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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bowl fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak. Cloak.


What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have Andy and DJ Cruz. The motherfucking Internet, that's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. It stands for cruise. The Internet is where we put the topics of the day up here on the screen. We speculate on what's true and what's not true, and then we talk about how we, the people have to solve these problems going on in the world. Other times throughout the week, we're going to have shows within the show. Yesterday we had Q and a f. That's where you submit questions and we give you the answers. Probably got another one of those coming up this week. You can submit your questions to be answered on the show a couple different ways.


The first way is, guys, email these questions into ask


Or you go on YouTube in the comments section on the Q and a half episodes. Or drop your question in the comments and we'll pick some from there as well. Other times, we're gonna have real talk. Real talk. Just five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. And then we have 75 hard versus. 75 hard versus where somebody who has completed the 75 hard program comes on. The the show talks about how their life was before, how it is now, and how they used live hard and the 75 hard program to transform their life. You can get that program, which is the world's most popular mental toughness program in history, at episode 208 on the audio feed. It's not on YouTube. It's on the audio feed only. We weren't on YouTube whenever we put that out. If you want more information about live hard, you can get the book. It's at dot. It is called the book on mental toughness. It'll run you through the entire live heart program, top to bottom, ten chapters on mental toughness. A bunch of case studies on some famous people who've used mental toughness to become the famous people that you recognize now.


One thing that you're going to recognize on the show is we don't run ads.


All right?


I don't want to answer to someone who's going to tell me what I can and can't say. And in exchange, I ask you guys for a fee. The fee is not monetary. I'm not asking you to send me money, but I am asking you to help us get the message out. We are constantly battling censorship issues with this show. You guys know that. We talk about what is actually going on, and if we want the message to get out, we need your help. So don't be a ho.


Show the show.


What's up, dude?


What's going on, man?


Oh, not much.


Got a fix for you.


A fix for what?


You. For everybody out there.


But for a fix, there has to be something broken.




What's broken?


Well, the grape drink. Right. You know, all the. The side effects that come with that. You know, I'm saying that, you know, child support, there's a lot of things. There's a lot. You guys know.


You think about that one all weekend?


No, but I got a fix for you. The fix is just get the summer rate. And this counteracts all of the negative side effects.


So. So that.


So by both.


So. So is that your ad?


Not an ad.


You really did think about that one. Oh, man, I'm glad you're not marketing.


Fresh off the dope. Yeah, I was good.


The sub raids. All right.


Is good.


It ain't? No.


It makes me feel like, you know, wholesome.




I just want to be present, you.


Know, make sure to give those bikes back, donate them.


You know, I'm saying.


Oh, man.


What's going on with you, man?


I don't know. Apparently I'm fucking kindergarten again.


What happened?


We were with you.


It's all good, man.




Had a good weekend.




Put a 1500 miles on my bike.




Yeah, that was good. I did. I. Listen, I was. I was scared shitless last night. So I came. I had to go from Detroit, Michigan, back home, and it was almost like an eight hour ride. And I was like, in that final stretch. And I kept trying to, like, every time I ride my bike, I try to push it, right? So I get about. Probably about 160 miles on a full tank, right. But that's because, like, I'm average. Like, I'm doing. I'm doing 100 miles an hour easily, right? Just cruising by myself. And last night, man, I was probably about an hour out and I almost ran out of gas.




In the middle of fucking nowhere, bro.




It got down to like 9 miles.


In the middle of the Illinois cornfields, bro.


Listen, it was. And then I guess fucking.


You know what's out there? Night.


Shit, man, this ain't good. I start. You know.


You know what's out there, bro? Those haunted houses.


You know those, like. Like those.


Those I told you to stay away from.


Listen, I. You know those orange, like, floodlights, right? Like, beyond barnes and shit, they look like. I like orange tinge. I kept seeing these, like, bro, this ain't good. Yeah, I thought they were like, you know.


Yeah. Do you got that, uh. Do you got that warning I sent you on your. Can you. Can you throw that up on your, uh. Can you throw that up on the screen? I don't think we can. I'm always looking out for you, bro. Just show everybody how I'm looking out for you. You already put that.


I'll put it up here. Yeah.


Like, dj's out here in the middle of nowhere. I'm out here looking.


Looking out for.


Looking out for him.


I'll show you, motherfucker. I got you.


I was just telling you where to stay away from.


All right. Yeah, so the. These, uh. These are the text I get. I get from. From Andy, bro.


Rod, it want you to run into the wrong spot, bro. I knew you were driving up there, you know, through the.


Stay away from this place.


Yeah, well, you clearly avoided it. I'm glad you made it back.


I'm here. I'm here. They saw. You know what I think I might have seen? They saw the sun burning, like. Oh, well, he's definitely not black then.


Cause he got burnt. Yeah. That's what it is.




Oh, man.


Yeah, man.


Dude, when I saw that meme, I fucking laughed.


It's so bad.


I don't care what anybody says, bro. Racism's funny.


It is, it is. I think it's important, man. That's the only way it is.


We gotta keep people down.


Yeah, man.


Oh, man.


Oh, man. All right, well, sweet.




Well, you know, with that being said, let's do it. Let's get a little bit more racism. Because I got rappers. Cullinans.


Oh, we do.


And diamond chains for you.


All right, let's.


Let's get into this before we get to our main headlines. I wanted to bring this up because I thought this was pretty, pretty crazy. The irony is kind of there. Former Atlanta city attorney sentenced to seven years in prison for stealing $15 million in PPP funds. You know, it's crazy. I've been seeing a trend. There's been a lot of people locked up, and they've been. They've been cracking down on this shit. It's all been black people.


No, bro, that's not true.


That's all the ones out.


That's not true. I seen a lot of fucking white.


Oh, yeah, really, bro?


It's just low class.


Were they buying, like, you know, like, just cashing out on shit? Like, how do they get caught, bro?


I think they were buying, like, trailers and shit, you know, saying.


Universal thing.


Oh, yeah.


Okay. All right.


Well, that's kind of saying this ain't. This is.


This is just buying Cullinans, huh? They're not buying Cullinans.


No, no. They're probably buying, like, a 85 square body Chevy, you know, saying, yeah, it's a little different.


Yeah, man. So this is. There's interesting stuff here with this one. So. A former city of Atlanta assistant attorney and Atlanta police officer, Shalitha Robinson, 62, has been sentenced to more than seven years in prison after she stole about $15 million in paycheck protection program loans from the government during the Covid-19 pandemic. Robinson and other co conspirators got the loans on behalf of four businesses she owned and controlled. The Department of Justice said in a news release Friday. Quote, the loan applications falsely inflated the number of employees and average monthly payroll for each of the four businesses, resulting in larger PPP loans than Robinson would be legitimately entitled to obtain. Robinson and her co conspirators, Chandra Norton, also submitted false tax documents to support the inflated statements. In each long application, Robinson used the money she got from the loans to buy luxury items, including a ten karat diamond ring. The DOJ said she also transferred some of the money to other family members and our co conspirator, Shandra Norton. Now, according to the FBI, they wrote this. There was this op ed that came out, and so far, they estimate that about $136 billion has been.


Has been fraudulently given out to different businesses. And I said they've been trying to crack down on this. One of the interesting things is she also donated to Fannie Willis. But this is what kind of got me. You got all that money, you only did a $1,000. See, like, black people don't ever lift each other up, man. That's a problem. They're not lifting each other up. You only gave her a thousand. She going to fucking jail.


Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting, though, right?




This woman steals 15 million. Okay. That's pretty stupid. Just gonna say that. All right. Like, the government is gonna get you, bro.




They're gonna fucking get you eventually. That's why there's that saying, you know, there's two things certain about life, death and taxes. They're gonna fucking get theirs. So any of you motherfuckers that think you're gonna get around that, you're a moron, brother, so many, we'd be much better off uniting in the fact that we should pay no taxes and force our government officials to pass laws so we don't have to get fucking raped. But it's interesting. How much. How many billions of dollars?


$136 billion. So.


So how much of how much money have they stolen from us and sent to Ukraine?


Mmm. About that.


Okay. How much money have they stolen to us and sent to other places in the world? How much money have they stolen to us that's filtered themselves, filtered its way back into their pockets? How much money have they taken from us? Where our middle class is strapped, 70% of our entire middle class is living paycheck to paycheck debts at an all time high. Savings is all time low. Cash flows at an all time low. And they're putting people in jail for stealing money that they have no problem stealing every single day. That's what I think when I look at this perplexing. Yeah. When I look at this, it's like, okay, so, yeah, this woman stole seven, stole $15 million. That's wrong. But these people steal trillions of dollars and don't bat an eye at it.


Right? Right. Questions?


No. It's insane.




And people don't look at it like that. Like, what gives these people the right to steal our money, too?


Like, I mean, it's the 136 billion. That's our. That's tax dollars.




It's also tax dollars.


And, dude, these. These things, you know, people don't look at it like this.




If people could really understand taxes, we'd have unity. We would have had a revolution yesterday. But people don't. People don't. They don't understand it.


Well, we part of that, too, though. I mean, cuz, like, even from my perspective, bro, like, you, it's that shit. They make it intentionally hard to understand for sure. Fucking. How big is a tax code book?


Yeah, thousands of pages.


You know, I'm saying? And then even just the language of how it's written, you don't understand. Like, there's no, like, I'm not reading that shit. Turbotax. Easy, bro.


They don't even listen. They teach people in school that. And I used to believe this, too, that paying taxes is a patriotic duty, which might be the case if we were paying a reasonable amount that didn't strap us to the point of where we could barely survive and made life so hard that we can't pay attention to the injustice that our own government is perpetrating against us.


Or if it was actually going to.


That's correct.


It was supposed to be going to.


Yeah, we had great looking cities and great looking infrastructure and low crime and a great economy. You know, I wouldn't have such a problem paying tax if that were the case. And I think a lot of other people would feel the same way. But the reality is, is we shouldn't be paying the percentages we're paying. We are literal tax slaves. There is no other humans on the planet that are told, you have the american dream. Your dream is you can go from nothing to something. You could spend your whole life, and you can become something. You could build something. You could do something. And that's. That's great. You can. But we're encouraged to go out and do these things, and then we're punished by the oppressive tax code. So, yes, they want you to go out and build so they could take half your shit.




And you don't realize that until you're actually, like, very far deep in the process. When you start to realize how much they actually take, bro. Yeah. They encourage you to go do these things so that you could be their little tax bitch and they can steal your money, and then they can send it overseas and do. Funnel it back into their campaigns and figure out how to make it into their pocketbooks and, bro, these people are fucking criminals.


Yeah. And then get everybody else to hate you. Oh, yeah, like, that's.


The rich people are the problem, bro. What the fuck are you talking about? They're very rich people are the problem. The people in the top, .001%. The people who build yachts so fucking big that they have to disassemble bridges in Europe to get them out of fucking harbor. Who are those people? Who are the people that own the most property in the United States? Who? Those are the same people that go on there and say the rich got to pay their share knowing damn well they're not talking about themselves. They're talking about turning their local, struggling middle class person against their own community, against the people in their community who are donating to revitalize the city, who are sponsoring their t balls, teams who are driving a BMW. Right. And they're sitting. They're creating class warfare. And then they're standing outside kind of laughing as everybody fights. And, dude, this is. This is a problem that, you know, has to be fixed or our country won't survive. It just won't. The math. The math the way it is, it won't work.


It doesn't work. Yeah, I mean, that's one thing, too. Like, even just, like, on the macro level, right? Well, I'm sorry, the micro level. Like, just looking down into individual communities, bro. Like, I lived in St. Louis City my entire life. My entire life. And St. Louis City, believe it or not, it does generate a decent amount of tax money. Right. Because there's still some big businesses down there, you know, things like that. And, like, I knew what my streets looked like when I grew up. Like, they looked like fucking dog shit. You know, I'm saying? The alleys, the fucking garbage cans in the alley, they look like fucking trash. And, bro, I remember when I got my house, because, you know, where I live at, it's in. It's its own. We're unincorporated St. Louis county, right? Which means that 100% of our tax dollars, just about give or take, minus, like, the fire protection and shit, goes right back to our little unincorporated St. Louis county. And I remember the day I was moving in, bro, driving to U Haul, and I turned down one of the main subdivision streets. They were repaving the streets, and I'm like, I don't think I've ever seen a street get, like, reliance.


Just the yellow lines were getting fucking restriped. I'm like, I don't think I've ever seen that anywhere.




You know, I'm saying, so it's like. It just shows you even just on that micro level, like, when the shit's actually going someplace.




I mean, I play a decent amount of taxes where I live, but I see it going to use now. You amplify that. Look at our fucking government.


People don't understand, bro. We could pay less than 10% tax and be living in Dubai in terms of quality of buildings, infrastructure, crime. You see what I'm saying?


Yeah. Yeah, dude, we all have fucking Cullinans.


And when I say 10%, I mean 10% total, not income tax. And that's how we should be living, but they don't allow us to do that. And you guys, a lot of you guys don't understand why. The reason they don't want you to be financially successful is because you're harder to control, you are harder to manipulate when you are actually in a financially successful place, and you're looking around and you can see all the fuckery that's happening, right? So they want people just in that zone where they can just survive. They can get a couple treats. They can have Netflix. They can have, you know, a nice Tahoe. They could drive a jeep, something that they're proud of. They could compete with their neighbors on their financial, you know, wherewithal and what level they're at. And other than that, they don't care. And so this whole demoralization has been happening for 2030 years in this country. And when I was growing up in this country, dude, we were. We were not just told that we could be anything we want. We were encouraged to be great. We were encouraged to win. We were encouraged to build great things.


We were encouraged to become the best possible version of us. And if you look at a lot of these young people coming out of our school system, you can tell that they are legitimately programmed to be unintelligent. Like, dude, look at these videos where they walk around, they say, who was the first president of the United States? And people who are in their twenties and thirties don't even know. You know what I mean? We haven't, bro. We have an uneducated and intentionally indoctrinated mass group of young people who have been bred to be stupid through the school system. And it's a big problem, dude. And, you know, when we look at, like, the fundamental culture differences that have happened in this country over the last 2030 years, we. We have to consider what was once celebrated and what is no longer celebrated, because what was once celebrated was what built this country to be great. And what is no longer celebrated and what's celebrated in its place is what's causing this country to be in such chaos and disruption. And I actually don't know a solution to it. Without total reformation, we're going to have to have somebody that comes in the White House who literally fucking signs a bunch of shit into law and we fix a whole bunch of shit at once.


I mean, dude, these people in Congress and Senate, these people are. They have no want or will or desire, with the exception of maybe a few, to do anything good for us. It is all about them being in a position of power so that they can, you know, milk the teat of, you know, the financial windfall that comes from us breaking our fucking backs to build a life. It's. Dude, it's. It's completely fucked the way it is.


It is, man. That's real shit. That's real shit. But we got. I actually got some because I think the people, like, the global humanity is starting to understand and wake it up a little bit, and we're gonna get into some of our headlines because we got quite.


I want to say this, too, before we get into the next one. You know, you guys, to support Trump, you need to be leaning on Trump. He said, oh, we're gonna, we're gonna reduce the taxes on. What was it something he said this weekend? We're going to. We're going to take tax on tips. That's what he said. We're going to. We're going to eliminate tax on tips, bro. You guys who vote for Trump, you need to be pressing him right now on removing income tax completely, on getting us to a 10%. All in, everybody pays. Corporations pay, individuals pay. If you pay tax, it's 10%. If you don't fucking pay tax, you don't get to vote. Those are things that people need to lean on Trump for because they will fundamentally fix our country. The only way communism works is by creating so many people that are completely dependent on the government and then allowing them to vote, okay? So if we eliminate their ability to vote because they don't contribute to the system in any way, which is right, why should someone who doesn't contribute to the system be able to vote you out of your tax dollars or to vote your standard of living into a lower place?


That's not okay. And that's against the american dream. That's against every single thing this country stands for. So if you really want to fix what's going on, remove the ability for people who don't pay in to vote, okay, and then reduce taxes to a manageable level, and then cut the abuse of spending that's happening by firing a shit ton of government employees and reducing the amount that we spend. Those three things need to be, Trump needs to be leaned on for those things because he doesn't ever talk about it. And if he doesn't talk about it, it's not going to change. And if that doesn't change, our country's not going to get better. That's just real shit.


Yeah, that's real, bro. That's real guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, let's get ready to cruise. Remember, guys, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to Andy for you guys can find them link there. That being said, headline number one, we got to check in global temp. Check here, man, because there is some interesting things happening around the world on a global stage. Other governments, there's just interesting stuff. But let's go check in on France and the EU to get things started off. Headline number one reads, macron gambles on snap election to fight far right surgeon. We're ready to exercise power. So this is something that's, that's heating up, that's going on over in France and the EU. Let's dive into this. So straight out of Paris, european elections are meant to be worthy but boring exercises in centrist coalition building. Not this time. A surge in far right populism in France provoked President Emmanuel Macron into calling a high risk national election that could determine the future not only of his country, but of the European Union itself.


Across the continent, it was a good, if unspectacular, night for center right and far right parties, and a terrible one for liberals and especially greens. But in France, the far right national rally, led by euro skeptic and NATO skeptic firebrands, completely crushed Macron's liberal renaissance and all other contenders. The national rally is on course to win 31.5% of the vote, more than twice the 14.7% projected for Macron's liberal Renaissance party. In a high risk gamble to regain the political initiative, Macron bet that voters will turn back the far right tide and show Marine Le Pen's national rally cannot win at the national level. So what exactly does this mean? So because France has a bunch of parties, right, there's 123-45-6789 different parties, not very bipartisan like we are here in the US. And so their, their percentages of what's needed to actually win are obviously gonna be a little bit lower. And this is just the graph just to show over the last year. They call this the polls of polls that just shows the populism of each party and the steam that they've gained just in the last year. Yeah. So the national rally is up there, 32%, the highest out of anyone's.


And so by more than double.


By more than double. And so what he, his solution is, is what they call a snap election. And they're going to run that, I believe, at the end of this month, where there is a national election. And he doesn't believe that this is gonna stay like this. He's counting and saying that, oh, I believe the people are gonna speak and they're gonna come back home where they belong. I don't think that's gonna be the case.


Or he knows how to cheat. Like they know how to cheat here.


There's a thing. You're talking about a 50% difference. Well, can you cheat that?


We don't know how. We don't know. We'll find out.


Yeah, yeah.


Cuz, cuz, I mean, they told us that a guy who lived in his basement got 81 million, 81 million votes, most popular president of all time. And a lot of people blasted people for saying that that was absurd. And now they're like, holy shit, you know? Yeah. You guys believe that? You know why? Because you don't pay attention. And you know why you don't pay attention? Because you're too busy fucking around with the Kardashians or fucking around, you know, I don't know what you guys do, but you're not paying attention.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Marine Lepins, she's the party leader, right? And she's come out and already said that her party is ready to take power. And so she's extremely confident in this snap election that's gonna happen. Now that's going on in the UK. I'm sorry, that's going on in the EU. And again, it's not just France is having the same exact, you know, phenomenon, quote unquote, happen. Germany's also going through it right now. There. There's a bunch of other countries that are actually seeing the same exact trend in the people that are, you know, moved away from these liberal far left policies and ideals. Now here's something that nobody's talking about. And I think this is. This is probably, in my opinion, the biggest news story of the day. We've seen what's going on in Canada right now. Oh, bro, listen. So this headline reads, Canada's parliament rocked by allegations of treason. This is juicy. This is juicy. We're talking like.


Like juicy grape.


Like juicy grape.


All right.


It's juicy. So out of Ottawa, the capital of one of the world's most stable democracies, is gripped by growing panic about foreign agents working in elected office. A bombshell report by canadian lawmakers has unnerved parliament Hill, alleging that unnamed politicians have been covertly working with foreign governments. The revelation in heavily redacted findings released this week by an all party national security committee adds intrigue to a separate and ongoing inquiry into foreign interference in Canadas 2019 and 2021 elections. The new report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians is the first to suggest that lawmakers in Canada's parliament, their current parliament, by the way, may have helped foreign actors meddle in political campaigns and leadership races. Heightened anxiety in Ottawa about foreign interference comes in the middle of historic global elections, where factors such as artificial intelligence and emboldened foreign powers are testing the resilience of democratic systems. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the ones that is being alleged now. He's been on the defensive since the allegations broke out today when the show was recorded. Conservative leader Pierre Palaver is calling on the government to name names. Quote, the national security committee indicates there are members of this house that have knowingly worked for foreign hostile governments, said Wednesday.


Canadians have a right to know. Who and what is the information? Who are they? The findings put pressure on Canadas national police force to investigate potential criminal charges. The report also refuels debate on the ability of the federal governments deterrence mechanisms to curb foreign interference in a country whose political and legal system is considered one of the highest performing in the world. Now here is an interesting take. So the deputy prime minister, Christia Freeland, told reporters Tuesday that she takes the issue seriously. She deflected when asked if Canadians have the right to know the identity of the parliamentarians involved. Quote, we should recognize this is a new time, she said, adding that authoritarians want to undermine democracies by sowing public distrust in government. Now isn't that interesting? That's a very shady, shady response.


She's saying they don't have the right to know.


That's exactly what she's saying.


She's saying this is a new time. We're in charge and fuck you. That's what she's saying. Trust us lightly.


Yeah, trust us. And we got Russian Navy, Navy, Navy warships and nuclear powered submarines right off the coast of Cuba. Andy, what do we got on all of this?


Well, I mean, look, this goes back to what we've been talking about for four years now. I mean, dude, there's very clearly global coup, an attempt at a global coup that has happened. And it started with the, it started a long time ago, but it came to a precipice with COVID and all the countries that went along with it and all the countries that made up, you know, their rules. That is all coming out now was bullshit. We had elections during that time in 2020, a bunch of countries, you know, magically elected people who were in favor of these drastic lockdown measures, which apparently nobody was wanting. Right. You know, I mean, dude, this is. This is what we've been talking about with the World Economic Forum and all these members being a part of it. Macron, you know, fuckhead from Canada, our own administration, you know, and we see, we see all this coming to a head now. You know, these people are caught. These people tried to pull a global coup to create a global communist, one World cup government. And now there's enough people in each of these countries calling them out, and I think they're completely fucked.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, so this, we're at a.


Tipping point, dude, where they're either going to pull the mask off and go full blown communist authoritarian, which means they will start killing people or two, we're going to win, and they're all going to jail or worse, and that's where we're coming to. And the fact that they're, you know, trying to put Trump in jail and prosecute Trump and all these things, that's only making people more aware, not just here domestically, but internationally as well. So people are recognizing not just, I mean, in the United States, yes, a lot of people are recognizing it's wrong, but not a lot of people are fully recognizing what we're dealing with, which is a communist revolution that's been happening in this country for quite some time. And people in other areas of the world who have been through a communist revolution understand exactly what they're looking at. And they're thinking like, damn, dude, America's fucked. You know? And they're, they're saying, I mean, we see this from people in other countries saying this on television, on the Internet. You Americans don't know what you're dealing with. You guys don't have any clue what's happening. And they're right. And it's because people have taken their eye off the ball here, and people believe that we're always going to be free and everything's going to be okay and that this is some sort of normal political ebb and flow.


This isn't normal political ebb and flow. The world's never been locked down like that. There's never been a transfer of wealth like that. There's never been an intentional third world ization of the United States of America as there has been the last three years. And we're dealing with that now, and people are starting to wake up. I just hope that it's not too late. You know, that's where I'm, that's where I'm coming. It does seem like they're losing favor. So, like, for them to stay in power is going to require force on their part. So I'm looking for them to create mass amounts of societal disruption or attempt to right another pandemic, which they already tried this last week. I don't know if you saw this, but the who tried to claim that some dude died in Mexico of the new bird flu and that, and the guy in, the guys in Mexico said, no, that's bullshit. They're lying. Okay? So they're these people. The World Economic Forum. Who? The NIH, all these people, they're not. They're not being able to execute what they were trying to execute. Right. They're not. They're not trusted anymore.


So now you have people in these offices who four years ago were terrified to say anything, who are now calling these guys on their bullshit. So, you know, a pandemic, a major cyber attack, quote, unquote, meaning a shutdown of the grid for an extended period of time, a massive war. You know, you have Biden and Lindsey Graham talking about sending american troops to go into Russia now. You know, like, these are all things that they will try to do, and it's very important that people do. Don't comply. It's very important that people just say, no, we're not doing that, and don't do it.


And we got to stay on the call for accountability, the demand for it. I think the thing is, man, like, you know, this country, we. We have just had it so good for so long.




Whereas, like you said, those other countries, they are so much closer, not just in time, but just. Just simple geographics to communism. Yeah, I'm saying they're very close to it.




Right. We have. We don't know what that looks like. We don't really know what communism looks like. We've never really seen it. I know. Especially the younger generation. We don't know what that stuff looks like.


Well, I think when people think of communism, they have this very cloudy vision of it from, like, my age, you know, of the. Of the late eighties, and then people, older people, older than me, or. I'm sorry, younger than me. Those people have been brought up to believe it's some sort of utopia or it's some sort of.


I think it's fighting the man. They think it's some type of.


Everybody's gonna have enough. And, bro. And they don't understand, like, dude, when the. When communism comes in, the government expands at a rapid pace, the currency devalues at a rapid pace. Food becomes unavailable because the government is inefficient at doing anything. So they make all these laws about where you can get food, which they're already doing here in the United States, and they create a scenario. It all sounds good, right? Like, I'm not going to work, and government's going to provide everything to me. Except the government doesn't provide everything to you, like they say they're going to. And in every situation that's ever happened where they've tried to attempt communism, a good part of the population has ended up being slaughtered because these people fucking, that's what they are. They don't, these people are 100% comfortable executing people who stand against them. And the minute they get enough power to stand up on their own and they don't fear the resistance anymore, that's where you're going to start to see genocides and things like that. These things that these communists have done over and over and over again in real talk, communists should all be fucking eliminated.


They've done this for 100 and fucking 2150 years. They fucked the world up number of times. They don't deserve space in this world anymore. And anybody who identifies with these people should literally be. And I know I sound like them, but us free people have fucked up the entire world for the last fucking 150 years. I'm tired of fighting people like this, okay? Everybody else is tired of their. Of their lives and their world and, like, dealing with these people. These are people who won't contribute. They will not contribute. They will not fucking work. They will, they think that everything should be provided for them and they use the weakest, most unproductive, dumbest individuals to push communism through and then they kill them. Like, they don't. People that fucking say, like, you guys out here, you know, these, like, weirdos that say, I'm a communist, openly. These people don't understand the minute that communists get in power, those people get killed. Yeah, well, they're fighting for their own.


Famine kicks in because they're already malnourished.


Yeah, no shit. But I mean, dude, like, that's what we deal with here. We deal with people who don't know what they're rooting for. They don't understand the consequences of their actions. They don't understand what's actually happening. And what's actually happening here is that we've experienced for the last four years in our face a global couple for world government that is communist. And that is what we're dealing with. And we're starting to see that unravel across the world. So it's going to be interesting what they do. Do they back off and save their asses or do they push hard and nobody complies and then their asses end up in the gallows? Which I actually think the second choice of what's going to happen, because I.


Don'T think these people know what's on the line, bro.


Not only, not only do they know what's on the line, but like, if you watch someone like Hillary Clinton, right? Hillary Clinton believes that she is still, like, as influential as she was ten years ago, she still believes that. You could see it in the way she talks. She comes out, she laughs, she smug. She's got all these things coming out about her, and she doesn't give a fuck. Why, why would she not care? Why would she not give a shit that all these things are coming out about her? It's because she believes she's above everybody else. And these people are showing their arrogance. They're showing what they actually think and is, it's pushing people to the other side. And people are starting to realize, man, these people are actually fucking evil. Right? And so these people, they don't understand that their influence, bro, has, has diluted. And that's why, like, when, when we talk about former leaders who have been executed, like those guys in Romania. Yeah, Nikola Ceausescu, you know, that's why when you pull them out to shoot them in the, in the firing squad, they're still given orders. So it's not that they're, it's not that they're just bold, it's that they're ignorant to the tide changing.


They can't tell that. They don't care, bro. They don't give a fuck about anybody but their little echo chamber. And they're in a special club. We're not in it. And they don't realize that the size of their club is getting smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, and the size of the other club is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And eventually these people are going to walk themselves right into prison or worse for themselves, because these people for the last 50 years, have been dead set on conquering the world, on creating a one world government, and it's not worked. And all it's done is created death and destruction and famine and pain and murder and all of this crazy shit. And we don't need these people fucking with our lives. We don't need these people fucking with our humanity. That's my, that is my opinion.


I love it. Anything on this Russia shit? With Russia?


Yeah, bro. Like.


Cause I mean, here's the situation. I mean, I don't know if, like, you know, nobody really listened to him, but Putin just last week said, you know, that if it was found that Ukraine is using us made missiles into Russia, that there's going to be a retaliation.


No shit.


And now all of a sudden, you have, you know, Russia right off the coast of Florida and Cuba with multiple warships, nuclear powered submarine, and that they're saying allegedly. They're saying allegedly, those nuclear power. Submarines will not be carrying nuclear weapons, allegedly, but they don't. Fuck. I mean, I guess they could know, right? There's sensors and data that they know if, you know, nukes are moving around. Sure.


What do you think would happen if the population of the United States knew that there was a nuclear submarine with nukes off our fucking coast? Of course they're going to say it doesn't have any nukes.


Right? Right. Just saying, man, that's pretty, pretty close to fucking DC. Yeah.


And we're getting put in a dangerous situation because of these fucking old decrepit, crusty thieves. Your family is at risk. My family's at risk. Our fucking way of life is at risk because these people want to steal our shit. And nobody wants to stand up and say anything about or do anything or get engaged. I still see people on the Internet saying, I'm not voting. What the fuck is wrong with you? Okay, you can have principles that says, I don't believe in voting. But here's the reality. Not voting in this election just allows those people to cheat even further. If we don't vote, there's no evidence of them cheating. So you guys are okay with just letting this go into full blown communism? Because I'm pretty sure none of you motherfuckers are Rambo. I'm pretty sure none of you were Chuck Norris. I'm pretty sure none of you are going to the fucking white House or whatever and handling business. You think you're going to live out in the fucking country on your four acres, in your bullshit garden and those motherfuckers are going to come take it? You don't get it. We have to vote.


We have to get engaged. You, every single person listening to this show should bring two or three other people to vote that normally wouldn't. That. That's what needs to happen. We want to talk about an action plan. That's the action plan. Aside from the things we talk about, personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion, right? Being fit, being intelligent, pursuing success, pursuing positions of authority and power in your local government, being good to people, uniting with people, these are the things they don't want. We have to do all of those things. That's our duty. But when we think of, like, what we need to do outside of that, we. We have to get engaged. We have to go vote. And you need to be bringing every motherfucker you know that would normally not vote to the polls. That's the truth. We don't know how long, how big they could cheat. I don't. You ask me. Can they cheat 50 points in France? We're gonna find out.


Yeah, we sure the fuck are.


I wouldn't be against. I don't. I don't think that that's unreasonable to think they might do that. Do you?


I mean, listen, I know this. Apparently the french turnout is supposed to be pretty fucking high.


Okay, but what if they leave it up? What happens if they do cheat? Are they gonna full blown revolution? Because I remember when Canada was revolting against fucking Trudeau and they just drove the trucks and parked the trucks.




I told you motherfuckers finished the job. Back then. You didn't fucking finish it. Now you deal with the same shit. So is that what's gonna happen in France? We're just gonna. We're gonna drive some tractors and throw some shit on people? You see what I'm saying? I ain't gonna get it done, motherfuckers.


No, it definitely won't, man. Guys, let us know what you. What your thoughts are on this. Let us know down in the comments. With that being said, we got a little bit more on the election to coming up, historically. But let's. Let's check out some of these comments. Let's. Let's cruise them. This first comment comes from at Joseph Schultz four says, I'm an ex drug addict, and that's a lot of crack. Talking about the hunter Biden smoking crack every 20 minutes. I mean, appreciate the honesty.




Sobriety. I'm glad you're good.


Is a lot of crap.


This next comment comes from at Troy Burkhart, 57 85. He says, man, I want that grape drink. To which at Mac Jenk, seven replied, you'll leave your family, acquire a bunch of new stuff, mainly bikes, guys. Brother going hard on. Great, man. Listen, some rate. This is like the counter. It's like day cool Nyquil. You know what I'm saying?


I left my bike at home this morning.


No, you didn't. You thought you did.


You know what? I just got a new bike.


Oh, man. We got one more good one for you here, man. This is. This is a great one.


Grape is good.


Grapes good. This. I like this one the summer. It's not bad.


I haven't had that one.


It's not bad.


I drank the grape and I've stuck with the grape.


We got one more here. I like this. This is a really good one. We like this one. Um, comes from at simply artsy. I am twelve years old and I listen to your podcast all the time. I was surprised that you managed to swear more than my mom. I recently started my own business where I crochet snakes and scrunchies and sell them at the farmers market. And I am going next month. The girls at my dance studio also love them and I made over $100 in the first three days. I work really hard and I am really happy with how its turning out. I also worked really hard to get my new dog. I wrote an essay and set up bullet points to show my parents and they surprised me with getting him. He is a Burr Bernese mountain dog and I named him Andy. Ah, that's cool.


Yeah, that's what, uh. Isn't that what, uh. What's his name? Gary. Gary's a Bernadoodle.


He's a burn doodle. Yeah. Yeah. Burn a doodle. Bernice mountain dog.


That's cool. Congrats on your business. That's. That's awesome, man. Hundred dollars in the first three days.


Yeah, that's not bad at all.


That's way better than I did my first three days.


Oh, this is a good little boy.


They got a picture.


I got a picture here for you. It's a nice looking dog.


That's a good name for a dog. Oh, yeah. Those are cool dogs.


Yeah. This can be big.


Yeah, they're big, too.


It's a large breed.




Sweet. Well, congratulations.


Yeah, that's awesome.


Congratulations. Good.


I forget that younger people listen to the show sometimes.


Well, apparently you and a mom are tied neck to neck with, so, I mean, I guess that's fine.


I guess I better step up my game.


Tell your mom I said fucking bring it.


Fuck you, mom.


No. Congrats, man. We appreciate you guys. Thank you guys for being real ass fans. Keep liking, keep subscribing, keep commenting, and we appreciate you guys. Let's keep this moving. Headline number two, right back at it. Talking about elections, there's some interesting conversations happening across the country, this time specifically in Nevada. Headline reads, nevada has a plan to expand electronic voting that concerns election security experts. Isn't it weird? Isn't it weird that, like, any steps to further secure our elections, which are already allegedly secure, are deemed threats to securing our elections? Isn't that. Isn't that weird? That's weird, I think.


You know what I think's weird?


What do you think?


I think weird that these people. That there's even a question that these people are cheating and that it's tolerated by anyone. Okay. The idea of our country is that you guys have some ideas. Other people have some ideas. People get to decide what ideas they want to go with for the country. And because these people on the left have decided that their ideas are superior and that they know what's better for us than we know what's for us, they have decided that they believe that winning means winning at all costs and it means ignoring what the people want. These people believe that they know what's best for us and that we don't know what we want. And so they have a duty, by all means necessary to put their policies in play and maintain power. And what they do as they try to scare everybody into being terrified of Donald Trump because they understand that if Donald Trump gets into power, they're going to be held accountable for all the shit they've done illegally to maintain the power that nobody wants in the first place.


That's exactly what's happening, man. Like out of Arizona, Nevada. This is specifically has to do with the local native american tribes that are trying to get access now to speak, because they realize that the Biden administration has not done shit for their tribes and their, their native american reservations. And now they want to make sure their voices get heard. But because of their, you know, geographic locations, voting in person can kind of be hard.


So what? Make a day out of it?


Make a day out of it, but.


Now get your ass to the fucking polls.


I agree. Yeah. So the solution is like this encrypted form of electronic voting for those that are, you know, hours away from being able to vote in person. And so, and it's being fucking knocked down because they say it's gonna, you know, create new concerns for election security. Now, it's interesting, you know, they're saying that it's high risk activity. I'm trying, like, I mean, just, just complete bullshit, right? Even though this same exact system we already use for those people, for military members, active duty military members who are stationed overseas, use the same system, trying to extend it to people on reservations, and they're saying, no, there's actually over 30 states that already inform, or I.


Bet the motherfuckers were voting Democrat. They fucking say do it.


Exactly. That's what they're afraid of. But that's, that's the point of it. That's, that's the point of it. But, you know, our elections are secure, right? You know, not like that, uh, that situation down in, down in Georgia where, you know, the pipes burst it and they cleared the, cleared the room at night after and sent everybody home and then pulled some ballots under, from under.


The table and we had video of it.




And if you said, hey, I see the video of the lady bringing in the ballots and putting them in. You're, you went on a domestic terrorist list, right?


Yeah. I mean, here's the, here's the clip. This is when it was originally reported. Here it is.


That surface during a Georgia state Senate hearing on possible election fraud is now raising some serious questions. Tonight. The video was presented by President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani and his team. Now, it is surveillance footage. You're looking at it right now. Ballots are being counted after the presidential election. The place, Atlanta, Georgia. It shows at about 1040 election night. The observers were told to leave, that the ballot counting had stopped for the night. But once everybody had left except for the ballot counters, watch what happens in the upper right hand corner of your screen.


They're going to stop counting. They will wait until the witnesses over.


There in that roped off area, the press and the observers leave the room.


Then you'll see them move into action and begin scanning ballots. Yeah. Now, you know, according to AP News, who did the fact check on this, they even reportedly know they reported it. In reality, the footage showed some confusion that arose after election workers mistakenly thought they were done. So that was a problem. They just thought they thought they were done, but they were. They realized that they weren't. Weren't done. After everybody had cleared, clear the room.


Yeah, they had to bring in the suitcases.




They weren't done.




Remember, remember the curve? Remember the, the vote curve? Everything. Everybody stopped counting at fucking 03:00 a.m. and then Biden jumped straight up ahead of Trump and then won the election.


It's bullshit.


No, it's total bullshit. It's absurd that people even believe it a little bit. Like, dude, look at the fucking visible evidence. Biden's in his fucking basement for a year, doesn't come out. He goes to speak at high schools. They have twelve people, twelve people in the crowd. Donald Trump does 30 rallies up until the day of the election that are getting 70, 80, 9100 thousand people every single day. And we're supposed to believe that this dude got 81 million votes? Do you understand what's happening when he shows up anywhere right now? He's getting heckled. He's being told, fuck you, Joe Biden, you're a piece of shit. And they're taking the fucking audio off the clips. They're taking the audio off the clips so people can't see what's actually happening. Trump can't walk down the fucking street because there's a hundred thousand people around him. Joe Biden, people are throwing fucking fruit at him like they did in the middle ages. There you go, right there. That's exactly what happened. And people are like, oh, we just got a bunch of votes in, dude. Like, how can you look at this, dude? Listen, people knew that this was cheating, and they went along with it because their candidate won't.


Mm hmm. 100%. Now they do.


They put people on a domestic terrorism list for questioning. This.


Yeah. Now, in another move, man, and I don't know if you've seen this, but this is, this is something new that just came out, is, you know, you mentioned you can't even question it. You can't question it. You can't talk about it. You know, the, we all know that the rise of independent media like ourselves has been on a major rise across the country because nobody believes mainstream media anymore. And so even with that, they are now charged, trying and attempting to suppress the independent news like us. Spotify just came out their new guidelines. This headline reads, Spotify gears up to silence political opponents under guise of election integrity.


Political opponents, too.


Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. So Spotify's platform, quote, unquote, revolutionized content streaming, as Spotify likes to remind us, quote, we are the world's most popular streaming subscription service with more than 615 million users. The now sweet and base Spotify is positioning itself as a gatekeeper of election information, rolling out a massive censoring machine targeting what the streaming giant deems as, quote, disinformation. Just in time for a us presidential election that has big money leftists uniting to keep former President Donald Trump from returning to the White House. Sound familiar? So on May 31, they revealed this, this plan that they have, I'm informing the world, quote, how Spotify is protecting election integrity in 2024. The plan sounds a lot like what big tech driven by constitution devouring federal agencies did in 2020. Election social networks and Internet providers shut down content claimed to contain disinformation, misinformation, and the Orwellian sounding mal information, suppressing information from primarily conservatives criticizing and in many cases, debunking official information. As we now know, much of the censored content wasn't wrong. There was inconvenient truth to the swamp powers bent on interfering in the election, and now Spotify is doing the exact same thing.


So they've updated their policy. They've never had one before. Now they do. So they will be monitoring all content related to this and deeming it election interfering content. So that comes with another swole of censorship.


So how? So are they censoring pro Biden? Shit.


You know, if I was a betting man, if I was a betting man, I'd probably say, no, dude, there's.


This is a bigger problem than just Spotify. This is a problem where the town square, the public conversation and dialog has shifted from in person over the last 15 years, where you would go to a restaurant or you go to a bar, you'd go to a rally, you talk to people, to online, which has created in a network of gatekeepers that is very small, that are all in cahoots together. They're all friends. The people who own all the big tech, all the media, all the streaming services. There's like 50 people we're talking about here. You can fit them all in a very small room. All right? And these people now control free speech globally. So there has to be some sort of reformation happening within our government system to fix that problem, because free speech can't exist if it's controlled by a small group of people like that.


Right? So, I mean, that's like. That's my. Quite. Like, who. Who deems something as the truth? What makes it the truth?


I had this discussion with a buddy of mine who's all you know about AI and shit. And he's like, the best thing about AI is that there's no misinformation. I'm like, well, who programs AI? Let's ask AI some. Some. Some biased questions and see what it says. Because all of AI is programmed to sympathize with the progressive left in almost every case, right? Ask it about transgender. Ask it about white people. It'll tell you how evil white people are. Asking about black people won't tell you shit. It'll say, oh, I can't respond to that.


No, huh? Saints?


No, I'm just saying there's all kinds of bias written into the program, and, you know, so your question is correct. What is truth? And that's the point. Like, if you go back and look at 1984 by George Orwell, that's the point of what we're dealing with. We're dealing with the disillusion of truth so that nobody can really know what truth actually is. And remember this phrase that's been going around for the last decade or so? My truth? There is no such thing as your truth. It's the truth. There is a fucking reality, and then there is everything else. And you don't get to decide what your truth is against the truth of the world. This is what the trans community fails to understand. They don't understand. You are what you are born as, okay? You are going to be what you were born as genetically your entire life, and there's no way to change it. And because you want to live your life as a different gender, you expect everybody else to go along with you, and you expect everybody else to bend their reality to fit, quote, unquote, your truth. Well, your truth is not true and everybody else knows it.


And then you try to tell everybody that they're bigots or they're bad people or they're pieces of shit because they don't want to go along with your false reality. Okay? And I'm not saying this to be impolite. This isn't about politeness. It's if a grown adult wants to live however they live, I don't give a shit. But when you start bringing it into schools and you start bringing it into kids faces and you start jamming it down everybody's throat, people are going to have a problem with it and they're going to say, you know what, I was being nice to you before because I felt bad for you, but now that you're acting like this, fuck off. And that's what's happening.


Yeah, 100%, man. It's just so crazy, man. It's, you know, now I don't know what the repercussions of the Spotify's move moves.


When did this happen?


So they announced the policy on the 31st, but nobody really paid attention because it wasn't, you know, why would they want this to get out? But now it's trying to pick up a little traction today when we started recording.


So how. How are they going to what?


What are they, swedish based company?


Well, they already do this on fucking YouTube, bro.




They already do this. People don't understand that. They will censor any show right now and throttle the traffic of any show that talks about Biden, Trump, fucking anything election wise, anything whatsoever. They will. They will censor the show. Why do you think our fucking traffic on our YouTube, on QNaf, which has one fifth the comments, has tripled the traffic as our fucking CTI episodes. They already do this. Now they're gonna start doing it on fucking Spotify on podcast platforms. Okay, so we can't talk about anything.


Well, that's the thing. It's like, that's the whole point of, like, bro, it's elections. Like, people should be able to not only talk about what they think is gonna happen and what their beliefs are, but they should be able to hear other people's beliefs.


They don't want that, bro. They want to reward content. That's mindless. They want to reward content that's like, how many boogers can I pick in 24 hours? You know what I'm saying? Look, watch this Lamborghini go through the fucking shredder. Like, this is mindless, moronic fucking content that's getting rewarded with billions of views, whereas the most important issues of our whole entire world get censored. And that goes along with the idea of they want us fucking uneducated and they want us stupid. They don't want us knowing what's going on. Hey, guys, forget the fact that we're stealing all your money. Forget the fact that we're removing truth from society. Forget the fact that we're not going to be held accountable. Forget the fact of all these other things that affect your day to day to day life. Look at a Lamborghini going through the wood chipper. See, that's what the fuck is going on here. They're intentionally trying to dumb down society by rewarding content that is mindless over content that actually helps people understand what's going on because that might go against their agenda.


Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. That being said, let's get to our final headline. Headline three. Headline three reads, Biden administration secretly tells border Patrol to release migrants into United States despite Biden's executive order.


Well, Ted Cruz said this was going to happen last night long. I'm not a, I'm not a, I'm not a Ted Cruz fan. I'm not a fan of any of these politicians outside of Eric Schmidt and Andrew Bailey, who are my homies squad? Yeah, they are. They're fucking real patriots.


Real patriots, bro.


Ted Cruz said this. He said, you're going to see over the next four or five months, you're going to see Biden come out and say all this shit about how he's locking up the border. He's securing the border only to buffer the resistance that he's been feeling and get people to believe that this is going to be the way they're going to lock the border up. Finally, you know, we got enough people here. Their, their story is going to be, we got enough people here to fill the jobs. Everything's going to be okay. And then if they win the election or they cheat the election, however they remain in power, they're going to open the border right up again. Ted Cruz said this on national tv and he got laughed at, but this is exactly what he said. He said they're going to come out, they're going to make a symbolic gesture to close the border, and then they're going to let the migrants come in anyway.


Exactly what's happening?


Dude, listen, I'm not a Ted Cruz guy. I legit, like, half the shit he says. I'm like, bro, what the fuck? Like, you're so you. You come on here and Rand Paul, you guys come on here, and you sound real good. What the fuck are you actually doing?




You know what I mean? But he said this. He said exactly what's happening.


Yeah. And that is exactly what's happening. The president, Joe Biden's administration has instructed us border patrol agents to release illegal aliens into the United States from all but six of the more than 100 countries in the eastern hemisphere rather than deport them. The Washington examiner obtained the memo that border Patrol agents were given by Biden officials, which comes immediately after Biden signed a weak executive order on immigration last week that he claimed would shut down the border if it became overwhelmed, even though he had previously said that he couldn't do it. Numerous officials, elected leaders and security experts have warned that Biden's executive order solves nothing and is little more than window dressing. The instructions the board of agents were given contradicts what senior Biden administration officials told reporters in a call on Tuesday would be the case for migrants from eastern hemisphere countries who travel through multiple countries without seeking asylum in order to reach the US, referred to as extra hemispheric migrants. So Anna Giatrelli, she is the one that came out on this report. Yeah. They limited six countries that's not allowed to come in.


Did they say which ones they are?


Here it is. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Moldova.


No China.


No China. No Venezuela. No Iraq.


It's bullshit.


Yeah. This is the actual memo from. From the actual border at patrol agent. Yeah, so, yeah, Andy, we got on this.


I mean, nothing. I don't have anything more. I've been saying the same shit for fucking four years. Now. Listen, until we get engaged and until you guys stand up and until you guys stop thinking that people like me and other people are gonna carry the water here and just speak up, you know, any messages I get on a daily basis from people are like, bro, I'm so thankful that you're speaking up. And then I go to their page and I said, shit. Okay, until you get engaged, until you speak up, until you stand up, until you take some fucking action, nothing's going to change. Nobody's coming. Nobody's coming to save you. Trump's not going to ride in on his white horse. Nobody's behind Trump. We are in legit danger of losing this fucking country forever. And you. You guys think that, like, you know, a couple podcasters and some, you know, people who don't. What happens when they start banning those people off the Internet? Because that's the next move after this election. People like me, people like Joe Rogan, we're going to get eliminated from the Internet, okay? Just like they're doing to Alex Jones.


Then what? Then what are you going to do? Okay? Posting memes doesn't get it done. Posting some comments on Twitter doesn't get it done. Getting engaged in real life gets it done. Taking action. Getting involved in your community. I can't come to your community and go to your school board meetings. I can't come to your community and get involved in who's running the local offices or the state offices or the county offices. I can't do that. Joe Rogan can't do that. Other people, you follow these people online, the patriots, they can't do that either. You have to do it. I've said this a hundred times, all right? They want you fat so that you have to take their medicine when you're sick, okay? So what can you do? Be fit so you don't have to take their medicine. They want you fat so you have to lay at home and watch their streaming services pay for all the shit, make a bunch of money. What should you do? You shouldn't do that, okay? They want you stupid. They want you watching Lamborghini shredder videos instead of understanding what the fuck is going on. You shouldn't do that, okay?


They want you to treat your neighbors like shit. They want you to treat anybody who looks differently than you like shit. Shouldn't do that either. We have to be the opposite of everything that they want. We have to be strong, wealthy, intelligent, hardworking, unafraid, courageous american people. The people who built this motherfucking country. We need to become. That is our time to do that. What else do we need to do? Oh, we need to get engaged in our local systems. We need to get engaged in our local politics. We need to get engaged in what's actually going on in our communities. If we don't do that, we will lose, period. Your kids will be fucking slaves. And I don't mean slaves like we're slaves, where they're just taxing us a lot. I'm talking about actual slaves. So, like, I don't understand where the disconnect here is this. People have to get engaged. They have to get involved when it comes time to vote, you should be taking fucking five people with you to vote that would never, not normally go vote. These are things we have to do. These are obligations as a citizen for us to fucking do and participate in.


People have died for us to protect what they have created for us and our generation. And when I say our generation, I don't just mean mine. I mean the entire group of Americans that exist right now. We have lost sight of the fact of the price that has been paid for us to have this country. And we are doing an abysmal job of protecting what has already been created for our benefit, which means we're failing the future generations of Americans. So instead of burying your head in some porn or in some fucking video games or in some Netflix, why don't you get your fat ass together, start making some money, get fit, get healthy, treat people right, do the right thing, get engaged in your community, and start being an american that other Americans could be fucking proud of. That is what needs to happen. Because unless we fix the culture, we can't fix anything. That's the reality. Everybody thinks there's some thing that's going to happen. Okay, let's say there is some revolutionary force that comes in and takes over and fucking says, all right, America's going to be awesome. America ain't going to be awesome until its individual people are awesome.


And its individual people have been beat down so hard, socially, culturally, and physically and mentally, that they don't believe they can even be great anymore. We have a bunch of people who are fucking. We have 500 pound people on health magazines, okay? The propaganda couldn't be any more in your face. Why do you think they promote body positivity the way that they do? Why do you think they promote being humble the way that they do? Because they don't want you to have any money, bro. They want you to villainize people who have money because they know if you don't have any money, then you're. You have to fucking use them to survive. All of this shit fits together. Until people start realizing this and taking an actual individual responsibility for representing what the citizens of this country are supposed to represent, nothing will change. And there's enough people that listen to this podcast. If everybody took initiative to do what I'm talking about, we would create the change that needs to happen in this country. At least in this country.


I know that guys jumping on this conversation, let us know what your thoughts are. Let us know down in the comments. With that being said, let's do our final segment. Of the show, we got thumbs up or dumbs. Fuck this one. Bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. That being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck reads why North Korea launched another salvo of trash balloons towards the south. Have you seen this?


Yeah, I did, but they did it again.


Oh, they haven't stopped.


Okay, stop.


So cold war era tactics are in vogue again at the world's most heavily armed border. In recent days, North Korea has sent roughly 1300 balloons carrying plastic bags full of cigarette butts, scraps of used paper and cloth, and other trash towards the demilitarized zone that separates it from South Korea. They fail to mention these trash balloons also carry shit. Like human shit. They are. Filled them up with shit floating. These are. The most recent salvo came overnight Saturday, when 80 of the 330 or so balloons wafted into South Korea. Here's a couple of pictures of these trash balloons. I love how they're in, like, explosive gear. Making sure. Yeah. So far, the south is. The south korean authorities have found nothing hazardous in the materials dumped by north. The South's military dismissed initial reports that the North Korea balloons were carrying human waste. But they actually, they're just lying. They definitely, like, there's plenty of pictures that show that diapers are filled with shit and put in those bags. But the response from the south is also unusual. It's turning on its loudspeakers on the border to bombard North Korea with k pop. That's their response.


Isn't that like, their backstreet boys?


Open. Gundam, star, Houston trash. We send you music, make your people happy and dance. This is the most, like, this is the most respectful.


No, this is like, legit, like a neighbor feud. Like, I'm gonna throw my fucking my. I'm gonna throw my beer can over your fence. You're gonna play your music loud back.


You'd be listening to nickelback now. How about that?


That's right. Everybody loves nickelback. People that don't are liars. Him that K pop.


No, that's. That's what's his name? That's a Gangnam style. I don't fucking sigh is his name. Yeah, they just started blasting sigh and all. North Korean started dancing, huh?


Well, hey, man, look, this is no different than what our own government does. This is actually better than what our own government does to us in the US. You know, I wonder if over there in South Korea, they have headlines that say, look at what they do to people in the US. They fucking make them work their balls off, they take half their money, then they fucking poison their water, then they fucking put vapors in the sky, and then they tell them they're fucking free. And they all laugh. Is that what happens over there, cuz? Like, bro, like, I mean, I. We get worse than music played at us.


Yeah, that's true. Game styles, the shit, too. There's a good song.


I don't even know it.


You know that song?


No, I don't, bro. I swear I don't. I don't, I don't. But y'all believe you know that song? Should I know that? When was that?


Like 2016?


Yeah, see, I was working.


I was in high school.


Yeah, well, I was working. I don't fucking. I don't know.


Okay, all right.




Anyway, what do we got on this?


I mean, I give a thumbs up because it's better than what happens to us here, you know? Would you rather have chemicals in your water vapor trails in the sky and half your money stolen? Or would you rather have your government throw a bag of trash in your yard once a week?


I'll be okay with the trash.


Me, too.


I'd be okay with the trash.


Yeah, I think everybody would.


So I'll take the k pop.


Yeah. People loves it. People need to wake. No, he doesn't. People need to wake up. People need to wake up to the amount of abuse that our own government puts on us.


It's bad a women's syndrome, bro.


Yeah, well, it's ignorance to think that's what we're going to. If you tell. Look, man, if you tell people they're free over and over and over again, over and over and over again their whole entire lives for 40 fucking years, 30 years, 20 years, they're gonna believe it. You see, like, you. You. If you took a person and you put them in a room and you came in every single day for their whole life, they never left the room, ever. And you came in and you said, how are you enjoying your freedom? This is amazing, isn't it? And they were nice to you, and then every once in a while, they gave you, like, a good dinner, and every once in a while, they let you do something cool, and you're like, fuck, dude, how cool is freedom? Would you believe it? And that's us. That's what we're living like. The concept of freedom 240 years ago was a very noble concept. But over the last 240 years, like, all free societies has been corroded by tyrants. And if you read the constitution and you read what our country is about, these people thought of these things.


But the solution to that was to make the constitution something that the citizens didn't understand. And now we have an entire citizenship that doesn't even understand what our country was founded upon. Thinking that we live in the greatest country in the world. When we factually do not, we statistically do not. That's not reality. I love America. I believe in what America could be. I'm not. When I look at the american flag and I say, that's our fucking flag. I believe in what that flag should and could represent, not what it currently represents. There's a big difference. It's okay to look at your own house and say, I don't fucking like my house right now. I'm gonna fix it up and make it nice. And that's what we need to do as american citizens. We need to start realizing that we have been lied to. And we've not just been lied to a little bit, we've been lied to a lot. All right? Maybe even more than I understand. Maybe it's a lot more. We don't know how bad it is because everything's a lie. We're kept in the dark about everything. Who gets to decide what we can and can't know.


Why is there such a thing as classified information? Why are secrets kept from us? Because these people are doing such bad shit that they feel the need to do that. Because they knew if we knew what the fuck was going on, we'd do something about it. And that needs to change. We need leaders who are comfortable with transparency. We need leaders that will go in there and be like, yeah, you want to know? Here's what it is. Here's what it is. Here's what it is. Here's what I'm going to do to fix it for the betterment of all of us. That's what we need.


It's real, man. Guys. Andy. That's all I got.


All right, guys, don't be a ho.


Show the show flow. Now my jury pops froze fuck up bow. Fuck a stove counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got her own bank row can't fold just a no headshot case cloth close.