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What is up, guys?


It's Andy Priscilla, and this is the show for the Realist. Say goodbye to the lies, to fakeness, and delusions, the modern society. And welcome to Motherfucking Reality. Guys, today we have Andy and DJ Cruise, the motherfucking Internet. That's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. It stands for Cruise the Internet. We're going to put up topics on the screen. We're going to talk about what we think is true. Pure speculation. I had trouble with that. I did.


No complaints here.


Well, that's like 1 to 10 million.


That's what I'm saying. I understand.


Yeah, I know. Anyway, we're going to talk about what's going on in the world. That's the show, all right? Don't be a hoe. Share the show. All right.




How How about that? How about that?


What's going on, man? Nothing.


What's up, dude?


Hey, man, listen, we got a lot going on this weekend. Oh, yeah.


We got Areté. We got Areté, man.


Areté is always a good time, bro. I like seeing you in that element, bro. It's cool.


What part of the element?


Just the actual teaching part, bro. That shit's cool to fucking see.


I mean, that's been my life for the last two decades. You know what I mean? Teaching people how to do shit.


It's cool. It's always cool to see you in that element.


It's cool to be around people who have the drive and ambition. There's so much toxic laziness and passivity in the world. It's just always good for my mind to be around people who are hungry. That's what it does for me. Other real entrepreneurs. Yeah, that's right, man. Not some dumbasses on the internet, pretending to be entrepreneurs, selling you all kinds of coaching when they haven't done shit or built shit in their entire life. So these are real people doing real things, which is who I like to be around.


That should be a good time, man. It's going to be a good time. Well, we got to cruise the internet. We got some interesting stuff happening.


Bro, do you feel like just looking at the internet that everybody's figuring it out now? Oh, bro. It feels like it's happening super fast.


Listen, we talked about this, man, because I remember four years ago, bro, we talked about this concept of lag time. Yeah. It was Something would happen, and then there was... At first, it was a fucking two-year lag time before people, Oh, that. Then it went from two years to six months, and then it went from six months to a week.


Now, it's like every time they say, people are like, Yeah, that's bullshit. Minutes.


Bro, it's fucking cool to see, man. But I'd say this. I look at stuff, I think it's getting easier to put these outlines together, man, because- You're learning how to read. Well, that definitely helps. That It definitely helps. But it's like an orchestra. Everything just ties in. I'm just like, Oh, yeah. It's like being able to know, too, that the people get it.


It definitely helps, man.


But yeah, reading definitely helps. Reading is good.


Hicked on phonics here. You were on that hooked on Ibonix, but now you're on hooked on phonics.


We had Sylvin. Sylvin Learning.


Sylvin Learning. You didn't go?


No, I didn't, but we had it. All right, man. Guys, let's get into this. Before we get to our headlines.


Bro, they used to tell me I need to go to that shit. Those Sylvan- Yeah, bro. Did you go? No, I didn't go. Look, man, I was smarter than all the teachers. That was the problem. They're up there teaching. Dude, I'm not lying.


I was not smarter than them.


I was. I still am, motherfuckers, too. But I was sitting in the classroom listening to these guys, and I'm like, You guys sound like a bunch of idiots. I'm 13 years old. They're like, Why do you get bad grades? I'm like, Because I'm not playing along with these dumb asses.


That was it. See, I was different. I always did pretty decent in school, man. I was always pretty decent. I never hit 100 roll once.


Really? Fuck, no. My brother sent me one of my old report cards, bro. It had two Fs, a D, and three Cs.


Bro, I got my ass beat if I had a B. Yeah, I didn't. Like, real shit. My mom was hard on me, but then I'm like, yeah.


My dad knew I was smarter than everybody. He wasn't good about humbling me. He's like, Don't worry about school. It doesn't fucking matter. You're all these people. Yeah, for real, dude. That's what he would tell me. Can't you see him saying that?


I definitely can see Jim saying that.


He's like, You ain't going to need none of this shit. Don't worry about it. He goes, You figured out. I'm like, All right.


Not too bad. Yeah, not too bad. Yeah, man. Well, let's get into these headlines because we got a lot of stuff happening out there. But before we get to our first headline, let's call it out. Okay, we don't just have one dumb ass of the day. We got a bunch of them, all right? We're going to group this all together just very quickly because- Sounds like an ism coming. A ism?


An ism.


What do you mean?


Well, when you group everybody together, it equals into some ism.


Yeah, liberalism is what this is. All the fucking media. All the media. All the media. They're going all in on this new narrative of cheap fakes. Have you seen this popping up and around?


I mean, yeah, but then I also... Yeah, go ahead.


All the media, All the media. They're the dumbasses for today. Let's dive into this a little bit. You got, Legacy media outlets appear to have gotten the message straight from the White House on how to handle a rash of recent viral video clips that show an unflattering side of President Joe Biden looking lost, frail, or old. The White House has repeatedly referred to these video clips, many of which were not edited and provided full context of the situation in which they were taken as, quote, cheap fakes, claiming that they were intentionally deceptive or promoting outright lies about President Biden and his mental state. The same clips, guys, that we show you here on this show, unedited, unfiltered, straight from the sources of this guy shitting his pants. In a statement, quote, They are done in bad faith, and some of your news organizations have been very clear, have stressed that the right wing, the right wing critiques of the President have a credibility problem because of the fact checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation. That's straight from KGP, the White House press secretary. She says, continuing saying, And so we see this, and this is something coming from your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation.


Now, what do you mean, DJ? All of the media outlets are on the same foot here. Here's a clip I just want to show you very quickly. Check this out.


There's a narrative that Joe Biden is an old man, of course, and I'm not disputing that he's not 81 years old.


But we are going to separate the fact from the fiction. Is there a lot of videos going around about President Biden on social media?


These videos, I mean, they're blatant lies. They are lying to their audience.


Making up and distorting things about the current President. Trying to get people to believe visuals that aren't real.


The videos are oftentimes made up. Deceptively added videos known as cheap fakes. A cheap fake. At least that's what the White House calls this viral video of President Biden.


The White House says there's a cheap fake problem.Cheap fakes.Cheap.


Fakes.cheep fakes. Videos of real events that are intentionally manipulated. We're hearing about so-called cheap fakes.Cheep fakes.Cheep fakes.Cheep fakes.Cheep fakes.Cheep fakes. Distorted, out of context videos, chopped up in certain ways, constructed in certain ways. Look at him. Look at Biden.


It is not true.


He was fine, but they are creating this narrative. The technology is just going to get more and more efficient at making these videos look more and more real when they're really not.


Cheap fakes. Now, this lockstep thing, there was, first of all, We know they're lying directly to our fucking faces. But this lockstep, Andy, we talk about it all the time. How do you get a group of people, companies, to be in lockstep and deliver the exact same message at the exact same time? And it's funny, guys, because I got the fucking data for you. Check this out. In the last three days, all mainstream media have spent over 49 hours total talking about these cheap fakes, which did not even appear until 6:15. That's June 15th of 2024, before the word even became popular on these news sites. There's the data. There's the real data. So what is really a cheap fake? It's in any unedited video of Joe Biden's cognitive decline that the Biden administration does not want the public to see. These are the real cheap fakes. Andy, what do you got on this?


Well, first off, they got a lot of nerve talking about how they deceptively edit videos, and they're okay with that as long as it's not hurting them. Remember when COVID started and they were showing videos of people falling down in the streets to make people scared, and then come to find out a lot of this was bullshit. Most of it was.


Or the video of Joe Rogan that they clearly put a filter over it.


Yeah, they made his face yellow to make him look sick. That's fine. We could go on and on and on with the deceptive videos. You mean like standing in front of a burning building and saying, Mostly peaceful. Mostly peaceful protest going on out here. You mean like that? Bro, these people, and if you have ever read or even read excerpts of George Orwell's 1984, he talks about how they will show you something with your eyes and they will tell you not to believe it. And we see these videos. These are not edited videos. This is the reality of what's happening. And now these people have no other option because the bottom is falling out of everything that they have going on to say, Well, this is edited, or this is manipulated, or this is... What do we? Fucking Photoshop this dude shit in his pants? Do we Photoshop this dude, video-edited this dude, sniffing all these kids?


Falling down steps.


Falling down, not not being able to go up steps, walking off the stage, going the wrong way, not knowing where the fuck he is, turning into a frozen robot. Bro, this is what's going on. We all see it. These people are total traitors to the United States, and it is what it is, bro. Imagine sitting there. First of all, imagine how stupid they think you are. It's an insult. It's totally insulting, bro. It's like walking in on your spouse having sex with another person and them looking at you and be like, I wasn't doing nothing. I wasn't doing that. Dude, you're crazy.


We're playing Bingo.


Yeah, right. Dude, that's complete... It's past the point of gaslighting. It's now complete disrespectful manipulation. They don't care if we know that they're lying. They're just going to continue to lie. And that's a very, very, very common and called out trait of communists. That is what they do. They do not care if you know that they're lying. They just say what they believe they want the history books to read. That's what they're playing for, bro. They understand that you and me and all of us eventually will be dead, and we won't be alive to tell the story. So these clips for them are not for now. These are for when we look back 20 years from now and they say, Yeah, there was a right-wing revolution, and we squashed it, and we genocide, we killed them all, and we saved America. Here's what we were dealing with. And that's what this is about. And it should scare people because this is not about making you believe it. This is about making your grandchildren believe it and then justifying the heinous acts that they intend to commit against the people who resist what they're trying to do.


That's what this is about. People don't understand that, dude. People think like, How could they just get up there and lie? How could they just get up there and say shit? Do you remember when Biden was in Belgium and he made that speech? Maybe he's in Poland, and he made that speech about how we needed to remove Putin from power. Then he came back and did that speech in front of the White House where he got super aggressive, and it was red in the background, and he was saying all this crazy shit. Bro, when they talk about removing Putin from power, and it doesn't make sense, right? When they talk about domestic terrorism here in the United States, and they talk about white people being the domestic terrorists. And we're all looking around like, What? What are you talking about? So the patriotic Americans that you celebrated forever and ever and ever are now the problem, and you're going to fucking lump them in as a terrorist group and watch them? They say this shit for the future version of history that they're going to show your grandchildren. This is not about... They already have planned out what they're going to do here.


And we have to start looking ahead and anticipating and thinking, why are they saying this? Why are they saying this that we all know is a lie so confidently? They're not saying it for you, bro. They're saying it for the clips that are going to exist 20, 30 years from now to justify why they did what they plan on doing, which is very bad for anybody that doesn't go along with these people. Yeah, man. That's my take on it.


No, I see it the same, bro. I see it the fucking same.


Bro, all these people that are getting paid to go up there and lie. If the power flips, all these people should go to jail at a minimum. Minimum. At a minimum. The fact that we have people in power that are willing to completely lie and completely manipulate the population. Honestly, in my world and how I think, and it's probably good I'm not President, but I'd fucking execute these people. That's me. Now, I don't know what's going to happen, but that's what I would do to people. That's exactly what needs to happen, in my opinion, because these people are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to oppressed you and me, to create hardship for you and me, and our kids, and our children, and our grandchildren. They are the tip of the spear, these people in the media who are willing to sell their integrity down the drain to push an agenda for evil people. The media is as guilty as the people who coordinated all of this because they have a moral choice to stand up for what they know is true versus what they are told to do. And they are all choosing what they are told to do.


Actually, they made that choice a long time ago, thinking that that side was going to win. And now we're in a situation where 70 to 80 % of the people know these people are full of shit. And so now they're panicking because they're like, oh, fuck, we picked the wrong team. So this is where this panic is coming from. I was watching a couple of news broadcast last night just to see what was going on because it was Juneteenth, right? And dude, they went on and on and on on every one of the channels about how Trump's support from the Black community is a mirage. It's an illusion. It's not real. It's a alt-right wing talking point. Listen, motherfucker, it is real. We see it everywhere. Black people are waking up, and they're realizing that They're doing the same thing to Trump as they've done to Black people for 40 fucking years. And they're figuring out that the Democrats aren't who they said that they are. They're figuring it out, bro. And now, their way to overcome that is to try and gaslight people and say, It's not true. It's total BS. It's not happening.


No, it is happening. And the further they try to lie about it, and the harder they push those lies, the faster it happens, which I think is comical.


Yeah, 100 %, man. I think, too, at a bare minimum, man, think about it like this. In the lens, if you guys have, for whatever reason, they're still in their sleep, for lack of a better term. Bottom, like bare minimum, man. This is election interference. This guy is up. He's a front runner, supposedly, their main guy to lead the Democratic Party, and this is who's supposed to be on the ballot. And these are some serious concerns of his health, mental health, physical health, and they are trying to deny the American people from even knowing that it's real. That is election interference.


Well, so is having a debate that isn't a debate. So is putting a debate where there's no crowd, there's left wing moderators, you can't talk, the microphones are turned off in between. There's no actual debate. It's just making statements while they're both on stage because they're trying to protect this guy from getting destroyed. They all know that he's going to get destroyed. So if he's healthy, competent, and as Joe Biden says, he's not a good leader in spite of his age, he's a good leader because of his age, then let it fucking rip, dude. Let's see what he's got. If he's that good and that intelligent and that on top of things, he should have no problem handling a bigot like Trump. You see what I'm saying? Quote, unquote bigot.


Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys Just think down in the comments.


I think people are sick of it, dude.


I think people are, too. And if they're not, they should be. Yeah.


They're not the fuck it should be. Bro, at the very least, it's insulting to get lied to like this. At the very least, You should be able to realize, and I think people do, dude, at this point, that these people think that we're a bunch of dumb fucks. And most of the comments that support Biden on the internet at this point are bots. If you just click into them, you could tell they're bots. And the real people that are doing it are just stubborn people that don't want to let go of their quote, unquote identity that they've built to be one of these fucking saviors over there on the progressive left. And they're too stupid to know what's going on. They're unintelligent people. They don't read history, they ignore data, They look past anything real. They talk and make their entire worldview based around what they're told from the media or what they feel, which is not reality, bro.


No, it's not. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what guys think down in the comments. With that being said, let's get into our headlines. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to andyfasella. Com. You guys can find them link there. With that being said, headline number one. Let's talk about friends. Friends are friends. Friends take care of friends. Isn't that right, Andy?


I mean, usually.


Yeah, like a good friend. I mean, real true friends.


I think friends actually don't just take care of you. I think they push you to be better, and they make you be better. 100%.


I think a great example of this is Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. Let's look at this. Putin gives carb of Kim Jong Un a fancy limousine, Dagger and visit to North Korea.


Remember the last time we covered this? And Kim loved Putin's limo.


And so Putin gave it to him.


He just gave one. Really? Yeah, bro. That's That's cool.


That's what friends do, right? That is cool, yeah. We're friends, right?


We're getting there.


Let's dive into this. What does one dictator bet on world domination- Motherfucker, where do you drive? Oh, I got a nice Denali. You got that Cole in, though. That Cole is nice. Cole is nice. Cole is nice.


We're getting there.


What does one dictator bet on world domination? Give another. Limo, T-sets, and daggers, of course.


Got to give him a dagger. Yeah, bro. That or me, I would be a flamethrower, though.


I did give you a flamethrower.


That is true. I did give you one. Yeah, for my birthday.


I did.


That's a good fucking friend.


Just wait until I see what I got you this birthday. Great. You're going to shit your pants.


I hope not.


Because it's a laxative. You're going to pull a Biden.


You got no shit.


No, but so during his first visit to North Korea, in nearly a quarter century this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin came bearing gifts to Kim Jong Un, with a big unveil being a Russian-made Auris limousine. Kim, reportedly a major car enthusiast and collector, deemed as he jumped in beside Putin at the wheel of the limo, and they hit the highway side by side, bro.


He drove it?


He fucking drove it. The car is just the latest in Kim's collection, which includes numerous Mercedes, a Maybach limo, and a Rolls-Royce Phantom, according to the BBC. In February, Putin gave Kim a first Auris limousine, the Russian leader's official presidential car. Putin also gifted Kim on Wednesday, a Russian Navy dagger and a T-set, which Kremlin aid Yuri Yukashov said was, quote, very beautiful to Russian state media. So here's them. Here's Putin showing off his car. He just gave it to him.


Damn, that looks like a Rolls.


It's made by... I believe that's where they knocked it off of. It's like the Russian knockoff. Yeah. Shit, that looks a lot like a Rolls. Now, in comparison, so this is what Kim typically drives.


Oh, yeah, this is way better. Way, fucking better. Way, big. That's a huge upgrade, bro.


That's fucking badass. That is badass. And you know it's bulletproof?


I mean, look at the fucking windows. I think Putin should give me one of those, man. I think he should. I've been over here saying nice things about them. Getting yelled at.


But look how happy they are, bro. Look how fucking... You're telling me these guys are dictators.


Bro, listen, man, this is some funny shit. Bro, they're rolling, bro.


They're rolling.


Now, real talk, bro. If that were me, bro, they got a split fucking console just like a roll.


It looks just like a Rolls, bro. It looks just like a Rolls, bro. That's cool. That fucking thing is badass.


Bro, I'm jealous. I didn't get to ride with them.


Who can come ride with us, man? We got some cars. I'm not a big Vaca guy, but we can make it something happen. I get a little weird on Vaca. I'm not going to lie. Yeah?


Yeah, a little weird. What do you mean by weird? Like a little weird. Like butt stuff, weird?


No, not butt. Feet stuff.


Oh, yeah.


Feet stuff, yeah. Vaca is weird to me, man.


Yeah, let's stay away from the Vaca.


Now, in all reality, these guys are happy, but There was some business that was done while Putin went to North Korea. So let's talk about that just a little bit. What's known and not known about the partnership agreement signed by Russia and North Korea. So they just signed this massive agreement together. So it's Let me dive into this. Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un say a new strategic partnership is a breakthrough, but what it means for their relationship is still uncertain. The pact requires both countries to use all available means to provide immediate military assistance in the event of a war, according to North Korean state media. While the agreement inked Wednesday at a summit in Pyongya, could represent the country's The strongest deal signed after the Cold War, there are differing opinions on how strong the security commitment is. So Kim claimed that the deal elevated bilateral relations to the level of an alliance, which Putin was more understanding stated, and did not call it an alliance. North Korean state media released the text of the agreement, which also includes broader cooperation in military, foreign policy, and trade.


Russia has not published its version of the text, but relationship Relationships between sprawling Russia and small isolated North Korea, both of them nuclear powers, have warmed significantly in recent years, amid Russia's growing acrimony in the West over the invasion of Ukraine and suppression of all domestic opposition. So one of the biggest things, which is obviously going to be this mutual aid relationship, military powers that be a little combo they got going on. So most of the debate over the partnership agreement revolves around the article that pledges mutual aid. According to North Korean state media, the section states that if one of the countries gets invaded and is pushed into a state of war, the other must deploy, quote, all means at its disposal without delay to provide, quote, military and other assistance. Now, it's interesting. I mean, there's a weird... To me, that just sounds weird, right? Because I don't really see Russia physically being invaded. I don't really see North Korea physically being invaded, but either one being pushed into a state of war, I think it's just interesting language. And that's what got everybody in a frenzy right now. But it also says that such actions must be in accordance with the laws of both countries, an Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which recognizes a UN member state's right to self-defense, which is, again, it's just weird language that they're including in this.


I don't really know what it means to some analysts This that sounds like a promise that either nation would intervene if the other comes under attack, renewing a pledge made under a 1961 treaty between North Korea and the Soviet Union. That deal was discarded after the collapse of the USSR, replaced in 2000 by one that offer weaker security assurances. So they just really solidified their pact, not only on paper, but with the Joyride and the new Auris. Andy, what do we got on this?


Looks like a good time to me.


Hey, bro, if somebody fuck with you, I got That's what it sounds like.


That's what strategic partnerships are about. You said you don't see Russia being invaded. Well, I don't know about that because they've been floating that all through NATO, and even Biden said some stuff like that. Yeah, they've been talking about Sydney.


Yeah, but the funny thing is no Americans want to do that.


I think Putin knows that. Putin knows that American people don't want what's going on with the American government. He said so many times, but they won't allow his speeches to be played here. So he understands, and I believe he's even said that he believes that our country is occupied. I mean, Meaning that these guys stole the election and they're fucking illegitimate. So I don't know, man. Putin is not the terrorist that we've been led to believe. That's just a fact. And if you dig into it at any level, he's just not what they say he is. I believe that he has discretion and he has an understanding of what's going on here that even maybe a lot of citizens don't have.


I think he's showing enormous restraint.


That's what I think, too. That's what I was getting to. I think he's being poked over and over bring in. And because he knows that the American people don't support Joe Biden and Lindsay Graham and all these fucking warmongering fuckheads, I think he is showing restraint. And I think him sending that sub and those warships down to Cuba, I think that's to show them that, Bro, I could take you out right now. You. You know what I'm saying? What would stop him from just hitting Washington, DC and saying, All right, you guys are liberated. You know what I mean? It's your thing now. Yeah. I mean, who knows, dude? But it's clear that everybody's posturing for war. And regardless of who's what and what people believe about which person or which party, the reality is, I believe they're going to try to start a major conflict between now and November. I believe they're going to try to do everything they can, as I've been telling you guys for a number of years now. I believe they're going to try to make a big deal out of this bird flu shit. I believe I believe they're going to try to make riots around the migration shit, and I believe they're going to try to start off a war to create as much chaos as possible with the potential of potentially not having elections.


I believe them trying to assassinate Trump is on the table for them. I think these people are completely unhinged, and they're very dangerous because they're very clearly losing at a massive scale. Millions of people are changing their minds about Biden on a daily basis or almost daily basis. So that makes them very dangerous. Nothing's more dangerous than a violent animal that you've cornered into a corner, and that's where they are. While it's cool that they're losing, I think people need to keep their head in a swivel and understand that there's a high likelihood that some major catastrophic shit could be happening between now and probably will happen between now and I think anybody with a brain is expecting it, which, dude, that in itself is punishable by death, in my opinion. We're not supposed to be dealing with this. We're not supposed to be dealing with what's going on in the world. We don't exist to serve them. They are supposed to serve us. We are being treated as if we are there to serve them, and this is their country and their power, and they are able to do anything that they want to hang on to, including ruining the lives or even getting killed, tens of millions of Americans.


That's my take on it. I think these people are very evil, and I think everybody should be very concerned about what they're going to try to do. I hope that people... It's unfortunate because people should have called for accountability harder after COVID, and they didn't, and these people are still here. You know what I mean? Wednesday When are people going to start calling for real accountability? When are people going to start understanding that these people need to be made an example of for hundreds of years? You know what I mean? I don't think people stop and step back, bro, and say, This is not how our life is supposed to be. It's not supposed to be chaotic. It's not supposed to be stressful. It's not supposed to be artificially divided between different cultures and races. We're not supposed to be taxed into poverty. We're not supposed to be fucked with the way that we are by these people. And people have gotten so used to it that they just think that's the way it is. And that's not how it's supposed to be. That's not what this country was founded upon. That's not how it was.


Bro, think of even how it was before 2020. You know what I'm saying? Ever since COVID happened, it's just been nonstop chaos. And they've done that intentionally, dude. And if you really want to break it down, they've stolen four years of your life that you're not going to get back. They made the economy super fucking hard for anybody to be successful in. They've created situations where people's families have been ruined, people's lives have been ruined, their businesses have been closed. And they've done this for their own gain. And dude, it's treasonous shit. And you could tell it's treasiness because if you were to take Joe Biden, and it's a fact that they've accepted money from other places, if you were to take Joe Biden and you were to say, what would you do to destroy America? He's done all of those things. If you were just to ask yourself, if he's not destroying America, and he intended to destroy America, just hypothetically, you don't believe me, you think I'm full of shit, and you think that's not happening. Well, hypothetically, if he was, what would he be doing different than he's doing now? I don't think people stop to think about that because it's very obvious what's happening.


People just don't want to believe it because if you have to believe it, that means If you have to do something about it. If you have to do something about it, it means you have to get uncomfortable. The thing is, you are better off getting mildly uncomfortable now than experiencing what they are trying to create, which will create massive disruption in your life and maybe even the destruction of it.


Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know. Love to hear your thoughts. With that being said, let's go check out some of these thoughts and opinions and speculations, because that's what the fuck they are. Our crew's in the comment section, man. All right. Zeon Kibber, 2510. Andy, this question's for you. Andy, please tell us how you walk around with such big balls. I wish I had such nuts as you made. No pun intended.


Oh, man.


Listen, they're big guys. Relax.


You know, It's just a little baby powder, bro. At first, when you walk around, you get a little chafing and all that, but I figured it out. Just a couple of smacks of baby powder. That works pretty well.


That's old school, bro. Yeah. That's old school.


It's got a poof all over. Otherwise, it doesn't count. It was pretty much that.


That is what it is. All right.


I don't know. I shouldn't Can't everybody have big balls? Because what happens when they come and take the people with big balls and they put them in prison or cut their heads off and shit? Maybe everybody else should grow some big balls. You know what I'm saying? Maybe if we all had big balls, we wouldn't be in this situation.


Yeah, It's real shit.


It's real shit. Who doesn't like big balls?


I don't think I like having them.


Yes, that means you like them. But not like...


On your chin? This sounds so gay. This sounds so gay. Next comment. Let's just move on. You got a response to your open interviews for a new co-host. Okay, cool. I got one here from you. All right. A new candidate here. I'm at Caleb Wire 9766. He says, I'm officially expressing my interest in the new open spot for co-hosts. Some of my skills include pronouncing ask properly. Can work computers, will not steal bikes, can produce trophy-winning jokes, have a fifth-grade reading level, can, in fact, see what you're saying. I am confident you will find that I am more than qualified. I look forward to your response.


Hired. That's pretty good.


Don't fuck these people.


Can in fact see what you're saying. That's like a ribbon on me. Yeah, you know what, Caleb? That's pretty fucking funny. All right. This guy's funny. See, our people are funny, dude. You know why? It's because they're smart. At least you want to steal bikes.


I haven't even stolen. I've had my shit stolen.


How did you get two bikes?


Next comment. This final one, man, it comes from at Miggia, 2015. He says, First of all, this dude is fucking yoked. Says, Andy not knowing what chitlins are revokes his black card.


No, I know that you guys all talk about I just don't know what the fuck they actually are.


That's not knowing what they are then.


Well, I mean, I know you eat them.


Yeah, he definitely eat them. This motherfucker is yoked.


Yeah, well, I mean, look, I get my black card taken for one fucking thing. Is That's not how this works. One thing, I get it taken care of.


Yeah, I think he deserves another chance, me.


Yeah, come on, man. We got to talk about deposits versus withdrawal. That's one withdrawal for millions of deposits, man.


All right. Let's be fair. I mean, let me see. Okay, are we doing... Okay, all right. Here's your chance. Fanta or Shosta?


This is a trick question.


I fucking tried.


I tried. It's Fanta.


No, it's Shosta.


I'm just guessing at this point.


This motherfucker didn't even know that crack was made from coke. Joe, come on. Stop it.


Oh, my God. Stop it. All right. See? See?


Stop it. See? Stop it. That's not the same.


Yeah, see? Stop it. That's worse. This guy. Fanta is fucking good.


But we can't afford Fanta, bro. It's Shashtus. That's what we got.


It's your limited thinking that keeps you poor. You should be shooting for the Fanta. When you say we can't afford Fanta- I can afford Fantas now. Well, that's because you're shooting for the stars. Shoot for the moon and you land among the stars.


That's what they say.


That should go viral on the internet for some motivational content. For black people? No. Like all these guys on the internet, Hey, guys, don't forget, shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars. Give me a heart below if you like that. Motherfucker, people comment on your shit if they like it because it's good. You got to tell them to. That's great. But anyway, while we're at it, share the show. Share the show.


Guys, I appreciate you guys for being real ass fans. Thank you guys for liking and commenting. Make sure you guys subscribe. Hit that bell notification to stay up to date with all the new miss information because we don't miss it.


We definitely don't.


We don't miss it. Guys, headline number two. Let's keep this, I almost said trans moving. Let's keep this train moving on trans. This is a crazy fucking story. We got to dive into this a little bit because it's interesting. This headline reads, Transgender woman guns down parents in Utah homes, spark massive manhunt. Police. This is wild. This is wild. So a transgender woman to a man allegedly gunned down his parents inside their Utah home Tuesday night, according to police and reports. Mia Bailey, which is what he goes by, whom police said wears wigs and changes his appearance frequently. I guess you could do that when you identify a few people, was cornered and arrested Wednesday after an extensive manhunt that spanned several hours. Cops warned he was to be considered armed and dangerous while he was still on the loose. So here's a picture. Here's a picture of him. He looks like Dylan Molivani.


Yeah. Doesn't he? Yeah.


Just a little bit? I mean, take the wig off. Yeah. There's his mug shot. All right. But yeah, so he was arrested. So this guy killed both of his parents, allegedly, and took police on a wild manhunt for them, and they found them. So, quote, We have some good news. Officer Tiffany Mitchell with the St. George Police Department announced on Facebook, We have the suspect in custody. Everyone is safe. No one else was injured. Here's a quick clip. And just to show you, because this article, they're using her and she.


Yeah, why do they keep empowering these people?


I don't know.


You know what I'm saying? This is mental fucking illness.


I thought they didn't like guns. Why is it there's so many of these people with guns, and they don't like them? Well, hold on.


Why is it that there's so many people who are transgender, quote, unquote, shooting people and killing people, and creating violence. And they say, Oh, it's because we won't accept them. No, it's not that. It's because they're so fucking confused that they hate the fucking world for one reason or another. They either hate the world because the world won't bend their reality to fit the story they've told themselves, or two, they're mad at their parents or whatever for not agreeing with whatever it is they're trying to do.Right? Not accepting them.Yeah. Bro, listen, man, anytime you expect the entire world to bend their factual, statistical, biological reality to your made-up story and worldview, you, you're going to be disappointed because 95% of people aren't going to do it.


No. Here's something. I was just looking at this picture real quick. Is that a butt plug? I don't know. I'm pretty, bro.


No, that's a sound machine, bro. I've seen those on the internet. That's like an ambient sound machine.


That goes in your butt?


I don't know, but I know that that's what that is. I've seen it. It does look like a Looks like a butt plug, though. Looks like a butt plug. Yeah.


Has the bass and everything, so it didn't get lost. I know what butt plugs look. Joe, everybody knows what... Stop. Listen, Joe's- Your butt hole's that big?


No. Some of the motherfuckers are, though.


Some are. Bro, did you know the human anus can stretch up to eight inches?


Yeah. How do you know that?


Well, because there was this thing. It's like, Oh, put a raccoon up your ass. I'm like, Oh, no.


You're into some weird ass shit, bro.


It's my algorithms, bro. They're fucked up a little bit. I'm not going to lie.


It used to be people put a fucking- That's right. Drinking too much fucking Vaca. You know a lot of weird shit, man. Who the fuck sticks a raccoon up their ass? I don't know, but-Is that a real thing?


Statistically, you could. You could because the average raccoon.


What do you think it would do when it was in there?


Die? Probably. Here's the video of the arrest. Now, I want to point something Because this is interesting. You got to listen very closely here to the officers in the very first three seconds. Okay, so check this out.


You hear that? No.


He said, There he is.


Well, there he is.


There he is. Yeah. They're not playing with it. Yeah, they're not playing with it. Yeah, so this is the video of him being arrested. Is that a Nazi salute?


No, he's pointing.


So this goes on. He surrenders. Yeah, so So he's 28 years old. He was immediately identified as the primary suspect after gunfire erupted around 07:00 PM in a home in Washington in southwest Utah, near the Arizona border. The bodies of a woman and a man, both suffering gunshot wounds, were found in the living room, according to police. Now, police did not make clear the relationship between the deceased and Bayly, but records show that Bayly shared the home with the slaughter or where the slaughter occurred with a Joseph and Gail Bayly, ages 70 and 69 years old. And then one of the deceased, their brother, went to social media and confirmed that the pair's killer was their child. He says in a statement, My sister, Gail and her husband, Blue Bayly, were shot dead tonight. I'm numb. He wrote in a post that was seen by them. Now, I didn't think they liked guns. These people are obviously fucking sick. They're right. They need something. What they don't need is more more people going along with their fucked up reality. But that's exactly what people do, right? In all levels. Have you seen this? Pilots Union suggests changing cockpit to flight deck for inclusivity.


Maybe we should change it to Pussy Pit. That sounds like a fucking dirty strip club.


I ain't going there. I ain't going there.


That's where you go when you're really fucked up.


Last night was a movie.


Where'd you go?


Pussy Pit.


Oh, man. Fuck, dude. I can't believe you guys went there. I thought I smelled something.


I swear to God I'm going to marry her. A union representing more than 70,000 commercial pilots has suggested changing words like cockpit to flight decked, to be more sensitive to women and the LGBTQ Q+ employees. The airline Pilots Association International, or ALPA, the world's largest airline pilot union, has taken a stab at making gendered language more inclusive to its diverse members in an inclusive language reference guide. The controversial guide, which was initially published back in 2021, directs pilots to refrain from using masculine words such as guys, airmen, manpower, and cockpit to reflect the diversity we have at ALPA EPA and to, quote, create a more inclusive workplace. Quote, While the word cockpit dates back to the 1900s, it has been and may be used in a derogatory way to exclude women in the piloting profession.


When has that ever happened? Give me one example of that. Give me one example where a fucking woman was not offered an opportunity because the fucking place where you drive the plane is called a cockpit. One time. It's fucking bullshit. This has nothing to do with this. This has to do with the removal of fucking culture and truth and reality. It's the same reason that they renamed the Redskins, and they renamed the Cleveland Indians, and they canceled Aunt Jemimah. But fucking Quaker Oaks, dude, is okay. But take away Uncle Ben. It's about removing the heroes, and the truth, and the reality of American citizens so there can be no pride and nationalism that exists. Now, you're probably saying, well, how the fuck does the word cockpit have to do with that? It doesn't, but it's the trend of all of the shit. Okay? All right. Remove guys. Okay. Hey, people. Yeah, Don't say airmen. Hey, are they? All the air they's. Manpower, people power, cockpit, pussy pit. Bro, this is ridiculous shit. It's ridiculous shit. Never in the history of the Earth has a woman been excluded from flying because the fucking part of the plane was called the cockpit.


Now, she was excluded from flying. Let's be real. Most of the women probably like to be in the cockpit. Real women. Complaint about that. Fucking bitches. What? I'm just saying, dude.


This is bullshit. It's complete bullshit. So the union offered to direct their pilots to refer to the front cabin of the plane as Flight Deck, which has nothing... I mean, it's just fucking stupid. So you got that. So I tried to do a little digging in. Who are these people? Who runs this board? Who are the executives of the ALPA? And I was surprised. You know what I was expecting. You guys know what I was expecting. You know what I was expected. I didn't get that. Instead, I got a bunch of cucks. I got a Captain Wendy Morse. But I mean, they don't look terrible.


No, These are fucking people who are doing... This is what I'm saying. The cockpit don't have anything to do with what I'm talking about, but these are just dumb people who are trying to virtue signal their fucking empathy, and we care. We care about you. We care about this. You know what I'm saying? Like, bro, they don't fucking give a shit. No. These are fucking clown, spineless nerds that are sitting around a table, and they're like, I don't know. I guess that's okay. It probably got suggested by the one woman on this board because there's only one, and all the rest of them dudes tucked their fucking cocks in between their butt cheeks and said, You can have whatever you want because they didn't want to get sued or yelled at or called a bigot. That's probably the truth. Now, you get these guys in private and you say, Hey, Steve, why did you fucking name this that? And he goes, Fuck, I don't know, bro. You know how things are right now. Wendy wouldn't shut the fuck up. Hold on. That's the problem with society, though. Like, bro, these These people in public will say one thing, and they will go along with all this shit.


And then you get them in private and you say, Hey, Captain Jason, why the fuck did you do this? Fuck, dude. You know how things are right now. It's just the way of the times. You can't say anything. It's total cowardness, lack of leadership, lack of spine, and it's ridiculous shit. Dude, it's disgusting.


Most of the people, like you said, they're like that. But I found one person that may be the culprit here. This guy is definitely responsible for this. Just look at his picture. He definitely did it.


That guy looks like a fucking 50-year-old virgin. Why do you think he did it? Just because he looks like that?


Just look at his face, man. He fucking hates cocks.


No, he loves cocks. He wanted to rename Cockpit so he could keep all the cocks to himself. He wanted to call it Cox.


Oh, man. Andy, guys. Oh, man. Fuck.


That's ridiculous, dude. It's absurd. You fucking people who believe this shit is bullshit Stop going along with it in public and start saying what you say in private in public. Oh, why are you going? Dude, you know how things are, man. You can't say anything. It's my job.


Yeah. And they complete... Yeah. Pussy's, man.


I don't even fucking care if they rename it. It's just the principle of it. You know what I'm saying? Let's rename the Washington Redskins an honorable Native American fucking war hero of bravery and strength and power and leadership. And let's name them the commanders, the people who killed those people.


Oh, fuck, man.


You get what I'm saying? It's fucked up. Let's take away Aunt Shemimah. That's fucking racist. What are you trying to say? There can't be any black fucking business heroes that create an awesome product. Can't do that. Is that exclusive for other people? This is fucking insane, dude. These people are just fucking insane. They're insane people. We should stop letting the tail wag the dog. We should start telling these people to eat shit. It is that simple. Like, bro, the The guy who made the comment on big balls, I don't have big balls. I just tell people I don't agree with to suck a dick. I don't care. What are you going to say to me? What are you going to do to me, bro? What are you going to take from me? I don't work for these motherfuckers. I don't bank with these motherfuckers. I don't have any debt. Fuck them, okay? Start telling people to eat shit, and they'll stop bothering you. These people are like bullies, bro. They hit you for the milk money every single day until you knock their fucking teeth out, and then they leave you alone. And that's what these people are.


These are the weakest, sickest, physically weak people in the world, the least active people in the world. They don't contribute to society. They don't even have a fucking job. And we're out here as corporate America and as society trying to appease this small group of fucked up, mentally ill people.


Yeah, while they're out murdering their parents.


It's time to tell them to eat shit. Dude, oh, you don't like that? Too bad. Grow up, become powerful, do something about it. Why are we pacifying these fucking cry baby temper tantrum pussies? Why? It's fucking insane, bro. These are the kids you gave participation trophies to. These are the kids you told were super special. These are the kids you told they could be anything they want, including the opposite gender. And look how they behave in society now. They make demands. They say, You're going to do this, or, We're going to pick at you, or we're going to cancel you online. Bring it on, motherfuckers, because some of us don't give a shit. It's not about big balls. It's about realizing that they don't have any real power. And because the average American thinks they have power, they sit there in fucking silence while these people rape you of your fucking rights. Imagine giving your rights away to the fucking weakest people on the planet, the people who couldn't fucking fight their way out of a wet paper They can't even provide for themselves. They can't even hold a job. They can't fucking take care of anything.


They're useless fucking people. Imagine redesigning and bending over for those people. Imagine being that big of a fucking pussy. Real talk. Imagine that. America runs around talking about how they're the greatest country in the world, and we're the land of the free and the home of the brave. You ain't fucking brave. You're scared of these little weak turds. You're scared of being called a bigot, or a racist, or a fucking homophobe. And because of that, you'll let all this shit go that ruins the fucking world. And then you got all these fucking Pro 2A warrior dudes who built their entire fucking presence of the world about how badass they were up until 2020. And as soon as cancel culture got bad, they shut the fuck up.


Pussy shit, man. Pussy shit. Guys, jump in on that conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Let us know. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. I got one What's your favorite? I have one of your other favorite people up here. Who's that? Gavin Newsom. He's getting trolled, though. Yeah, he should. It's pretty fucking funny, too. Yeah. Gavin Newsom impersonator, Josh Myers, sets the internet ablaze with incredible spoof of California governor. I only vape Merlot. So let's dive into it.


I mean, it's funny because you could see him doing it.


It's fucking true. Listen, this is very convincing. So a comedian's vape, toting, frady impersonation of liberal California governor, Gavin Newsom, exaggerating the lefties' eccentricities, has made a viral mark. Josh Myers, 48, has been on TV and in movies for decades, including several seasons on Mad TV and DateMovie. He's also the brother of late night host Seth Myers, but on a different talk show where he's made the Newsom character, which he calls a mix of a frat boy and Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, a favorite. Myers has been doing the impression for over a decade, including on a mock talk show called The Gavin Newsom Show that aired on the Al Gore-owned Current TV. He's even performed the impression on his brother's NBC show. However, it's on Jimmy Kimmel's show where the impression has caught the notice of viewers and even the governor himself. Here's Here's the clip. Let's check this out. A message from the 40th governor of California.


What's up, guys? It's your loving Govon, here to drop some nah about Prop 83. Prop 83 is a spending bill designed to make new investments in a freaking butt ton of underfunded sectors in our great state, like renewable energy. Calleigh leads the nation's solar power, which is rad. But what about lunar power? I believe the moon is capable of so much more than just controlling aunt Diane's ovulation cycle. Oh, take it, take it, take it, take it. Thank you. Let's put the moon to work for us. You know we crush it when it comes to whatever bra, drug laws. But Prop 83 hits different, allowing Californians to keep up to seven ounces of hallucinogenic toad venom for personal use, plus two gallons of synthetic peyote and randle guatemalan lab shit bought with crypto off the dark web. Busting. 83 also incentivized recognizes the best and brightest in tech to live and work in Silicon Valley by making vaping in offices, hospitals, and Ferrari dealerships mandatory.


Can I hit that?


Sure, but I only vape Merlo.




With Prop 83, everybody gets a black friend. Like my man...




Nate here. Nate and I love to hang on the weekends and do the stuff that Nate loves to do.


I like birdwatching.


Whatever. Prop 83 gets binoculars for all, especially the blind, and earmarked 200 million to build a museum at Zac Efron's birthplace. So future generations can learn about the high school musical franchise, his nutritional regimen, and Zac's ab routine as well. I lost another Black friend.




One hundo. Hey, brother, could I get a squirt of that good stuff? So do me a solid to ensure You're a bright future for all Golden Stateers skaters. Vote yes on Prop 83. Hey, do you watch Birds?


Paid for by the middle-aged woman rooting through Zac Efron's trash.


Wait, did you see the ending of that? You see what it says? Paid for by the middle-aged woman rooting through Zac Efron's trash.


That's a fact.


The brunchers, man. I think he looks like him, too. He did it. That's pretty decent.


That was pretty good.


That's pretty fucking Pretty good. Yeah, I see it. But speaking of the shithole, California, in other news- But wait, there's more. There's more here. There's something interesting. Did you see that the mayor of Oakland, Xi Jinping, or her, Zhang Tao. She just got raided by the FBI?


I heard about that.


It's wild. It's interesting. As progressive lawmakers faces recall over soaring crimes. So Oakland's Embattled Mayor, Zhang Tao. I don't even know how that fucking makes sense. You know Oakland? Like the Oakland, California. Okay. All right. Has had her home raided by the FBI. Local media has reported the Democrat Lawmaker's home on Maiden Lane was raided around 5:30 AM Pacific Time, Thursday. Was that racist? What?


What you just said?


About what?


The Oakland?


Well, I mean, I'm glad you brought that up, Andy. Here's my point. So let's just talk about it. This This is Xi Jinping. This is the racial or ethnic makeup of Oakland, California. Right now, again, this is Oakland. How the fuck did Xi Jinping get in there?


Because those people don't vote? No.


All right. Fair point. You got me.


I mean, bro, they don't got computers. They don't know how to register to vote, according to these According to somebody just like her? Yeah.


But apparently, they're pissed. So the FBI, quote, this is a statement, quote, The FBI is conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity on Maiden Lane. We are unateable to provide additional information at this time, the agency said on Thursday morning, a neighbor told ABC7 News that she woke up to authorities banging on her door around 6:00 AM.


It's always 6:00 AM, bro.


It's always 6:00 AM.


Man, every day at 6:05, I'm like, I could breathe today.


The other trouble time is at night. I always get worried after 11:00 PM.


I don't care if they come get me after 11:00.


No, it's the other break-ins.


Oh, yeah. I can handle those.


11:05, we're good. Another night.


The day after CTI goes on, it's at 6:05 AM. I'm like, All right.


All right, we're good.


But that's all. Did you guys ever call, you better bring me some breakfast, bro.


Yeah, please. That's early. But yeah, so according to a law enforcement source, the raid is just one of four locations in Oakland that will be searched by the FBI. A picture of her home was seen surrounded by multiple unmarked Black vehicles parked on the street. Earlier this week, it was revealed that Tal is facing a recall election as voters, and even those that may have not voted, complain about soaring crime in the Bay Area. They say her progressive soft on crime policies have emboldened criminals and driven away businesses. Tal will face a historic recall election in November amid anger over her failure to get a grip on the situation in Oakland. And how many people are we talking 40,000 people have signed the recall vote.


Have you seen pictures of Oakland lately?


Oh, it's fucking destroyed.


Listen, dude. It's below third-world level.


It's destroyed. Yeah, bro.


It's destroyed. It's sad as fuck.


It's destroyed, man.


They've lost their fucking sports franchises. They've lost their economy. They've lost their business. There's still people there trying to make it happen. And dude, it ain't happening there for a long time. It ain't. To recover what's going on in Oakland, it's going to take decades. All because of people like this. See, here's the thing people don't understand about these Democrat people. They're not Democrats. You think they're Democrats. You think 20 year ago or 25 year ago, Democrat. That's what you think. For the working class, cares about minorities, supposedly, et cetera. That's not what these people are. These people are communists and Marxists. This is a completely different thing, including that, Gavin Newsom. What people don't realize is that these people have no problem at all standing in front of you and telling you, just like that spoof was, we're going to get binoculars for the blind. They'll tell you fucking anything to get your vote. They do not give a fuck about delivering on any of it. It's all about personal power. It's all about personal wealth. It's all about what they can get. And, dude, you guys As everybody that votes for these people makes the mistake of believing that these people have a conscience or a soul.


Listen, how many people have you met in your life who legitimately do not give a fuck about anyone else? There's a couple, right? It's abnormal for somebody to be that sociopathic, that manipulative, that selfish. But we all know one or two people like that. We've all had a relative-A personal interest. Yes. And if you think about that person, and then you think about that person in the role of politics, this is what you're dealing with. You're dealing with people that go up there like this woman and completely lie, say, We're going to do all We're going to do all these things. And then when the money comes, they figure out how to steal it, and they do not intend to do anything beneficial for it. Cori Bush is a great example of this in St. Louis. People in St. Louis, black people, believe that Cori Bush cares about them. Cori Bush does not care about them. Cori Bush cares about Cori Bush. Cori Bush cares about what's going to happen to her. She's on TV telling people she's a fucking spiritual healer. She's talking about how How misappropriating the funds for her security and all the- Her boyfriend.


Yeah, bro. Dude, these people, they have nothing. It's not like these people were ultra wealthy, successful people that are sacrificing their time to serve. These are people who had nothing and saw an opportunity to get something by getting themselves voted in. And they figured out that if they just say they're going to do a bunch of free shit for people, that people will fucking vote for And dude, until people start waking up and realizing, and by the way, that can be said for a ton of the fucking Republicans as well. They just do it a little bit differently. There's very few people that are serving our country in government right now who are actual pro-American type people that give a fuck. And isn't it interesting how the media has branded America First people as some fucking tyrants or terrorists? Like, bro, what is wrong with saying that no money should go anywhere else but the United States. Candice Owens is getting lit up over this because she's saying the same things as nick Fuentes, who's saying, Hey, bro, we shouldn't be giving our power to Israel. We shouldn't allow Israel to have so much influence on America.


We shouldn't allow our tax dollars to go to these wars. Our children shouldn't go to these wars. What is wrong with that? Nothing's wrong with that. It just goes what some of the biggest packs in the world, like APAC and these other places, want because it's exposing the truth. And then they try to trash these people. If you sat every single person down in this country and you said, You want to pay 10% tax? Let's say yes. Do you want our money to go to our neighborhoods? They're going to say yes. Do you think our money should go to Ukraine or should go to our neighborhoods? They're going to our neighborhoods. Do you think Israel should call the shots for the American government, or do you think the people who we elect should call the shots for the American government? They're going to say the people we elect. Every single fucking actual American is in line with that. It's just that the media creates this narrative that that's some extremism, or that's some... And by the way, there's some extremist shit everywhere. There's some extremist shit over there on the far right. But simply saying what I just said, no country should be running our country.


No money should be going to these other places when our country is in the state that it's in. We shouldn't be overtaxed. Our tax dollars shouldn't be stolen and squandered. They're painting that to be extremism, and that is exactly what the fuck we need. So if that's extremist, fucking put me on whatever list you want, motherfucker, because that's what I believe, and that's what most Americans believe if they were actually interviewed about what they truly believe should be happening. But But instead, they're propagated with all this bullshit. They're distracted with all this division. They're told that the person down the street who's a different skin tone than them is their fucking enemy. They're told that because they were born a certain skin tone, they're either racist or they can't achieve anything because they're too fucking disadvantaged and too neglected. It's complete nonsense. They tell you that being a fat, lazy slob is somehow virtuous, and being in shape is some form of supremacy or extremism. They tell you that it's normal to look at porn all day instead of being in a relationship. They attack Christianity. Listen, this is insane shit. So if I'm an extremist for disagreeing with all of that shit, then it is what the fuck it is.


And I invite all of you to fucking join me. I don't give a fuck. And Candice Owens ain't saying anything wrong. She's not saying anything wrong. She's saying the fucking truth. No.


What do you think that this raid was about?


Probably some fucking international fucking spy shit, if I had to guess.


That's where I was going.




I mean, listen.


Probably some international pay for play destroy America spy shit. Do you know why? Do you know why they want to destroy California so bad? Do you know who's buying up all the real estate in California? China. Yes, that's right. Chinese citizens are because their fucking economy is so unstable that the American economy provides a place for their money. It is unstable as we think it is, theirs is way worse. So these guys come over here and they buy all the houses. They buy all the buildings. They don't care if the buildings rot. They don't care if the house is rot because their money is more stable there than it would be over there. Over there, it's at risk of being seized for them sneezzing wrong. Over here, it's not. And when you look at the economy of the United States and you say, Well, the economy is doing really good. It's propped up by money coming from overseas, and the American people are getting crushed. All right? Bro, here's the reality. That's a whole other thing. No citizens from any other country, especially adversaries like China, should be able to own property here. None. Yeah, at least for a while.


None. No, there's no point because I can go to China buy a house. I can go to Russia buy a house.


That's right. We need to start playing by the rules everybody else plays by. Yeah.


No, they're telling me to get the fuck out of the country, Black boy.


No, that's not what they would say.


What would they say?


They're racist as fuck. Oh, that's what...


Yeah, I was being... Yeah.


You try and get me to say it. Huh? Yeah. What was that? What was that? What was that one you did? That guy's fucking funny.


Tate's wild, dude.


What's that fucking thing you did that when we were-My pronouns? Yeah.


What are your pronouns? I think we should practice them right now, actually.


I think everybody in the room-What are yours?


My pronouns. So I go by nick. Her. I think everybody should practice that.


Practice your pronouns. You already got me with that once, bro. We got that on camera, too, don't we? I think we did. It's fucking hilarious. It took me three times to say it before I figured it out when he was funny. Dude, that was funny shit. Hey, bro, have you seen that fucking clip going around of that shit? The Hawk-Hock-Tua-chick? Oh, yeah.


Oh, my God. I haven't seen the full video of what it was from, though.


Bro, it's so fucking funny. She's like, You got to spit on that thing. You know what I'm saying? It's just like, Tua. Yeah, dude. It's so fucking good.


I've seen just the Hawk-Tua part.


Oh, bro, it's so good. I haven't seen the full clip. It's just the way she says it. It's so funny. It's almost like comedy before fucking... It's just some real shit. This chick had a couple of beers. She's talking some shit. It's just funny as fuck. It's like, Boy, you got to spit on that thing. Hot, too. I'm going to spit on that thing. You know what I mean? Like, dude, it's so fucking good. I've watched every video of her doing it, too. She went from nobody knowing who she was to the most famous check in the world in 12 hours. There's songs with the remix now.


Oh, no. Yeah. Also, she's like the viral of July.


Yeah, but it's fucking legit funny. It's not like we're making fun of her. It's just fucking funny shit. I like it.


Well, guys, jumping on this conversation about communophonie.


I'm going to spit on Let us know down in the comments what you guys think.


With that being said, let's get to our Thumb Up or Dumb as Fuck. Our dumbest fuck, our last final segment of the show, guys, as always, where we show a video, we bring it up, we talk about it, we show an article, we bring it up, we talk about it, and we get one of those two options. So with that being said, a thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads, Horrified man wakes up in hospital to find his genitals removed by doctors after he was tricked into a sex change operation amid bizarre land feud in India.


What? Okay. Proceed.


Listen, I saw a sex change tricked into sex. We had to do it. Police in India are investigating an incident that saw a horrified man wake up in hospital to find he was tricked into a sex change operation as part of a bizarre land grab attempt. The 20-year-old man from San Jack village in the northern state of Udar Pradesh, known only as Mujdat, accused another man Amprakash, of misleading him into believing he had an urgent medical issue that needed to be solved. After going to Musa Faginaar Medical College. He was put under the knife by a team of trained doctors on June third. Following the surgery, Mujadid woke up to find that surgeons had removed his genitals. Ndtv reported, When I regained consciousness, I was told that I had been changed from a boy to a girl, Mujadid recounted. The afflicted man alleged that the incident was the culmination of a two-year campaign of threats and harassment by Amprakash, but the extent of their relationship is still unknown. Here's a picture of the hospital that it was done at, which Personally, I don't think I would get a physical there.


I wouldn't go to the bathroom there.


But Amprakash, allegedly, then told Mujadid that he would now have to live with him as he would be ostracized by friends and family. He also allegedly threatened to shoot Mujadid's father and seize his share of the family land. He said, I changed you from a man to a woman, and now you have to live with me. I have prepared a lawyer and prepared a court marriage for you. Now I will shoot your father, and the land of your share will be named after me, and then I will sell it and go to luck now, Mujadzit recalled. But instead of being cast out by his local community, workers from a local Farmers Union set up a protest at the medical college, calling for an immediate legal and criminal action against Amprakash and the involved doctors. Local cops have since arrested Amprakash and are said to be investigating the involved doctors. Mujadz's family are also suing, claiming that his life has been severely affected by the horrific incident.


Severely affected? Bro, his fucking life's over. They cut off his fucking dick.


And balls.


Yeah, bro, listen, the same thing should be done to that guy, the other guy.


I think that would be fair. I think that would be fair.


I would normally say death because that's my go-to.


You like it? Yeah.


I'm drawn and quartered or dissected. Those are things I like. Just castration. Yeah, but I think doing the same thing would be more painful for that guy. You know what I'm saying?


Bro, there is some weird shit that happens over there. It's a beautiful country.


That's beautiful.


I like the greenery. I mean, that's a little... I'm not going to say it.


Well, listen, man, you got fucking billions of people in a very tight area. Two blocks. You know what I'm saying? It's not going to be. What?


What? What? It is. It's a lot of people in a very small square foot.


India is big, bro.


Why don't they use it all then? I don't know.


All I know is this. It would suck to have your- Bro, imagine waking up, bro. No, dude. I can't imagine that. I would fucking... What would you do?


Bro, I don't know, man.


I don't know. I'd kill that guy for sure. Oh, bro. For sure. I wouldn't care what happened to me. It wouldn't matter.Put it back on right now. Bro, have you ever seen the show, Dexter? Bro, I started watching that. It's pretty good because I was pretty bored. I've never seen it before. But dude, so this guy, and everybody's listening I was probably like, Bro, you're 10 years behind. That's fine. I'm 10 years ahead in other ways, motherfuckers. What have you done for domestic terror?


That's right.


Not only that, I built something in those 10 years. I fucked it off. Anyway, Dexter is this guy who's got... He's a forensic scientist, or a forensic cop, a blood specialist. But what he does is he uses his skillset to find these people, and he fucking dissects him, dude. Yeah, it's awesome. I watched the very first one in the first five minutes. He catches this dude who killed these little kids, and he starts fucking cutting him up. It's badass, bro.


So it was like a vigilante justice type of film.


Yes, it's awesome. He's like a sick serial killer. But in a good way. Well, the storyline is basically like, he was born with this drive to kill people, and his stepdad harnessed it to get him to do good it instead of just killing random people. But it's fucking great. Anyway, we could use some Dexter, bro. Every neighborhood should have a Dexter. Every fucking neighborhood, even in the United States, should have a Dexter. If you're fucking around with the kids, bro, Dexter is going to get you. You know what I'm saying? There used to be a time in America where every neighborhood did have a Dexter. They had a grown man neighborhood. You didn't fuck with the other people because you knew what would happen to you. Where are those motherfuckers?


Probably locked up for Mafia.


We need the Mafia.


I agree.


It was safer with the Mafia. We need the Motorcycle gangs to get back into fucking regulating society. We need the Italian Mafia to make a comeback and start regulating society. We need vigil anti-justice. That's what we need. That's real shit. We need it. We need people that are smart and fucking not traceable to fucking step up and fucking take care of some of the shit going on.


No, you wouldn't have people waking up with their dicks cut off.


Yeah, that's bullshit, bro. That's bullshit.


So it was just, obviously, thumbs down.


Yeah, this is horrible.


Yeah, it's terrible, man. I feel really bad for...


What was his name? Mujer. Bro, it sounds to me like this kid just got manipulated, manipulated, bullied, bullied, bully, bully, bully, bullied, bullied because this guy wanted their fucking land?


But that's my thing. That's a crazy... Okay, try to play this. I want to take somebody's shit, okay? I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to tell him he needs surgery, get the doctors to cut his dick off so I can marry him, and then-He is lying to inherit his shit. Just go take his shit.


I mean, is it that different than what some of these bitches do to rich men?


I mean, they don't cut the shit off, but yeah.


No, it's the same thing. They'll fucking play and play and pretend to be grand. They'll financially cash-rate. Yeah, and they'll fucking tell the guy anything that he wants to hear. And then when they get in the position, then they divorce them and they take half his shit.




And women are like, Why do men not want to get married anymore? Well, because what's the advantage of marriage when women culture for the last 15 years has been about that? Right.


No, financially cutting my dick off. Yeah.


What? It's true.


It's true. All right. Well, thumbs down on this one. Guys, Andy, that's all I got.


All right, guys. Don't be a hoe. Share the show.


We're from sleepin' on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck a bowl, fuck a store. Counted millions in a cold. Bad bitch, booted swole. Got her on bankroll, can't fold. Just a no. Headshot case close.