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All right, episode 440, we got the angry Patriot, Vinnie, with us, as well as the biz doc, Tom Ellsworth. Adam is still recovering from a singing. What was he? He was doing opera, and he's recovering from some procedure he's going through, but he's going to be okay. We got a lot of things to cover. A lot of things to cover. One of the things we got to cover is the fact that now we know who our VP is, JD Vance. There's a lot of stuff. The moment they were getting announced that he's going to be the VP, everybody lost their lines, motor cage showing up to his house, the phone call he got, and Trump talks to his seven-year-old son when they're getting the news and the interviews, the criticism from the left and the right, a bunch of people getting after him. I got my thoughts on JD Vance. We'll talk about that. What I do want to we're going to talk about is how the market has reacted since the event that took place. Just this past weekend, Tom's got some updates on that that we have to be talking about because it seems like the market is convinced the 2024 election is over, meaning Trump's going to be winning it.


Now, obviously, in 2016, the market, Wall Street said it's over in August. They thought Hillary was going to win it, and the market tanked. I don't know if you remember this, Tom, when it was getting close August, September was like, yeah, Hillary is going to win it. Market tanked. This time around, they're like, There's no way anybody can beat Trump. So the market's gone up. We'll talk about that. Two reactions, a lot of negatives and positive. This one guy grabs the mic. I don't know where he's at. He's going around interviewing people and says, what do you think about what happened with the President assassination attempt? Oh, it was all staged. Really? Oh, 100% it's staged. That wasn't even blood. It was an act. You have to see how many people overnight, the same people that believe the man landed on the moon, think that this was staged with him getting shot. And by the way, we watch this movie called Fly Me to the Moon. The whole movie was to try to discredit the conspiracy theory that they shot another video of the moon landing. It's the worst movie ever made. If you want to convince people that we actually landed on the moon, anyways, we can maybe have some fun with that afterwards.


Let's see, market. We'll talk about Morning Joe. Imagine you're Morning Joe. They got the show and they get a call. What is it? Early in the morning, Daily Show Morning, Joe canceled Monday show after a Trump assassination attempt. And there's a video of him saying, Well, I don't like what they did. And if they do that again, and Vinnie's got that clip, we'll show to you guys. And then aside from that, the classified document is being dismissed, RFK finally, finally is getting secret service after the assassination attempt. Now they're like, We better give it to him. Can you imagine how ugly and bad of a look it is to do it after an attempt being made on the former President. And now Mayorkas has to come out and say, No, we're going to give that to RFK after Trump tweeted out and saying he deserves it. They gave it to him. And then on top of that, Mayorkas and talking about the secret service leader, is she doing a good job? Is she not doing a good job? Are we going to do anything about it? Are we going to change anything about it? And that's the Kim Chetel.


And she even did an interview talking about the fact that, well, were moving. So the markets were getting happy about stability in terms of economic policies they like with Trump. Then after the assassination attempt, we may have thought of it as a lot of disorder, but the market was immediately saying, you know what? This is more certain that Trump will be elected. There are a lot of people feeling that way. That's what the market felt. So the market loves stability, and it feels that, thank goodness, he wasn't assassinated. And what out of disorder came order and stability. And the market likes that. What does that mean to the average person? The average person, that means that the market is going to be hopefully more stable for prices. Oil went down a little bit because the market thinks Trump's going to drill in the US.Lower cost US oil, lower cost heating in the winter and lower cost gasoline. All of those things are stability measures that benefit the consumer, benefit the stock market. So the stock markets overall were very pleased that the outcome because it's bringing Getting certainty to the election, more confidence that Trump will be elected, more confidence and more preference for the economic policies of Trump versus Biden.And by the way, it's not like it was a slow reaction. It was a sudden reaction. And Tom, the feeling I'm getting when I'm talking to people, a lot of people you talk to, they're saying, Well, this is over with. Trump's going to be winning this thing here. And the chance of anything changing is going to be very Very small, if none, because of him losing, because of all the conditions that are taking place where the emotional fire, even Dana White, if you guys haven't seen this, Vinnie, I'm not going to play this. It's three and a half minutes. Yesterday, we're driving back with Vinnie, and we're watching this clip together on the drive. You watch what Dana says. Dana is like, I'm on a flight to Italy. I get a call saying, I get a text saying he got shot. I don't even know what happened. I call him. We have a 30 minutes conversation together, and he says, he's talking to me like, he says, you realize how tough somebody is when the shit hits the fan? You realize when shit hits the fan? He says, this guy's the baddest American of all time.He called him the American badass for what he is. I think that brings confidence to the marketplace on what's going on in regards to the economy. But Tom, at the same time, I want to talk about a couple of things in regards to today's economy. One of the stories that we were looking was about Americans quit quitting. What page is that on, Rob? If you can tell me that story so I can go to it, because I'm here for whatever reason. Let me see. There we go. So here's a story from Wall Street Journal. It says, American workers have quit quitting for now. Job satisfaction among US workers is rising, with a fewer people looking to switch jobs compared to the pandemic years. A Robert Half poll found that only 35% of adults look for another job in the second half of this year, down from 49% a year ago. Additionally, 77% of workers reported being happy with their jobs, and 85% said they have a good work-life balance. The rate of quitting jobs has decreased from a peak of 3% in April of 2022 to 2.2% according to labor department data. The decline is linked to a tighter job market and shrinking pay premiums for job switchers.For example, job switchers saw a median pay increase of 5.2% in March of down from 8.5% two years ago, while job stayers received a 4.5% increase. Young workers, particularly Gen Z, show a significant shift in job shifting sentiment. The percentage of Gen Zers planning to look for another job in the second half of 2024, dropped to 44% down from 74%. Tom, unemployment rates, and them talking about interest rates. Hey, he's going to be lower in interest. Now, pretty much, you said earlier, we're talking the fact that interest rates are guaranteed. Now, I can't say guaranteed. He's going to be lower in interest rates in the month of September. What's the numbers you're seeing with unemployment causing people to quit quitting? And what are you noticing with what Powell is going to do with interest rates?There are things are going on right now. An election brings uncertainty. So businesses are a little uncertain about opening up a lot of job openings. So there's fewer white collar premium job openings. So why would I quit one job, go to work for another job, especially when the delta we just heard, I could get as a performer a 4% raise at my current job. I can only get about a 5.2 2 % raise to walk across the street. That's the stat you just quoted. Remember back in 2022, '21, I could get an 8, 9, 10 % raise to walk across the street, or I tried to hold my boss hostage. You don't give me the big raise. I I quit. By the way, I want to bring my dog to work, and I want to work from home, and all those things. Remember that madness? Now the madness is calming down. So there's fewer jobs across the street, and they're not getting an 8 to 10 % pop to take the job, causing people to say, You know what? This job isn't so bad. Being back in the office isn't so bad. You know what?I'll stay here. That's the quitting part. The other side of it is in an election year, businesses are trying to wait and see what's going to happen because they're very interested in March of '25. That will be the implementation date of the economic policies of a new president. Remember, they got to get inaugurated, then they got to get their cabinet approved by Congress, then the new Congress gets together, and only then do they actually lift a finger on economic or tax policy. Q1 '25. So between now and Q1 '25, a lot of businesses are like, Wait a minute, maybe let's not go on a hiring spree right now. Let's not make a lot of changes right now. Let's find out who's going to be President. Let's find out who's going to be the Secretary of Treasury, who's going to be the Fed. Is Drum Powell going to continue to the end of his natural term? What's going on here? So for the average worker, if you've If you had a great job right now or even have a good job right now, my recommendation position your farmer and get that 4 or 5 % raise because walking across the street, it ain't 2022.You're not going to get.Okay, Tom, here's what I need you to do. Tom, Sam is going to walk in. Sam is going to walk in and he's going to check on your phone. Sam, if you can help Tom out, something's going on with Tom's service is not good. Tom, you switch with a signal and your service dropped. Vinnie, this is what I want to do. Let's talk about Jack Black. He is doing an event, right? And something's happening where all of a sudden, they're asking him to make us... Apparently, it's someone's birthday, he's asking him, Hey, what wish you want to make? And then he makes a comment that causes potentially the tour to get canceled. Can you give us a breakdown of what happened there?Yeah, Pat. So he's on tour right now, Tenacious D, with his singing partner, Kyle Glass, G-A-S-S. And apparently, he goes upstairs. It's his birthday, so they're singing Happy Birthday. They bring out this guy in a costume that looks like a robot, and they sing Happy birthday. I'll set it up, Robin, then you can play. They're singing him Happy birthday, PBD, and he says, make your wish. And his wish is, don't miss Trump next time. And this is in Australia. Embarrassing as hell. I'll let Rob play a PBD, then we could talk about it.Happy birthday,. Make a wish, king.Don't miss Trump next time. Thank you.Okay, so first of all, disgusting. I think this and PBD, we've been talking about this all the time. The left, they are exactly what they say that the other side is. They're those people, okay? When it talks about they accuse everybody about being racist, they're the racist. Like you mentioned earlier about them saying that this was all stage, they're the conspiracy theories. They're the side that's the threat to democracy, and they're the side That's evil in my mind. So that being said, just 17 minutes before the podcast started, PBD, Jack Black announcement has canceled the rest of his tour. Good for him. He received intense backlash after the bandmate did what he did. An Australian politician also made a formal request for Jack Black and his friend to be deported immediately. Rob has the tweet that Jack Black posted. I'll say what he said. He says, I was blindsided what was said at the show on Sunday, I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form. After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the tenacious detour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I'm grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.So one stupid comment from your your ignorant leftist bandmate, and that's it. If you think about it, Pat, you know this. How many millions... He's going to lose a couple of million dollars because of a stupid comment going on foreign land and saying, Don't miss next time. So I want people to understand this. You're basically saying, I wish and I hope that the former President of the United States was murdered and assassinated, and he's pissed off that he hasn't. And we talked about this this morning, Pat. This sentiment, either they're saying it out loud or they're saying it at home amongst their friends, it's happening way more than you guys think. And I think it's disgusting. And I'm actually really Really, really happy that the tour is canceled because that type of rhetoric, they always blame us for this rhetoric. It's them, Pat. It's them.Is this Jack? I was blindsided by what we said on the show on Sunday. I would never condone hate speech and encourage political violence. Yeah, there you go. No comments, just posted that and boom, 200, 2000 likes. And by the way, Jack Black is a liked guy. Most people on the right like his comedy. It's not like it's a left, right, center thing. He's liked. It's not like he's disliked, but The moment you make comments like this or a friend of yours makes a comment like that, you're guilty by association. And there's probably never a good time to say anything like that. And by the way, if that guy was a comedian, say that guy was a comedian. He said that. Still a bad taste to say something like that. But to say it while you're performing, singing, doing what you're doing. Maybe the other guy is also a comedian that said what he said, but not acceptable at all. And by the way, there's another video video, Rob, this guy is going around. Guyon Monet asked me a question and says, Hey, Pat, my wife is a hardcore liberal. I am a conservative. That's an interesting marriage, with them being married to each other.He says, My wife, the moment it happened, she said, Oh, that's staged. There's no way that's real. Let's catch up. There's no way somebody tried to shoot it. They're staging it to get him to be liked, the President Trump. There's no way this is real. And I'm like, There's no way your wife would say such a thing. Then you realize a lot of people actually believe it was staged at the beginning. So this guy, Rob, I just sent you this clip if you can pull it up. This guy is going around asking people, what do you think about what happened with the assassination attempt? And the answers people are given is ridiculous. Okay? To think, by the way, I can I guarantee you, these are the same people that believe in Russia collusion. These are the same people that believe men landed on the moon. These are the same people that probably believe that JFK was assassinated by- Lee Harbor Oswald. Lee Harbor Oswald. These are the same people that believe in all that stuff. Yet at the same time, that was catch up on what happened to President Trump. And the guy asked, he says, But how about the fact that other people died?He says, No, it's stage. Go ahead and play it, Rob. Go for it.It's a false flag. False flag? Yeah. Somebody died and two people injured. What do you think about that? False flag.False flag.I thought it was magnificently staged. It was professionally done. It almost looked real.Wait, wait, wait. Stage by who?Oh, by Mr. Trump, of course.I think this whole thing is staged.You think it's staged? Yeah.It depends on everybody's view.Yeah. View of the assassination attempt? What do you think?Does it depend on where you're standing, whether or not you agree with the an assassination attempt or disagree with it? I just don't see that being the truth, but that's my...I'd rather just not make any comment. Really quick. What are you talking about the truth? What do you mean? Oh, you just don't believe it was an assassination attempt. No, no.Please don't.We're so anti-Trump.I don't even- Was it a bad thing, though? I mean- Was it a bad thing? Would you condemn it?Oh, that he got shot at?Of course.Yeah, he didn't do that.Of course, you don't do that.That's all I'm Yeah, that's really bad. Yeah, exactly. You don't do that. Was it staged? Probably.Staged? Okay, so you think Trump maybe staged a fake assassination for support?Yeah, he's backing up. Okay.And that resulted in somebody dying and other people being critically injured?I haven't seen the news today.I'm not here for the news. I haven't seen anything. I'm on vacation.You just thought it was fake?California.One person died in the crowd, two critically injured. What happened there?Small price. It wouldn't matter to Trump. Do you think he cares if people die for him to be elected? That doesn't mean anything to Trump.Now, staged from whose side? Do you think Donald Trump staged it for attention?Maybe that's your friend.I love her. That's my boy.The fact that he only got his ear and he would sit up and said, America, I don't know.Come on. It doesn't feel normal.What is our evidence for suggesting that it was a staged, a fake assassination attempt?I think that he walked away alive with perhaps a scratch on his ear. Yeah, it grazed his ear. Yeah. Of course, behind the scenes, That was all fabricated. Some noise. They put a little scratch on his ear, threw a little blood on his face.Now, so you think that they planned from 130 yards away to shoot off the corner of his ear?They never shot off the corner of his ear. That was all done by the people hanging around him. Nobody ever He got off his ear.Okay, so you just see it brazing his ear as maybe not real. What about the people that died? What about the father that died in the stand as well as the others that were critically injured? I don't know.I can't tell, but to me, it just looks like it was planned.And bless that guy's soul for dying for this cause.I'm so sorry for that person's family. If we're thinking that the Trump... That's a big thing to think is that Donald Trump's administration faked an assassination, got people killed to try to do this. What would you say our reasoning is for saying that, or we have no reasoning?Just the feeling. I haven't paid attention to anything right now. We can pause it at this point. You get the idea that some people think this was staged. And then yesterday at the RNC, Trump walks in. When he walks in yesterday at the RNC, something very interesting happened that everybody on mainstream media reacted, even though they didn't want to. Rob, if you can find this clip, One is when he walks in and he's got a patch on his ear. And then the second one is when he and Junior make eye contact. If you see Junior's face, you can tell Well, he is very emotional when you look at Junior. But first, Rob, if you just find a clip, it's all over X, and we have it as well, of President Trump walking in. And this is the first time people see that he has a bandaid or some a patch on his ear. And then we'll find a one with Junior and Trump making eye contact. Very, very emotional. A guy was showing a clip today with the two together. It's the Lion King scene, and Trump and Junior together. And obviously, it could have been the Lion King scene.It didn't happen. But this is where you can tell the son is looking at his dad's same. And I almost lost my hero. I almost lost my father. I almost lost my best friend. I almost lost the man that I look up to and how close of a call it is. And the cameras are on him, and he can't help himself. So, Rob, if you got it, if you can just show it when he's walking in.United States, Donald J. Trimble.Look at that time. Look at his face, look at his face, his emotions. That helped him. He took it best. He took it nice. All he He's telling himself is, Hold it together. You can feel the sense here. He doesn't look arrogant.This is it.He's Tucker. I think it's right there. Lodge Jr. That's the main eye contact you're going to see. Coming up.Because there ain't no doubt I love this land. Sing it. God bless the USA.Bird. Iron. We are here tonight- Watch Junior's arm.That is to elect Donald J. Trump as the next president of the United States. You see it? Yeah.You see the lip? Yeah. The love of a son for a father.He is here tonight to show his courage, his defiance against somebody who tried to kill him. You will not take this man down.He has the courage, the strength- There's Baby Van. And he will be the next president of the United States. So you can pause this. I don't have any problem with people speculating and saying it was a hoax, it was stage. It was any of this stuff. Totally fine. But why would somebody say that? Think about why somebody would say that. Somebody would say that because they know it's over. They know it's over. You can't teach in the middle of you getting shot and blood is coming down your face on your nose and you put your hand up. They know it's over. They know this is a leader. They know this is a tough guy. They know this is the right guy for the job for this season. They know. They know what he's going to do the moment he gets in. He's going to call a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin and get it over with. They know China is going to sit on the sidelines saying, We're not doing nothing to Taiwan. They know Hamas, Israel, all that stuff is going to be shut down the moment he's in. They know. They're fearing he's capable of doing that.They fear that. They know, and it's concerning for them. So now they announced that JD Vance is the vice President. And Rob, if you have any... I'll start off by asking you, Tom and Vinnie, and then I'll give my thoughts, and then we'll go in some of the market and we'll learn a little bit about JD Vance we'd like to figure out exactly why there wasn't that one news feed.I think the reason why is this show began and continues 17 years later on being the fan and you want to watch the movie with us, we'll be the first to watch the movie. Then there will be a 30-minute break. Then we'll do a live podcast together with Dennis Quaid. And obviously, we're going to talk to him a lot about Hollywood, different things, as well as his thoughts on Trump, politics. There's so many different things that's going on. So we're excited about that. But there's still a few tickets left on the general side. You can go to that QR code, get the ticket, you, your spouse, your friends. My son's going to be there to watch the movie with me as well. And this will be August second, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM. And when a movie ends and a podcast ends, afterwards, we'll obviously be at the Cigar Lounge having a couple of cigars and having a conversation. So if you want to join us, QR code, buy your ticket before this sells out.Take care, everybody. We may do another one on Thursday. Don't know yet. We may do another one on Thursday. Take care, everybody. God bless. Bye, bye, bye, bye.


were moving. So the markets were getting happy about stability in terms of economic policies they like with Trump. Then after the assassination attempt, we may have thought of it as a lot of disorder, but the market was immediately saying, you know what? This is more certain that Trump will be elected. There are a lot of people feeling that way. That's what the market felt. So the market loves stability, and it feels that, thank goodness, he wasn't assassinated. And what out of disorder came order and stability. And the market likes that. What does that mean to the average person? The average person, that means that the market is going to be hopefully more stable for prices. Oil went down a little bit because the market thinks Trump's going to drill in the US.


Lower cost US oil, lower cost heating in the winter and lower cost gasoline. All of those things are stability measures that benefit the consumer, benefit the stock market. So the stock markets overall were very pleased that the outcome because it's bringing Getting certainty to the election, more confidence that Trump will be elected, more confidence and more preference for the economic policies of Trump versus Biden.


And by the way, it's not like it was a slow reaction. It was a sudden reaction. And Tom, the feeling I'm getting when I'm talking to people, a lot of people you talk to, they're saying, Well, this is over with. Trump's going to be winning this thing here. And the chance of anything changing is going to be very Very small, if none, because of him losing, because of all the conditions that are taking place where the emotional fire, even Dana White, if you guys haven't seen this, Vinnie, I'm not going to play this. It's three and a half minutes. Yesterday, we're driving back with Vinnie, and we're watching this clip together on the drive. You watch what Dana says. Dana is like, I'm on a flight to Italy. I get a call saying, I get a text saying he got shot. I don't even know what happened. I call him. We have a 30 minutes conversation together, and he says, he's talking to me like, he says, you realize how tough somebody is when the shit hits the fan? You realize when shit hits the fan? He says, this guy's the baddest American of all time.


He called him the American badass for what he is. I think that brings confidence to the marketplace on what's going on in regards to the economy. But Tom, at the same time, I want to talk about a couple of things in regards to today's economy. One of the stories that we were looking was about Americans quit quitting. What page is that on, Rob? If you can tell me that story so I can go to it, because I'm here for whatever reason. Let me see. There we go. So here's a story from Wall Street Journal. It says, American workers have quit quitting for now. Job satisfaction among US workers is rising, with a fewer people looking to switch jobs compared to the pandemic years. A Robert Half poll found that only 35% of adults look for another job in the second half of this year, down from 49% a year ago. Additionally, 77% of workers reported being happy with their jobs, and 85% said they have a good work-life balance. The rate of quitting jobs has decreased from a peak of 3% in April of 2022 to 2.2% according to labor department data. The decline is linked to a tighter job market and shrinking pay premiums for job switchers.


For example, job switchers saw a median pay increase of 5.2% in March of down from 8.5% two years ago, while job stayers received a 4.5% increase. Young workers, particularly Gen Z, show a significant shift in job shifting sentiment. The percentage of Gen Zers planning to look for another job in the second half of 2024, dropped to 44% down from 74%. Tom, unemployment rates, and them talking about interest rates. Hey, he's going to be lower in interest. Now, pretty much, you said earlier, we're talking the fact that interest rates are guaranteed. Now, I can't say guaranteed. He's going to be lower in interest rates in the month of September. What's the numbers you're seeing with unemployment causing people to quit quitting? And what are you noticing with what Powell is going to do with interest rates?


There are things are going on right now. An election brings uncertainty. So businesses are a little uncertain about opening up a lot of job openings. So there's fewer white collar premium job openings. So why would I quit one job, go to work for another job, especially when the delta we just heard, I could get as a performer a 4% raise at my current job. I can only get about a 5.2 2 % raise to walk across the street. That's the stat you just quoted. Remember back in 2022, '21, I could get an 8, 9, 10 % raise to walk across the street, or I tried to hold my boss hostage. You don't give me the big raise. I I quit. By the way, I want to bring my dog to work, and I want to work from home, and all those things. Remember that madness? Now the madness is calming down. So there's fewer jobs across the street, and they're not getting an 8 to 10 % pop to take the job, causing people to say, You know what? This job isn't so bad. Being back in the office isn't so bad. You know what?


I'll stay here. That's the quitting part. The other side of it is in an election year, businesses are trying to wait and see what's going to happen because they're very interested in March of '25. That will be the implementation date of the economic policies of a new president. Remember, they got to get inaugurated, then they got to get their cabinet approved by Congress, then the new Congress gets together, and only then do they actually lift a finger on economic or tax policy. Q1 '25. So between now and Q1 '25, a lot of businesses are like, Wait a minute, maybe let's not go on a hiring spree right now. Let's not make a lot of changes right now. Let's find out who's going to be President. Let's find out who's going to be the Secretary of Treasury, who's going to be the Fed. Is Drum Powell going to continue to the end of his natural term? What's going on here? So for the average worker, if you've If you had a great job right now or even have a good job right now, my recommendation position your farmer and get that 4 or 5 % raise because walking across the street, it ain't 2022.


You're not going to get.


Okay, Tom, here's what I need you to do. Tom, Sam is going to walk in. Sam is going to walk in and he's going to check on your phone. Sam, if you can help Tom out, something's going on with Tom's service is not good. Tom, you switch with a signal and your service dropped. Vinnie, this is what I want to do. Let's talk about Jack Black. He is doing an event, right? And something's happening where all of a sudden, they're asking him to make us... Apparently, it's someone's birthday, he's asking him, Hey, what wish you want to make? And then he makes a comment that causes potentially the tour to get canceled. Can you give us a breakdown of what happened there?


Yeah, Pat. So he's on tour right now, Tenacious D, with his singing partner, Kyle Glass, G-A-S-S. And apparently, he goes upstairs. It's his birthday, so they're singing Happy Birthday. They bring out this guy in a costume that looks like a robot, and they sing Happy birthday. I'll set it up, Robin, then you can play. They're singing him Happy birthday, PBD, and he says, make your wish. And his wish is, don't miss Trump next time. And this is in Australia. Embarrassing as hell. I'll let Rob play a PBD, then we could talk about it.


Happy birthday,. Make a wish, king.


Don't miss Trump next time. Thank you.


Okay, so first of all, disgusting. I think this and PBD, we've been talking about this all the time. The left, they are exactly what they say that the other side is. They're those people, okay? When it talks about they accuse everybody about being racist, they're the racist. Like you mentioned earlier about them saying that this was all stage, they're the conspiracy theories. They're the side that's the threat to democracy, and they're the side That's evil in my mind. So that being said, just 17 minutes before the podcast started, PBD, Jack Black announcement has canceled the rest of his tour. Good for him. He received intense backlash after the bandmate did what he did. An Australian politician also made a formal request for Jack Black and his friend to be deported immediately. Rob has the tweet that Jack Black posted. I'll say what he said. He says, I was blindsided what was said at the show on Sunday, I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form. After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the tenacious detour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I'm grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.


So one stupid comment from your your ignorant leftist bandmate, and that's it. If you think about it, Pat, you know this. How many millions... He's going to lose a couple of million dollars because of a stupid comment going on foreign land and saying, Don't miss next time. So I want people to understand this. You're basically saying, I wish and I hope that the former President of the United States was murdered and assassinated, and he's pissed off that he hasn't. And we talked about this this morning, Pat. This sentiment, either they're saying it out loud or they're saying it at home amongst their friends, it's happening way more than you guys think. And I think it's disgusting. And I'm actually really Really, really happy that the tour is canceled because that type of rhetoric, they always blame us for this rhetoric. It's them, Pat. It's them.


Is this Jack? I was blindsided by what we said on the show on Sunday. I would never condone hate speech and encourage political violence. Yeah, there you go. No comments, just posted that and boom, 200, 2000 likes. And by the way, Jack Black is a liked guy. Most people on the right like his comedy. It's not like it's a left, right, center thing. He's liked. It's not like he's disliked, but The moment you make comments like this or a friend of yours makes a comment like that, you're guilty by association. And there's probably never a good time to say anything like that. And by the way, if that guy was a comedian, say that guy was a comedian. He said that. Still a bad taste to say something like that. But to say it while you're performing, singing, doing what you're doing. Maybe the other guy is also a comedian that said what he said, but not acceptable at all. And by the way, there's another video video, Rob, this guy is going around. Guyon Monet asked me a question and says, Hey, Pat, my wife is a hardcore liberal. I am a conservative. That's an interesting marriage, with them being married to each other.


He says, My wife, the moment it happened, she said, Oh, that's staged. There's no way that's real. Let's catch up. There's no way somebody tried to shoot it. They're staging it to get him to be liked, the President Trump. There's no way this is real. And I'm like, There's no way your wife would say such a thing. Then you realize a lot of people actually believe it was staged at the beginning. So this guy, Rob, I just sent you this clip if you can pull it up. This guy is going around asking people, what do you think about what happened with the assassination attempt? And the answers people are given is ridiculous. Okay? To think, by the way, I can I guarantee you, these are the same people that believe in Russia collusion. These are the same people that believe men landed on the moon. These are the same people that probably believe that JFK was assassinated by- Lee Harbor Oswald. Lee Harbor Oswald. These are the same people that believe in all that stuff. Yet at the same time, that was catch up on what happened to President Trump. And the guy asked, he says, But how about the fact that other people died?


He says, No, it's stage. Go ahead and play it, Rob. Go for it.


It's a false flag. False flag? Yeah. Somebody died and two people injured. What do you think about that? False flag.


False flag.


I thought it was magnificently staged. It was professionally done. It almost looked real.


Wait, wait, wait. Stage by who?


Oh, by Mr. Trump, of course.


I think this whole thing is staged.


You think it's staged? Yeah.


It depends on everybody's view.


Yeah. View of the assassination attempt? What do you think?


Does it depend on where you're standing, whether or not you agree with the an assassination attempt or disagree with it? I just don't see that being the truth, but that's my...


I'd rather just not make any comment. Really quick. What are you talking about the truth? What do you mean? Oh, you just don't believe it was an assassination attempt. No, no.


Please don't.


We're so anti-Trump.


I don't even- Was it a bad thing, though? I mean- Was it a bad thing? Would you condemn it?


Oh, that he got shot at?


Of course.


Yeah, he didn't do that.


Of course, you don't do that.


That's all I'm Yeah, that's really bad. Yeah, exactly. You don't do that. Was it staged? Probably.


Staged? Okay, so you think Trump maybe staged a fake assassination for support?


Yeah, he's backing up. Okay.


And that resulted in somebody dying and other people being critically injured?


I haven't seen the news today.


I'm not here for the news. I haven't seen anything. I'm on vacation.


You just thought it was fake?




One person died in the crowd, two critically injured. What happened there?


Small price. It wouldn't matter to Trump. Do you think he cares if people die for him to be elected? That doesn't mean anything to Trump.


Now, staged from whose side? Do you think Donald Trump staged it for attention?


Maybe that's your friend.


I love her. That's my boy.


The fact that he only got his ear and he would sit up and said, America, I don't know.


Come on. It doesn't feel normal.


What is our evidence for suggesting that it was a staged, a fake assassination attempt?


I think that he walked away alive with perhaps a scratch on his ear. Yeah, it grazed his ear. Yeah. Of course, behind the scenes, That was all fabricated. Some noise. They put a little scratch on his ear, threw a little blood on his face.


Now, so you think that they planned from 130 yards away to shoot off the corner of his ear?


They never shot off the corner of his ear. That was all done by the people hanging around him. Nobody ever He got off his ear.


Okay, so you just see it brazing his ear as maybe not real. What about the people that died? What about the father that died in the stand as well as the others that were critically injured? I don't know.


I can't tell, but to me, it just looks like it was planned.


And bless that guy's soul for dying for this cause.


I'm so sorry for that person's family. If we're thinking that the Trump... That's a big thing to think is that Donald Trump's administration faked an assassination, got people killed to try to do this. What would you say our reasoning is for saying that, or we have no reasoning?


Just the feeling. I haven't paid attention to anything right now. We can pause it at this point. You get the idea that some people think this was staged. And then yesterday at the RNC, Trump walks in. When he walks in yesterday at the RNC, something very interesting happened that everybody on mainstream media reacted, even though they didn't want to. Rob, if you can find this clip, One is when he walks in and he's got a patch on his ear. And then the second one is when he and Junior make eye contact. If you see Junior's face, you can tell Well, he is very emotional when you look at Junior. But first, Rob, if you just find a clip, it's all over X, and we have it as well, of President Trump walking in. And this is the first time people see that he has a bandaid or some a patch on his ear. And then we'll find a one with Junior and Trump making eye contact. Very, very emotional. A guy was showing a clip today with the two together. It's the Lion King scene, and Trump and Junior together. And obviously, it could have been the Lion King scene.


It didn't happen. But this is where you can tell the son is looking at his dad's same. And I almost lost my hero. I almost lost my father. I almost lost my best friend. I almost lost the man that I look up to and how close of a call it is. And the cameras are on him, and he can't help himself. So, Rob, if you got it, if you can just show it when he's walking in.


United States, Donald J. Trimble.


Look at that time. Look at his face, look at his face, his emotions. That helped him. He took it best. He took it nice. All he He's telling himself is, Hold it together. You can feel the sense here. He doesn't look arrogant.


This is it.


He's Tucker. I think it's right there. Lodge Jr. That's the main eye contact you're going to see. Coming up.


Because there ain't no doubt I love this land. Sing it. God bless the USA.


Bird. Iron. We are here tonight- Watch Junior's arm.


That is to elect Donald J. Trump as the next president of the United States. You see it? Yeah.


You see the lip? Yeah. The love of a son for a father.


He is here tonight to show his courage, his defiance against somebody who tried to kill him. You will not take this man down.


He has the courage, the strength- There's Baby Van. And he will be the next president of the United States. So you can pause this. I don't have any problem with people speculating and saying it was a hoax, it was stage. It was any of this stuff. Totally fine. But why would somebody say that? Think about why somebody would say that. Somebody would say that because they know it's over. They know it's over. You can't teach in the middle of you getting shot and blood is coming down your face on your nose and you put your hand up. They know it's over. They know this is a leader. They know this is a tough guy. They know this is the right guy for the job for this season. They know. They know what he's going to do the moment he gets in. He's going to call a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin and get it over with. They know China is going to sit on the sidelines saying, We're not doing nothing to Taiwan. They know Hamas, Israel, all that stuff is going to be shut down the moment he's in. They know. They're fearing he's capable of doing that.


They fear that. They know, and it's concerning for them. So now they announced that JD Vance is the vice President. And Rob, if you have any... I'll start off by asking you, Tom and Vinnie, and then I'll give my thoughts, and then we'll go in some of the market and we'll learn a little bit about JD Vance we'd like to figure out exactly why there wasn't that one news feed.I think the reason why is this show began and continues 17 years later on being the fan and you want to watch the movie with us, we'll be the first to watch the movie. Then there will be a 30-minute break. Then we'll do a live podcast together with Dennis Quaid. And obviously, we're going to talk to him a lot about Hollywood, different things, as well as his thoughts on Trump, politics. There's so many different things that's going on. So we're excited about that. But there's still a few tickets left on the general side. You can go to that QR code, get the ticket, you, your spouse, your friends. My son's going to be there to watch the movie with me as well. And this will be August second, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM. And when a movie ends and a podcast ends, afterwards, we'll obviously be at the Cigar Lounge having a couple of cigars and having a conversation. So if you want to join us, QR code, buy your ticket before this sells out.Take care, everybody. We may do another one on Thursday. Don't know yet. We may do another one on Thursday. Take care, everybody. God bless. Bye, bye, bye, bye.


we'd like to figure out exactly why there wasn't that one news feed.


I think the reason why is this show began and continues 17 years later on being the fan and you want to watch the movie with us, we'll be the first to watch the movie. Then there will be a 30-minute break. Then we'll do a live podcast together with Dennis Quaid. And obviously, we're going to talk to him a lot about Hollywood, different things, as well as his thoughts on Trump, politics. There's so many different things that's going on. So we're excited about that. But there's still a few tickets left on the general side. You can go to that QR code, get the ticket, you, your spouse, your friends. My son's going to be there to watch the movie with me as well. And this will be August second, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM. And when a movie ends and a podcast ends, afterwards, we'll obviously be at the Cigar Lounge having a couple of cigars and having a conversation. So if you want to join us, QR code, buy your ticket before this sells out.Take care, everybody. We may do another one on Thursday. Don't know yet. We may do another one on Thursday. Take care, everybody. God bless. Bye, bye, bye, bye.


fan and you want to watch the movie with us, we'll be the first to watch the movie. Then there will be a 30-minute break. Then we'll do a live podcast together with Dennis Quaid. And obviously, we're going to talk to him a lot about Hollywood, different things, as well as his thoughts on Trump, politics. There's so many different things that's going on. So we're excited about that. But there's still a few tickets left on the general side. You can go to that QR code, get the ticket, you, your spouse, your friends. My son's going to be there to watch the movie with me as well. And this will be August second, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM. And when a movie ends and a podcast ends, afterwards, we'll obviously be at the Cigar Lounge having a couple of cigars and having a conversation. So if you want to join us, QR code, buy your ticket before this sells out.


Take care, everybody. We may do another one on Thursday. Don't know yet. We may do another one on Thursday. Take care, everybody. God bless. Bye, bye, bye, bye.