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What is up, guys?


It's Andy for selling. This is the show for the real estate about the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking Reality, guys. Today, we have Andy and DJ Cruz, the motherfucking Internet. That's what we're going to That's what CTI stands for, Cruise the Internet. We're going to put topics on the screen. We're going to talk about what's going on. We're going to speculate on what's true and what's not true. And then we're going to talk about how we, the people, have to be the solution to the problems going on in the world. We're just going to get right into it today. I don't feel like doing rest.


Okay. All right. Yeah.


So what's this? What is this?


What's that?


This display. Oh, you got... Oh, is that how it goes? Is Is that the new one?


What's that?


Is that your new one?


Oh, this? Yeah.


See, this is why people should watch on YouTube. What?


Pinkies up. I'm going to do this the whole show. Yeah.


Just wait till I take it away. What are those other two?


It's the before headline number one. I think we start with this. This is the original grape joke. What was the joke? A grape soda joke. Abandon your kids. You guys can find that episode 7, He won at 4 minutes and 3 seconds in.


I didn't get them that one. Who did that? I don't know who did it.


I promise you I didn't.


So he mailed that in? Yeah, so it's fraudulent.


I didn't do it.


Wait, are you being serious?


I really don't know who... I'm like, Yo, thanks for the trophy.


Who do you think it was? We can a little bit.


I have no idea. I have an idea. They must have saw it in summer smush. I know who it was. I have an idea.


I know who was. Say it at the same time.


One, two, three, because I had. Quintin. Quintin?


Yeah. Oh, I could see that. Yeah, Quint would do that.


Well, thanks, Quint. Somebody values me.


You think Syed got you a trophy? I mean, I thought it might have been like a- Syed fucking hate you, man. If you're drinking that, there might be poison in it. He's going to be dead in 30 minutes. Huh? He's going to be dead in 30 minutes. Yeah. Let's get the show in.


Yeah, that's it. Just put that up there.


That's cool.


Where'd the dick one go?


I just want to remind you, you might have three little cups, but I got the two dick goat.


That's true. It will never be the same.


That's right. Two dicks. That right there. That'd be problems, man.


You know, there's animals that have two dicks. Reptiles.


They're trans animals. No, they have like-Tran animals.


It's cool because they can go around on each side, you know what I'm saying? Like whatever side they want to lay on and just put it in there. Fun fact, of the day.


Well, let's get on with the show. Don't forget to pay the fee. We don't run ads on the show because I don't want to be told what to do by a bunch of fucking nerds. So make sure you tell people about the show. We're always getting sensors, shadow ban, traffic throttled. I need your help. Dj needs your help, and we all need your help. So please share the show. Don't be a hoe. Share the show. All right.


All right, well, let's get into it, man. Got a problem. Trianimals. Trianimals? Trianimals.


Trianimals are causing all the fucking problems.


Listen, we got to talk about your people, man.


My people?


Yeah, your people.


Who is my people?


Chuck Schumer.


That's not my fucking people. That's really not my people. Bro, did you see that shit? I'm white. He's white. No, he is Jewish. That is different.


Okay. That is not the same thing. The Jewish is not a race.


Well, it's not white either. They think... Look, it's when it's convenient. You know what I'm saying? When white people do good shit, which is never, they're white. When white people do fucked up shit, they're Jewish. That's the truth. Then all the black people are like, Oh, you white motherfuckers do this. It's like, Bro, that ain't us.


It's them. That makes sense. That makes perfect sense. Did you see this shit?


That's how I claim my blackness when I get you all that for stuff.


Unless we're stealing some shit. You're the part of it.


No, when I could just take shit off the fucking... I go down to Wally's and just take shit. They're like, It's okay, I'm Black.


Nobody suspects a thing.


They don't give a fuck. They're like, Oh, okay, sir. All right. Did you see this? So we got all the racism out of the way. No, not really. We got a lot more.


We got more, for sure.


I didn't see this. Oh, I did see this. Did you see this, bro? Yeah, you sent it to me, didn't you?


I don't know. I may have.


I got it. Listen, I'm no Grillmaster 5,000, but what the fuck is this?




Dude, he just throws the cheese on a frozen patty. Bro, you know what it is? You know what this dude is? And you know what these fucking fuckers are? Evil? No, besides that.


That's some evil shit, bro. Where's the seasonal? That's my issue. That's just beef. That's just raw beef.


Well, dude, this is the problem, right? This is what the... Everything's a photo op. These people are 90-year-old internet influencers. Hey, let me just make sure I do this and take a picture of me doing that. It's like all these bitches- Let's go to the capital space. Yeah, it's like all these bitches, they go to dinner and then have someone tape them doing a walk. They're walking down a fucking fashion runway. It's like, Bitch, you're at dinner. You're about to eat an applebee. I know their place. Imagine if your whole life revolved around Hey, let me stand here and take my picture doing it. Maybe we should start playing the game. Let's do it. Anyway, the wieners look cooked.


The glizzies are cool. The glizzies are all right. But, bro, I swear, if I ever went to anybody's fucking house and I pull up, and there's this shit going on.


Don't lie, you're eating, bro.


I'm not eating. Bro, I'm not eating that.


The evidence says otherwise.


Now, listen, I'm cool with it. Oh, that's a trophy. All right. What? All right.


You said that was my people, motherfucker.


Look, there's no season in.


That's a fair statement.


That's not my people.


Well, it ain't mine either.


You're going to have high cholesterol leaving our places. I don't know what... I'm calling a cop.


Whatever part of blackness I got, I got the food part, too. You do. Let's just say that.


I'm calling the police. I'm calling the police. That's fucking evil.


Because I don't eat pig's feet and shit.


I don't eat that stuff. Pigs feet? Alex do, though. No, she doesn't. She does. From the root of to the tooda.


The what?


That's what they call it. From the root of to the tooda. The whole pig. The whole pig. Nose, ears, bro. It's fucking nasty. What's that?


I don't know what the fuck that is.


Oh, bro, listen. Is that good? It's pig intestines.


Is it good?


I don't fuck no. It smells like shit.


Why do people eat that?


I don't fucking know. I don't know. I don't eat it. That's the white side of me. I don't eat that shit, bro. Fuck no.


All right.


But yeah, man, I think dumb ass of the Day goes to Schumer for sure.


He deleted it. He's dumb ass of the fucking century.


I love that he tried to get in a clown on Twitter. He takes it down.


He just deleted it. But he could talk on anybody and say everybody's a terrorist and all this shit. Fuck that guy. I hope he fucking croaks.


I hope he got fucking Ecoli. Uncooked meat. Yeah, I hope he gets Ecoli.




The glizzis do look good, though. The glizzies are all right.


They're probably fake. They're probably like them, fake.


The commercial glizzies, bro.


Yes, that looks fake. They got perfect little grill marks on them. It's like your grandma had that fake fruit on her fucking...


The plastic fruit. You know what I'm saying? Reptilians don't get Ecolar.


Yeah, no shit. No shit. They eat anything. Fuck, man. He's telling on himself, bro. He's a reptilian.


He just looks.


Look at his face.


Oh, man. Let's zoom in on that.


That's the sound he's making. Eat my meat. Come on over here, DJ. Get yourself one of these burgers.


One of these burgers. Eat my meat.


You might have saw one on your... Oh, you can't use a computer. All right, let's move on from This turd.


All right, man. Dumb ass of the day. Guys, let's get into these headlines, remember.


God, dang, man. What? This first formed grape is some good shit. Yeah, it's a good thing I don't have any because I leave them. All right, let's go. This is some good shit, though, for real, man. That's fucking good, man. This is the number one flavor, bro. Oh, for sure. Yeah, and then orange. This is the new king.


I think second place, we can still talk about it.


What do you think second is?


Second is definitely blue-race.


You think so?


Yeah, for sure.


You guys like blue-race? No, it's the green one. The green is underrated, bro. That still tastes like- That tastes like Diet Mountain Dew to me, bro. Or Mountain Dew, whatever. I like Diet Mountain Dew. I think it's better than regular Mountain Dew.


Anyway. Oh, Tropic Lightning.


Oh, yeah. Tropic Lightning is good, man. That's top three for sure. For sure.


Tropic Lightning. Come on, man. Guys, if you want to see any of these pictures, headlines, videos, go to andyfussella. Com. You guys can find them link there. With that being said, let's get to our first headline, man. I don't even know how to go. Let's just get into it. Fuck it. White House defends Biden after a video shows him freezing up at Hollywood fundraiser being led off stage by Barack Obama. Did you see that video? Yeah. It's pretty bad. It. And everybody's seen it. And this is what we talk about. They will lie straight to your fucking face. Everybody has seen this video by now. We have the clip, of course, if you guys have not yet. But everybody's seen the video. And what's their knee-jerk reaction? Is to lie and defend it that it didn't happen, even though millions of people by now have already seen this. So let's dive into this. So the White House is again defending Joe Biden from the appearance of dementia on the world's stage after videos were posted late Saturday night showing Biden freezing up at a Hollywood fundraiser and then being led off stage by Barack Obama.


Here's the clip. That's the clip. Clearly shows him freezing. But Andrew Bates, who's a spokesperson, decided to tweet this out. He says, Fresh off being fact-checked by at least six mainstream outlets for lying about Ed Pottis with cheap fakes. Rupert Murdoch's sad little Superpack, The New York Post, is back to disrespecting its readers and itself. Once again, their ethical standards could deal with a little unfreezing. Then follow that up by saying, By pretending the President is taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong. All they are really admitting is, once again, is they can't take on the leadership that's fueling the strongest economic growth in the world and bringing violent crime to a 50-year low. That's That's the defense.


So he was just- Wait, wait, wait. So this dude here is saying, first of all, there's a lot here. How much more do you have?


Yeah, I mean, just some new data. I know what you have. We can pause here.


I already know what you have. You know why? Because I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Let me tell you what it is. Number one, it's very clear that Barack Obama is running the show. Number two, I bring bigger crowds than those two fuckers together. That's a fact. Number three, which I should. Number three, the strongest economic growth. All right, motherfucker. Well, let's talk about that for a second. You got that? You got that data? Oh, you don't need it because I know it. All right? Here it is. You can't count closing the country, eliminating jobs, closing companies because of a vaccine and a lockdown that the media and the Democrats Democrats colluded to create, and then that coming back as record job growth. That means that we could just wipe everything out today, and then we could say, Oh, the new stuff, that's record growth. No, it's not record growth. It is the result of the actions they took during 2020 and 2021 that they are now posturing to pretend like it's growth. And what's weird is we have all these people on the Internet who say, Oh, look how great the economy is doing.


These people are so misinformed. I don't know what to say. But anyway, the point is, it's not the strongest economy ever. Otherwise, we wouldn't have debt at an all-time high and savings at an all-time low. We wouldn't have the inflation we have. We wouldn't have interest rates where they are. There's a whole bunch of things. Do you guys feel like it's the strongest economy that you've ever been in? How's your paycheck doing? How does that feel? How's How does it feel to be told that we're in the strongest economy ever and your money is going 20 to 25% less as it was in 2020? How does that feel? You're just a misspender. You're just irresponsible with your money, right? Because that's what they're telling people. They're telling people, Hey, you're not responsible with your money, and so that's why you're poor. No, it's because they're making you poor, and then they're trying to convince you that it's you. Secondly, Twenty-five % less reporting of violent crime across the country by the crime statistics. That's interesting. And by the way, the crime that they do report when they report it being Hispanic, they're chalking up two white people.


So crime is down, but white crime is up.


Right. Weird. Yeah.


Was that close?


Yeah, you're spot fucking on. Because the thing is, guys, you got to understand how actual crime reporting works. There's local police departments, right?


You have this shit, right?


A crime goes in. Yeah, I can pull up the map for you. A crime happens, and that local agency tracks that crime. They put it to their statistics, their arrest records, and things like that. Now, there's typically always, give or take, about 5% that do not actively engage in a formal electronic tracking program. The way it works is that local PD, they report Report to their state. Highway Patrol, typically. Highway Patrol reports to FBI.


Normally, we have 95% reporting.


Typically, right. Then the ones that are not reporting, we're talking about these are small little departments scattered around in these small little places.


Hazard County.


Yeah, exactly. You know what I'm saying? Nobody really... There's not a lot going on there anyway, but pretty much for the most part, everybody reports. Everybody's reporting in. But that has not been the case. We got the data to prove it just here recently. Let me pull this map up for you guys.


This is how fucking stupid they think people are, bro. I will be honest, a lot of people are this stupid because you see them repeating this shit on the internet.


Yeah, here it is. Just in 2022, there was a total of a little bit over 6,000 agencies that submitted zero data. That's 32% of all police agencies did not report any data for 2022. That's a shit ton. Yeah.


So 70%, 68% reported versus 95% normally. And crime's down.


Now look at the department.


Do you feel like crime is down? Right.


Where's those reporting?


How about all you motherfuckers that live in LA and San Francisco and New York? You guys feel like crime is down? Let us know.


Right. Well, that's the thing. The crime is obviously not down. It's not stopping. Nobody's stupid. But because they're not reported Reporting this, and I want to know who made that decision to not report it because these are agencies- The same people who made the decision to tell people that the economy is the best it's ever been.




They're just not reporting it, which makes it appear on paper as if crime is down, but that's not the case. Everybody knows that's not the case. This is the actual truth.


More crimes about to be committed.


This is the truth, man. Andrew Bates is a complete dumbass. Nobody's stupid.


No, people are stupid. Listen, we're not stupid, depending on who you ask. Some of you motherfuckers watch the show just to call us stupid. That's okay. You're stupid, too. But do we really see people on the internet echoing these things? It's so weird, man, because It feels like there's people that just want to be right. They don't want their life to improve. They don't want things to get better. They don't want more money in their bank account or less crime or more safety. They want to be right. They just want to say, My guys, my team, my party, my candidate is right. That is not productive to any solution for anyone. It's weird, dude, because we see people parroting these points over and over and over again on the internet, and I'm just like, Dude, what are you... I know you know what just happened. I know you could see it. I've had these little with people I know, and they're like, Oh, the economy. I'm like, this, this, this. I name off a couple of things. They're like, Yeah, but. No, but.




No. Your life is shitier than it was four fucking years ago. And if it isn't, it's because you were shit then, and you're shit now, and you're not doing anything. And it's not my responsibility as a citizen of this country to fund your shitty lifestyle. There was a time in this country where everybody was expected to contribute. Everybody was expected to have a job. Everybody was expected to pay their bills, take care of their families, and be a pillar of their community. Now, what we expect, those people are expected to pay for the shittiest fucks in the entire society. And then nobody wants to pay for it. And by the way, when we go out in public, those people harass us, Fuck with us, break our car, steal our shit, but let's give them our money. Like, bro, we got to get back to this shit, dude. There has to be a system put in place for people who do not contribute to not have a say in what we do in this country. Those people should not be allowed to vote. If you weren't contributing and you didn't have a job and you don't get a tax return, what are you going to vote for?


You're going to vote for other people's money to make its way into your pocket.


Through program incentives, through government incentive.


That's correct. And what incentive does the average American have to go out and work knowing that they're going to be tax-raped for these people who aren't doing shit? There is no incentive, and that's the point. The point is to remove the incentive of the working class, the people who take pride in being independent and contributing and have responsibilities to themselves, their community, their family, the culture, the country, and remove that incentive so that everybody says, Fuck it, and just depends on the government, which creates a communist system. That's what's happening. And because people are afraid to speak up, and because they've been bullied, and because they've been harassed, they're still afraid to speak up, when in reality, the people that they're speaking up is less than a 1% of the entire population. And if we all spoke up and we all said, Hey, this is enough. If you're not contributing to this, fuck off. You don't get a chance, you don't get to vote. Why does a felon… Doesn't a felon lose their right to vote? Why does a felon lose their right to vote, but people who don't pay taxes can vote?


Both are not contributing to society. Yeah, why is that?


You see what I'm saying? It doesn't make sense. No, it makes zero sense. People don't think about it, man. They don't talk about it enough. No.


You got that gaffe that happens, right? He's freezing again. This is happening more and more. It's almost daily now, right? We know we got the debates coming up here shortly in a couple of weeks. Now, there's an interesting play that's being ran right now. We are very familiar with this play because they ran it against a good buddy of ours, Eric Griton's. This mass media campaign to try to... We're talking about dumping tens of millions of dollars into certain demographics to repeat these ads. And so Biden's campaign, they just came out. They announced a $50 million advertising blitz, highlighting Trump's conviction. Now, mind you, this little fundraiser thing they just did here, they allegedly raised $24 million here. So two of these events or the equivalent of two of these events, they're putting all into a one campaign ad that's targeting Trump. President Joe Biden's re-election campaign is spending $50 million In two weeks in a blitz that includes its first television ad, trumpeting Donald Trump's felony conviction and signals that the Democratic incumbent is seeking to make his Republican opponent's legal woes, a bigger issue heading into November. I thought it was interesting, too.


Out of that 50 million, only one million is being geared and targeted towards reaching Black, Hispanic, and Asian-American voters. So $49 million to target Why do you think that is?


It's weird. No. Why do you think only one million is geared towards Black voters? I don't know. Think about it.


Out of $50 million, because they know they lost it? No.


Because it's not a point to the Black voter, because how many Black voters know a felon? It's a pretty fucking regular thing. Their cousin, their family, their friend, their uncle. And by the way, what do most Black people feel about those people? They feel like the system has unjustly punished and made a felon out of those people. So these people understand that if we push that message to the Black community, it'll blow up in our face because all it does is reinforce the idea that the court system is fucking weaponized. That's smart. And then they say, Well, fuck, bro, that's what they do to us. And these people understand that. So what they're going to add... Yeah, right? Yeah. You see, that's what I do for a living. Here's another thing. It's the truth. I understand marketing. They don't-I understand your thinking about that angle. Here's the other thing. These motherfuckers don't understand. This is how fucking stupid they are. On one hand, they're smart. They're smart not to direct that to Black voters. On the other hand, they're stupid because they just saw Trump raise over $100 million off of his conviction. So if the data shows you that when you push this message out, it makes his support go up.


Now you're going to spend $50 million pushing that message out further? How fucking stupid are you guys?


But I'm glad they're stupid. Especially when it's very high likely that this case could get over Turn in the appeals court.


Listen, dude. No, it's highly unlikely. Did you look at the Supreme Court in New York?


What they're stacked up against? Yeah, I saw the picture. Yeah, I saw the picture. Let me tell you something.


It's an all-black women's Supreme Court. There it is. In New York.


Yeah. They're going to be getting their payback.


Every single one of them is left. Anyway, so good. Do it. Go remind everybody what the fuck you did to Trump. Push it out there. Because, dude, the people that believe it, they already believe it. You're not going to convince anybody else. Nobody's saying out here, nobody's going to say, Well, fuck, I guess he is guilty. I'm not going to vote for him. Nobody's going to say that. All this can do, all this can do is make people say, Fuck, look how hard these motherfuckers are trying to get this, dude. I'm not fucking voting for these people. That's all that can happen. That's too obvious, man. Listen, that's all that can happen. These people are dumb as fuck. Pretty smart to not market that to black people, though, and that's why they're doing it.


Yeah. No, it makes perfect fucking sense. Here's the ad. I got an exclusive video. Here's the ad.


In the courtroom, we see Donald Trump for who he is.


He's been Convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, and he committed financial fraud. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's been working, lowering healthcare costs and making big corporations pay their fair share. This election is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself and a President who's fighting for your family.


I'm Joe Biden, and I approve this.


I don't think he approved that message.


Dude, this is what you get when you get a bunch of fucking DEI leftist interns and marketing consultants. They're fucking morons, bro. They couldn't run a fucking snow cone stand. They couldn't run a single retail store of mine. Not for a day. Think about that. Those people run the country. Fuck, man.


Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments.


Who are these people in this picture? Who's that behind him?


I'm pretty sure that's one of his granddaughters or granddays.


That's a boy or a girl?




Yeah, that's what I figured.


Yeah, it's one of them.


What the fuck is they wearing? That's white people shit, bro. That's rich white people fucking clothes. Then Here's their conversation, bro. We got to get in with the Black people. I got an idea. We get a bucket of fried chicken. Dude, we go to the dinner and we can tape it. We can put it on TV. Dude, listen, people have no idea. Like, dude, you watch everyone. I know you don't watch it, but what's the dude's name? Charlemagne. Charlemagne the God. Reference Club. Bro, Joe Biden looked him in the fucking face and said, If you don't vote for me, you ain't black. And Charlemagne stepped back, and he's like, Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's a little outline, right? That's still not enough to open his eyes to what's going on, right? If you guys really understood how racist these people actually are, not a single Black person in this country, or a single mixed race, or a single Brown person would ever fucking vote for these people. Think of this. I want you to think of this. Now look at that kid. Go back. Look at what that kid's wearing. That kid's wearing a sweater around his fucking neck, jorts, and some fucking stupid ass shoes.


This guy came straight from fucking Delaware, or Martha's Vineyard, or Connecticut, or some shit like that, right? We don't even see people dressed like that around here. It looks like he just got off a sailboat, okay? Now, that's who these people are. No, I'm being serious. Listen to me. That's who these people are. These are ultra-rich, ultra-elite white people, okay? Who do not connect with black people in any way. And when they sit down and they say, Hey, how are we going to connect with black people? They legitimately come up with shit like, Dude, let's get fried chicken and go to a black family's house and let's shoot a commercial. I don't know how the black community doesn't see how they think. How blatantly honest it is. Yes. This is not a joke. They're racist or they just don't know. No, that's what they think. Now, if I sat around and I said, Hey, DJ, I got a PR problem, bro. Black people don't like me.


I got an idea, Andy.


I got an idea. Tell me what you think about We'll go to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Now, think about this. It'll work. We'll go to Kentucky Fried Chicken. I'll get a bucket of chicken, bro, and we'll go over to one of your cousin's houses, and we'll shoot a commercial, and we'll put it on YouTube, dude, and they'll love us. What do you think?


Are we doing an original or are we doing crispy?


Crispy, man. Fuck, man. But, dude, this is what they think. Think how fucking racist that really is. When they say shit- You're going to chose anything. Hold on. When Kathy Hochul says shit like, Black people don't know how to use a computer, or when they say shit like, Black people don't know how to get IDs to vote, bro, these people fucking hate Black people. They fucking hate them, dude. They hate them. And it's so bizarre because we see all these videos online of White Democrats going up to Black people. I saw this video. I don't know. Did you see that video of the Black couple in the airport at Detroit? You sent it to me. Yeah.


Yeah, I got that clip. This clip right here.




So me and Darrell were walking to the Blacks in event, right? We're walking across the street, and this White woman comes up behind us. And first, she asks us, Oh, is it always harder down here? Because we're in Detroit. Never been to Detroit before, but the first red flag was for assuming that we're from here. I'm assuming because we're Negroes.


Then she proceeds to tell us, Oh, you guys know shrimp is here. You better watch out.


I've seen a lot of white walking around with an American flag. You guys, be careful, guys.


Hate crime. How does she feel about the hate crime?


I'm offended. I feel threatened. I don't know how I'm going in my life. Little does she know we're on our ways to the convention.


Bro, but this is what these fuckers think, okay? Cathy Hochul, Joe Biden, all these people, this is what they think. And this is... Yeah, Hillary Clinton. Look at her fucking outfit. Like she's a fucking empress.


My Auntie had that couch.


Bro, look what she's wearing. And you tell me she doesn't think she's some... Dude, who would wear that? Under what circumstance would anybody... No, anybody I'm not going to wear that. Would your fucking grandma wear that?


I'm telling my Auntie had a couch to look just like that.


Bro, listen, I'm being serious. That is some fucking fucked up shit to wear. That would be me wearing a royal outfit and a cape and to a fucking event with suits. It sounds like a good idea, actually.


You'd probably pull it off.


But she thinks she's a fucking empress or some shit. Anyway, the point of the matter is, these people, Joe Biden, fucking Cathy Hochul, Hillary Clinton, all these people. And then all these upper middle class white women, this is how they think, dude. This is not an accident. This is not an accident. This is not, oh, it's just a slip of tongue. They think, Fuck, dude, fried chicken and fucking watermelon. That's what the fuck these people think. It's fucked up, man. And it's weird that people vote for him.


Yeah, it's super weird. I want to know who the fuck is still donating to him. You know what I'm saying? Because he's pulling in a lot of fucking money. We know he's not getting any actual fucking support. His donor numbers for people that are donating under $20, under $40. Is he They're nonexistent.


Where that's a huge part of Trump's money.


Massive amount. That even right there just clearly shows who has the fucking people.


Well, look, dude, it's all the people who are in danger of being lumped in with this far left progressive shit, this communist shit, which is what It is. It's Hollywood. It's these big corporations that are in bed with the World Economic Forum who are all about ESG and DEI, and they bought into this new globalization effort and New World Order of the World Economic Forum. It's those people because they're so far into the process. Imagine if you had spent tens of millions of dollars restructuring your company to be less competitive, meaning you're making all these regulations around ESG, you're making all these hires around DEI, meaning you're hiring people for the color of their skin, not how good they are. You've made your company less competitive, and you've spent hundreds of millions of dollars doing so. And you're in danger of that entire dynamic being dismantled. What's that worth for you to keep it?Whatever it takes.Whatever it costs. Because it'll crumble. The way a company is set up at that scale, it takes too long for them to undo that if their plan changes. So what we're really seeing here is a lot of big companies and a lot of industries like Hollywood and big business, like Fortune 100 companies.


These people are in danger of crumbling if the Democrats don't win because you can't readjust. If you've already hired-You can hire somebody for being black.


You can't fire for being black.


Okay, so how do you undo How do you undo this? If you're a company who's done this, how do you undo it? Not just black, either. I'm talking about anything.


I'm talking about anybody that was hired for any reason other than they were the best for the job.


How do you undo that? Well, you can't. And if the society changes, and the market changes, and the competitive landscape changes, those companies can't undo what they've already done fast enough to survive. So what you're seeing is a ton of money go to Biden in the hopes that it will keep them from having to try and readjust, which they won't be able to do.


No, they have to go all the way.


So what we're seeing is either the complete crumbling of all of these people and the complete revitalization of America and capitalism and competitive environment, free market economy, or we're going to see the total grasp of communism come in and the entire free market economy collapse. It's one of those two things.


Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, Andy, let's go check some of these out. I got two of them for you here today. As we cruise the comments, this first comment comes from @oldman9606. Can't find first-farm grape energy drink anywhere in Jacksonville, Florida. I need one because I'm trying to leave my wife.


Hey, go in your stores and ask for the drink.




Go into your local C-store, go into your local grocery store, go into your local nutrition store and say, Hey, you guys got first-farm energy drinks? Fucking ask for it. Because if you ask for it, they'll pick it up and they'll carry it right there for you.


Yeah, I think they got to be careful because in the areas for high crime, these are having- Well, they're not reporting crime. That's true.


It doesn't matter. That's true. Go in and ask for the drink, dude, and tell them if they don't have it, they should have it because it's the shit.


Yeah, it's real shit. It's real shit. Appreciate you, old man. Thank you. This next one comes from at Dustin Johnson. He says, I'd love to see some firearms content from you all. I know you all carry every day. Andy looks like a staccato guy. You know DJ is a Glock guy, and of course, he holds it sideways. All right.


I'm not a staccato guy. I don't have a staccato.


You don't have a staccato. They are fucking nice guns, though. They're really nice.


I don't own one.


It'd be nice if they made me one, though, like a special real AF.Dope.Badass one.


That'd be cool. Make me one with the-I'd probably talk about it on the show if they did.


You got to put the sights on the side for me, apparently.


Well, let's be real, man. I mean, we don't do firearms content. I'll tell you why we don't do it. We don't do it because Because I shoot better than DJ. I knew you were going to say something. We don't want to embarrass DJ. Got to protect his feelings. That's right. That's what it is? Yeah. That last time, you shot better than me, though.


It's been a few times.


There's been zero a few times. There's been one time. I was really bad last time you went outside.


Last time was really bad. I think it was a fucking gun.


I didn't say that. That's not what I said. I certainly didn't say that.


His fucking gun's broke, man. It's fucked up.


You know what? Those grape drinks make you fucking lie, too. That's the problem. Gun was fucked up. Let me see it, Andy.


Let me see the gun. Let me make sure the gun's all right. No, it only fucks up for me.


Now, that's a lie. That's a lie. All right, that's a lie.


Appreciate you guys for being real-ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting, and make sure you guys are subscribed. Hit that bell notification on the tube. Stay up to date with the latest episodes coming out of Real AF.


Yeah, share the show.


And don't be hosed.


Bring your friends to the show.


Let's have some Kumbaya.


Let's have some kumbaya.


Some Real AF parties. Yeah.


No s'mores. No s'mores.


This is just domestic terrorism conversations. Yes. That's it. Guys, let's keep this show moving. We got headline number two. This is an interesting one. Coming from our border state, Kansas. Coming straight out of a camp. Kansas starting to drop some cojones. Oh, really? Yeah, that's interesting headline. Headline reads, Kansas sued Pfizer over misrepresentations and adverse events of COVID-19 vaccine. This is interesting. This is some heat. What is in Kansas besides Vawn?




I don't think I've ever been to Kansas.


It's long and flat, bro.


Isn't that where Dorothy's from? From Wizard of Eyes and shit? Who?


Dorothy? Oh, yeah.


Wizard of Eyes. Okay. All right. So that's it.


I mean, I've driven through there a number of times. I can't tell you what's there. I have.


You have a bunch I lived in Kansas my whole life. It's great. Oh, yeah, sure. All right. So let's dive into this a little bit. So the state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc, for alleged consumer protection violations related to the company's manufacturer of the COVID-19 vaccine, saying the company marketed the shot as, quote, safe, even though it, quote, knew the vaccine was connected to serious adverse events. Pfizer misled the public that it had a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. The 69-page lawsuit filed Monday in the district Court of Thomas County alleges, Pfizer said as COVID-19 Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine was safe, even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public. The suit alleges, continues to go on and say, Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine wained over time and did not protect against COVID-19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public. The lawsuit alleges that the company's, quote, actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, regardless of whether any individual consumer ultimately received Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.


And it continues to say, quote, Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID-19 vaccine while concealing and suppressing professing the truth about its vaccine safety risk, waning effectiveness and inability to prevent transmission. They are hitting it on all heads here, coming straight out of Kansas. So the suit, it was filed by Republican Attorney General Chris Kovitch, who alleges that through the company's misrepresentations of the vaccine, it earned, quote, record company revenue of approximately $75 billion in just two years. Don't forget, there was about a billion of that that went to the media campaign just to push this stuff, and then about another billion dollars or so, or three quarters of a billion that went into the pockets of Fauci and his numb nuts. So the lawsuit alleges that millions of Kansians heard Pfizer's misrepresentations about its COVID-19 vaccine. For example, Pfizer administered 3.3 million Pfizer vaccine doses just in Kansas as of February seventh, 2024. This accounted for more than 60% of all vaccine doses in Kansas, the lawsuit alleges, citing the State's Department of Health data. And so they're bringing all of this in. This has a potential of being a big crime or Being a pretty healthy lawsuit.


I don't know what happens here, though. I don't know what happens here. Is there where we're talking restitution? Is the money going back to the families that were affected by this? We know They're starting to talk more and more about this COVID stuff. We're seeing how the countries do it.


I saw another country do it. They were talking about, I can't remember who it was, but they were talking about how they had some other versions of the vaccine from other companies in Europe, and then they outlawed all those versions and made everybody take the Pfizer shot. It was like, I can't remember who it was. Anyway.


Yeah, this is their AG.


That's him there.


Yeah. And do you know what I'm getting on this?


Well, first of all, shit. I'll say this. I still can't believe people even fucking got that shit. But when I think about it, and I almost wonder if they... I believe, personally, that a lot of people who took this are going to die. That's my personal belief. We're only two years out of this. What's going to happen in five years? What's going to happen in seven years? Remember when they tried to seal the data for 75 years? I think their plan is that there's going to be so many people that die that they're not going to have to deal with it.


By the time, nobody will even remember.


Well, I'm just saying, I think this is much worse and a much bigger thing than what we think it is right now.


It It just hasn't been enough time. Yeah.


That's my personal opinion. Dude, the amount of people that are dying now, and it's so bizarre that people aren't willing to even admit it. I still see this on the internet. You say things about this, and people are like, Oh, you're a fucking... Bro, the all-cause mortality rate across the globe is up 40 fucking %. And do you know where it's the lowest? It's the lowest in the countries that had the least amount of vaccines administered. And we could go through the list of things that are happening, myocarditis, turbo cancers, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And people still want to deny that this is happening. I think a lot of it is probably from fear. A lot of people are probably terrified. But I don't think we've even started to see the damage of what these people actually did. I think it's going to get much worse.


The crazy The big thing is, too, man, like I said, there was so much that happened in just those two beginning years, too, man, that people, I don't know if they tend to forget. I know there's a lot of information they just try to keep throwing out, so it gets lost on the wayside, man. But there was The part that always made me go like, Hey, this has to be bullshit, is because there was this global push, you had countries who were denying the vaccine from coming into their country get assassinated.


Yeah, leaders.


Leaders, like the one in Haiti, two days after he said that we're not doing the COVID vaccine here. He's assassinated.


That dude over there in Africa who ran the PCR test against a piece of kiwi, and it came back positive. To show that the cycle rate, and then they assassinated that dude.


And a couple of days later, he's gone. It was just the whole thing about it. I remember just the initial, the whole thing about it was just fucking weird. It didn't make sense. It did not make sense.


Do you see this shit in Mexico, bro? All these political candidates that got assassinated? Yeah. And then that woman, one who nobody knows who she is. She's not even Mexican. She's fucking Jewish. She's Jewish. That's fucking crazy, dude. Anyway, weird, man.


Good luck to this guy, man. Listen, You're going against an animal here.


Look, man, part of me thinks the people who didn't take it weren't supposed to take it. Dude, if we want to put on our Dr. Evil hats, and we say, Okay, let's just take it from their position. You and me run the Earth. It's just me and you.


Do I have to wear the pantsuits?


We both got Emperor outfits, bro. That's what you got to wear, apparently. Klaus Schwab wears them. Fucking Obama wears them. Fucking Hillary wears them. Like, bro, these people are not. They're not like us. They are different. They are fucking evil people. But let's just say we think like them. And we say, All right, we got to take... Because according to the Georgia Guidestone, which is apparently what these people all believe and follow, we've got about seven billion extra people on the planet. So So we got to reduce it down to about a billion or less.




So how are we going to do that? Well, who do we want to get rid of first? Because that's obviously going to be part of the conversation.


Well, we got to get rid of the strong people, patriotic people. Hold on.


The first part of the conversation is, who do we want to get rid of? We have to make that decision, right? If we were doing this. So if you were trying to create a successful society and reduce the population, and you didn't have any give a fuck about people at all. Who goes? Didn't care. Wouldn't it make sense that we would say, Okay, we're going to get rid of the weakest, dumbest, easiest to manipulate people? Because we don't want to be the people that are left because we're going to need to rebuild civilization with those people. Wouldn't it make sense that we're going to try and eliminate all the people who are easily manipulated, who are dependent on the governments, who are not very intelligent, they can't critically think? Wouldn't it make sense to get rid of all those people and keep everybody else?


Yeah, take care of a lot of people. Whoever falls for it, they just go.


That's what I'm saying. Because then who's left are the people who could critically think, and they can help contribute to the rebuilding of society globally.


We can probably get rid of a few more, too, doing some wars and shit here and there.


Yeah, but I'm just saying if I were Dr. Evil and I said, okay, just like running a company, bro. All right, we got to downsize the company. Who the fuck we getting rid of? We're getting rid of everybody who doesn't produce. We're getting rid of everybody who's not contributing. We're getting rid of everybody who's a drag. Keep the good ones. What you think these people are doing anything different? That's what makes me think. Because, dude, the people who didn't get it, contrary to what the media says. And by the way, there's a lot of evidence that says that these people didn't even get it themselves. They were taking fucking saline shots on TV.


And jailing other nurses for doing the same thing to regular people. Correct.


So that's where my mind starts to go when we start to break down who got it for what reason, and why do we give this to certain people.


And we were just supposed to shut up and not say nothing.


Yeah, or just endure it and wait until all the fucking cards fall. Jeez. Yeah.


I don't know, man. Guys, tell us what you guys think. Let us know down in the comments.


That's just pure speculation on my part. It's hard for me to put my mind frame around what these people think because I don't think like that.


No, that's some evil shit, man. Yeah. That's some evil shit. And good luck. Good luck, AG, coming out of Kansas, man.


Everybody else should be joining that. All the other AGs should be joining that.


Yeah, for sure. Guys, let's keep this show moving. We got headline number three, a third and final headline. Headline number three. We're going to start this one-off with a clip, man. Matt Kim, who we've had on the show, super awesome guy. He just does some really good breakdowns of things. And so this clip came up from Matt Kim. This is his analysis on an interesting thread that has gotten pulled that he started going after. I've got some supporting stuff to even support his point. Let's just watch this clip real quick. Here's Matt Kim.


Do you wonder where all the Ukraine money is going? Well, it looks like we've started a threat to pull. Ido is trying to shut off water to 500,000 acres of farmland, 781 miles. But there's been plenty of rain this spring, so that's not it. They say it's due to water reserves underground, that it's projected to deplete at a too fast of a rate to preserve water supply. They need to shut off the water to 500,000 acres of IDO farmland. But the Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2023, proved $4.5 billion for direct financial support to the government of Ukraine, or so they said. Jurevoi's Global Limited enters an agreement of $15 million for information on drilling at its Idaho cobalt mine, utilizing funds from the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act. Why is money for direct finance support for the government of Ukraine being rerouted by the Department of Defense to a cobalt mine in Idaho. Cobalt used in batteries for your phones, computers, electric cars. There are countless valuable usages for cobalt. Any side effects of cobalt we should be aware of, considering we use it in everything? Cobalt exposure triggers impairments in cognitive and anxiety-like behaviors, brain oxidative stress and inflammation.


Do you know what's a necessary component of cobalt mining in mass? Guess it? Water. Lots of water. On May 31st, 2024, Idaho Department of Water announced shutting off water to 500,000 acres of farmland. June 21st, 2024, Jervoy's cobalt mine can start drilling 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Idaho is shutting off water due to a shortage at the same time the cobalt mine is said to start operating 24/7. And it's Ukraine's funding bill, one of many, that gave $15 million to Jervois to restart operations after losing money. Couple of things to look further into. How many members of Congress have a financial interest in this cobalt mine? My initial research, a lot. Also, is it linked to the Chips Act, where they gave Micron a fistful of money to start manufacturing in... Idaho. And are they trying to destroy crops so they can take the land and mine more cobalt, or is it purely to control the water supply? I was just in Idaho, absolutely beautiful state filled with great people. And the government shows up with the government gun and forces their will. Again, maybe it's just a coincidence, and I'm just a conspiracy theorist.


Perhaps. But one fact remains absolutely true. Money that we were told was going to Ukraine is not. There is no coincidence.


And so I looked into this, man, and I backed it up. Here's the article that he references. They are absolutely shutting off the water to the local farmers. Even the local farmers are pissed off, saying that this water curtailment will dry up their land. More importantly, this order came after they had already paid for fertilizer at the cost of about $400 per acre. They're already in a backlog. They need this water so the crops can actually grow and they can get the yield of the harvest. They put this in after. They've already fertilized. They've already dumped a shit ton of money into their crops, and now they have no water to actually do anything with it.


They still have the water. They didn't shut it off.


What do you mean?


It's not been shut off yet. There's been a stay put on it. That's what I heard.


It says, Unless there is an emergency stay to curtailment order, Young said the water will be shut off.


From what I understand, there was a stay.


Oh, a state did get put in.


That's what I heard. I could be wrong on that.




But here's the point. The government shouldn't be sticking their fucking nose in anything like this. Dude, keep going. It's so irritating.


No, But yeah, I checked all of these articles that were referenced, and they're all there. The drilling is about to start. They stopped it back in June of last year, and now it's about to start it back up. So it is interesting that there's this threat of curtailing water to all of these farmers, 500,000 acres of farmlands. By the way, Idaho is one of our biggest states that produce a lot of necessary food for us, the number three producer for dairy, number three state in the country that produces dairy for us. Obviously, potatoes, a lot of things that come out of Idaho. Not to mention that. Here's another twist, and this could be me reaching. But Idaho has seen a lot A lot of people moving there, fleeing from liberal policies and progressive policies all over the country, from California to New York. People are flocking to Idaho in droves, where they have had a significant surge of just even 12%. You just look at the Idaho, it's a big state, but it's not a lot of people there to begin with. But 12% increase in the population just in a couple of years is a lot.


They're going there for their conservative policies. For their conservative mindsets, their values, their morals. I think that's interesting, too.


What do you think is interesting about that?


Well, I mean, it's a flock. It's no different than what they're doing to the people that are moving down in Texas. There's a drove there for conservative policies, and there's water is being impacted there, electricity grid is being impacted there, the right to drill is being impacted there.


What you're saying is you think- Punishing. You think that the government is intentionally making life harder for these places. These places. That these people who are traditionally progressive and liberal who vote for these people have been escaping to. Correct.


Got it. At least that's just how I see it. Because it's not just Idaho. It's a lot of these places that are being affected by some level of government overreach. Even just the fact that there's taxpayers money that is supposedly supposed to be going to Ukraine, that again, then gets funneled back. This Jervos company is not an American company. It's an Australian subsidiary with no ties to here, drilling on an actual reservation of state-certified land for, what do they call it? Like protected forces and shit. That's what it is. Here's the picture of the mine. It's a massive fucking cobalt mine.


Yeah, where's all these Save the World people here? Green energy. Yeah, okay.


Right. That There's a lot going on here, man. Andy, what do you got on this?


I think the time to speak up was many years ago, and I think people are panicking now. I think the government is very nefarious in the things that they do. I think this serves a bunch of purposes. One, it allows them to reallocate the water to the mine operation, which they have an interest in. Many members of Congress, according to Matt Kim, which I'm sure he's probably correct, have a financial interest in. Two, I think it lends itself to the limit of the food supply. Whoever controls the food supply controls the people. Again, another Salomonski rules for radicals call Mark strategy, which is to control and affect the food supply so that people can't get what they need to do. If they don't have water for the farm operation, and they're making money with the cobot operation. That makes sense that it accomplishes two things with one action. They're able to limit the food supply, and they're also able to control the people, and they're making some money doing it. That's not what I think is going on. That's what lots of people think is going on. I think the people of Idaho better put a fucking stop to it.


That's what I think. I think if we continue to think that me doing a podcast or you making a post on your Instagram or you making a story on your whatever, Instagram, it's going to fix anything, you're fucking wrong. That's not going to fix anything. The only thing that we do here is bring awareness to the problems. People have to take engaged action in their communities. There's no top down fix for this. This is fixed from the bottom up. And the individual citizen has to get engaged. They have to get engaged in real life, in person. I'm not talking about tweeting. I'm not talking about speaking up on the internet, which most people are too weak and scared to do anyway. What we're talking about is getting to wherever you need to go and getting these motherfuckers' faces and fucking make them afraid to do shit like this. That's the reality of what's going to stop this. These people have been able to fucking do all these things that are against the American interest, against the interest of the people, and they're doing it over and over and over again. The only thing that happens is people tweet or post or maybe say some shit on the internet, which a lot of people won't even do that because they're afraid of what they're going to get in repercussions.


If someone's afraid to say something on the internet, do you think that they're likely to go to do something in person? Probably not. Also, if they're afraid to say something on the internet, do we think that these people have the courage to actually stand up to anybody doing anything against their interests at all? And isn't the internet just like a blow off valve for the frustration, the steam? Wouldn't this revolution have already happened if we didn't have the blow off valve of the internet? Wouldn't people have already snapped and done whatever was required to happen in their communities, in their neighborhoods, to get this shit handled? Wouldn't that already happened? I think when people tweet and post and make stories and think that they're actually changing anything, that's what they want. They want to do that. They want you to think that you're doing something like that. I think it serves as a societal blow-off valve that creates the frustration from building up to a breaking point when a breaking point is actually what the fuck we need to happen.


Because you can argue, you can scream at whoever. It It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.


People in Idaho need to get their fucking tractors and fill these people's front yards with shit and make these people fucking terrified to even speak another word of shit like that. And that's the reality. Come put me in jail. I don't give a fuck. These people need to get in these motherfuckers' faces. You got Fauci on video talking about how if we make life hard for these people, they lose their ideological bullshit. Well, let's take his advice. Let's make life hard for these people. That's what should be happening. They can lose their ideological bullshit. That's right. They'll lose their fucking bullshit immediately if they think that when they walk out their door, they're going to have to deal with a bunch of fucking pissed off, Idaho fucking potato farmers that will probably have hands as big as baseball gloves and fucking thousands of acres of property to hide people on. I would probably shut the fuck up if a bunch of farmers showed up in my house and they said, Hey, if you don't shut the fuck up, bro, I got 10,000 acres and a backhoe.


That's the thing, man, because there's people like this guy, like the director of the Idaho Department of Water Resources, Matthew Weaver. He's the guy. Not only is he the guy that signed off on the curtailment, he was actually having his staff go to these farms and make I'm sure that these farmers were in compliance.


Listen, man, all these people need to be made afraid. That's what they do to us. We need to do the same thing back to them. That's the facts. Whatever that means is what it means, and it means that in your communities. That's what it means. Nobody wants to say that shit. I figured that people would start to have figured it out by now, what needs to actually happen, but apparently, they have to be told. You have to handle it in your community. You have to handle it personally. You have to fucking make life hard for these You have to make them terrified to do things like this. That's reality. Now, I'm not condoning violence. There's lots of ways to make people's lives hard. There's lots of legal ways to make their lives hard. But that's not happening because everybody wants to go on the internet and just tweet and post and shit. Don't come at me with, Well, all you do is podcast. No, that's not all I do. You don't know what the fuck I do. Okay?


True, there's plenty.


Do you understand what I'm saying?


Yeah, 100%.


Why the fuck have people not understood this yet?


I get it.


These These people in Idaho right now are going to take your water away, which is going to cause you to not have a crop. I'm pretty sure there's not many farmers in Idaho that can afford to go a whole season without a crop. When we think about what communism actually does, when we talk about how the state owns everything, and you hear Klaus Schwab and all these other communists fucks on TV saying, You'll own nothing and be happy. We're all sitting around saying, How's that going to happen? This is how it happens. They make it so expensive for them to operate that they go out of business They can't pay the fucking property tax on their farm. The farm gets repossessed. The government takes over the farm, and then they own everything.


You have no debt.


This is what's been happening. This is what's happening in Canada. This is what's happening in Europe. This is what's happening in every Communist revolution. They make it impossible for the farmers to operate, which limits the food supply and allows the government to reclaim the farming land, which creates communism. That's what's going on here. That's a big part of what the play is here. And if people in Idaho don't fucking handle it, it won't be handled. You're fucking President Trump is not going to come in and save you. You better figure it the fuck out. No dude with a podcast is going to come in and save you. A rally is not going to save you. Flying a flag is not going to save you. Do you know what's going to save you? Making the people that do this shit to the rest of the people so fucking terrified to do it that they don't do it. That's what's going to save everybody.


Anyway. Guys, jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, a thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline in, we talk about it, and we get one of those two options. I'm going to test it. Might be pushing the boundaries on this one. Okay. California woman harassed by aggressive Black Bear. She named Big Bastard before fatal mauling in home.


Holy shit.


So this was...


Wait, wait.


California woman was harassed. Let's dive into it. Patrisse Miller, who's 71 years old, had been harassed by an aggressive Black bear in her small Northern California town for months before it broke into her home and killed her last year. Just saying you don't see the Polar bears doing this shit. That's all I'm saying.


I mean, you can't argue with facts.


It's only the Brown and Black bears are doing this. Just saying. Breaking the tones.


Do you think they have rallies and shit? Who? The bears.


It's a shit ton of them in California, apparently. I know, bro.


You think they all get together and talk about how they're getting discriminated against?


No. How to break in people's shit is what they're rallying about. When officials first found Miller's body mauled and partially eaten last November in her Downeyville home, they first believe she may have died of natural causes, and the bear broke in, attracted by the scent. But neighbors have reported seeing the bear, which she had dubbed Big Bastard, repeatedly returning to her house, according to the Sacramento Beat. Miller even installed steel bars across her windows to try to keep the bear out before it broke her door down, the newspaper reported. It appeared that the bear Bear had probably been there several days and had been feeding on the remains, Sierra County Sheriff Mike Fisher said. Sierra County Sheriff's deputies found Miller's door broken, which appeared to be how the bear got inside. Inside her living room, there was bear scat along with blood streaks and The bear had likely pulled Miller from her bed into her living room. The coroner's report said, according to the bee- He went to watch TV.


He went to watch TV while he ate.


He watched some real AF That's right. The small mountain town is, quote, right in the middle of where bears like to be. Right in the hood. Kaitlyn Roddie of California Fish and Wildlife, North Central region, told the newspaper. Miller's friend, Casey Cotch. Is that how you guys pronounce that? Coke. You would know. Casey Coke, who initially asked for a welfare check on her, told to be, quote, When I was a kid, you never saw a bear in town.


I can't fucking help it. You can't fucking read, motherfucker.


Wait, listen to this part, though. It's great.


Okay, redo it. Listen to this, bro. Just redo it.


Cassie Coke. Miller's friend, Cassie Coke, who initially asked for a welfare check on her, told to be, quote, When I was a kid, you never saw a bear in town. Now they're all over making their rounds.


Is this a fucking joke? No, it's real.


Back in my day, we have these type of problems. Now they're all moving in.


Take it over. Causing all this ruckus.


Oh, shit.


That's polar bear flight right there, buddy. I Oh, man.


Now, around 40% of California's estimated 65,000 Black bears live in the Sierra, Nevada, where Downeyville is located, according to the paper.


The bear Let's get the crime data. Dude.


The bear was eventually trapped and euthanized, according to the sources. Hey. Bro, hold on. Wait, I got to read that again. Hold on, man.


Dude, there's no way that's a real quote. This has to be a joke.


When I was a kid, you never saw a bear in time.


Now they're all over making their rounds. It's easy picking for them.


I think Cassie's talking about something else here besides bears. Oh, man. This sucks, man. It sucks. What do you got on this?


Bro, she has a bear fucking address plaque on her fucking wall right there, bro.


You thought it was a hotel.


No, look at it. I see it. Her door's missing, and where her address is, she has a bear right there. Fucking placard. Hey, I'll take care of you. Come be my friend. Yeah, go to locks. Then they fucking kill you.


Go to locks, found out.


She probably grew up in the upper-white middle-class suburbs.


Shit, man.


All I'm saying is this. Here's what really happened. This lady was feeding the fucking bears. She thought the bears were her pet, like all these other dumbasses out here that do dumb shit. And they think they're going to be the only one that doesn't get fucked with until they do. Did you ever see that documentary of the guy that lived with the bears? He went all through Alaska, and he followed the grizzly bears around, and he fucking got to know them and snuggled them and shit. No. Oh, you never saw this? Did he die? Well, it was like a mini series. It was amazing. He made friends with all the bears in the wild. The bears came up to him, and they fucking snuggled him and shit. It was like, Holy shit. He started talking about how he's got the secret gift to the bears, and all the bears love him and shit. You watch all this whole show, and at the end, they play an audio recording of him getting fucking eaten by one of the bears. Yeah. He's like, No, no. Yeah. And it's like, Motherfucker, what do you think was going to happen?


They're just doing what they do.


Bro, that's just bear shit.


Yep. Black bear stuff, man.


I didn't say that. Well, that's what it was. Polar bears are apparently pretty fucking vicious, bro.


Show me a headline of a polar or breaking into somebody's house.


Well, they live out in the country, bro. They keep moving further out. That's where I was talking about that polar bear flight.


Yeah, they ain't got no issues with black bears out there, I bet.


Look at the bear's face. He's like, Fuck, yeah, I hate that bitch. What do you think I was going to do? Yeah, look at him. He's smiling.


He's chilling.


Bro, bears are cute, though. I could see why people want to like... You know? Yeah.


I don't.


Bro, when I was a kid, I got to go up to Grant's farm. They had bears there. I got bear cubs, and we got to play with them. That's pretty cool.


They're not soft, though, right?


No, they're like fucking-Very bristly. Yeah, their fur is pretty hard. They're like little tanks, bro. They were probably like this big. Fuck, they'll knock you over, dude. Even at this big, they were strong as fuck.


Zero interest.


It was pretty cool. Their hands were big, too.


What are we giving this, man?


Depends on whose side we're on.


I think both sides lost. They killed the bear.


Oh, yeah, that sucks.


Yeah. I mean, he was just doing his thing, man.


I'm pro bear, bro. Don't call me bear's lives. Bear's lives matter. Yep. Bear's lives matter.


I think all bear's lives matter.


That doesn't make sense. We're not talking about those bears. We're talking about these bears. All you're doing is diluting the meaning that we're trying to talk about here. We're talking about these fucking bears, DJ, and you got to bring in all the bears. That means that we can't even talk about these bears anymore.


Thin Blueberry Line. That's all I'm saying.


You're ruining the whole point.


Guys, Andy, that's all I got, man. All right.


Don't be a hoe.


Show him a show.