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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak clothes.


What is up, guys? It's Andy for selling. This is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have Andy and DJ Cruise the motherfucking Internet. And that's what we're gonna do. We are going to cruise the Internet. That's where we put topics on the screen. We talk about what's going on. We speculate on what's true, on what's not true. And then we talk about how we, the people, have to solve these problems going on this point. Like severe violent crime, stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. That's the only way they were happening.For a long time, up until, like, what, a hundred years ago.The problem is it hasn't happened in so long, people forgot. That's why this is what happens when people forget. They act like they're acting. Acting. Now, you go to Singapore, bro, they can you for littering in public.They put that on tv.Yes. Okay. But if you go to Singapore, guess what? Streets of beautiful, no fucking crime. Perfect fucking streets. No litter. People have respect. Same thing in the Middle east. People will say, oh, in the Middle east, they fucking cut your hand off. Yes. Don't steal.Yeah, that's why the shopkeepers keep fucking gold and all. That's right.That's right.In the market and don't have to worry about.That's right. Oh, they throw gay people off the tops of buildings. No, actually they don't. They throw fucking pedophiles off the tops of buildings. Which we should do here.Should do it here.Sure.Actually, I think we should build a building just for that.We got plenty, man.Like, that's the building.Pedophile tower.You're going to the tower. That's it. Yeah, man. Guys jumping on that conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, thumbs up or dumb as fuck? Headline reads viral hawk to a girl sells more than $65,000 in merch in the wake of not safe for work. Social media, fame.It's capitalism.Capitalism, baby.Yeah.Did you get one of those hats?No, I did not. I don't have the. I'm not allowed to. I'm sorry. And that's. I'm not sure what this meme is.Yeah. So sex sales.Do you watch the whole fucking interview? The whole interview. It's fucking funny. She has like, three more fucking, like one years. Yes. It's pretty good. She's. She's our kind of people. She's the kind of people that has a couple drinks, starts talking shit.She's cool.Yeah.So the young woman who shot to fame as the Hawk Tua girl, thanks to a x rated interview. It wasn't even x rated.Come on, man. It was a fucking joke.It wasn't even that bad. She sold $65,000 worth of merchandise. Hailey Welch went viral earlier this month when she shared her explicit thoughts on oral sex during a woman on the street spot with Tim and DTV and is now selling branded hats through the Tennessee based apparel company Fathead threads. According to the company's social media, the brand has already sold more than 2000. Hawk Tua, 24 Hatsheen owner Jason Potiti told Rolling Stone at $37.78 per hat, or $50 for a sold out signed version, the total comes to at least $65,000. Of course, she hasn't gotten a dime from the first viral video that went out. Potatoes said of Welch, whom he claimed he has known for years, quote, nobody was asking permission for her to do nothing neither. I just wanted her to get some profit off of this deal.He said, come on, you were talking shit on the fucking. You know, this isn't okay. You're not obligated trademark fucking.All right. People been doing that for years.Yeah. You're not the first person that's ever done that. That's why it was fucking funny, right?But Welch is overwhelmed by her newfounded fame and requested that Potosi not divulge any personal information about her or feature her face on the merch. The owner said, quote, our largest orders are usually 100 hats, maybe 150 to 250 shirts. This is way out of the normal for us. Patoti said, this is a small family owned shop. We're all hands on deck right now. Here's a, here's the hat. Comes in many different variations and colors. There's a signature signed by, by Haley. And she, I think she'll go down in the history books.I love her friend, her friend's reaction, she's like, you didn't just say that shit.And there's Haley with, with Mister Toady.That's Santa.Hey, I love this chick. Yeah, I think she's fucking hilarious. I. These are the kind of people that I'm friends with, people who fucking talk major shit. I thought it was funny as fuck, and I didn't even think it was like. Like x rated.No.Fuck. You ain't hung around nobody. Really? Like, if you think that's x rated, right? Fuck, yeah. That's why. That's why I quit drinking.Capitalism. Capitalism.I like it.I'm glad she's getting money off it because there's so many people selling those hats right now.Oh, really?There's actually, there is this janky, conservative company that started selling these hats and sent me. They were like, hey, do you want to be an influencer to help us promote our new brand? And, like, that was the hat they were selling. And it's not even. They're not even giving her a cut of it.That's crazy.So, like, if you're going to buy the hat, make sure you get the.Hat from what is a picture.Yeah.The right thing, man.Yeah.If you want to support that thing.Yeah.That'S good. You know, she didn't turn it into an Onlyfans, which she could have done very easily. Yeah, she could have, but not that I would know what Onlyfans is either, but. But, I mean, she's doing a very wholesome thing with it. Honestly, I'm for this.I thought it was wholesome, too, bro, but I'm fucked up. I be compared to the shit we see today. It was wholesome. It was like old school year 2000 fucking fun.If you would have went back to, like, 2013 with the fucking cell phone, you would have caught them up.No, motherfucker, listen, you don't even know, dude. You don't even. Joe, you know I'm talking about. You don't even know. You fucking people do not know how awesome life was when nobody had a camera. Yeah, people fucking partied, bro. People had fun. Nobody gave a fuck. There was none of this shit. If you acted like an asshole, you got punched in the fucking mouth. If you were cool, we all laughed, and we didn't care how crazy it was, bro. It was 10,000 times more fun. And I feel sorry for you guys who have never lived in that life. Honestly, dude, if I'm going to president after I'm cutting heads off, I'm. I'm making fucking smartphones fucking go away. No cameras in the phone, no listening device. You could talk to people. You could text people. That's fucking it. Fuck you.You want to see the real world? Girls going wild on vhs and that's it, dude. I don't know what that is either.Dude, listen, that was real shit. Like, you'd be partying, dude, and, like, you'd see some titties.All I remember is Cinemax after dark. I had to, like, now.Now all these kids drink coffee like they're 70. I went to the coffee shop also.I really like that I'm pretending that I had a wildlife. Like Andy at some point.I know. Not that I don't like coffee shops, okay? I got good friends that have some really great coffee shops. But I'm just saying, man. Yeah, go on. Have a little fun, you fucking wild. Experience life, your coffee in the morning, some shit that you're gonna be ashamed of later. Like, for real.And don't videotape it.Yeah. Or if you do, just own it and be like, yeah, fuck you. It was fun.Let me be political for a second. What she did a thousand times cleaner and more wholesome than anything I've seen from pride stuff at the White House under Biden.Oh, that's a fact, bro.Did you see what they fucking did today?Yeah.Did you see that shit? They fucking painted the columns the color of the rainbow. Probably not paint. It's probably fucking rap.It's a condom.Yeah, dude, they took the cop. Like, that's, like, total desecration of our culture. Also, that's, like, lit and Lizzo play the fucking crystal flute, you know? Like, for real, man.Sounds like something she made her staff do on tour.No shit. I need to see you after the show. Yeah, play the crystal flute.I'm not a. I'm not a pro on the flag or whatever that they have for. For these people, but I didn't realize that persons of color were separate but equal on the pride flag. Did you know that?What?They have their own colors on there, so you have brown.Listen, bro, the flag is everybody but white people. Yes, that's the fucking flag. It's. It's trans people, it's gay people, it's lesbian people, it's bisexual people, it's fucking black people. Brown, it's black people. It's people of color, and then it's no white people.That's it.Yeah, that's it. That's what the fucking flag is. The flag is no white people flag unless you're fucking gay.Yeah, right. Or you just don't exist because you're non binary.If we. Bro, we got America flag. That's it. This shit. This shit here. Like, it's disgusting.Yeah.And by the way, all you gay people. You want to know why people are starting to fucking get pissed off at you?The White House picture.Yeah, that's why. Okay. That's why you wonder why the. You guys are feeling less safe. That's why ten years ago, you motherfuckers had it made. You had it made. You had all the rights of everybody else. Nobody gave a fuck. Everybody was cool. Everybody got along. You didn't. Now all of a sudden, you know, you're. You're persecuted everywhere. Well, maybe you're persecuted and because you shove your shit down, everybody's throw at every fucking place that we look.Hold on. They're persecuted because I'm wearing a Rangers hat. This is the only team that doesn't have a pride day, and they're very upset that. How dare one major league team not have a pride day. The worst. That's. That's suppression. Only 29 teams have a pride day. But not the Rangers. Now, I. Here's the thing. I grew up in Baltimore. I spent time. You've been around the world, too. New York, La, all those places. I knew trans people, bro.No one cared.Nobody cared. We lived our lives. We all just coexisted. It was a crazy thing.I still don't care, but I'm tired of this shit.I did when I spoke at. Not to. Not to toot my own horn here, Andy, but I spoke at the Yale political union. I was very drunk when I showed up to that. And a trans kid there told me that my words were violence, and I went off.Well, that's another thing. There was words. First of all, words are not violence, okay? Violence is violence. And if you think words are violence, then we need to show you what violence is so that you understand the difference.Right?All right? Secondly, I saw this video of this woman who got kicked off the plane. Did you guys see that video to. Came across.Because she used the wrong.She used the wrong. She had little. She had a little kid. Her mom was with her, okay, and her elderly mom.Yep.And she got kicked off a United Airlines flight. I for misgendering one of the fucking.Them.What do they call them?She misgendered.Okay? And they told her she might be banned from United. Well, I think the rest of us shouldn't fly united. Fuck united, okay? And fuck any place that does that shit, all right? They told her she committed a hate crime. Yes. I'm so tired of hearing this hate crime shit. You know what hate crime is? Hate crime is like, almost is like attacking someone.Yes.Physically, for a reason. Like that stabbing that happened in St. Louis last week that nobody talked about. Okay? That nobody talked about. Because why? Why did no one talk about?It didn't fit the narrative.Why didn't it fit the narrative?Because it was a black guy stabbing the shit out of a white guy.Yeah. And fucking. I go on the Internet here locally and people are cheering it.It's disgusting. That's a hate crime.Can I just say, wall, that's a hate crime.But that's not being charged as a hate crime. But see, motherfucker? Hate crimes. You can't commit a hate crime against a white person.No.You could only commit hate crimes against other people. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, I'm sick of this shit. It's fucked up. First of all, hate crime isn't words. You. You could be able to say, hey, fuck you, you fucking gay piece of shit. I fucking hate you. I hope you burn at the fucking stake. That is still not a hate crime. That's just bad fucking manners. Yeah, that's just fucking. You're a shitty person for saying that, okay? That's not a hate crime. Hate crime would be them grabbing you, saying the same thing while stabbing you in the fucking throat.Right?That's a fucking hate crime. Okay? So let's. Let's get straight on what a fucking hate crime is. A hate crime is not. You're of this or that. Those are sticks and stones. Break my bones, but words will never hurt me. See, that's something a lot of these pussies never fucking heard in their life before. That's what I grew up as. Okay?I came.I came home. I came home and I said, hey, fuck, I'm getting picked on by people, you know, and, you know, hey, well, tough shit.Yeah, grab a stick.Yeah. They surely didn't say, well, they didn't go to school and talk to the principal and say, there's a fucking hate crime because they're calling my son fat.Right?Fatphobic.Right?No, I was fat. I got made fun of. And guess what? Now I'm jacked and tan and juicy. You know why? Because they call me fat. You know why? Because shaming works.And he's got incredible meat sticks.That's not the last time I'm gonna hear that.While you have that picture pulled up. Hit the. Hit the. Hit the button. Pull that picture up there. That is. That is straight pride for straight pride month. Hawk tua. That's straight pride.Oh, straight pride.You want to celebrate straight pride? Get a hak to a hat.Okay. Yeah, I can dig it.I guess gay people could do that, too, but.Yeah. Yeah, that's true.I'll figure something gay to do.Yeah.Hey, if gay people could do it, maybe we could find something common. Maybe we could fucking unite.Everybody gives blowjobs.That's right.Or gets them to sit on it.Well, no, actually, lesbians don't give blowjobs. I just thought about that. Sorry. I. I don't know about these.Maybe not everybody can unite.Yeah, we'll figure it out, bro.Look, man, this shit's ridiculous. And, like, I like that gay people are speaking up against it. Like, you know, many gay people I see, they're like, dude, fuck this rainbow shit. I ain't with these motherfuckers.Yeah, like that one clip I sent you.Yeah, they're all, bro. All the normal gay.That fucking gay.Yeah, bro. All the gay people I personally know in real life, like, when they see me, they're like, bro, thank you for speaking the fuck like, this is ridiculous shit. We are not part of this crazy shit.Yeah.We don't believe in this shit, either. We don't want to be around kids. I don't know why these motherfuckers want to be around kids. They're ruining it for all of us. That's what I hear from every gay person I know. Like, for real.Yeah. Yeah. Well, thumbs up to Haley.Yeah. Spit on that thing.You keep doing that.Yeah.All right, well, guys.Andy.Tim. That's all I got.Well, Tim, thanks for stopping in, bro.Thanks for having me.What do you got coming up that you need to tell people about?Nothing I'm not doing Great Britain news. You can go. Follow me on social media. But, look, I just love. Look, I'm all about the healthy lifestyle now. I've been. I've lost 35 pounds of fat. Stop weighing myself because I've gained so much muscle. I'm not used to it. And I still have that body dysmorphia thing we all go through.That never goes away. It's hard to get rid of the worst. I still look in the mirror, and I'm like, God, you fat. Yeah.Fuck, that's me. No, I'm like. And I'm down from when I was here. But look, I just want to thank my. My trainer, Kyle Scroggins, and Joe and Tammy Szalinski, who. That's iron den there.I'm gonna tell you what, bro. You can't. You can't look like a bitch wearing some iron den shit. That's a fact.And. And look, they have the gym. They have Lou Ferrigno's old equipment.Really?They literally have all his equipment from when he was the hawk. And so, like, I work out on, like, collectibles.Which hawk?Well, I look like I'm in between there. I'm a little movie still. But we're gonna get. We're gonna take care of that problem.You're a mini hulk.I am. I'm getting there. One day, I hope to look like you and have my own meat stick products.You've been giving out the meat stick on your own, right?It smells like cheddar and it's great.Don't forget. Hey, man. Love seeing you. Thanks for coming in. Thanks for having me, guys. DJ, don't be a ho share the.Show, yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got up on bank row, can't fold just a no headshot case closed.


this point. Like severe violent crime, stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. That's the only way they were happening.


For a long time, up until, like, what, a hundred years ago.


The problem is it hasn't happened in so long, people forgot. That's why this is what happens when people forget. They act like they're acting. Acting. Now, you go to Singapore, bro, they can you for littering in public.


They put that on tv.


Yes. Okay. But if you go to Singapore, guess what? Streets of beautiful, no fucking crime. Perfect fucking streets. No litter. People have respect. Same thing in the Middle east. People will say, oh, in the Middle east, they fucking cut your hand off. Yes. Don't steal.


Yeah, that's why the shopkeepers keep fucking gold and all. That's right.


That's right.


In the market and don't have to worry about.


That's right. Oh, they throw gay people off the tops of buildings. No, actually they don't. They throw fucking pedophiles off the tops of buildings. Which we should do here.


Should do it here.




Actually, I think we should build a building just for that.


We got plenty, man.


Like, that's the building.


Pedophile tower.


You're going to the tower. That's it. Yeah, man. Guys jumping on that conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, thumbs up or dumb as fuck? Headline reads viral hawk to a girl sells more than $65,000 in merch in the wake of not safe for work. Social media, fame.


It's capitalism.


Capitalism, baby.




Did you get one of those hats?


No, I did not. I don't have the. I'm not allowed to. I'm sorry. And that's. I'm not sure what this meme is.


Yeah. So sex sales.


Do you watch the whole fucking interview? The whole interview. It's fucking funny. She has like, three more fucking, like one years. Yes. It's pretty good. She's. She's our kind of people. She's the kind of people that has a couple drinks, starts talking shit.


She's cool.




So the young woman who shot to fame as the Hawk Tua girl, thanks to a x rated interview. It wasn't even x rated.


Come on, man. It was a fucking joke.


It wasn't even that bad. She sold $65,000 worth of merchandise. Hailey Welch went viral earlier this month when she shared her explicit thoughts on oral sex during a woman on the street spot with Tim and DTV and is now selling branded hats through the Tennessee based apparel company Fathead threads. According to the company's social media, the brand has already sold more than 2000. Hawk Tua, 24 Hatsheen owner Jason Potiti told Rolling Stone at $37.78 per hat, or $50 for a sold out signed version, the total comes to at least $65,000. Of course, she hasn't gotten a dime from the first viral video that went out. Potatoes said of Welch, whom he claimed he has known for years, quote, nobody was asking permission for her to do nothing neither. I just wanted her to get some profit off of this deal.


He said, come on, you were talking shit on the fucking. You know, this isn't okay. You're not obligated trademark fucking.


All right. People been doing that for years.


Yeah. You're not the first person that's ever done that. That's why it was fucking funny, right?


But Welch is overwhelmed by her newfounded fame and requested that Potosi not divulge any personal information about her or feature her face on the merch. The owner said, quote, our largest orders are usually 100 hats, maybe 150 to 250 shirts. This is way out of the normal for us. Patoti said, this is a small family owned shop. We're all hands on deck right now. Here's a, here's the hat. Comes in many different variations and colors. There's a signature signed by, by Haley. And she, I think she'll go down in the history books.


I love her friend, her friend's reaction, she's like, you didn't just say that shit.


And there's Haley with, with Mister Toady.


That's Santa.


Hey, I love this chick. Yeah, I think she's fucking hilarious. I. These are the kind of people that I'm friends with, people who fucking talk major shit. I thought it was funny as fuck, and I didn't even think it was like. Like x rated.




Fuck. You ain't hung around nobody. Really? Like, if you think that's x rated, right? Fuck, yeah. That's why. That's why I quit drinking.


Capitalism. Capitalism.


I like it.


I'm glad she's getting money off it because there's so many people selling those hats right now.


Oh, really?


There's actually, there is this janky, conservative company that started selling these hats and sent me. They were like, hey, do you want to be an influencer to help us promote our new brand? And, like, that was the hat they were selling. And it's not even. They're not even giving her a cut of it.


That's crazy.


So, like, if you're going to buy the hat, make sure you get the.


Hat from what is a picture.




The right thing, man.




If you want to support that thing.




That'S good. You know, she didn't turn it into an Onlyfans, which she could have done very easily. Yeah, she could have, but not that I would know what Onlyfans is either, but. But, I mean, she's doing a very wholesome thing with it. Honestly, I'm for this.


I thought it was wholesome, too, bro, but I'm fucked up. I be compared to the shit we see today. It was wholesome. It was like old school year 2000 fucking fun.


If you would have went back to, like, 2013 with the fucking cell phone, you would have caught them up.


No, motherfucker, listen, you don't even know, dude. You don't even. Joe, you know I'm talking about. You don't even know. You fucking people do not know how awesome life was when nobody had a camera. Yeah, people fucking partied, bro. People had fun. Nobody gave a fuck. There was none of this shit. If you acted like an asshole, you got punched in the fucking mouth. If you were cool, we all laughed, and we didn't care how crazy it was, bro. It was 10,000 times more fun. And I feel sorry for you guys who have never lived in that life. Honestly, dude, if I'm going to president after I'm cutting heads off, I'm. I'm making fucking smartphones fucking go away. No cameras in the phone, no listening device. You could talk to people. You could text people. That's fucking it. Fuck you.


You want to see the real world? Girls going wild on vhs and that's it, dude. I don't know what that is either.


Dude, listen, that was real shit. Like, you'd be partying, dude, and, like, you'd see some titties.


All I remember is Cinemax after dark. I had to, like, now.


Now all these kids drink coffee like they're 70. I went to the coffee shop also.


I really like that I'm pretending that I had a wildlife. Like Andy at some point.


I know. Not that I don't like coffee shops, okay? I got good friends that have some really great coffee shops. But I'm just saying, man. Yeah, go on. Have a little fun, you fucking wild. Experience life, your coffee in the morning, some shit that you're gonna be ashamed of later. Like, for real.


And don't videotape it.


Yeah. Or if you do, just own it and be like, yeah, fuck you. It was fun.


Let me be political for a second. What she did a thousand times cleaner and more wholesome than anything I've seen from pride stuff at the White House under Biden.


Oh, that's a fact, bro.


Did you see what they fucking did today?




Did you see that shit? They fucking painted the columns the color of the rainbow. Probably not paint. It's probably fucking rap.


It's a condom.


Yeah, dude, they took the cop. Like, that's, like, total desecration of our culture. Also, that's, like, lit and Lizzo play the fucking crystal flute, you know? Like, for real, man.


Sounds like something she made her staff do on tour.


No shit. I need to see you after the show. Yeah, play the crystal flute.


I'm not a. I'm not a pro on the flag or whatever that they have for. For these people, but I didn't realize that persons of color were separate but equal on the pride flag. Did you know that?




They have their own colors on there, so you have brown.


Listen, bro, the flag is everybody but white people. Yes, that's the fucking flag. It's. It's trans people, it's gay people, it's lesbian people, it's bisexual people, it's fucking black people. Brown, it's black people. It's people of color, and then it's no white people.


That's it.


Yeah, that's it. That's what the fucking flag is. The flag is no white people flag unless you're fucking gay.


Yeah, right. Or you just don't exist because you're non binary.


If we. Bro, we got America flag. That's it. This shit. This shit here. Like, it's disgusting.




And by the way, all you gay people. You want to know why people are starting to fucking get pissed off at you?


The White House picture.


Yeah, that's why. Okay. That's why you wonder why the. You guys are feeling less safe. That's why ten years ago, you motherfuckers had it made. You had it made. You had all the rights of everybody else. Nobody gave a fuck. Everybody was cool. Everybody got along. You didn't. Now all of a sudden, you know, you're. You're persecuted everywhere. Well, maybe you're persecuted and because you shove your shit down, everybody's throw at every fucking place that we look.


Hold on. They're persecuted because I'm wearing a Rangers hat. This is the only team that doesn't have a pride day, and they're very upset that. How dare one major league team not have a pride day. The worst. That's. That's suppression. Only 29 teams have a pride day. But not the Rangers. Now, I. Here's the thing. I grew up in Baltimore. I spent time. You've been around the world, too. New York, La, all those places. I knew trans people, bro.


No one cared.


Nobody cared. We lived our lives. We all just coexisted. It was a crazy thing.


I still don't care, but I'm tired of this shit.


I did when I spoke at. Not to. Not to toot my own horn here, Andy, but I spoke at the Yale political union. I was very drunk when I showed up to that. And a trans kid there told me that my words were violence, and I went off.


Well, that's another thing. There was words. First of all, words are not violence, okay? Violence is violence. And if you think words are violence, then we need to show you what violence is so that you understand the difference.




All right? Secondly, I saw this video of this woman who got kicked off the plane. Did you guys see that video to. Came across.


Because she used the wrong.


She used the wrong. She had little. She had a little kid. Her mom was with her, okay, and her elderly mom.




And she got kicked off a United Airlines flight. I for misgendering one of the fucking.




What do they call them?


She misgendered.


Okay? And they told her she might be banned from United. Well, I think the rest of us shouldn't fly united. Fuck united, okay? And fuck any place that does that shit, all right? They told her she committed a hate crime. Yes. I'm so tired of hearing this hate crime shit. You know what hate crime is? Hate crime is like, almost is like attacking someone.




Physically, for a reason. Like that stabbing that happened in St. Louis last week that nobody talked about. Okay? That nobody talked about. Because why? Why did no one talk about?


It didn't fit the narrative.


Why didn't it fit the narrative?


Because it was a black guy stabbing the shit out of a white guy.


Yeah. And fucking. I go on the Internet here locally and people are cheering it.


It's disgusting. That's a hate crime.


Can I just say, wall, that's a hate crime.


But that's not being charged as a hate crime. But see, motherfucker? Hate crimes. You can't commit a hate crime against a white person.




You could only commit hate crimes against other people. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, I'm sick of this shit. It's fucked up. First of all, hate crime isn't words. You. You could be able to say, hey, fuck you, you fucking gay piece of shit. I fucking hate you. I hope you burn at the fucking stake. That is still not a hate crime. That's just bad fucking manners. Yeah, that's just fucking. You're a shitty person for saying that, okay? That's not a hate crime. Hate crime would be them grabbing you, saying the same thing while stabbing you in the fucking throat.




That's a fucking hate crime. Okay? So let's. Let's get straight on what a fucking hate crime is. A hate crime is not. You're of this or that. Those are sticks and stones. Break my bones, but words will never hurt me. See, that's something a lot of these pussies never fucking heard in their life before. That's what I grew up as. Okay?


I came.


I came home. I came home and I said, hey, fuck, I'm getting picked on by people, you know, and, you know, hey, well, tough shit.


Yeah, grab a stick.


Yeah. They surely didn't say, well, they didn't go to school and talk to the principal and say, there's a fucking hate crime because they're calling my son fat.








No, I was fat. I got made fun of. And guess what? Now I'm jacked and tan and juicy. You know why? Because they call me fat. You know why? Because shaming works.


And he's got incredible meat sticks.


That's not the last time I'm gonna hear that.


While you have that picture pulled up. Hit the. Hit the. Hit the button. Pull that picture up there. That is. That is straight pride for straight pride month. Hawk tua. That's straight pride.


Oh, straight pride.


You want to celebrate straight pride? Get a hak to a hat.


Okay. Yeah, I can dig it.


I guess gay people could do that, too, but.


Yeah. Yeah, that's true.


I'll figure something gay to do.




Hey, if gay people could do it, maybe we could find something common. Maybe we could fucking unite.


Everybody gives blowjobs.


That's right.


Or gets them to sit on it.


Well, no, actually, lesbians don't give blowjobs. I just thought about that. Sorry. I. I don't know about these.


Maybe not everybody can unite.


Yeah, we'll figure it out, bro.


Look, man, this shit's ridiculous. And, like, I like that gay people are speaking up against it. Like, you know, many gay people I see, they're like, dude, fuck this rainbow shit. I ain't with these motherfuckers.


Yeah, like that one clip I sent you.


Yeah, they're all, bro. All the normal gay.


That fucking gay.


Yeah, bro. All the gay people I personally know in real life, like, when they see me, they're like, bro, thank you for speaking the fuck like, this is ridiculous shit. We are not part of this crazy shit.




We don't believe in this shit, either. We don't want to be around kids. I don't know why these motherfuckers want to be around kids. They're ruining it for all of us. That's what I hear from every gay person I know. Like, for real.


Yeah. Yeah. Well, thumbs up to Haley.


Yeah. Spit on that thing.


You keep doing that.




All right, well, guys.




Tim. That's all I got.


Well, Tim, thanks for stopping in, bro.


Thanks for having me.


What do you got coming up that you need to tell people about?


Nothing I'm not doing Great Britain news. You can go. Follow me on social media. But, look, I just love. Look, I'm all about the healthy lifestyle now. I've been. I've lost 35 pounds of fat. Stop weighing myself because I've gained so much muscle. I'm not used to it. And I still have that body dysmorphia thing we all go through.


That never goes away. It's hard to get rid of the worst. I still look in the mirror, and I'm like, God, you fat. Yeah.


Fuck, that's me. No, I'm like. And I'm down from when I was here. But look, I just want to thank my. My trainer, Kyle Scroggins, and Joe and Tammy Szalinski, who. That's iron den there.


I'm gonna tell you what, bro. You can't. You can't look like a bitch wearing some iron den shit. That's a fact.


And. And look, they have the gym. They have Lou Ferrigno's old equipment.




They literally have all his equipment from when he was the hawk. And so, like, I work out on, like, collectibles.


Which hawk?


Well, I look like I'm in between there. I'm a little movie still. But we're gonna get. We're gonna take care of that problem.


You're a mini hulk.


I am. I'm getting there. One day, I hope to look like you and have my own meat stick products.


You've been giving out the meat stick on your own, right?


It smells like cheddar and it's great.


Don't forget. Hey, man. Love seeing you. Thanks for coming in. Thanks for having me, guys. DJ, don't be a ho share the.


Show, yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow, fuck up stove counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got up on bank row, can't fold just a no headshot case closed.