, 75 grams for women is great. So that's easy to do.And of course, it impacts based on your workout. Exactly. Everything else that are going on.Yeah, and hoping that you do digest what you're eating. That's important.I found that in the beginning, adding protein to my diet felt heavy on my digestion, but actually it's now led to better digestion. But it took It took this transition point where I was like, God, that's really heavy. It's harder to digest in the beginning, even though it should be helping me. But then I feel like it's just staying committed to it. My digestion is quite used to it. Is that natural? Do you find that?That's the same with legumes and beans because people will go on the cleanse and be like, I can't eat legumes and beans. They're not used to that because they're animal protein eaters. And most of us have been animal protein eaters. I feel like most people I talk to, they feel like beans and legumes are gassy and are hard to digest. But the more you eat them, the easier they are in the system. Yeah, your digestive system gets used to it. It is wild.What are some of the biggest mistakes you see people making when it comes to their health and well-being that you've noticed as trends over the years that these seem to just be the things that trip people up?When you find that bright spot to help you get through your day, it's powerful.That's where The Bright Side comes in. A new daily podcast from Hello Sunshine that's bringing you a daily dose of joy. I'm Danielle Robé.And I'm Simone Bois. Listen, both Danielle and I are reporters. We've covered the news, and we know the world can feel heavy. But The Bright Side podcast is a space to have a little fun, to learn something new, and get into some friendly debates.That's right. Join us five days a week to see how life can look from The Bright Side. We'll hear from celebrities, authors, experts, and listeners like you.Whether it's relationships, friend advice, or figuring out how to navigate life's transitions, we'll talk through it all together.Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine every weekday on the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.On his new podcast, 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon, join Kevin for inspiring conversations with celebrities who are working to make a difference in the world, like musical artist, Jules. And what an equal opportunity to misery is.It doesn't care if you're Black or white or rich or poor or famous or homeless. If you were raised in misery systems, it's perpetual.Kevin is the founder of the nonprofit organization 6degrees. Org. Now he's meeting with like-minded actors who share a passion for change, like Mark Ruffalo.I found myself moving upstate in the middle of this fracking fight, and I'm trying to raise kids there, and my neighbor is willing to poison my water.These conversations between Kevin and activist Matthew McConaher will have you ready lean in, learn, and inspired to act.They're on the wrong track, help me get on the right track.If they're on the right track, let's help them double down on that and see the opportunity to stay on the right track for success in the future.Listen to 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes. That it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots, as I sit down with inspiring women like Misty Copeland, Brook Shields, Vanessa Hudgens, and so many more. We dive into how these women made their pivot and their mindset shifts that happened as a result. It's a podcast about women, their stories, and how their pivot became their success. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you got your podcasts.That's such a great question because there's so many. But I would say a lot of people are over supplementing. Oh, interesting. Yeah, they are on social media TikTok or Instagram, and they're seeing all these influencers who are great at what they do, but they're promoting all these different products, and they have no idea if that product is right for them. So they're buying it. So I'll see cupboards and suitcases of people who have all these supplements, and they're taking them and they don't feel good. They're not really making them feel better. But the person who's promoting it said, This is going to change your life. So that's It's huge. Also, what's also hard is basically like gluten free or not everybody needs to be gluten free or like dairy free or all of those things. Or they're not gluten free. The other side of it, they're just not eating, like they're not taking gluten out of the diet because it's inflammatory or dairy or sugar. Sugar is a huge one. So people really feel that sugar... They feel that they can have a little sugar. Some people can't. So I think food-wise, it's like there's so many misconceptions of what they should or shouldn't be doing, if they should be gluten free or they're not or dairy free or maybe could they have some sugar or not?It depends on what their blood sugar is, what their gut is happening. I'm seeing a lot of that, the supplements. I also see that people are over-exercising, too. They're doing Barry's Boot camp and spin classes, and their cortisol and adrenaline is so high, and they're so stressed, and their adrenals are fatigued, and it's just making them more tired.That's why you have to be observing the 360, and that's what's so hard about it, because you could look great and then still feel terrible and be super stressed out. Because it's like, we were having this conversation offline, which last night I played pickle ball for 2 hours. It was super physical. I I think everyone's fitness trackers said that we burnt 1,100 calories last night, playing for 2 hours. But I came back and my body temperature was really high. And so when I got into bed, and as I was telling you, my AC unit wasn't working, so I couldn't lower the temperature in the bedroom, and my house gets quite hot. So I had a high body temperature, and the temperature of the room was probably 78, which is super high. And so then now It was so hard for me to sleep. And I remember while I was struggling to sleep, I just started researching body temperature and why it was hard to sleep and all the rest of it. And that's all it was saying. And I was thinking, this is so interesting because I could be thinking, oh, it's because I'm stressed about something or I've got loads on.And it's like, well, no, it's just body temperature and the temperature of my room. And it's challenging because I think that food is such a source of joy. It's such a source of excitement for so many people. And yet now when you start really getting into it can become such a source of stress and such a source of pressure. Like, oh, my God, I'm eating too much of this. I'm eating too little of this. Like, Oh, no, I didn't meal prep this week. And oh, no, now I didn't get it. Oh, I forgot to take my vitamins. I think we're so stressed about being healthy. How have you made sense of that? Because I can find when I'm having this conversation, there's a part of me, I've been through the ups and downs of that where I've been like, God, I hate dealing with my health, right? Because it's so stressful. And now I'm in a better place with it. But that's taken a long, long, long, long, long my heart. I love myself, which is why I get to do this. But that has taken a long time, even for me. So walk us through how people can balance that stress to be healthy when it should be making us less stressed.I know. That's another good one. It's just like this oversupplementing. You walk into Erwan and you talk about stress. There's all this healthy, beautiful food, and you don't know what to choose, right? It's like, oh, my God, there's so much out there. It's just overwhelming. And I feel like you've just got to get back in tune with yourself and you can't overdo anything. I think you got to go back to the basics. You just got to go back to eating real food. Try to do that. If the supplements are disturbing you, just do less. Just do the basics of what you need. Multivitamins, vitamin D, magnesium, just simple things. You've got to hydrate. You We got to sleep. You can't get all worked up over these things because you're right, you're not going to do them. You're just not going to do them. I find people just being like, This is way too much. You want it to be simple. You You want them to feel better. You want them to see results. So less is more. And I feel like we have become a society where we're doing way too much. And we got to pull back.We got to believe in ourselves I think with the meditation, I'm a huge meditator, and that's so helpful for me because I'm a type A personality, and I'm always like, go, go, go, and I got to get shit done. But when I pull back and I meditate and I yoga and I chill out, then my mind tells me what I need because I could do that, too. I can oversupplement. I can be really up tight about, wow, I went to this restaurant and they didn't have gluten free pizza or wild salmon. I remember ordering that stuff and my whole family would be like, oh, my God, we can't eat with you because you're such a pain in the ass. But now I'm just like, okay, who cares? But you do have to get back in touch with and reconnect your mind with your body and be like, okay, what works for me? You can't go crazy about this stuff.How have you allowed yourself to fall in love with yourself and your body and your heart and your mind again and again and again when the body gets older, it changes, it transitions, it shifts? What has been your inner practice to How do you keep that?I'm asking really deeply.I'm going to ask you a deep question.This is fascinating. But when I did figure it out, at 58 years old, I did plant medicine. So I did psilocybum and journey, and I really did see what my subconscious was doing to me. My subconscious was I was still labeling me as a kid, always fearful. I was looking over my shoulder that another illness was going to come along the way. I was never going to be healthy. I didn't even know what calm or self-love felt like. So that really... I I saw what I was doing to myself, and I also felt a sense of peace and calm with that. So once I was able to release all of those subconscious feelings that weren't working for me anymore, I grabbed on to the ones that I was like, Okay, I want that calm. I want that self love more. And that's what really got me in touch with it. And then that's when I meditate, I can go back to that place where I was when I did some plant medicine to get me past that pump. I had done a lot of therapy. I had done a lot of Reiki, a lot of meditation, a lot of energy healing crystals, all the stuff.But that was really the place that put me over the edge to really get me to a place where I could reca and really find that calmness and happiness. And that felt so incredible, that feeling. So I journal a ton. I do have to journal and talk about what frustrates me during the day to let go of it. And then I talk about what I'm grateful for. That's huge. The meditation is huge. The yoga is huge. Just also getting out in nature is absolutely huge. I mean, we haven't talked about this at all, and you probably do this. Getting out in morning sun is a practice that is just incredible. It boosts your moon. It actually helps with depression. It helps with immune system. It helps lower blood sugar and blood pressure. And it's like a beautiful way to start your day. The sun is so incredible. And then I just feel so hopeful because the sun comes up every day. It goes down, it comes up. It's like, okay, everything's going to be okay.I want to go back to the plant medicine point because I love hearing that, and I want to dive into that with you.I didn't know if that was something I could talk about.A hundred %, of course it is. For someone who doesn't know what a plant medicine journey looks like, walk us through what that journey looks like.It is psilocybum mushrooms, and I've done ayahuasca, psilocybum, a bunch of plant medicine, and I did it with a shaman, a one-on-one, which was beautiful because I recommend that because there's a lot of things you want to manifest and let go of. Where did you go to do this? I did it at home, actually. With the shaman came to me. It was a friend of mine, and there was just a lot of stuff I was dealing with in some insomnia at the time. And so he came and we manifested what I wanted to release. And when I was on the journey with the mushrooms, He would talk to me and say, Hey, how are you feeling? What do you think of this when you were sick or when you had cancer or your husband died? I was like, Wow, that was a really difficult time that I haven't let go of. Those thought patterns and the fear, I haven't let go of that. So he was like, Okay, what does it feel like if you were to let go of that? And I'm like, Can I let go of that? Is that possible? And he's like, Absolutely.You can get to the other side of this because the first seven years of our life, our subconscious is fully downloaded. And then those thought patterns keep repeating themselves in our subconscious. And we operate 95% out of our subconscious, which always blows my mind, Jay, because 5% conscious? That's crazy. So that's what it did. He would write down things I said and just how I was able to release them. And once I was able to release them, Jay, they I didn't come back. It was like the things that came back was the feeling of the peace and the love and not wanting to beat myself up and be hard on myself. And B, I was a perfectionist, too. That was part of the protocol, I think that got me sick. And so that perfectionism somewhat left me, probably not 100%, but a lot of it did.You're taking the plant medicine. Someone's guiding you almost like in a therapy session, a coaching session, guiding you through questions and helping you become aware of where some of these blocks may be, where some of these challenges may be. I'm breaking it down for everyone who may be unaware. And then what does releasing in that session look like? What is that? Is that a feeling? Is it a visualization? Is it you trying to let go? What does that look like in the session?And then we'll talk about after. Yeah, that's a good question, too, because it could be a purging. You could hysterically cry because it's an emotion that you've hung onto for many, many years and repeated these thought patterns. So it could be crying, it could be screaming, it could be just this feeling of, wow, I can't believe I've done this to myself. And I would say that it's more like just the feeling of sadness. And and the crying and the... Some maybe yelling like, God damn, I can't believe. How was I so hard on myself? I don't need to be that hard on myself. I didn't need to do that to myself. So it was like, and then he was amazing. He was there to hold me and support me and just really add just love and help me breathe through it. And once you are able to be like, Okay, I don't want that anymore in my life. And then you breathe through it and you're able to... Breathwork is like, I'm sure you've done breathwork is incredible. Actually, in breathwork, you can feel like you're on plant medicine a lot of times. So breathing through it and releasing it through breathwork is a beautiful thing.So that's how it goes.Yeah. And are you feeling or seeing?Both. You could see yourself in a distance like what you It's almost like you're looking at yourself. Yeah, you're feeling it and you're seeing yourself in a distance, how you're reacting and interacting. And even if you're interacting with other people, even people in your family or things that have gone on, you can actually see it. It's wild. I know it's not for everybody.No, for sure. I've known many clients who've worked with it and found it to be useful as well. I think it's important share because I want to ask, when you come out of it, when the session is over, how much have you found that you're able to... What are you holding on to? What do you take with you and what still stays the same? Because as we know, no change is ever miraculous or immediate. So what do you take with you and what still exists and is a process?That's beautiful, too, Because what I took with me was that sense of calm and self-love and what I wanted to have more in my life. But I did also take away the part of how much I was beating myself up and how hard I was on myself and why I think I had gotten all these illnesses and why I had gotten the cancer and just why I was at the place I was in my life where I wasn't getting what I really wanted ultimately, whether it also was with relationships or intimately, all those things were really important to me to find and there was blockages. So I realized it was really cool to be able to journal about those blockages later. Like, oh, my God, I want to release that. And I had to do that, and I still have to do that. It's not a miracle cure. I still in my life have to be like, Okay, I need to release that thought pattern. I still walk around a little bit with it, but not to the same extent. When I did the journey, I was unconscious about it. Now I'm conscious. That's a beautiful thing.Absolutely. It's that awareness. You know where something came from. What was it for you? If you don't mind sharing, what was it that you found when you asked, that's why I believe I'm going to get sick again, or, That's why I got sick in the first place. Where was that coming from?That was coming from growing up because I was sick all the time, and my mom labeled me a sick kid, and she would always be like, There she is again, sick. Well, we got to be really sensitive with her because she might get sick. And so I just followed that, what she said. And that's really where it came from. It was those early years of always not feeling well.On his new podcast, 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon, join Kevin for inspiring conversations with celebrities who are working to make a difference in the world, like musical artist, Jules. And what an equal opportunist misery is.It doesn't care if you're Black or white or rich or poor or famous or homeless. If you are raised in misery systems, it's perpetual.Kevin is the founder of the nonprofit organization 6degrees. Org. Now he's meeting with like-minded actors who share a passion for change like Mark Ruffalo.I found myself moving upstate in the middle of this fracking fight, and I'm trying to raise kids there, and my neighbor is willing to poison my water.These conversations between Kevin and activist Matthew McConaher will have you ready to lean in, learn, and inspired to act.They're on the wrong track, help them get on the right track.If they're on the right track, let's help them double down on that and see the opportunity to stay on the right track for success in the future.Listen to 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, everyone. This is Molly and Matt, and we're the hosts of Grown Up Stuff: How to Adult, a podcast from Ruby Studio and iHeartPodcasts. It's a show dedicated to helping you figure out the tricky various parts of adulting. How to start planning for retirement, creating a healthy skincare routine, understanding when and how much to tip someone, and so much more. We're back with season 2 of the podcast, which means more opportunities to glow up and become a more responsible and better adult, one life lesson at a time. And let me just tell you, this show is just as much for us as it is for you. So let's figure this stuff out together. This season, we're going to talk about whether or not we're financially and emotionally ready for dog ownership. We're going to figure out the benefits of a high savings account. And what exactly are the duties of being a member of the wedding party? All that plus so much more. Let's learn about all of it and then some. Listen to Grown Up Stuff: How to Adult on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Hello. From WNDYR Media Network, I'm Jenny Kaplan, host of Wumanica. A daily podcast that introduces you to the fascinating lives of women history has forgotten. This month, we're bringing you the stories of disappearing acts. There's the 17th century fraudster who convinced men she was a German princess, the 1950s folk singer who literally drove off into the sunset and was never heard from again, the First Nation's activist who's kidnapping and murder ignited decades of discourse about Indigenous women's disappearances. And the young daughter of a Russian Tsar, whose legendary escape led even more intrigue and speculation. These stories make us consider what it means to disappear and why a woman might even want to make herself scarce. Listen to Wamanaka on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.And you're saying that also helps you then deal with challenges that come today? Yeah. That awareness helps you make sense of different things that come up now.And also with my clients, Not only for myself, it's changed my life completely, but my clients, I can see that happening for them because I've been through all these health issues and because I was in this subconscious thoughts of these repeated messages that weren't working for me. We talk about that. I'm like, Okay, what is going on with you that's blocking you? Because there's something blocking you from getting healthy or wanting to heal or a lot of the cancer ones. We talk about those things. And also they're also like, no one's asked me that. No one's asked me what my blockages are or what's going on with me. Did anything happen in those first seven early years of your life that maybe was traumatic? Jay, all of them had death, divorce, or someone was mean to them, and then they lost trust and faith in the universe. I know it's a little woo-woo, but they did. They lost faith in that they didn't have what's in them to be able to overcome it. I think that has been a beautiful thing for me working with clients and helping them heal. I'm not trained to get them past it.Someone like, you can get them past it to some degree. But it's like that work of diving into the subconscious. And also I work with a hypnotist that's beautiful and some energy healers that are wonderful, too. I'll send them to them as well if they need to do the extra work, and most of them do.Where do you find those modalities support? And by the way, I agree. I think, I mean, what we're really talking about today, and I encourage people to follow their own intuition and guide as to what speaks to them, because it's almost like as you grow and learn more, you realize how much there is still to explore and how everyone's so different and everyone needs a different way to become aware and a different way to become conscious. I found a lot of my personal awakening and consciousness in meditation and being with my teachers and listening for hours and study and practice. And then I meet people who needed a moment of revelation through plant medicine, or I meet people who found it another way. And I just realized everyone is so different and everyone's trauma is so different and everyone's healing journey looks so different that we can't close the door on any of these modalities because I always say that, like someone else will ask me, Would you be open to this? I'll be like, If I needed something, if I was trying to unblock something, I'd be open to anything because I should be.Why should I close off from any opportunity for healing that I need? Just because it may not be as common or as marketed or whatever the right word is. But for you, I guess the question I was asking is, we're talking about this like 360-degree approach. When you talked about hypnotism, and what was the other modality you just mentioned?Just energy healing. Energy healing.Specifically with hypnotism, where does that modality play into everything we've talked about today? Because, again, I think it sounds so mysterious and maybe Be it like you said, woo-woo, but what is the point of that modality? Is, I guess the question I'm asking.I feel like some hypnotists that are really good are able to tap into your subconscious as well. A little bit like therapy, but it goes much deeper than talk therapy. The hypnotist that I work with, she's able... I'll talk to her about something that is bothering me or I can't sleep about. And she's like, Oh, this is what's at the root of your issue. And I'm like, How did you know that? She can dive in and see, This is what's bothering you. So that's what I find is really helpful. And then she'll do a meditation specifically for me. So I've had A tremendous amount of clients go to her or to a hypnotist that's really good who don't eat healthy, who don't exercise, who don't sleep well. So then they'll go and she's able to get them to sleep well. She's able to find out what is causing them not to sleep well, and she's able to get them to eat healthy. It's crazy. They'll wake up the next day and automatically start thinking about eating healthy. Now, I have to tell you that this doesn't last. So you have to listen to her meditations again or see her again.Again, it's like a practice.Well, because basically what you're saying here is that every decision, thought, choice we make is simply a programming of our subconscious. And we've created a subconscious pattern since we were born that has led us to where we are now. And if we don't like where we are and we want to shift it, we have to reprogram our subconscious mind. And that requires understanding your thoughts, self-awareness, journaling, meditating, reflection. And then if you need it, plant medicine, hypnotism, just the plethora of options there. Because I think what we get stuck with is we believe that our current set of habits are who we are. We think that the way we eat now is who we are and what we need and what it needs to be, not realizing that it is simply a programmed pattern that you adopted at one point in your life and you started to believe it was you, right?Yeah, absolutely. That's what's so fascinating, I think, about what I get to do, because I do find that people do feel like this is where I'm going to be. This is what I know. I'm not going to ever get past here. I might get a little better, but I might not get great. And I'm like, that. Alyssa, is there anything that I haven't asked you that was on your heart and mind that you really want to share that you really feel like is your call to right now or feel intuitively is important? You don't have to have anything.I think we did touch on it. It just ending with the fact that life can get better in every way, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Don't give up on yourself is probably my biggest. Don't ever, ever give up on yourself.I I love that. You're a great, you're a great, a spokesperson for that for sure. I love that energy. I think it's so easy to be like, Oh, my best days are behind me. It's all going in the wrong direction now, or whatever it may be. Just sitting with you and Hearing from you today, I can tell just how real the opposite of that is for you. It's aspirational and inspiring for me, for sure, because you continue to live an exciting life and know that there's so much more life to live as opposed to accepting that this is the end or this may not be. I think it's really interesting. I was talking to a friend about this, this idea of how we often think we manifest bad things, your sick kid approach. We often think like, Oh, my God, I did this to myself. I was talking to a friend about this and this idea of like, Well, if we can do that to ourselves, then we surely can do the opposite. I just want to get your sense on that.Absolutely. I know. That's a big thing happening out there. I mean, I'll need to plug my two girls who are my inspiration in my life. And I feel like I like a manifested the relationship with them. I can't live without them. And I look up to them and I admire them. And I want to be here to be a spokesperson for them so that when they have bad days and they say maybe something like that, Hey, I think I manifested this bad stuff to happen. I'm like, No, you can change that. You can manifest the good stuff in your life. And that's really drives me every day is to be able to hopefully be there for them to help them manifest the good stuff. Yes, I know that a lot of people feel like they manifest the bad things, but you're right, you can totally change it around. And they're young, and I definitely didn't have the awareness they have in their 20s. I wish I did. I'm really bummed about that because I am really in awe of how they function and operate and how quickly they can turn things around for themselves. I think they've been through a lot, probably that's why.But yeah, the manifesting, the good stuff. I want them, and when I'm not here later in my life, I want them to be able to be able to do that easily.I love that. I think you set them up for amazing success.They set me up.Yeah, and I didn't start talking about them because I could have spent the whole episode talking about Jordan. I know. True. But thank you so much, Alyssa, for coming on to On Purpose. Everyone who's been listening and watching, make sure you share your favorite insights, moments. I mean, today was a full 360 degree conversation. We went from gut health to detoxing, to cleansing, to plant medicine. It's beautiful when this happens. And I hope that you're introduced to new modalities. I hope that you allow yourself to be open to new approaches. Again, we're not recommending that there's one right approach or a wrong approach. However, the point is to give you a menu of options and ideas and opportunities because the biggest loss in life is feeling like you only have one way to do something. When that way doesn't work or you've tried it a lot and it still doesn't benefit you, that's when we mostly give up. I think recognizing that there's a whole variety of options, ideas, ideas, insights, expertise out there actually fills you with more confidence that you'll find your way.Exactly. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. What an honor.That's a joy. Thank you. If you love this episode, you will enjoy my interview with Dr. Daniel layman on how to change your life by changing your brain. If we want a healthy mind, it actually starts with a healthy brain. I've had the blessing or the curse to scan over a thousand convicted felons and over 100 murderers, and their brains are very damaged.Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes. That it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. On his new podcast, 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon, join Kevin for inspiring conversations with his friends and fellow celebrities who are working to make a difference in the world, like actor Mark Ruffalo.I found myself moving upstate in the middle of this fracking fight, and I'm trying to raise kids there.And my neighbor is willing to poison my water.Listen to 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Bring a little optimism into your life with The Bright Side, a new daily podcast from Hello Sunshine, hosted by me, Danielle Robé.And me, Simone Voice. Every weekday, we're bringing you conversations about culture, the latest trends, inspiration, and so much more.I am so excited about this podcast, The Bright Side. You guys are giving people a chance to shine a light on their lives, shine a light on a little advice that they want to share. Listen to The Bright Side on America's number one podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search The Bright Side.


the night time is a Tulsi tea. You know that Holy Basal is one of my favorites. It's anti-inflammatory and great for the gut, great for sleep. So that's the other cleanse that I love. And so what I'm trying to do for people is really clean them out. Those clients are the ones that have a little bit of constipation issues, like aren't going to bathroom regularly.


By the end of the week, they're going two and three times a day. Wow. That's another crazy thing because Just in five days. People go once a day. That's considered constipated these days. It's crazy.


Walk us through that because that's always like an uncomfortable topic for people. It's something that people don't talk about. But I I think we're getting to the point of understanding how important the digestive system is. How often should be people going to the restroom? What should be the healthy way of going about that area of their life?


Well, once a day is good, twice is great, three is perfect. Because we don't get enough fiber, because we don't get enough hydration, because we're stressed, because when we're stressed, our digestive system completely shuts down, we are not being able to digest our food. And also we're eating a lot of animal protein, so it takes 14 hours to get through the small intestine, cow and animal protein, and 90 minutes for plant-based food, which is crazy.


So we're just- Say that difference again.


So for plant-based food, it takes 90 minutes to get through the small intestine. For cow and animal protein, it takes 14 hours. So we're eating eggs for breakfast and chicken for lunch and salmon for dinner. So we're just like, not that it's bad for you, but we're not getting hydration. We're not getting fiber. We're stressed.


If you're not doing all the other things.


We're not doing the other things. We're not sleeping. Sleeping is very detoxifying and helping us with our digestive system. So we're supposed to be like an animal and going after every meal. And people are a little bit like, Oh, please don't tell me that.


Yeah. Wow.


I know.


It's interesting how interconnected it is, though. You talked about hydration earlier. We're talking about the gut now. It's fascinating because it's almost like, even for me, I was talking to a friend about it this morning, and we were just talking about how we're like, Okay, we want to get proteins. But then if I'm eating this, because as a plant-based person, to get proteins harder, it's also that way around, right? So you're trying to get enough protein in your diet, but then it's like, well, maybe that particular item doesn't sit well with my gut and doesn't make me feel good. And so you're also finding that as well, right? It's not as simple as, well, this is really It's great for everyone. It's so individual.


It's not a one size fits all, right? And I do believe in if you're vegan, I can help someone get enough protein or a vegetarian or animal protein. For me, I grew up eating animal protein, so I feel like I need that. I feel like as I've aged, I feel like I need more amino acids. But sometimes certain animal proteins don't agree with me. I do take digestive enzymes before I eat animal protein, so I can digest it. What form do you take your digestive? I love this Enzamedica Digest Gold. At Pro is one of my favorites. It's on the cleanse. But you can also get it from apple cider vinegar. You can also get it from bitter greens like Dandeline Greens, Arugula, Endive, Radicchio. Sometimes I'll just take a handful of arugula before I eat a meal. It's really crazy, and it will wake up your enzymes. Really? Yeah. That's incredible. I didn't know that. Or after a meal, if you have a digestive issue, you could take some arugula eat it. I know it sounds very strange, but or have some apple, cider, vinegar, or take an enzyme after the meal. It doesn't have to be before the meal.


So there are a lot of tricks that people sometimes don't know because digestion can be an issue. And I also don't overdo the animal Protein. I'm not having 8 to 10 to 12 ounces of something. I'm having 3 to 4 ounces. So that's 30, 40 grams of protein. So I feel like nowadays protein is the hot topic. Some people feel like you need to get a gram per body weight, but I'm really someone who feels like 70, 75 grams for women is great. So that's easy to do.


And of course, it impacts based on your workout. Exactly. Everything else that are going on.


Yeah, and hoping that you do digest what you're eating. That's important.


I found that in the beginning, adding protein to my diet felt heavy on my digestion, but actually it's now led to better digestion. But it took It took this transition point where I was like, God, that's really heavy. It's harder to digest in the beginning, even though it should be helping me. But then I feel like it's just staying committed to it. My digestion is quite used to it. Is that natural? Do you find that?


That's the same with legumes and beans because people will go on the cleanse and be like, I can't eat legumes and beans. They're not used to that because they're animal protein eaters. And most of us have been animal protein eaters. I feel like most people I talk to, they feel like beans and legumes are gassy and are hard to digest. But the more you eat them, the easier they are in the system. Yeah, your digestive system gets used to it. It is wild.


What are some of the biggest mistakes you see people making when it comes to their health and well-being that you've noticed as trends over the years that these seem to just be the things that trip people up?


When you find that bright spot to help you get through your day, it's powerful.


That's where The Bright Side comes in. A new daily podcast from Hello Sunshine that's bringing you a daily dose of joy. I'm Danielle Robé.


And I'm Simone Bois. Listen, both Danielle and I are reporters. We've covered the news, and we know the world can feel heavy. But The Bright Side podcast is a space to have a little fun, to learn something new, and get into some friendly debates.


That's right. Join us five days a week to see how life can look from The Bright Side. We'll hear from celebrities, authors, experts, and listeners like you.


Whether it's relationships, friend advice, or figuring out how to navigate life's transitions, we'll talk through it all together.


Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine every weekday on the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.


On his new podcast, 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon, join Kevin for inspiring conversations with celebrities who are working to make a difference in the world, like musical artist, Jules. And what an equal opportunity to misery is.


It doesn't care if you're Black or white or rich or poor or famous or homeless. If you were raised in misery systems, it's perpetual.


Kevin is the founder of the nonprofit organization 6degrees. Org. Now he's meeting with like-minded actors who share a passion for change, like Mark Ruffalo.


I found myself moving upstate in the middle of this fracking fight, and I'm trying to raise kids there, and my neighbor is willing to poison my water.


These conversations between Kevin and activist Matthew McConaher will have you ready lean in, learn, and inspired to act.


They're on the wrong track, help me get on the right track.


If they're on the right track, let's help them double down on that and see the opportunity to stay on the right track for success in the future.


Listen to 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes. That it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots, as I sit down with inspiring women like Misty Copeland, Brook Shields, Vanessa Hudgens, and so many more. We dive into how these women made their pivot and their mindset shifts that happened as a result. It's a podcast about women, their stories, and how their pivot became their success. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you got your podcasts.


That's such a great question because there's so many. But I would say a lot of people are over supplementing. Oh, interesting. Yeah, they are on social media TikTok or Instagram, and they're seeing all these influencers who are great at what they do, but they're promoting all these different products, and they have no idea if that product is right for them. So they're buying it. So I'll see cupboards and suitcases of people who have all these supplements, and they're taking them and they don't feel good. They're not really making them feel better. But the person who's promoting it said, This is going to change your life. So that's It's huge. Also, what's also hard is basically like gluten free or not everybody needs to be gluten free or like dairy free or all of those things. Or they're not gluten free. The other side of it, they're just not eating, like they're not taking gluten out of the diet because it's inflammatory or dairy or sugar. Sugar is a huge one. So people really feel that sugar... They feel that they can have a little sugar. Some people can't. So I think food-wise, it's like there's so many misconceptions of what they should or shouldn't be doing, if they should be gluten free or they're not or dairy free or maybe could they have some sugar or not?


It depends on what their blood sugar is, what their gut is happening. I'm seeing a lot of that, the supplements. I also see that people are over-exercising, too. They're doing Barry's Boot camp and spin classes, and their cortisol and adrenaline is so high, and they're so stressed, and their adrenals are fatigued, and it's just making them more tired.


That's why you have to be observing the 360, and that's what's so hard about it, because you could look great and then still feel terrible and be super stressed out. Because it's like, we were having this conversation offline, which last night I played pickle ball for 2 hours. It was super physical. I I think everyone's fitness trackers said that we burnt 1,100 calories last night, playing for 2 hours. But I came back and my body temperature was really high. And so when I got into bed, and as I was telling you, my AC unit wasn't working, so I couldn't lower the temperature in the bedroom, and my house gets quite hot. So I had a high body temperature, and the temperature of the room was probably 78, which is super high. And so then now It was so hard for me to sleep. And I remember while I was struggling to sleep, I just started researching body temperature and why it was hard to sleep and all the rest of it. And that's all it was saying. And I was thinking, this is so interesting because I could be thinking, oh, it's because I'm stressed about something or I've got loads on.


And it's like, well, no, it's just body temperature and the temperature of my room. And it's challenging because I think that food is such a source of joy. It's such a source of excitement for so many people. And yet now when you start really getting into it can become such a source of stress and such a source of pressure. Like, oh, my God, I'm eating too much of this. I'm eating too little of this. Like, Oh, no, I didn't meal prep this week. And oh, no, now I didn't get it. Oh, I forgot to take my vitamins. I think we're so stressed about being healthy. How have you made sense of that? Because I can find when I'm having this conversation, there's a part of me, I've been through the ups and downs of that where I've been like, God, I hate dealing with my health, right? Because it's so stressful. And now I'm in a better place with it. But that's taken a long, long, long, long, long my heart. I love myself, which is why I get to do this. But that has taken a long time, even for me. So walk us through how people can balance that stress to be healthy when it should be making us less stressed.


I know. That's another good one. It's just like this oversupplementing. You walk into Erwan and you talk about stress. There's all this healthy, beautiful food, and you don't know what to choose, right? It's like, oh, my God, there's so much out there. It's just overwhelming. And I feel like you've just got to get back in tune with yourself and you can't overdo anything. I think you got to go back to the basics. You just got to go back to eating real food. Try to do that. If the supplements are disturbing you, just do less. Just do the basics of what you need. Multivitamins, vitamin D, magnesium, just simple things. You've got to hydrate. You We got to sleep. You can't get all worked up over these things because you're right, you're not going to do them. You're just not going to do them. I find people just being like, This is way too much. You want it to be simple. You You want them to feel better. You want them to see results. So less is more. And I feel like we have become a society where we're doing way too much. And we got to pull back.


We got to believe in ourselves I think with the meditation, I'm a huge meditator, and that's so helpful for me because I'm a type A personality, and I'm always like, go, go, go, and I got to get shit done. But when I pull back and I meditate and I yoga and I chill out, then my mind tells me what I need because I could do that, too. I can oversupplement. I can be really up tight about, wow, I went to this restaurant and they didn't have gluten free pizza or wild salmon. I remember ordering that stuff and my whole family would be like, oh, my God, we can't eat with you because you're such a pain in the ass. But now I'm just like, okay, who cares? But you do have to get back in touch with and reconnect your mind with your body and be like, okay, what works for me? You can't go crazy about this stuff.


How have you allowed yourself to fall in love with yourself and your body and your heart and your mind again and again and again when the body gets older, it changes, it transitions, it shifts? What has been your inner practice to How do you keep that?


I'm asking really deeply.


I'm going to ask you a deep question.


This is fascinating. But when I did figure it out, at 58 years old, I did plant medicine. So I did psilocybum and journey, and I really did see what my subconscious was doing to me. My subconscious was I was still labeling me as a kid, always fearful. I was looking over my shoulder that another illness was going to come along the way. I was never going to be healthy. I didn't even know what calm or self-love felt like. So that really... I I saw what I was doing to myself, and I also felt a sense of peace and calm with that. So once I was able to release all of those subconscious feelings that weren't working for me anymore, I grabbed on to the ones that I was like, Okay, I want that calm. I want that self love more. And that's what really got me in touch with it. And then that's when I meditate, I can go back to that place where I was when I did some plant medicine to get me past that pump. I had done a lot of therapy. I had done a lot of Reiki, a lot of meditation, a lot of energy healing crystals, all the stuff.


But that was really the place that put me over the edge to really get me to a place where I could reca and really find that calmness and happiness. And that felt so incredible, that feeling. So I journal a ton. I do have to journal and talk about what frustrates me during the day to let go of it. And then I talk about what I'm grateful for. That's huge. The meditation is huge. The yoga is huge. Just also getting out in nature is absolutely huge. I mean, we haven't talked about this at all, and you probably do this. Getting out in morning sun is a practice that is just incredible. It boosts your moon. It actually helps with depression. It helps with immune system. It helps lower blood sugar and blood pressure. And it's like a beautiful way to start your day. The sun is so incredible. And then I just feel so hopeful because the sun comes up every day. It goes down, it comes up. It's like, okay, everything's going to be okay.


I want to go back to the plant medicine point because I love hearing that, and I want to dive into that with you.


I didn't know if that was something I could talk about.


A hundred %, of course it is. For someone who doesn't know what a plant medicine journey looks like, walk us through what that journey looks like.


It is psilocybum mushrooms, and I've done ayahuasca, psilocybum, a bunch of plant medicine, and I did it with a shaman, a one-on-one, which was beautiful because I recommend that because there's a lot of things you want to manifest and let go of. Where did you go to do this? I did it at home, actually. With the shaman came to me. It was a friend of mine, and there was just a lot of stuff I was dealing with in some insomnia at the time. And so he came and we manifested what I wanted to release. And when I was on the journey with the mushrooms, He would talk to me and say, Hey, how are you feeling? What do you think of this when you were sick or when you had cancer or your husband died? I was like, Wow, that was a really difficult time that I haven't let go of. Those thought patterns and the fear, I haven't let go of that. So he was like, Okay, what does it feel like if you were to let go of that? And I'm like, Can I let go of that? Is that possible? And he's like, Absolutely.


You can get to the other side of this because the first seven years of our life, our subconscious is fully downloaded. And then those thought patterns keep repeating themselves in our subconscious. And we operate 95% out of our subconscious, which always blows my mind, Jay, because 5% conscious? That's crazy. So that's what it did. He would write down things I said and just how I was able to release them. And once I was able to release them, Jay, they I didn't come back. It was like the things that came back was the feeling of the peace and the love and not wanting to beat myself up and be hard on myself. And B, I was a perfectionist, too. That was part of the protocol, I think that got me sick. And so that perfectionism somewhat left me, probably not 100%, but a lot of it did.


You're taking the plant medicine. Someone's guiding you almost like in a therapy session, a coaching session, guiding you through questions and helping you become aware of where some of these blocks may be, where some of these challenges may be. I'm breaking it down for everyone who may be unaware. And then what does releasing in that session look like? What is that? Is that a feeling? Is it a visualization? Is it you trying to let go? What does that look like in the session?


And then we'll talk about after. Yeah, that's a good question, too, because it could be a purging. You could hysterically cry because it's an emotion that you've hung onto for many, many years and repeated these thought patterns. So it could be crying, it could be screaming, it could be just this feeling of, wow, I can't believe I've done this to myself. And I would say that it's more like just the feeling of sadness. And and the crying and the... Some maybe yelling like, God damn, I can't believe. How was I so hard on myself? I don't need to be that hard on myself. I didn't need to do that to myself. So it was like, and then he was amazing. He was there to hold me and support me and just really add just love and help me breathe through it. And once you are able to be like, Okay, I don't want that anymore in my life. And then you breathe through it and you're able to... Breathwork is like, I'm sure you've done breathwork is incredible. Actually, in breathwork, you can feel like you're on plant medicine a lot of times. So breathing through it and releasing it through breathwork is a beautiful thing.


So that's how it goes.


Yeah. And are you feeling or seeing?


Both. You could see yourself in a distance like what you It's almost like you're looking at yourself. Yeah, you're feeling it and you're seeing yourself in a distance, how you're reacting and interacting. And even if you're interacting with other people, even people in your family or things that have gone on, you can actually see it. It's wild. I know it's not for everybody.


No, for sure. I've known many clients who've worked with it and found it to be useful as well. I think it's important share because I want to ask, when you come out of it, when the session is over, how much have you found that you're able to... What are you holding on to? What do you take with you and what still stays the same? Because as we know, no change is ever miraculous or immediate. So what do you take with you and what still exists and is a process?


That's beautiful, too, Because what I took with me was that sense of calm and self-love and what I wanted to have more in my life. But I did also take away the part of how much I was beating myself up and how hard I was on myself and why I think I had gotten all these illnesses and why I had gotten the cancer and just why I was at the place I was in my life where I wasn't getting what I really wanted ultimately, whether it also was with relationships or intimately, all those things were really important to me to find and there was blockages. So I realized it was really cool to be able to journal about those blockages later. Like, oh, my God, I want to release that. And I had to do that, and I still have to do that. It's not a miracle cure. I still in my life have to be like, Okay, I need to release that thought pattern. I still walk around a little bit with it, but not to the same extent. When I did the journey, I was unconscious about it. Now I'm conscious. That's a beautiful thing.


Absolutely. It's that awareness. You know where something came from. What was it for you? If you don't mind sharing, what was it that you found when you asked, that's why I believe I'm going to get sick again, or, That's why I got sick in the first place. Where was that coming from?


That was coming from growing up because I was sick all the time, and my mom labeled me a sick kid, and she would always be like, There she is again, sick. Well, we got to be really sensitive with her because she might get sick. And so I just followed that, what she said. And that's really where it came from. It was those early years of always not feeling well.


On his new podcast, 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon, join Kevin for inspiring conversations with celebrities who are working to make a difference in the world, like musical artist, Jules. And what an equal opportunist misery is.


It doesn't care if you're Black or white or rich or poor or famous or homeless. If you are raised in misery systems, it's perpetual.


Kevin is the founder of the nonprofit organization 6degrees. Org. Now he's meeting with like-minded actors who share a passion for change like Mark Ruffalo.


I found myself moving upstate in the middle of this fracking fight, and I'm trying to raise kids there, and my neighbor is willing to poison my water.


These conversations between Kevin and activist Matthew McConaher will have you ready to lean in, learn, and inspired to act.


They're on the wrong track, help them get on the right track.


If they're on the right track, let's help them double down on that and see the opportunity to stay on the right track for success in the future.


Listen to 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, everyone. This is Molly and Matt, and we're the hosts of Grown Up Stuff: How to Adult, a podcast from Ruby Studio and iHeartPodcasts. It's a show dedicated to helping you figure out the tricky various parts of adulting. How to start planning for retirement, creating a healthy skincare routine, understanding when and how much to tip someone, and so much more. We're back with season 2 of the podcast, which means more opportunities to glow up and become a more responsible and better adult, one life lesson at a time. And let me just tell you, this show is just as much for us as it is for you. So let's figure this stuff out together. This season, we're going to talk about whether or not we're financially and emotionally ready for dog ownership. We're going to figure out the benefits of a high savings account. And what exactly are the duties of being a member of the wedding party? All that plus so much more. Let's learn about all of it and then some. Listen to Grown Up Stuff: How to Adult on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Hello. From WNDYR Media Network, I'm Jenny Kaplan, host of Wumanica. A daily podcast that introduces you to the fascinating lives of women history has forgotten. This month, we're bringing you the stories of disappearing acts. There's the 17th century fraudster who convinced men she was a German princess, the 1950s folk singer who literally drove off into the sunset and was never heard from again, the First Nation's activist who's kidnapping and murder ignited decades of discourse about Indigenous women's disappearances. And the young daughter of a Russian Tsar, whose legendary escape led even more intrigue and speculation. These stories make us consider what it means to disappear and why a woman might even want to make herself scarce. Listen to Wamanaka on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


And you're saying that also helps you then deal with challenges that come today? Yeah. That awareness helps you make sense of different things that come up now.


And also with my clients, Not only for myself, it's changed my life completely, but my clients, I can see that happening for them because I've been through all these health issues and because I was in this subconscious thoughts of these repeated messages that weren't working for me. We talk about that. I'm like, Okay, what is going on with you that's blocking you? Because there's something blocking you from getting healthy or wanting to heal or a lot of the cancer ones. We talk about those things. And also they're also like, no one's asked me that. No one's asked me what my blockages are or what's going on with me. Did anything happen in those first seven early years of your life that maybe was traumatic? Jay, all of them had death, divorce, or someone was mean to them, and then they lost trust and faith in the universe. I know it's a little woo-woo, but they did. They lost faith in that they didn't have what's in them to be able to overcome it. I think that has been a beautiful thing for me working with clients and helping them heal. I'm not trained to get them past it.


Someone like, you can get them past it to some degree. But it's like that work of diving into the subconscious. And also I work with a hypnotist that's beautiful and some energy healers that are wonderful, too. I'll send them to them as well if they need to do the extra work, and most of them do.


Where do you find those modalities support? And by the way, I agree. I think, I mean, what we're really talking about today, and I encourage people to follow their own intuition and guide as to what speaks to them, because it's almost like as you grow and learn more, you realize how much there is still to explore and how everyone's so different and everyone needs a different way to become aware and a different way to become conscious. I found a lot of my personal awakening and consciousness in meditation and being with my teachers and listening for hours and study and practice. And then I meet people who needed a moment of revelation through plant medicine, or I meet people who found it another way. And I just realized everyone is so different and everyone's trauma is so different and everyone's healing journey looks so different that we can't close the door on any of these modalities because I always say that, like someone else will ask me, Would you be open to this? I'll be like, If I needed something, if I was trying to unblock something, I'd be open to anything because I should be.


Why should I close off from any opportunity for healing that I need? Just because it may not be as common or as marketed or whatever the right word is. But for you, I guess the question I was asking is, we're talking about this like 360-degree approach. When you talked about hypnotism, and what was the other modality you just mentioned?


Just energy healing. Energy healing.


Specifically with hypnotism, where does that modality play into everything we've talked about today? Because, again, I think it sounds so mysterious and maybe Be it like you said, woo-woo, but what is the point of that modality? Is, I guess the question I'm asking.


I feel like some hypnotists that are really good are able to tap into your subconscious as well. A little bit like therapy, but it goes much deeper than talk therapy. The hypnotist that I work with, she's able... I'll talk to her about something that is bothering me or I can't sleep about. And she's like, Oh, this is what's at the root of your issue. And I'm like, How did you know that? She can dive in and see, This is what's bothering you. So that's what I find is really helpful. And then she'll do a meditation specifically for me. So I've had A tremendous amount of clients go to her or to a hypnotist that's really good who don't eat healthy, who don't exercise, who don't sleep well. So then they'll go and she's able to get them to sleep well. She's able to find out what is causing them not to sleep well, and she's able to get them to eat healthy. It's crazy. They'll wake up the next day and automatically start thinking about eating healthy. Now, I have to tell you that this doesn't last. So you have to listen to her meditations again or see her again.


Again, it's like a practice.


Well, because basically what you're saying here is that every decision, thought, choice we make is simply a programming of our subconscious. And we've created a subconscious pattern since we were born that has led us to where we are now. And if we don't like where we are and we want to shift it, we have to reprogram our subconscious mind. And that requires understanding your thoughts, self-awareness, journaling, meditating, reflection. And then if you need it, plant medicine, hypnotism, just the plethora of options there. Because I think what we get stuck with is we believe that our current set of habits are who we are. We think that the way we eat now is who we are and what we need and what it needs to be, not realizing that it is simply a programmed pattern that you adopted at one point in your life and you started to believe it was you, right?


Yeah, absolutely. That's what's so fascinating, I think, about what I get to do, because I do find that people do feel like this is where I'm going to be. This is what I know. I'm not going to ever get past here. I might get a little better, but I might not get great. And I'm like, that. Alyssa, is there anything that I haven't asked you that was on your heart and mind that you really want to share that you really feel like is your call to right now or feel intuitively is important? You don't have to have anything.I think we did touch on it. It just ending with the fact that life can get better in every way, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Don't give up on yourself is probably my biggest. Don't ever, ever give up on yourself.I I love that. You're a great, you're a great, a spokesperson for that for sure. I love that energy. I think it's so easy to be like, Oh, my best days are behind me. It's all going in the wrong direction now, or whatever it may be. Just sitting with you and Hearing from you today, I can tell just how real the opposite of that is for you. It's aspirational and inspiring for me, for sure, because you continue to live an exciting life and know that there's so much more life to live as opposed to accepting that this is the end or this may not be. I think it's really interesting. I was talking to a friend about this, this idea of how we often think we manifest bad things, your sick kid approach. We often think like, Oh, my God, I did this to myself. I was talking to a friend about this and this idea of like, Well, if we can do that to ourselves, then we surely can do the opposite. I just want to get your sense on that.Absolutely. I know. That's a big thing happening out there. I mean, I'll need to plug my two girls who are my inspiration in my life. And I feel like I like a manifested the relationship with them. I can't live without them. And I look up to them and I admire them. And I want to be here to be a spokesperson for them so that when they have bad days and they say maybe something like that, Hey, I think I manifested this bad stuff to happen. I'm like, No, you can change that. You can manifest the good stuff in your life. And that's really drives me every day is to be able to hopefully be there for them to help them manifest the good stuff. Yes, I know that a lot of people feel like they manifest the bad things, but you're right, you can totally change it around. And they're young, and I definitely didn't have the awareness they have in their 20s. I wish I did. I'm really bummed about that because I am really in awe of how they function and operate and how quickly they can turn things around for themselves. I think they've been through a lot, probably that's why.But yeah, the manifesting, the good stuff. I want them, and when I'm not here later in my life, I want them to be able to be able to do that easily.I love that. I think you set them up for amazing success.They set me up.Yeah, and I didn't start talking about them because I could have spent the whole episode talking about Jordan. I know. True. But thank you so much, Alyssa, for coming on to On Purpose. Everyone who's been listening and watching, make sure you share your favorite insights, moments. I mean, today was a full 360 degree conversation. We went from gut health to detoxing, to cleansing, to plant medicine. It's beautiful when this happens. And I hope that you're introduced to new modalities. I hope that you allow yourself to be open to new approaches. Again, we're not recommending that there's one right approach or a wrong approach. However, the point is to give you a menu of options and ideas and opportunities because the biggest loss in life is feeling like you only have one way to do something. When that way doesn't work or you've tried it a lot and it still doesn't benefit you, that's when we mostly give up. I think recognizing that there's a whole variety of options, ideas, ideas, insights, expertise out there actually fills you with more confidence that you'll find your way.Exactly. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. What an honor.That's a joy. Thank you. If you love this episode, you will enjoy my interview with Dr. Daniel layman on how to change your life by changing your brain. If we want a healthy mind, it actually starts with a healthy brain. I've had the blessing or the curse to scan over a thousand convicted felons and over 100 murderers, and their brains are very damaged.Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes. That it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. On his new podcast, 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon, join Kevin for inspiring conversations with his friends and fellow celebrities who are working to make a difference in the world, like actor Mark Ruffalo.I found myself moving upstate in the middle of this fracking fight, and I'm trying to raise kids there.And my neighbor is willing to poison my water.Listen to 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Bring a little optimism into your life with The Bright Side, a new daily podcast from Hello Sunshine, hosted by me, Danielle Robé.And me, Simone Voice. Every weekday, we're bringing you conversations about culture, the latest trends, inspiration, and so much more.I am so excited about this podcast, The Bright Side. You guys are giving people a chance to shine a light on their lives, shine a light on a little advice that they want to share. Listen to The Bright Side on America's number one podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search The Bright Side.


that. Alyssa, is there anything that I haven't asked you that was on your heart and mind that you really want to share that you really feel like is your call to right now or feel intuitively is important? You don't have to have anything.


I think we did touch on it. It just ending with the fact that life can get better in every way, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Don't give up on yourself is probably my biggest. Don't ever, ever give up on yourself.


I I love that. You're a great, you're a great, a spokesperson for that for sure. I love that energy. I think it's so easy to be like, Oh, my best days are behind me. It's all going in the wrong direction now, or whatever it may be. Just sitting with you and Hearing from you today, I can tell just how real the opposite of that is for you. It's aspirational and inspiring for me, for sure, because you continue to live an exciting life and know that there's so much more life to live as opposed to accepting that this is the end or this may not be. I think it's really interesting. I was talking to a friend about this, this idea of how we often think we manifest bad things, your sick kid approach. We often think like, Oh, my God, I did this to myself. I was talking to a friend about this and this idea of like, Well, if we can do that to ourselves, then we surely can do the opposite. I just want to get your sense on that.


Absolutely. I know. That's a big thing happening out there. I mean, I'll need to plug my two girls who are my inspiration in my life. And I feel like I like a manifested the relationship with them. I can't live without them. And I look up to them and I admire them. And I want to be here to be a spokesperson for them so that when they have bad days and they say maybe something like that, Hey, I think I manifested this bad stuff to happen. I'm like, No, you can change that. You can manifest the good stuff in your life. And that's really drives me every day is to be able to hopefully be there for them to help them manifest the good stuff. Yes, I know that a lot of people feel like they manifest the bad things, but you're right, you can totally change it around. And they're young, and I definitely didn't have the awareness they have in their 20s. I wish I did. I'm really bummed about that because I am really in awe of how they function and operate and how quickly they can turn things around for themselves. I think they've been through a lot, probably that's why.


But yeah, the manifesting, the good stuff. I want them, and when I'm not here later in my life, I want them to be able to be able to do that easily.


I love that. I think you set them up for amazing success.


They set me up.


Yeah, and I didn't start talking about them because I could have spent the whole episode talking about Jordan. I know. True. But thank you so much, Alyssa, for coming on to On Purpose. Everyone who's been listening and watching, make sure you share your favorite insights, moments. I mean, today was a full 360 degree conversation. We went from gut health to detoxing, to cleansing, to plant medicine. It's beautiful when this happens. And I hope that you're introduced to new modalities. I hope that you allow yourself to be open to new approaches. Again, we're not recommending that there's one right approach or a wrong approach. However, the point is to give you a menu of options and ideas and opportunities because the biggest loss in life is feeling like you only have one way to do something. When that way doesn't work or you've tried it a lot and it still doesn't benefit you, that's when we mostly give up. I think recognizing that there's a whole variety of options, ideas, ideas, insights, expertise out there actually fills you with more confidence that you'll find your way.


Exactly. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. What an honor.


That's a joy. Thank you. If you love this episode, you will enjoy my interview with Dr. Daniel layman on how to change your life by changing your brain. If we want a healthy mind, it actually starts with a healthy brain. I've had the blessing or the curse to scan over a thousand convicted felons and over 100 murderers, and their brains are very damaged.


Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes. That it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. On his new podcast, 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon, join Kevin for inspiring conversations with his friends and fellow celebrities who are working to make a difference in the world, like actor Mark Ruffalo.


I found myself moving upstate in the middle of this fracking fight, and I'm trying to raise kids there.


And my neighbor is willing to poison my water.


Listen to 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Bring a little optimism into your life with The Bright Side, a new daily podcast from Hello Sunshine, hosted by me, Danielle Robé.


And me, Simone Voice. Every weekday, we're bringing you conversations about culture, the latest trends, inspiration, and so much more.


I am so excited about this podcast, The Bright Side. You guys are giving people a chance to shine a light on their lives, shine a light on a little advice that they want to share. Listen to The Bright Side on America's number one podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search The Bright Side.